Mokuton Authority

Chapter 224 - You all will fight me.

We had some more small talk, Hongjun and Tang San talked a little about the Tang Sect and what is happening. The girls were talking about how they should organize a girl's time or some sleepover party, they were kinda torn between a day buying clothes and other things in the commerce hall or spending the night trading funny and horror histories on a sleepover party, they ultimately decided on the sleepover when Allessa intervened and said she would participate if it was a sleepover party.

"But we will have to wait for when Ronrong and Zhuqing come back, I don't want to exclude them."(Xiao Wu).

"That's is actually a good idea, we can even have more time to plan something better. I just wish we could invite-"(Renxue).

"Calm down girl, you are almost salivating."(Allessa).

Renxue quickly reigns herself closer to her mouth and check for any kind of saliva that may have overflowed from her mouth, but when she passes her hand on it she quickly notices that there is nothing on her mouth... She fell right into it didn't she?


"Don't worry girl I can give you some love tips. I and Aizen are very happy after all."(Allessa).

"Don't listen to her. When she met father for the second time she blew a giant hole in his torso."(Zu Ling).

Renxue grew a little bit expectantly at receiving advice from the older woman, but when she heard what her friend said her expression immediately stiffen and darken for a moment.

"Mah, daughter don't worry. Your father is exceptionally difficult to kill, even for someone like me. Blowing a hole through his torso was just a simple harmless greeting at that time."(Allessa).

"Yeah don't worry about it. I easily healed it anyway."(Aizen).

"Ah, so it's like that.... Hmm*murmur* so that is the correct way to greet someone you like."(Zu Ling).

Renxue was surprised when Zu Ling suddenly pulls a notebook and a pencil out of nowhere and starting to swiftly take notes while Allessa describes a multitude of her strategies. But when one of those strategies is blowing up a hole in someone's torso Renxue definitely didn't want to know the rest. Renxue couldn't help but think: poor Min Ren.

"Now everyone, I have something a little bit more serious to say to all of you."(Aizen)

Immediately the fun and games atmosphere that was prior instantly vanished, everyone here knows Aizen fairly enough that when he says he is serious he should be respected. The original Shrek members principally know what he is capable of doing, initially Chengxian and Renxue couldn't believe the super relaxed teacher could be scary. But an episode on one of their hunts for a new soul-ring showed that Aizen Senju didn't get powerful by only being nice.

"Tang San, you went back to the [Clear Sky Clan], Correct?"(Aizen)

"Yes, teacher. I brought back my father's soul bones and had to put down a peg some of those elders."(Tang San).

"I already know. I only mentioned that because you have obtained a certain map right?"(Aizen).

"A map?... Wait... This one?*picks a somewhat older paper from his spatial ring*"(Tang San).

"Yes, this one. This is a map to the Sea God Island, as you already know. What you don't know, is that is Literally The SEA GOD island."(Aizen).

"So are you telling me this is the island of a literal God?"(Tang San).

"Yes, I am. And you will go there."(Aizen)

"I will?"(Tang San).

"I will explain more detail when everyone is here... I think I already said it, but the Gods are watching you and your friends. Renxue should know a little bit more about this, right? Angel God Successor."(Aizen).

"So you know..."(Renxue).

"I do, but don't worry it's your secret to tell. Just don't withhold information that can save the lives of your comrades. I am doing it because I want them to learn, to search for themselves, to grow. Holding their hands will do none of that, I already did more than I should've-."(Aizen).

"No you didn't. We both helped them, yes, but if they didn't put on the work they wouldn't be even close to what they are today."(Allessa).

"I guess you are right.*Sigh*. Basically, why I am telling you this in advance is that you all will fight with me."(Aizen)

"Are you crazy? You can kill-"(Xiao Wu).

"What are you think, that is-"(Chengxian).

"Isn't that too much, we could-"(Renxue).

"When?"(Tang San/ Ma Hongjun).

There was a silence at the table, the surprised faces of the girls couldn't easily be hidden and their agape mouths only added to the absurdity of the scene. But the serious faces of Tang San and Ma Hongjun really did show how much they grew in this time, they watched my meaning immediately.

"A week after everyone has been reunited. And beware, the Gods are watching you."(Aizen).

With that me and Allessa disappeared, there was no showy sign of teleportation, no flash of light, no flap of wings, we simply weren't there anymore. This type of teleport is always way scarier than people give it credit for. Tang San and Ma Hongjun maintained their solemn face, seemly deep in contemplation and silence. But Xiao Wu couldn't help but continue talking, she knows how scary Aizen is in combat, after all, they all have seen him slap people out of existence at the speed of light like it is nothing, she couldn't help but be a little scared.

"Why you two said nothing. Fighting against that monster? that guy can f.u.c.k.i.n.g destroy the planet if he wants, and you two agreed to fight him? Why?"(Xiao Wu).

"You didn't understand, did you?"(Hongjun).

"What are you talking about Hongjun dear? can you explain?"(Chengxian).

"He wants to test us..."(Zu Ling).

"Test? That guy testes always end with someone mangled or worse..."(Xiao Wu).

"That is no simple test, Xiao Wu. It's his final test to the Shrek 9 devil and our reserve members."(Tang San).

Indeed, Chengxian and Renxue are considered reserve members, much like Chegxian's position in the original but this one is a little more permanent, heck she and Renxue even have some statues in the hall of fame.

"Final Test? I don't understand, why would-"(Xiao Wu)

"Remember what he said? Holding our hands won't help us truly grow. He probably ant to gauge our strength before we go to the Sea God Island."(Hongjun).

"No, it's not only that."(Renxue).

"What you mean by that Renxue? I thought it was only his final test..."(Tang San).

"Wait, you can't mean... what he said about the Gods watching us..."(Hongjun).

"Yes. This fight is probably also a way to measure us for Godhood, and if what I know is true we will have some incredible trial before us... but how does teacher..."(Renxue).

Everyone grew quiet at that, so the fight wasn't just a "simple" test for them, but also a way to measure them for the Godhood trials to come. They couldn't help but get some chills in their spines, if teacher Aizen is sort of testing them for godhood only means that they challenge just shot up in difficulty.

"Father is also been preparing to godhood."(Zu Ling).

But what Zu Ling said immediately stunned everyone, Aizen preparing for godhood since when? He joked here and there but he never went too deep about the subject. But this confirmation is somewhat worrying, if Aizen is already strong enough tot alk about Gods so casually, how much stronger will he be when he becomes a God?

"A-Are you serious?"(Renxue)

"Yeah Zu Ling, don't joke with something like that."(Chengxian). Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #._51404986449447266 for visiting.

"No I am certain of it, Father has been preparing himself for years and he is closer and closer. If he thinks we need this extra test..."(Zu Ling)

"Could only mean the future ones will be really difficult..."(Hongjun).

"Don't worry people. I am sure if he is testing us he thinks we can pass."(Renxue).

"Renxue is right. We will all more during the week, but let's leave the more serious talks for when everyone is here. I don't like deciding things on their back..."(Tang San).

"Brother San is right, it's best we wait for the others. Their input will surely be valuable."(Hongjun).

Xiao Wu that was quiet until now decided to speak. and if I am not mistaken she is the one who knows the most about godhood among everyone here, Di Tian is alive after all, and I don't doubt Da Ming and Er Ming told her a lot of histories passed down from the beast god himself.

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