Mokuton Authority

Chapter 229 - The results of the test.

Looking at the messed up battlefield I couldn't help but admire the power of the goddess a bit, the only other fusion technique that I know can do this much damage is Huo Yuhao's and Tang Wutong's fusion technique. But breaking all my expectations Hongjun, Renxue, and Chegxian surprised me with the power of the said technique.

And the other impressive thing was Renxue support and healing abilities, somehow she was able to heal most of their wounds from the environmental fight from before, so they are with their health 100%, but their tiredness of course didn't go away. But I could say that their will was quite impressive, heck I think canon Tang San didn't have a strong will like this one.

Why I am only fighting them with environmental jutsu? Simple, really. I am stupidly strong, like really, really strong, if I don't control my presence correctly I could easily kill everyone here. And even if I have extremely precise control of my physical strength, I am not perfect. So I could theoretically slip up, the chances are low, but I could, and I know if I slip up someone will die, so I opted for an alternative.

You may have noticed that only the first two actions of mine were using my martial soul, why? Because I wanted to give them a little bit of taste from a martial soul of someone at rank 99, yeah I know I am hardly normal by a long shot, but I was never aiming at hitting them. Heck, the only attack that I hit them with was when I redirected one they sent my way. After that most of the fight, I just used environmental hazard jutsu against them

Why use hand signs? My control is good enough to not use then, right? Yeah, of course, my control is good enough that I didn't need hand signs anymore, but besides the cool factor, I used hand signs to limit myself somewhat. Yep, using slow hand signs like I was using they could easily identify the hand's signs, prepare for something new, and the jutsu was way more controlled. I could've of course pumped tons of chakra and made those environmental hazards really lethal, but I simply used them at their lowest power using all the correct guiding hand signs to the jutsus.

This of course also has the benefit of giving then a last training experience against those kinds of hazards, minus the absurdity that was my storm release, I don't doubt there is lighting rain somewhere, but laser beams rain is kind of a really long stretch.

This second part of the battle will of course be most of the same, but as the previous one tested their performance airborne, at the sea, and fighting against cold and rain, this one will be solely focused on the ground.

I give all 11 of them some breather time, and they seem to recover their breaths rather nicely. Smiling like previously all the time I started to slowly make hand signs. But this time I wasn't left to my devices, Tang San and Hongjun probably concluding that the hand signs are "necessary" for me to use those elemental skills. They both attacked me on a combination attack that would make any Uchiha proud, Tang San tossed and launched a bunch of throwing weapons, of various types shapes, and sizes, while Hongjun launched uncountable fireballs covering those weapons in some sort of metallic meteor shower of death.

Seeing the huge amount of deathly steel and fire coming into my direction I couldn't help but smile and say.

"Good, you caught one fast. Only you two noticed that I was always making hand signs before an attack. Heck, even when I used my martial soul I moved my hand first. The clues were pretty obvious, and so is the crutch I am giving. Just don't take this much time on real combat, your enemies aren't half as gentle as I am."(Aizen).

I got no answer, good. When you are fighting the last thing you should be doing is talking, unless you want to provoke and destabilize your opponent's mentality, but more often than not talking during fights is a huge cause of death.

Seeing as they interrupted" my jutsu and my hands are still "occupied", I should theoretically tank this hit head-on. Sadly for them as much as my martial soul have an emphasis on its number of arms, it doesn't mean I can't use its legs.

Seeing the huge wall of steel and fire getting closer and closer, in a slow and controlled motion I make a right knee strike up. A gigantic golden knee appeared a successfully protected me from their combined attack.

But when my giant golden knee was withdrawing, they choose to attack. Good, they know how to seize an opportunity when the enemy is "vulnerable". And theoretically, they would be right, if I wasn't someone so abnormal to my situation.

Normally something that has so many arms like my martial soul would need a lot of lower body, and leg strength to maintain itself up, and have good balance. So forcing me to use my leg was the right call, but sadly for them, I am not normal.

First, I have a torso soul bone that grants me the passive and active skill called [Absolute Balance]. Yep, I have absolute balance, be it physical, spiritual, energy-wise, weight-wise, anything really, it's called [Absolute Balance] for a reason. Second, as a Shinobi I am really used to fighting in the most unusual conditions, heck we fight on the ceiling all the time. There is another bunch of reasons but if I was to list everything we would be here the whole day.

So even if their strategy was good and pretty smart, it was still insufficient. But then Mubai and Zhuqing used their own fusion technique the [The Thermal Beast Emperor of Duality] and laughed a duality-based attack.

And while the attack of the fusion technique traveled towards me, the other didn't wait and also launched their own attacks, heck Oscar even used his intent to launch a ranged spear thrust on me.

Tang San, Hongjun, Chengxian, and Min Ren also opted for making a combo instead of individually attacking. Tang San summoned his [Clear Sky Hammer] and started spinning like he is part of a Lego ninja go set. Min Ren summoned some winds together with his draconic energy and started forming some kind of hurricane that followed Tang san spin rotation. Chengxian even with some of her limited wind abilities was doing her best to boost the tornado that was forming thanks to tang San hammer techniques.

Hongjun was the cherry on top when he added fire to the mix, his potent fire boosting both the damage and the speed of the hurricane. But his fire had an interesting effect when it mixed with Min Ren draconic and Wind energy, and Chengxian Wind energy. It instantly became a hurricane of Scorch Release, and the draconic energy gave it a deep blue and purplish color, boosting its damage and speed even more so. How this didn't blow up yet is anyone guesses.

Rongrong following Oscar's example started firing with her bow nonstop creating a barrage of arrows, and only stop to make sure none of her buffs has run out. Renxue to my surprise teamed up with Xiao Wu to make a combination technique called [Radiant Pink Light Ray], and as you've guessed it, it's a gigantic light ray that is pink colored.

And Zu Ling was the evilest and the sleaziest of the bunch, she probably knows that I would "escape" underground to evade such combinations of attack, that is literally one of the basic techniques that I taught to her, because escaping underground is generally pretty easy, and your enemy least expect you do something like that. Jump in the air? Everyone and their mother does that. Evade to the side? Everyone, and I mean literally everyone does that. So underground was the most unexpected outcome in this way. So she of course used her two left and right arm soul bones to transform all the earth under me into a massive bomb. I am so much proud of her.

Besides, in this situation, there was a gigantic tornado of death, a pink light ray of death, a barrage of both arrows and spear intent of death, and the floor becoming a bomb of death. How the heck can someone evade this? They don't.

In my case there are many ways, I could teleport, I could become intangible, I could enter someone's shadow, I could sever it, I could change fate and causality, I could do a bunch of things and negate this attack. Heck, if I took it head on the maximum that would happen is my clothes would get destroyed seeing as they are simply normal clothes right now. But I have a better idea. Slowly I made three simple hand signs.

"[Crystal Release: Crystallization Of Self]"(Aizen).

A very beautiful and radiant pinkish crystal formed a transparent cocoon around my body. Their attacks hit the crystal and exploded in a gore of colors and different energies. Zu Ling also releases her bomb, making it explode boosting the attack even more. All the Title Douluos in the stands were impressed with such attack, for all they know if they had tanked something like this they would be severely wounded, or worse.

The arena now was a complete wreck, trenches from my first knife chop motion to the trenches the tornado and the laser created, the area around me became a complete and unbelievable crater. Something someone under rank 70 shouldn't in any way be able to accomplish.

But when the dust cleared all everyone saw was a complete and spotless pinkish crystal, the crystal was beautiful and seemly untouched by anything, like the beforehand attacks were nothing. when they saw my smirking face inside of the transparent crystal the little devil couldn't help but exclaim.

"Oh come on!"(everyone)

"Not even a scratch?"(Tang San).

"How could it be?"(Hongjun)

"*Sigh* I was already expecting something like this... But to see it personally is another history."(Zu Ling).

Exiting the crystal I made like nothing happened, I just smile at everyone. But this time their reactions weren't fast enough. Finishing my hand signs on a heartbeat I use.

"[Yin Release: Hellscape Nightmare]"(Aizen).

This genjutsu will make them fight their worst fears, this is pretty much one of the stronger ones, but I am not exactly worried about this one...


Yep, I was right. Due to what they passed through in the waterfall of truth psychological genjutsu is pretty much useless against them. So the fact that they broke through it easily isn't a surprise. But I already know they could pass this psychological test, I did it to gain some time for me to slowly finish my hand signs.

"[Wood Release: Deep Forest Emergency]"(Aizen).

I could've used a sage art, but that is too much overkills even for me. Giant roots sprouted from the ground, from the roots trees were created and bloomed, sporting bright green foliage and tall canopies that could cause envy to the Star Dou forest. Even if they already saw something like that before it definitely didn't cease to amaze them, but this time I didn't stop. Right now I will test their survivability on land. Slowly I started yet again making Hand seals.

"[Yin-Yang Release: Quintessential Fauna Wave]"(Aizen).

Why did I use Yin-tang Release? Why did I use something that is literally the equivalent of an [Arc of Embodiment] on steroids? Simply because it's easier, I could fly through all the elements and use their respective Fauna Wave, but I decided to get on with it because the Kids are getting too exhausted for my delayed game.

Faune, be it mythological, magical, or not started appearing, but these animals aren't one bit normal. They are all made of one of the five elements; Fire, water, wind, earth, lightning. These animals started appearing and using wave-like tactics to advance towards the kids.

Their advance was relentless, but so are the kids. Even if they are right now, in a big ass forest it didn't reduce their combat abilities in the slightest, on the contrary this environment was an extreme boost to Tang San. Tang San right now was literally on his home field, so he showed an exceptional improvement in his strength.

And of course, I couldn't make things easy for them. More hand signs.

"[Yin-Yang Release: Environmental Storms]"

Much like its other Quintessential one, this jutsu all arround creates all kinds of different elemental hazards, strong winds with small tornadoes, sandstorms, blizzards, rain, earthquakes, magma eruption, water eruption, air eruption, anything that you can find on land know as environmental hazard started happening. Heck, I will even add some spice to this cake here. More Hand Signs.

"[Wood Release: Haunted Forest]"(Aizen).

Yep, I made the forest where they are fighting right now become haunted; roots, branches, trees, anything one the forest right now will aim to attack them.

I won't lie to you and say they survived 1000 waves or something like that. 37, that is the number of waves they survived against, an impressive number if I do say myself. But when the 37th wave hit, I knew this one was their last, they have exhausted and pushed themselves beyond what should've been possible, they broke and overcame the limited of their limits, and now is time for their rewards.

With a simple pulse of chakra everything is unmade, the forest, the beasts, the hazards, everything disappeared in the blink of an eye. This somehow impressed more the audience than anything I did before. the only clue of what happened where the trenches and crater on the ground, I could fix it, but why bother? It looked cool anyway.

Right now the exhausted kids were doing everything in their power to continue standing. I just smiled at this and pointed my hand at them. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #%!d(string=17402525605705405)/the-results-of-the-test._%!d(string=51522248183437519) for visiting.

"[Yang Release: Sun Mark]"(Aizen).

A sun mark appeared in all of their bodies immediately flooding their system with vitality, and healing everything and anything. The kids kept their wide eyes gaze towards me, and I simply continued smiling, their expressions started failing, likely afraid that they didn't pass. As if.

"I Aizen Senju currently guardian of Shrek hereby declare that the First Generation of the Shrek 11 Devils Passed their graduation test with flying colors. Congratulations, kids, you all earned it."(Aizen).

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