Mokuton Authority

Chapter 235 - Godhood: the days of terror.

{AN: Made a discord server with the help of my friend Whyle, here is the link:

Don't worry I will also post the link in the comments session.}




Looking at [Nazzod], I decided to try my hand at this idea. It isn't too far-fetched and considering [Nazzod] is part of my body figured it would be a good upgrade. My left hand is currently occupied holding my Asauchi, so I guess I will need to do everything with my right hand, while the effects of the [Divine Fruit] are completely messing with both my body energy, my [Liquid Green] chakra also chose this time to start transforming in Divine Golden chakra.

The funny thing is that [Divine Golden] chakra doesn't have stages like previously, you can improve its quality and density indefinitely. And right now my body is passing through this transformation at incredibly high speeds. Which is in no way painless, Chakra is literally on every cell of your body, so I am suffering the equivalent of cellular destruction. Who said shedding my humanity would be painless?

But I choose to not concentrate on that at this moment, with a flick of my wrist and a skillful application of [Telekinesis], I was able to cut my wrist. Still using [Telekinesis] I help the blood that was flowing through my wrist together, while also fighting against the flared of pain the [Divine Fruit] changes are bringing.

My hand suddenly started shining brightly, right now I am channeling an advanced application of [Haki]+ [Intent] I learned, I am using both at the purest form I can imagine and grasp, I call this combination [Divine Will]. My hand shone in a golden color more and more brightly, and different from the violent chakra all around me, it was stable, extremely so.

With a combined motion with my [Telekinesis], I slapped [Naz]. [Naz] shone brightly for a moment and when it appeared again it was completely changed, right now in the middle of its spherical body you can see a [Rinnesharingan], the armor around it was changed to fit the new addition. It fit perfectly like this was what it should've been from the start. Repeating the same action with [Zod], I got a similar result. So right now I have [Nazzod] equipped with two of my eyes.

What was surprising was the moment my eyes connected with [Nazzod] I could perfectly see through them like I would if they were on my body. It was a strange thing at first, but considering that [Nazzod] is literally part of my body I am not surprised, I half expected something of the sorts.

The transformation of the [Divine fruit] is getting more chaotic and more violent. But thankfully I have just one simple thing to do before I can just let everything run its course and finally drink from the well.

I gripped my Asauiching with both my hands on a reverse grip. And on swift motion, I impaled my heart with it. I pushed the blade until I passed through my heart and my body. Blood wasn't even able to flow due to my absurd regeneration that has already closed the wound around the sword.

And then I took a deep breath, [Nazzod] transformed into motes of light and came back to where it belongs, my body. The only new visible difference after [Nazzod] having been reunited with my body is that much like Itadori I have some marks under my eyes in a diagonal position. But under the right eye, the mark is white, while under the left one it's black.

The next one to shine again as my armor, it shone with a bright light and returned to where it belongs, my body. Having reunited with my body the only difference my armor showed was some range markings in my torso. It was two circles around my heart, it was a simple mark like [Nazzod] but it can tell you a lot. This gave me an inspiration, and inspiration to name my armor, so from now one my armor shall be known as [Firmament].

The Asauchi is still stuck in my heart, I also forged this Asauchi using [Blood Sacrife]. But I decided to use it to complete a similar ritual to Odin. So instead of being hanged while impaled by a spear for nine days and nights, I will be impaled by my Asauchi and drow in the well of wisdom for the same time.

And now every preparation I had has finally been completed. Now I just need to relax and drow. I opened my mouth and let the water of the well enter my system, I took greed gulps of it, but I didn't stop.

After hours doing this, I am pretty sure I drank too much water but it seems that the well water volume didn't diminish in the slightest. All this time I continue sinking lower and lower on the well, I honestly even with my [Rinnesharingan] couldn't see the top anymore.

I continued sinking and sinking, right now I didn't even need to effectively drink the water I just stayed with my mouth opened and it naturally entered my stomach. I sunk so low inside of the well that I honestly couldn't see anything besides dark anymore. When I tried using my senses all I got was an absolute pain as a response.

I didn't stop sinking and sinking, and for some even stranger reason, I couldn't see the effects of the [Divine Fruit] anymore, not just that my body felt strange and heavy. My eyelids started to get heavy, but my will was strong enough for me to not immediately went to sleep.

It was all darkness.

It started to get cold.

It became suffocating. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #%!d(string=17402525605705405)/godhood-the-days-of-terror._%!d(string=51666618677254989) for visiting.

It became despairing.

The sounds were muffled.

My eyes were useless.

My breath became useless.

My skill became useless.

My power became useless.

The only thing I have is my own mind.

A prisoner of my thoughts, a limbo, no a void of existence that was totally unknown to me. No, that is a lie, I know this void of existence, I experienced this once. This isn't anything new, this is Death.

the void consumed me, showing me how merciless it can be.

Slowly my conscience...

slowly my...














"Fast! Fast! he is waking up. Hurry! hurry! Call the nurse."(????).

My conscience was... Strange... Blurry... Slow... Detached. Thinking itself was laborious and difficult, my thoughts themselves are extremely slow and inefficient. It was like... Like...

No, it can't be. I f.u.c.k.i.n.g refuse. No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

This isn't happening.

Sadly I can't argue against reality. I opened my eyes, my vision getting slowly adjusted to the high-intensity light and the all white-colored bedroom I was in. My eyes darted around wildly in panic and I saw someone familiar, I knew this person. It was someone I knew for years, it was my mother, more specifically my first mother.

No please, don't be what I think it is.

Please, let this be a lie, I don't think I...

I looked over my body and all my fears apparently have become true. It's a fat body, clearly overweight, some more specialized doctors could see old signs of exercise like the owner tried toe exercise but gave up in the middle of it. the most boring and normal brown hair and eyes you could possibly imagine, anyone who saw this person wouldn't hesitate in screaming "side character". This is a f.u.c.k.i.n.g nightmare, I was back, not back with allessa or back at the naruto world or something, no I was back to hell. I was back on earth in my first life.

I wanted to believe this is all a lie or some elaborated illusion... But everything is so real, I can feel my breathing, my sweat, all the pains my old body used to cause. I tried using any one my powers but nothing seems to be working, I can't even use my [Haki] or chakra, it was like they never existed in the first place.

I am in negation, I don't want to believe this. I was so happy, so fulfilled. I was loved and hated, I was having fun. But you want to tell me it was all a lie, all some cheap ass version of the matrix. I hate it... Wait, I got there by dying in the first place, right? so maybe I can kill myself and I will be back.

I opened my mouth and prepared to bite my tongue off and... I saw my mother, she is looking at me with only a gaze a mother could make... I didn't have the courage... What if everything was really a dream? what is reality? what is fantasy?

What if everything I experienced was some kind of dream induced coma...

No, I refuse to believe that. I have more than 2000years of memories on my mind right now, and I am CERTAIN I wasn't on a dream before.

The way I first acted was extremely shamefully and pathetic, you are more than 2000years old Aizen act like it. You've done worse and you passed through worse Aizen. Deep Breath. Now, what I should do?

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