Mokuton Authority

Chapter 223 - Tang San and Xiao Wu are back.

The first to get back where to the surprise of no one Xiao Wu and Tang San. They seem to be glued together like a newlywed couple, which isn't much far from the truth seen all the ceremony Tang San's mother did when she found about Xiao Wu and Tang san relationship. That moment when they stayed under her small tree form and she used her powers as a [Blue silver Emperror] to communicate with Tang San.

Now that I think about it Tang San is technically half-plant. Not that I can say much about that seeing as I am a Senju and my primary affinity is still Wood Release. But looking at it from a certain angle we can even be considered related... I know it's a pretty huge stretch, but it may have helped influence me into training him that first time... huh, now that I think about it it may be possible.


Yes, my mind and Allessa's are kind of connected telepathically right now, it something we do rather frequently principally when we are researching something, it helped a lot have the processing power of two hyper-powered minds. That had the side effect that we instantly became aware completely of each other minds, every memory, every thought, everything. So we kind of know each other even better than it should be possible. Which to a lot of people would undoubtedly be a problem, but for us? It only made us close, after all, we don't have anything to hide from each other, do we?

"Let me have my fun, would you? by your smile you want to laugh too."(Aizen).

"I do. But someone has to restrict the bs. Else I don't doubt you will suddenly say you are part dragon too."(Allessa).

"Well, technically-"(Aizen).

"Your Godly Animagus form doesn't count."(Allessa). Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #._51361365704627480 for visiting.

"Aww I wanted to be a part dragon too. *Sigh* better greet the couple before they make a scene. They both grew up so I don't doubt some people here won't be able to recognize them as easily as before."(Aizen).

"I will go with you."9Allessa).

We both went to one of the Shrek Academy outside areas, a park to be more specific, and saw the couple sitting on a bench resting a bit. I nod my head to the couple that also notices me and greets them.

"Plant boy. Old Hag"(Aizen).

You could clearly see both of them have their left eyes and mouth twitching a little at my greeting to them. Xiao Wu the 100k years old hag, and the definition of plant boy.

"Golden Dude."(Tang San).

"Golden Monster."(Xiao Wu).

"Okay, okay I admit my obsession with the color gold. But I can do nothing about it, it is all my creator's fault."(Aizen){AN: He is technically right.}

"Now I already know the answer, but I will just ask this to be polite. How was your Time Skip mixed with training montage?"(Aizen).

"I was nice, got to know my mother, and fought some bastards."(Tang San).

"I agree, I and gee are finally together."(Xiao Wu)

"Heh, finally. This blockhead was worse than me when it comes to it. Ah, before I forget, here a bit of water you are surely thirsty after such a long trip."(Aizen)

"Oh thanks. I am always thirsty."(Tang San)

Xiao Wu looked stupefied at him normally accepting the water bottle without a second thought. I couldn't help but also smile funnily at the scene.

"You know he is messing with you right? Plants and Water, didn't the connection click?"(Xiao Wu).

"Sheesh I know, but I am really thirsty so I don't see any problem with it."(Tang San).

"With the amount of spit you both have been trading I really didn't expect you to accept."(Aizen).

Tang San spit the water he had in his mouth in surprise, his cheek tainted red in a little bit of bashfulness. Xiao Wu also spotted a similar visage. What a cute couple.

"Aren't they a nice couple?"(Aizen).

"Yeah, but I Still Think Bibi Dong and Flander are better."(Allessa).

Tang San that started drinking water again couldn't help but spit it out in an overused dramatic fashion and scream/ask. Xiao Wu's eyes widened in surprise at such a revelation.

"Flander and Bibi Dong? Since When?"(Tang San).

"Those two, just how?"(Xiao Wu).

"Since one and a half years ago. Still took much more time than I was expecting. And how? I could waste a lot of time here explaining the minimum details, but I will just say this: it just works."(Aizen).

"Did you just quote a Jojo meme?"(Allessa).

"It can also be considered a Tod Howard meme."(Aizen).

"Huh, I guess you are right."(Allessa).

While we talked about memes and king crimson Tang San and Xiao Wu stayed there with a stupid look on their shocked faces still trying to process the fact that Bibi Dong and Flander are a thing now.

"*Sigh* I will just let that headache-inducing topic for later. How are the others?"(Tang San).

"Everyone is okay, no one was permanently hurt, and by the end of the week, everyone will already be here."(Aizen).

"Ah and Hongjun, Chengxian, and Renxue sort of formed a love triangle that only the three of them are oblivious about. There is a bunch of bets rolling and I would recommend betting on Hongjun ending up together with the two of them, Aizen bet on that one and everyone knows he doesn't lose bets. The Bibi Dong situation is there as proof."(Allessa).

"Stop, stop-"(Tang San)

Poor Tang San, all that information as too much for his plant brain. Hope he drinks more water and uses more fertilizer to recover his health. Just look at Xiao Wu restraining herself to the maximum trying to take care of the knocked out Tang San.

Hongjun, Chengxian, and Renxue have chosen this exact moment to arrive. Is where it was not planed, you can believe in me. Okay, I know even Epstein's suicide was more believable than this one.

"Brother San, is that you?"(Hongjun).

Tang san momentarily wakes up but seeing the three people that knocked him out, to begin with, did nothing to help him. So he just blacked out again. This time I and Allessa couldn't help but laugh out loud, poor Hongjun was confused as heck seeing this scene.

"What did I do?"(Hongjun)




We were now some minutes after the encounter in the park, now the five "kids" are talking between themselves and trading histories and adventures they have undergone over these years. Zu Ling also chose this moment to appear and sit with everyone, she also started trading some adventures with them, but apparently, her adventures are way wackier than anyone was eld toe expect.

"... Then father tossed me in an active volcano and said 'Daughter Your fire Resistance Is already Good Enough, now you need to learn how to swim in lava'. It took two f.u.c.k.i.n.g days for me to learn to control my Soul Power enough for me to swing in lava, and that shitty molten rock kept melting my clothes, can you believe it?"(Zu Ling).

Everyone simply holds their own mouths agape in extreme surprise and kept sending me sideways glances, I of course answered them.

"Heh, your performance was quite good. When I did it it took me three days to learn how to swim in lava. I am proud of you daughter."(Aizen).

I ruffle her hair showing how proud I am of her skill growth. The others sent another sidelong glance at me, but now their eyes are widened beyond common sense.

"Hehe, thanks dad."(Zu Ling).

"Stop, stop. Stop trying to understand them, you saw what happen to Tang San. And it was all their fault. Look at him now."(Xiao Wu).

Said Tang San is now in a depressed mood with a cloud over his head, hed been munching on the water bottle straw while drinking water slowly seemly rethinking his choices in life. Hongjun wisely decides to ignore such an event, undoubtedly already used to it at this point, he did indeed live with us all this time so he is the most immune to this.

"Mah mah, don't be such a drama queen. Hongjun boy here had quite the progress. That girl there Bai Chenxian is Hongjun's fiancee's, The blond one is Bibi Renxue the one who is head over heels for him. They are a lot different because they also underwent their second awakening."(Aizen)

Xiao Wu seems a bit confused that the trio didn't seem to hear my quip at Renxue love focus. Hehe, I know I am quite evil by doing this, but every time when I talk about their relationship I put a seal that selective filters the audio so they never hear exactly what I said. Allessa also aproves of this prank. Tang San chose this exact moment to recover from his depressing mood and asks Hongjun a question.

"How is Tang Sec?"(Tang San).

"Frankly? it's doing great. The idea of putting Tang Sect missions together with the Shrek Missions on the mission hall was brilliant. Sadly I NEED HELP! Because even with both Renxue and Chengxian helping me I still have simply too much paperwork."(Hongjun).

"Sorry, sorry. I kind of neglected my duties as the sect Master for too long, I will help you. And I am sure Oscar will also be delighted to do the same."(Tang San).

"I almost forgot the food brain. Bastard ran away, and I bet he was doing it to avoid taking care of the Sect."(Hongjun).

"I am it wasn't for that."(Tang San).

"Stop, Hongjun. We are as frustrated as you, don't worry we three are gonna 'spar' with Oscar when he comes back. All three of us have a lot of paper filled grievances to send back at him. And a good old beatdown sure as hell is gonna make we feel better."(Chengxiang).

"You know me too well my little bird."(Hongjun)

"I have to, my charming phoenix."(Chengxian).

Wow, it's always impressive how they can always color the atmosphere pink in the beat of a heart so easily. And by the laborious breaths of Renxue, she is undoubtedly fantasizing herself in the place of Chengxian that is close to kissing Hongjun at this moment. But before the kiss could happen, Xiao Wu gets out of her funk and gives everyone a loud *cough*.

"I would like to announce that I and Tang San are together now."(Xiao Wu).

Everyone looks at her with a face of disbelief, she and Tang San spot blush on their cheeks and both of them undoubtedly thought the disbelief of everyone as by the surprise of the announcement. Sadly they are mistaken.

"F.u.c.kign finally. I thought it would take ages for it to happen. And Chengxian, I won the bet."(Hongjun).

"*Tsk* should also star following Allessa's strategies. Teacher Aizen never loses a bet ;-;"(Chengxian)

"Heh, I win this one. With the money I will buy that new golden sword, I saw in the commerce hall"(Renxue).

"*Sigh* I will never understand, your and Teacher Aizen obsession with the golden color. I know gold, precious, etc. But what gives?"(Chengxian).

"You need to be golden to understand"(Aizen/Renxue).

There was a momentary pause, Xiao Wu and Tang San are still looking stupid trying to exit the shock that everyone was already betting on their relationship behind their backs. While the others were looking at everything like this is routine. Chengxian just lets out a groan of frustration, probably already expecting an answer like this.

"Nice taste Golden pigeon."(Aizen).

"Nice taste golden human."(Renxue)

Chengxian just let out another groan of frustration.

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