Mokuton Authority

Chapter 227 - An impressive display.

Today is a beautiful day, the skies are blue, the roses are red, the trees are green. Today is a really beautiful day, an ideal day to spend with your family in the park, or maybe hole yourself up in your home watching that Lord Of the Rings marathon you keep postponing because you are lazy, or simply have a deathmatch against your hateful enemy, where you will play and torture him mentally and physically. Ok, I admit that the last one was a little bit out of line, but come on, what kind of monster didn't watch Lord of the Rings yet? crazy right?

But today is also definitely a special day for the kids. Today is the last time I will fight them as mortals, the next time we will meet each other everyone will probably be Gods already. Yep, even me. Why did you think I gave them this two weeks period? For them to form some kind of strategy? for them to heal? Yes, that is indeed a nice side benefit, but my real aim was to give me more time to reach the peak of the rank 99.

Yep, I am currently literally the closest I can possibly be towards godhood, I made tons of preparations. My Divine Weapon is all but ready, there are only some finishing touches I need to make, but those details I will need Divine Chakra for it, so it has to wait for a bit. Allessa also said I should also make an armor, before meeting God and hearing about the Anti-life I was stubborn as a mule and didn't want one, but after hearing about those things and the danger they possess I decided to just make my armor and stop whining like a spoilt little bitch, if I don't like using at least I have one for emergencies.

What is my armor? Well, I decided to take inspiration from the Bosted Gear Balance Breaker full body armor, I, of course, modified it to be able to adapt to my own number of arms, as I technically have 100,000,000 arms right now, a number which will probably increase when I become a God, I also modified to protect my whole body, so it doesn't have the same gaps on the arms as Issei's. The same as my divine weapon my armor is also made with Blood sacrifice, meaning it will literally become part of my body when I finish it. And like my divine weapon I need to have Divine Chakra to finish it. The armor also has the bonus of resonating well with my Animagus(Dragon Form).

I also, sort of made and Asauchi? Okay, I know this needs a little bit more explanation. Basically, I and Allessa couldn't contain ourselves so Allessa ended up summoning an Asauchi for us to analyze, and after a long time analyzing it we were able to make our own Asauchi made of Omni metal. This gave me an even more crazy idea, Allessa will probably kill me when she found out... Wait our minds are connected so she probably already knows this...


"Yes, I know about your crazy plan... But you are pretty sure of its success, so I won't stop you. Just stay safe my love. I can't afford to lose you."(Allessa).

"Don't worry. I won't fail."(Aizen).

"Well at least is not as ridiculous as my own..."(Allessa).

"Well, fusing your ow martial soul with your divine weapon and your Zanpaktou can be considered pretty intense... But you have been preparing for it for a long time, and if there is someone qualified to do it it's you..."(Aizen).

"Thanks, Love, you don't know how much your help means to me... Wait, you know."(Allessa).

"Yep, I know how much it means to you. Mind connection thing remember?"(Aizen).

Yep, Allessa is planing some really crazy stuff. She wants to melt her martial soul, her Asauchi, and her divine weapon and reforge them in one. Sadly something like this is only possible with some bullshit amount of magic and if you have a Tool-type martial soul that is the same as your divine weapon. But if she fuses those three she will become extremely overpowered even for a God, and when she uses her Bankai and true avatar at the same time... I shudder to think of its power.

I like that Allesssa is so strong. so instead of the typical protagonist lending power to make his waifu strong, we can do all kinds of things together. It's really nice.

Now I guess I should stop with the padding, I know its some good info, and I honestly love talking about those things, but I guess I better concentrate on the "fight" right now. Ok, I know it can't exactly be called a fight, they have no chance of winning, after all, but it's still a conflict.

Looking at the kids in front of me, I couldn't help but appreciate how much they improved this time. Those kids are really special, no wonder the original 7 devils became Gods, they are all exceptional in their own way. Looking at them I couldn't help but remember Elsa (Shark Girl), Rick(Demon Boy), and Gwen (Angel Girl), liking it or not they are my friends... Maybe I should visit them, I am sure as hell they are way stronger now, principally if they followed my advice.

Looking at the expectant and serious kids I spoke out:

"Sup, Kidos? It's a beautiful day outside, huh."(Aizen).

Most looked at me in extreme confusion, I could clearly see the gears turning on their heads trying to make heads or tails about what I said. Tang San the courageous one spoke up.

"It doesn't make any sense. We are already outside? Isn't this one of the outdoor training grounds?"(Tang San).

I smile at him evilly, my smile definitely making them pale a bit. Whatever I smile lie this it never ends well for them. Hehehe.

"Look around you, and say that again."(Aizen).

The confusion was drawn in the face of almost everyone, but when they looked around they couldn't hold their surprise anymore. Dumbfounded expression dominates the faces of the kids like never before, they are now in a gigantic arena. The arena is filled with innumerable different environmental hazards, traps, and a multitude of deadly things to the gladiators. But what really stood out was the spectators, everyone they know was there, Heck Even Ah Yin(Tang San's Mother) in plant form was here. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #._51476456869518415 for visiting.

Anyone the Shrek 11 devils knew or talked with before was here to watch their battle and possibly send them off. In some ways, this is even worse than the tournament, because here are the closest people to them, the people they care about the most. I just have one thing to say.

"I f.u.c.k.i.n.g love my wings. Spatial manipulation is the best."(Aizen).

I could see some people are twitching and slightly annoyed at being suddenly teleported to a strange location, but the ones in the fold quickly filled them in and told them what exactly is happening.

"So I gathered everyone fo some relevance here today to see a fight. But this is not some random unimportant fight, no. This is the Shrek 11 devil Graduation test, today they will fight Shrek's Guardian, today they will have the chance to grow and finally start their final journey to the peak. Today they will fight."(Aizen).

"Ah those of you parents, that see some permanent maiming or fatal damage, fret not because we have the best medical staff possible. We can literally cure anything short of death, so don't worry if someone loses an arm."(Aizen).

I could swear I heard some people screaming in the background, but I don't remember their voice so they must not be that important. Looking at the kids one final time I said just one thing.

"Good Luck."(Aizen).

Immediately all the eleven Kids summoned their martial souls. Chengxian summoned her [Supreme Ethereal Swift], Renxue her [Radiant Holy Archangel], Tang San Both his [Clear Sky Hammer] and [Blue Silver Emperror], Xiao Wu her [Radiant Love Pink Rabbit], Hangjun his [Scorching Sacred Fire Phoenix King], Rongrong her [9 Colored Treasured Rainbow Pagoda], Zu Ling her [Adamantine Metal Dragon], Ming Ren his [Mega Rayquaza], Mubai his [Forst Blacklight Tiger], Zhuqing her [Magmatic Hellish Civet], Oscar his [Radiant Golden Recovery Sausage].

All these powerful martial souls, those unbelievable and out of the norm ring configurations flared to life flooding the entire arena with their sheer power and presence. even some Titled Douluos that are present like Bone Douluo or the Sword Douluo were able to feel this pressure. But everyone wasn't even concerned about it, everyone was more occupied trying to imprint such a spectacular and magnificent scene in their minds. And then everything changed.

I release my martial soul, of course not completely, if I relax completely I don't doubt I would kill everyone here today with my presence and pressure alone. But I still summoned my martial soul the [100,000,000Armed Radiant Golden Buddha]. A gargantuan statue of a Golden buddha appeared in the arena, it simply dwarfed everything, making even the strongest of the present experts here feel small and puny, I simply started shining golden and exuding golden light. And an extreme and suppressive aura of supremacy and dominance covered everyone, but instead of feeling afraid or skittish, they all felt at peace, like this is the most relaxing and satisfying day for them. flexing my back 6 pairs of whitish golden wings appeared, they look as beautiful as they are lethal.

When the kids saw my martial soul first hand they couldn't help but exclaim in unison.

"F.U.C.K!!!"(Shrek 11 Devils).

"Don't worry, I will be gentle."(Aizen).

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