Mokuton Authority

Chapter 234 - Godhood: Sacrifices.

{AN: Made a discord server with the help of my friend Whyle, here is the link:

Don't worry I will also post the link in the comments session.}




When I saw the well I immediately knew what to do. In Odis'myth he drank from this well to acquire exceptional wisdom and knowledge, but like everything in life, he had to pay the price for it. In Odin's case, he sacrificed an eye and was able to drink from the well.

But the well granted him multiple abilities, he could see the entire of the nine realms, which indicates he acquired a very high level of clairvoyance. With that, he acquired knowledge of Ragnarok and was able to see the future and past of any human he laid eyes upon. He also acquired a bunch of other abilities, but the other one I think is worth more than any other abilities of his is [Primordial Runes]. [Primordial Runes] are seriously OP, and for someone who has long since surpassed the Master level in fuinjutsu, those runes are something extremely desirable. And if I can upgrade my fuinjutsu to [Primordial Runes], I shudder in excitement thinking about how powerful I would become.

If you consider fuinjutsu the Java equivalent of the universe where you could get anything you'd desire from it if you predetermined enough. [Primordial Runes] are the most basic and primal binary, the 0 and 1 compose the materials of reality. But saying that is kinda not true. Because the [Primordial Runes] are even more than that, they are stronger, simpler, and at the same time more complicated, both ancient and new at the same time. A complex paradox like most godhood things related.*sigh* I know it's complicated, so just think of [Primordial Runes] like the binary code but on steroids, very strong steroids. Or simply think of it as a better, stronger, more optimized version of fuinjutsu.

My mind went over all these possibilities, all these scenarios. While I walked towards the well I kept thinking about the infinity possibilities, the incredible upgrades in strength this well could give me. When I was at an arm's length of the well I observed it once more.

As I said in the previous chapter- I mean moments before, the well is completely unremarkable. The most normal looking well I saw in my entire life.

I know what I need to do, but this doesn't make it any easier. At this moment I made a plan, if it fails it will backfire horribly. But if I succeed... *Shakes head*, better concentrate in the now.

I stop reigning in my powers. This doesn't mean that I am actively flexing then to cause an impact or suppress some weaker being, no I simply relax the hold I had on my powers. There wasn't a huge impact or some dramatic music in the background, slowly an extremely holy aura rose from my body. It was colored golden and it was thick, my clothes instantaneously disintegrated as they were just simple clothes. My skin that already had an unnatural golden shin looked almost metallic golden now. Even the white of my eyes are gold-colored now, thankfully I am literally in the Omni Yggdrasil so my presence didn't affect my surroundings in the slightest, it just illuminated everything in a golden color.

At that single moment, with a relaxed and serene expression, I looked positively divine. Which isn't fart from the truth seeing that I reached the four states of being in Buddhism. And yeah, I am n.a.k.e.d. Normal clothes can't support my aura, normally I used enchanted ones, but I knew I would destroy them so I didn't bother.

Then I summoned a big box to my left hand, while my right holds the [Divine Fruit]. The box was golden with some strange metallic gems that shone with white light. It's pretty similar to the armor boxes you see on Saint Seya, which is where I took my second inspiration from. the big box started floating and then I touched my chest, it shone bright and started expanding and covering my body, and when I was covered from what to toe by the box it shone yet again way brighter than previously, then it started transforming on my armor with blinding speed until it stopped, said armor looked pretty similar to the Boost Gear Balance Breaker form. This armor is, of course, made from Omni metal, the best metal in existence that I created myself.

After the armor, I summon two strange armored Orbs. They have the size of an average beach ball, and they looked like they have some kind of strange armor around them. One of the orbs was white colored with golden details, it has a pretty aggressive looking armor with some spikes and all, this is half of my divine weapon called [Naz], the representation of my Yang side. The other orb was utterly black colored, with some simple grey colored detail. It somehow looked more elegant than the white one, it has a distinctly more smart appearance and its armor is more rounded and defensive looking, its name is [Zod], and it is the representation of my Yin side. These two orbs together form my divine weapon called [Nazzod], the representation of Yin-Yang.

The two orbs fluctuated around me seamlessly and with relative ease, I am actually surprised by the deep connection I already have with them. I guess we are really compatible. The only problem with my armor or my divine weapon is that both are still incomplete, and the only way for me to complete them si becoming a god. But that is actually a good thing, if I complete my armor and Divine weapon while I ascend to godhood, their connection with me will be deeper, if that is even possible. Like, I literally made them with [Blood Sacrifice//], I don't think there is a deeper connection than that.

Talking about [Blood Sacrifice//], there is one last item I made, it's also the most recent one. Summoning said item a Katana appeared in my hand, this katana looked like nothing special, but any blacksmith would be able to see it was masterfully crafted, and its material is something thought impossible. This katana is an [Asauchi] I made with Omni metal and [Blood Sacrifice//]. The literal best "blank slate" I could possibly think of for my [Zanpakutou]. Allessa too has one, if you are curious.

I am the man who can easy [Divine Forge] something with nothing but a simple touch, I literally created the best metal in existence the Omni metal, you could say that I am at the pinnacle of blacksmithing. And it was still extremely difficult to make these three items, the one that took me the most time was my divine weapon, followed by my armor, and finally my Asauchi. None of these three was easy or simple to make but after years and years of forging, I was able to do it.

And now adorned in what would in the future be my divine armor I looked at [Nazzod], and my Asauchi. I took a deep breath that filled me with energy and motivation, my face now adorned with a look that was both serene and determined.

My armor covered the entirety of my head on a perfect helmet, it didn't even have any kind of entrance for the eyes or nose. But the moment I opened my mouth the armor followed my action, creating an opening for me, with a swift motion I put the [Divine Fruit] in my mouth, my helmed seamlessly closed again without any signs of openings.

I didn't eat the fruit yet, I am currently simply holding it with my mouth. Coming close to the well I opened my helmet like before, but this time showing my face. I know I need to do now, and simply imitating Odin certainly won't do, the well will probably also be against it. So I took my last deep breath with my nose and swallowed the fruit.

The changes were instantaneous, my enormous chakra started going haywire and fluctuating with the new changes the [Divine Fruit] was making. My [Absolute Balance] skill was working overtime to balance everything out. But my chakra and the new addition continue to rampage in a mad rage, if this wasn't the Omni Yggdrasil everything around me would probably have become less than dust.

My eyes started burning, changing. What appeared to be a slit appeared on my forehead. I closed my burning eyes almost in reflex from their evergrowing pain. Btu after exerting my strong will I was able to open my eyelids, blood started to come out of my tear ducts like some kind of internal dam broke.

My golden eyes have disappeared, and now on its place, a clear [Sharingan] with one magatama was present. the [Sharingan] was spinning and spinning, soon the only magatama gained a companion, now my [Sharingan] spotted two magatamas. It continued spinning and just as fast as previous another magatama suddenly joined, and now my [Sharingan] was fully evolved with three pairs of magatamas to show for it. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #%!d(string=17402525605705405)/godhood-sacrifices._%!d(string=51646470448801574) for visiting.

It didn't stop spinning, on the contrary, it was now even faster. It spun so fast and so much that the three magatamas formed a circle line, said circle line suddenly multiplied again and again. Soon I had a completely rippled eye a [Rinnegan], but it didn't stop there. The [Rinnegan] pulsed with power like a beating heart, every pulse, every beat a new magatama appeared in one of the circles of the eye.

After the ninth pulse of power from my eyes, it finally stopped. Finally, the transformation of my eyes has been complete, finally, my eyes became the [Rinnesharingan]. All three of them. the exact moment I reached that conclusion the slit on my forehead opened revealing it to be a third eye, that also contained a [Rinnesharingan].

The power surge was tremendous, and I could almost swear it made the place I was tremble a bit. But I guess that is just a product of my imagination or the ever growing surge of chakra and sheer power that is suffering constant bursts of growth that are even more volatile and violent after I opened my eyes.

My eyes may be complete, but I knew the transformation of the [Divine Fruit] is just beginning. seeing this as an opportunity I proceed with my course of action. With my right hand, I removed both my right and left eye, new as they may be the sacrifice to the well of wisdom is needed for me to enter it. Thankfully it has been years since I last needed any kind of visual organ to see.

Putting my two eyes in the well small walls, I proceed with my next course of action. I jumped inside.

Barely a heartbeat passed and I suddenly hit the water inside the well, my body almost completely submerged in it. And as strange as that sound my violent chakra of the [Divine Fruit] didn't affect the water, not even one bit. Right now I have my Asauchi in my hands, but [Nazzod] was missing.

When I looked up with my third and new eye, I could see the two orbs slowly coming over to me. But what was truly surprising is that they both were carrying something, two eyes with strange circular patter filled with nine magatamas each. It was the eys I left in the well for sacrifice.

I know this sounds sc.u.mmy but I don't care. I knew I couldn't access the well without a sacrifice, my [Future Vision] told me much. But it never says that the sacrifice has to be permanent, I technically already sacrificed my eyes, the fact that the well lost them, even to my own divine weapon, is none of my business.

[Nazzod] carried my eyes easily to me, but when I was going to put them in their socket I almost got a scare. The previously empty sockets suddenly started to fill up again, my regeneration kicked in, and started restoring my lost [Rinnesharingans].


Did I do all of that for nothing?... wait that is good news, maybe I can start some kind of [Rinnesharingan] factory in the future... Wait, that wouldn't work, besides the extremely specifics circ.u.mstances of this duplication thanks to the ultimate [Divine Fruit] I made, no one can probably handle my eye. Besides the obvious question of compatibility, no one can control the chakra inside of my eye. If a clone of mine made just from a drop of blood can explode and decimate a solar system, imagine if some retard tries to use my eye? Besides said idiot drying up and instantly vanishing from existence, my absence in controlling the rampant chakra in my eye will probably make it explode afterward erasing the galaxy it is inside of. That and the principal and most core reason: I don't wanna do it.

But what I should do right now? I made a mistake and now I need to lean it, destroy the old ones? Nah it will be wasteful... when I looked at my [Nazzod] with my three eyes, each orb carrying one extra [Rinnesharingan] I got an idea, quite the ingenious idea I might add.

Well [Nazzod] is literally a part of me, so who said he can't have my eye too.




//[Blood sacrifice]: The Blood Sacrifice lets a metal become one with you, creating a sort of fantastic bond between one's self and the metal. It would become a part of your body. Combining the Blood Sacrifice with a metal that has undergone the Thousand Refinements(Aizen literally went beyond Divine Forging it), this would result in you being able to bring out stronger innate qualities of the metal.

Once a blacksmith utilizes the Blood Sacrifice, this piece of metal can only be used by the individual. Even if others were to attempt to forge with it, it would not be possible as the metal would not recognize anyone else. Even if they tried, the metal would just shatter; it only recognizes its master.

Thus, Blood Sacrifice isn't commonly used when forging. Blacksmiths rarely create their own Blood Sacrificed products.

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