Mokuton Authority

Chapter 230 - Rewards & Gifts.

The kids look a bit stunned for a moment, but happiness suddenly overflows with them. with renewed energy, they all started jumping in happiness for some long minutes, then comes the realization that they graduated from school. In one part is something extremely happy, in the other is something sad. Why? because you won't "see" your friends anymore, you will exit that place you were so used to, that place you have a lot of memories in.

Like all things in life graduating has a lot of positive and negatives points. And I am happy they at least acknowledge them.

"Don't be so down, this is a happy occasion. And you all will forever be welcome at the academy, I already talked with your teachers and they definitely will want to talk their piece and have a more formal graduation. Right now I am simply doing my separate part. First Congratulations, and second; Gifts."(Aizen).

"Gifts?"(Shrek 11 Devils).

"Yeah, I know a little bit about the next adventure you are all planning. So I decided to give you all some gifts. Ah, do keep it in mind that these gifts are both from me and Allessa."(Aizen).

"First, Tang San. I will give you this [Vast Sea Cosmic Shroud], it's an old treasure from the king, and I am pretty sure this treasure will help you immensely on your travels."(Aizen).

Yup, I picked up this treasure this time instead of the plot of Tang San discovering the disguised Renxue and yadda, yadda. As the original plot is no more, I simply went there, cured the King which was still in the initial stages of the poisoning, picked up the shroud, and went home in the Shrek statue. Heck, I didn't even talk with anyone, I simply went and did it. Some people were understandably helluva confused, but I don't care.

Tang San of course picked up the treasure and will presumably fuse with it at a later date when he is alone and in peace. With a little appreciative bow, he thanked me.

"Thanks, teacher, I appreciate it."(Tang San).

"Next is for Min Ren, this is a [Radiant Cloud Sky Cube]. It will also help in your travels to the sky island you were planning on doing. I hope everything goes well."(Aizen).

Min Ren looked at me a little bit surprised and confused, understandably due to me knowing what he had planned on doing. I just smiled slyly, I know the trip to the sea God island won't be the same this time around, just the fact that Min Ren was planning a different island was one of the factors.

His gift was something Allessa got, she said she took it from the Sky God temple itself, she was even surprised when the Sky God said it was perfectly fine this treasure ended up in Min Ren's hands, he is most likely his successor anyway, and due to some bureaucracy in the temple the priests wouldn't give it to him, so Allessa stealing it to give as a gift was a godsend, pun intended.

"*Sigh* As expected... you already know. Thanks for everything anyway."(Min Ren).

"Next is Xiao Wu. I was able to notice that your fighting style was starting to lack in comparison to your peers. So I picked up one of my favorite martial arts [Renewal Taekwondo], it will sure as hell boost your fighting style principally considering how much you favor kicks, this martial art is practically made for you."(Aizen).

Yep, em and Allessa also had a time when we were kind of obsessed with martial arts, It was it that long period where Zu Ling was under six, so some times we would research different martial arts and add them to our combat style. Sadly not every Martial art is made to be used by Hyper Overpowered Demigods like us, so it was pretty rare to find a suitable one, thankfully [Renewal Taekwondo] is one of them where we could get some pretty nifty additions, my kicks got so much stronger after I added it.

How do we get it? Allessa went to a parallel timeline of the god of highschool and copied some memories of it, we watched them and put it into manuals. We did this many times with different kinds of martial arts to improve our own style. Which normally would make our won style an ineffective mess, but most of what we took was the inspiration and not wholeheartedly copying.

"I know it may not look like much compared to those two treasures, but believe on em when is ay [Renewal Taekwondo] is strong, God Levels strong. And if can help you half the amount it helped me, you would undoubtedly become OP."(Aizen).

"I thank you for this gift Aizen, you are a surprisingly good teacher when you want."(Xiao Wu).

"If he was less violent..."(Tang San).

"Or less mean..."(Min Ren).

"Ok, ok. I understand. You may not like the way teach lessons. Understandable, no one likes to get crippled, but you got to admit it was God damn effective."(Aizen).

"*Sigh* Unfortunately yes. No complains about the results here."(Xiao Wu).

"Next Gift is for Hongjun. It the [Soul Blazer Fist Martial Arts], [Spirit Flame Martial Arts] and the [Yeonhon Taiji Mastery of Two Wills], those three are a kit, one martial rt complement the other, they won't only improve your flames and control over them, but will also improve cultivation, and combat strength."(Hongjun).

Yup, that one we picked from The Gamer universe, these martial arts are what Kwon Shiyeon typically uses, and using the bullshit power that si the second true magic me and Allessa successfully acquired it. Of course, we had to modify it, to use soul power instead of what it was using before, but those skills are worth it, if Hongjun masters them he would become pretty OP.

Hongjun was kind of overwhelmed with his gift, he didn't expect to receive something as good as Xiao Wu, he was already pretty happy with his current things, he has been training harder and harder and he can comfortably say he is almost as good as the monstrous among monstrous talents of the group, AKA Min Ren, Zu Ling, and Tang San, But he didn't like to compare himself with Zu Ling, she is kind of a hax.

"Thank you, teacher, I will make sure to train them to the best of my abilities."(Hongjun).

"Next is Renxue. Your first gift is the angel god legacy, a complete set of six golden soul bones that you easily assimilate due to your martial soul. Your second gift is this incomplete sword."(Aizen).

In canon Renxue fused with those same soul bones, these bones are literally the base for her becoming the Angel God, and seeing her second awakening she probably will have an even easier way this time around. She will probably be way stronger too.

"Incomplete Sword? I am not complaining or anything, your first gift was way too good. But why an incomplete sword?"(Renxue).

"Well, I talked a bit with the Angel God and he said that his sword was rusting and incompatible to what he'd hope it could be. So I took his sword and reforged it, adding some more metals and blessings of my own, I am a saint, after all, I reforged it, for it to be whole complete when you ascend to godhood you just have to put a little bit of you divine energy one it, after that everything will be done."(Aizen).

"Thank you, teacher."(Renxue).

"Don't worry, us golden people should look after each other. Besides, your major attribute is also Holy, so it's like helping my little sister a bit."(Aizen).

Yep, I really talked with the Angel God, it was when I went to rob his legacy and the spirit hall coffers. And if you are wondering, no I didn't even have to fight, I just walked into the place and no one stopped me, First Soul ring skill for the win.

The Angel God was a pretty cool dude, but I am still confused about his s.e.x, But I guess that kind of over the top appearance is an angel thing? anyway, we talked and he did indeed already chose Renxue to be the new Angel Goddes, after that we simply talked a bit. The dude isn't my enemy as he just wants to pass on his legacy and enter in a long vacation together with the Sea God and the Asura God, apparently, they are old buddies from the ancient soul beast war. Who would've known?

"Now is Chengxian. I will give you a [Cosmic Spatial Ring], and while a spatial ring is nothing uncommon this one is nigh indestructible, has an immense internal space that is both livable, and already has a nice house. My second gift is a manual for throwing techniques I made personally with the help of Allessa, it's called [Thausand Hands One Throw]. And I am sure you are very suitable for it."(Aizen). Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #%!d(string=17402525605705405)/rewards-gifts._%!d(string=51547090022616107) for visiting.

"Thank you, teacher. I-I-"(Chengxian).

"Don't worry, I also filled the Spatial Ring with the provision and a lot of throwing weapons that I personally made. You will be fine."(Aizen).

The only sad thing is that I can't exactly give something completely made of Omni Metal for them, that shit is literally too powerful to be wielded by someone normal.

"Now Rongrong. I know due to your background you probably already have one, but Allessa is quite good at making bows so we ended up making a new one for you. It's pretty strong, but like Renxue's it is also incomplete, and only when you ascend to Godhood you will be able to wield its true power. Alessa also made a manual with a bunch of tips she knows about bow-wielding."(Aizen).

Rongrong nodded taking the bow in her own hands and admiring its handwork. She almost could disband the smile from her face.

"Next one is Oscar's. Same as Chengxian I will give you this [Cosmic Spatial Ring]. It is also filled with suppliers and all manner of things, the inside housing is also included. and as you've already noticed your spear is special. I know it isn't exactly like the one you commissioned, but that is for the sole reason that much like Rongrong, this spear is also incomplete, when you scend to godhood you will see its true potential."(Aizen).

"Mubai is next. For you, I will give a [Yang Seal]. This seal will help you balance the excessive yin nature of your martial soul. The seal of course has a lot of other functions, but that is a surprise for you to discover."(Aizen)

Yep, I made a Yang Seal for him, I have long since discovered an imbalance of his energies. And this seal will make sure everything stall nitty and tidy, imbalance is something pretty dangerous when someone is trying to become a god. The seal will also help in a bunch of other things the Yang elements normally help; healing, physical strength, the muscular mass, and a bunch of other things. Developing this real for a [Fuinjutsu] overpower prick like I was easy, principally with Allessa's help, she is becoming scarily proficient with the art.

"Now Zhuqing. For you, much like Mubai, I will give you a [Yin Seal]. Its purpose is to balance your excessive Yang energy, with Yin. Its function is pretty close to Mubai's so you both can discover its functions together."(Aizen).

Yup, Yin seal for the kitty girl. The same problem as Mubai her Yang was extremely prominent, so the balance was necessary, principally for her godhood ascension. Her magma focused martial soul does indeed boost her yang par a lot.

I touched both Mubai and Zhuqing's forehead, imprinting the seal that will forever be there. Heck, in the future it even became a symbol of their empire. To Mubai a simple yellow circle and to Zhuqing a simple purple square in diagonal.

"Thank you."(Mubai/Zhuqing).

"Now my Daughter Zu Ling. I and your mother trained you to the best of your abilities, we taught you a lot and you became strong in both body and will, I and your mother are undoubtedly proud of you. My first gift is a simple [Breathing Techniques Manual], I know my exact technique wouldn't work for you so I made this manual, in the manual, there are specific and more ways than one of making a breathing technique. Learning [Ripple] and improving it on my own all those years ago was one of the things that boosted my strength tremendously, and I hope to do the same for you. It will be difficult to create your own way of breathing, but I know you can do it."(Aizen).

"And much like your father, daughter, I am proud of you. We put you through the grinder and you got out stronger than everyone expected. My gift to you may be simple, but much like your father's gift the same thing applies to mine, this gift helped me immensely when I was starting and I hope it will do the same to you. [Enchanted Astral Grimoire], it's an enchanted grimoire I made with infinity pages, and its night indestructible. You can safely use its pages to write, draw anything you want, from the craziest theory to a new soul power skill you made. Don't worry about continuity, the grimoire is intent-based with a search function and all."(Allessa).

"The last gift is from both me and your mother, it's an armor that will grow with you. It's made from Omni metal so please refrain from putting into it right now, I know you have knowledge about that metal as me and your mother made sure of it. This armor covers every part of your body, and I am sure it's nigh-indestructible. When you become a got you will be able to use it, just make sure of putting a little bit of your divine energy into it first."(Aizen).

We went far and beyond to give Zu Lign these gifts, and she deserves them. I know as a parent that she would eventually spread her wings and have her own life. She is already strong and I know this, I trained her myself, but her being a little bit stronger couldn't hurt right?

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