Mokuton Authority

Chapter 225 - Everyone is back together.

The person to arrive the Nex day was Rongrong, as most of the kids here she grew up beautifully and like the other spots a visage that at least looks 4 years older than she would be. And that is almost the norm for everyone, I bet it's the culmination of soul power and their training that affect their body so much that they look older than they are.

With a grace worthy of a noblewoman everyone could clearly see that Rongrong progresses in more ways than just cultivation. When she arrived she greeted the others and proceed to talk with them, she sure as hell miss her friends and her father that observed everything from far away couldn't help but smile when he saw the good friends his daughter made.

Rongrong was of course brought into the fold and told of what was going to happen in 13 days, she was understandably pale. But soon a grim determination overtook her, she probably thinks if she and Oscar can show a good fight against me the rules of her clan can be overlooked. Yeah, they still have a rule that support-type soul master can't marry another support-type soul master unless they defeat a titled Douluo in combat. And considering I am leagues above any kind of Titled Douluo she probably can marry even a rock if she is able to scratch me.

Rongrong's new determination aside, she was very happy one reuniting with some of her friends, she also was almost giddy in the prospects of a sleepover with the girls. she soon proceeds to start making more fancy and extravagant arrangements, I just felt kind of sad for her as Allessa is also participating and I doubt anyone can compete with her when it comes to it.

The next day Oscar arrived, and oh boy did he grew up. The guy looks like a typical cool shonen protagonist after their unavoidable time skip. He is taller and more muscular and he exudes an aura of combat and battles. That is just a nice way of saying he is stinking and sweaty.

And oh boy Rongrong had a show seeing her love interest all sweaty that his t-shirt was gluing to his body and exposing his hard-earned muscles. Sadly the pink moment between them fell flat when she discovered oscar's smell. In a situation like that, I couldn't help but say "Almost there soldier. You will get them the next time." Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #._51428322348955897 for visiting.

"A CoD reference really?"(Allessa).

"Meh, at least the old CoD games were good."(Aizen).

"You didn't even play the new ones. How can you say they are bad?"(Allessa)

"You are right... Wanna try playing them together? I remember hearing some good things about the Zombies from the BO3."(Aizen).

"Sure. It can be a good pastime until your fight against the kids."(Allessa).

Nex day the ones to arrive were Zuqing and Mubai, both clade in royal clothes. But different from the noble and aristocratic aura Rongrong radiated they exuded an incredible and exhausting aura. Yep, it was kind of hell for them, their parent simultaneously decided to brush up their noble education so their routine grew more and more fully over time. It got to the point that Mubai almost ragequits during the music lesson, the musical room continued destroyed for quite some time after that.

They greeted everyone but barely talked on their first day as they immediately went to their room to rest for a very long time. They woke up two days later pretty well-rested and more invigorated. But there is a thing they didn't even notice because it became so natural to them, they snuggled and slept together. The others were quite surprised, and a bunch of other bets was called and fulfilled when the news got around.

While Mubai and Zuqing were in their pink filled land of dreams Min Ren arrived, and much like oscar he looked like the typical shounen protagonist after his time skip journey. And if I am not wrong min ren has also received a map and instruction on how to get to Skypedia, or more know as the Sky God Island, but I will keep calling it Skypedia simply because the sea God Island claimed copyright on that one.

But what made more certain that Min ren was some kind of protagonist was the scar he has in his mouth, it's exactly like Ezio's scar and I gotta say: It kinds of fits him. He arrived with radiating seriousness and power, but when you got to know his soul rank is 69 I couldn't help but greet him with a laugh.

"Hah, you look all serious and business for someone with rank 69."(Aizen).

"*Groan* Don't remind me of that, at least the rank 24 was faster than this one..."(Min Ren).

"Don't worry, as much as the kids know about our culture some nuances still scape them."(Aizen).

"It's quite sad you know... We should give a class focused on memes. We can literally trace a lot of human history by memes alone."(Allessa).

"Allessa love. I don't like to break it to you, but no matter how well prepared the class is it would be extremely cringing, like trying to shot myself levels of cringe."(Aizen).

"Using the word cringe unironically is cringe as f.u.c.k tho."(Allessa).

"That's... I guess you are right.... Maybe if we plan that right... But first, I guess I should at least put everything in book format first, with images and all. Liking it or not that is a good part of the modern history of the earth."(Aizen)

"Yeah, we also-"(Allessa)

Min Ren was simply dumbstruck, gone was his cool and serious persona he was trying to maintain. In front of him are what should be two responsible a.d.u.l.ts discussing about a meme class in the curriculum. Min Ren doesn't know if he should laugh or cry.

"Ah almost forgot, go talk with the others. There is some exciting news circulating. And I am sure you will be very surprised."(Aizen).

"And about the courting of my daughter. As Aizen already said, that is her decision, but I don't want you to hurt my little girls..."(Allessa).

Scary, scary. Min Ren almost forgets that Allessa can be as scary as Aizen sometimes... What Min ren didn't understand is how can he hurt that girl? Heck, if half of what she said about her childhood is correct she can probably survive Blighttown with a smile on her face and think that the whole experience was some kind of theme park or event. Btu Min Ren was determined, he made his choices on the waterfall of truth, and he knows himself better thanks to that.

"Don't worry... I-I Love Her..."(Min Ren).

"*Gasp*"(Zu Ling).

And now Min ren f.u.c.k.i.e.d up, how he didn't notice the girl was with her parents the whole time? When he saw the sly smile on Aizen's face he knew that the Golden God Douluo has played him. But seeing the blush on Zu Ling's face and the steam getting out of her head he couldn't hold himself together before he let slips another one.

"Cute."(Min Ren).

"Eep."(Zzzu Ling).

The girl couldn't hold it anymore and deed up passing out, Min Ren almost couldn't hold himself from gushing about this cuteness. And if Zu Ling's abs are anything to go by her muscles only make her even more beautiful.

"*Sigh* She still needs a little more mental training."(Aizen).

"Leave her alone on this one, the boy she liked literally told everything to her face. I would've done the same when you told me that if I didn't put so much reinforced mental resistance magics on myself."(Allessa).

"I know, and that only makes you cuter."(Aizen).

When Allessa blushed Min Ren knows that it's time for him to get the hell out of here. Aizen has the habit of teleporting any bystander when he and Allessa get into a pinky atmosphere. Picking up the girl he went to the food hall to eat something, but when he looked back one last time the only thing he saw was the two a.d.u.l.ts sending him a sly smirk. Hah, it appears that he has been played two times already, it was just an act to drive him to do this. Min Ren couldn't help but shed some manly tears about his now shattered cool persona he created.

One day later all the elven kids got together in the food hall to discuss some things. tang San that has been fairly busy these days managing all the Bullshit he left behind sat at the head of the table. He got up and started explaining to everyone what will happen in. and principally, that they will have to fight Aizen.

The grim feeling on the table was almost palpable, maybe I could even smell it. Considering how good my nose is I probably could. Tang San also explained a bunch of other info he had collected and the things he learned in these three years. The others also did the same, sharing some funny moments and surprising events, but principally their training and progress.

Everyone progressed a lot, but they still know that defeating Aizen is out of the question, so they started to strategize. I of course didn't listen to their strategies, a little bit of advantage can't harm them can it?

"... and I guess that is it. Any more questions?"(Tang San) {AN: That is also for you guys, we are reaching the final moments of the Douluo Dalu world, if you have any questions that don't require spoiler I try to answer them. And if you have an idea that you think will fit well in the fic don't be afraid to share, I appreciate everyone's support. Thanks For Everything.}

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