Mokuton Authority

Chapter 226 - Calm Before the storm.

There were an absolute calm and silence in the food hall, after discussing strategies and more strategies for their future fight against teacher Aizen the Shrek 11 Devils couldn't help but feel that this calm is just simply the calm before the storm.

Everyone let the silence reign supreme for a long time, some people periodically would nibble on their food or take a few gulps of their cold beverages. But Mubai decided to break the silence.

"*Sigh*, this grim atmosphere is getting on my nerves. Let's think positively first. As good as all those formation and strategies we discussed are, there I something I really want to know..."(Mubai).

"I can guess where you are coming from, and that is something teacher Aizen pretty much pounded into our heads on his lessons."(Hongjun).

"*Nods* Exactly, we need to know more about Aizen Senju. Knowing your enemy is the first step towards victory. So does anyone have a piece of relevant information to share?"(Mubai).

Everyone looked to Zu Ling, liking ti or not she is Aizen's daughter so if there is someone who definitely knows a lot about his ability is undoubtedly her. Said girl seemly unaffected by the stares beside her expression becoming more serious and hardened. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #._51452488267646721 for visiting.

"Well... I guess no one saw father really fighting right?"(Zu Ling).

There were some collective negative grunts and some looks of anticipation aiming at Zu Ling. To break the silence Oscar decided to say his piece, Rongrong that sat at his side stayed quiet and attentive during the ordeal.

"Once when I and Rongrong were walking, I saw him slapping someone out of existence with a giant golden hand. But besides that, there isn't much."(Oscar).

"I know he has an external bone that manifests itself as wings. He was the one who taught me how to use my spider lances after all..."(Tang San).

"Same for me, after my second awakening teacher Aizen helped me control my new improved wings, he helped me a lot on that."(Renxue).

"He also helped me in the speed department, he really does have some crazy ideas that inexplicably work."(Chengxian).

"What you all saw wasn't even close to what father can do. The external bone thing Tang San got right-"(Zu Ling).

"And what about the giant golden hand?"(Oscar).

Seeing Oscar impolitely interrupting Zu Ling's speech Rongrong stepped on Oscar's feet hard, yearning her a yelp of surprise from the future food god.

"Sorry. You can continue."(Rongrong).

"*Sigh. What Oscar probably saw was my father's martial soul. I take some of you have already been it?"(Zu Ling)

"Yeah, sometimes she likes to use it to show some examples... I still can't forget the image of a gigantic golden hand painting glass with such precision and delicacy."(Hongjun).

"Yes, father does that sometimes."(Zu Ling).

"So... what is his martial soul?"(Oscar).

"Father's martial soul is called [100,000,000 Armed Radiant Golden Buddha], and you can guess that its name is pretty self-explanatory. What is most special about father martial soul is that it's a hybrid martial soul."(Zu Ling).


"Yeah, it's both a body and tool type martial soul. Meaning it is and it is not his body, both at the same time."(Zu Ling).

"Kinda confusing, but I think I can get it... Do you know any of your father's soul ring skills?"(Mubai).

"That is a little bit of a problem... I remember he showing me and explaining those skills when I was a kid, but..."(Zu Ling).

"You were a kid so your memory about that isn't exactly the best right?"(Min Ren).

"Yeah... Father would sometimes say the name of one of his skills and even sue then from time to time, but there are some skills that I've never seen him use his 8th and 9th principally. Never seen he using them."(Zu Ling).

"I guess that is a good thing right? 8th and 9th skills tend to be the most directive soo..."(Tang San).

"Yeah, it's a good thing..."(Hongjun).

"Can you at least say what you remember about them? Anything may be useful."(Mubai).

"Hmmm. I remember that his first skill is stealth-based, good enough to fool even my mother as strong as she is. His second skill is the one I remember the most because when I was a kid I thought it the most beautiful, I think it's called [Universe in the Palm]. It projects a giant golden hand with what appears to be a universe on its palm, and I remember father mentioned it was a good defensive skill, principally against projectiles. As for his third skill... I think it is a buff type of skill? I don't remember much about that one."(Zu Ling)

"Interesting, on his first three skills none of them are explicitly offensive, more of an auxiliary type than anything. This just shows that even if an attack-type skill is good, it isn't everything."(Mubai).

"*Gasp* Dai Mubai saying that attack isn't everything? What is next, will you become a monk?"(Zuqing)

"Haha, you know I am not that same hotheaded muscle brain of the past."(Mubai).

"I know, I made sure of that. But it's good to see it's really taking effect."(Zuqing).

"You two already argus like a married couple."(Hongjun).

"We're not!"(Zuqing/Mubai).

Their response was so automatic that it made it even more fake, those two are married in everything but the papers, and everyone knows this. After their outburst response, everyone stayed still for a moment basking in such a conclusion. Until Tang San couldn't hold it anymore and started laughing, everyone followed soon after...

"*Huff* I think e all needed a good laugh.*Sigh* Please continue Zu Ling."(Tang San).

"Okay. My father's fourth skill if my memory serves me right is an instant death skill."(Zu Ling).

"Instant death? Like some sort of hyper strong beam that disintegrates everything on its path?"(Hongjun).

"Or maybe it's some kind of hyper-precise strike that can easily pierce the strongest armors."(Tang San).

"Or Maybe-"(Chengxian).

"Nope, none of that. It literally kills instantly something, I don't remember its name but I definitely remember him using it to hunt a dragon. For some reason it was extremely terrifying, he just touched it, and bam dead. "(Zu Ling).

"That si helluva scary."(Renxue)

"I know, but he won't use it on us. He wants to test us, not kill us."(Tang San).

"Tang San is right, father rarely uses that skill. I've only seen him use it once, to be honest, and even that I don't remember it much...."(Zu Ling).

"Father's fifth skill is as most of you already know [Purify], I am sure most of you are already familiar with it."(Zu Ling)

"Indeed, an exception utility skill."(Hongjun).

"It can also be used offensively."(Xiao Wu).


"Well, if you are a corrupted or evil being, like an undead or zombie this skill will probably be really devastating."(Xiao Wu).

"That sounds pretty scary..."(Renxue).

"Don't worry woman, you have attribute advantage against those being too."(Chengxian).

"Going back on the subject... My father's sixth skill is something I don't understand... But if I have to put it into words... it would be something like 'never miss'."(Zu Ling)

"Never miss? Like some kind of absurd magnetic power towards the target?"(Tang San).

"When I say never miss, I literally mean never miss. If father thrust a spear towards the sky aiming at nothing he can still hit you."(Zu Ling).

"That is kind of absurd on so many levels."(Mubai).

"Father says that absurd is the expected for a Golden Soul ring."(Zu Ling).

"Golden? Is that even possible?"(Chengxian).

"Golden soul ring is the equivalent of a 1.000.000. years old soul beast, they are the god's equivalents for soul beasts. If you want some more precise and extensive info I would recommend Shrek library, father put a lot of tough into making that place", and most information he collected in his life is there."(Zu Ling).

There was silence yet again, but this time everyone seems to be lost in their own thoughts about the matter. Tang San in particular seems to be thinking deeply about something.

"I got an idea. Anew strategy formation if you will."(Tang San).


"I was thinking ins separating us in sub-teams."(Tang San).

"Su teams, what do you mean by that?"(Xiao Wu).

"First we will have a support team, composed of Oscar and Rongrong-"(Tang San).

"Sorry to interrupt, but due to my martial soul second awakening I can also act as a support unit, healing and buffing are well on my capabilities."(Renxue).

"Good, so I will include you on the support team too. So the support team will be Renxue, Rongorn, and Oscar. You will be responsible for offering maximum support to the other teams, healing takes maximum priority followed by buffing and then finally by kind of offensive help you could provide."(Tang San).

"Sounds good to me."(Renxue).

"I quite like it, and if I stay in the middle of the formation I think I can at least delay an offensive with my spear."(Oscar).

"Ah, that made me remember something Oscar. Father said your Bisento was ready, you just need to pick it up."(Zu Ling).

"Nice, at least my new weapon will be ready for the fight."(Oscar).

"Continuing. The other team will be the frontlines composed of Min Ren, Zu Ling, and Mubai. You three are the ones that can take and ditch the most damage of us, Two dragon-type martial souls, and a tiger type, I don't see anyone more fit for close combat than you guys."(Tang San).

"Hmm, I am fine with it. But I am more of a middle-range kind of fighter, you know? My melee is pretty good, but on a close fight I would bet more on my middle range."(Min Ren).

"You and Zu Lign work well together so I think it will work. We can always test it out later and work the kinks."(Tang San).

"Indeed"(Min Ren).

"The for the fast response team, made of Hiongjun, Zuqing, Chengxian, and Xiao Wu. You four have great flexibility and speed to hit hard and hit fast, and that is exactly what you do-"(Tang San).

"Wait a bit there brother San, I am not that good of a speed type. My focus is burst damage."(Hongjun).

"And that is exactly why you are with this team, the team objective is hit fast and hard. A burst damage specialist like you is exactly what they need."(Tang San).

"Good, I can easily see it working. Btu what about you?"(Hongjun).

"I will be a blank of sorts, transitioning between the teams and filling in whoever needs me. I am the most flexible out of everyone here so I guess I can make it work. So who wanna test it?"(Tang San).

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