Mokuton Authority

Chapter 240 - Soul: I am back.

{AN: Made a discord server with the help of my friend, here is the link:

Don't worry I will also post the link in the comments session.}




Resting my Zanpakutou comfortable at the side of my hip, I would look like the perfect picture of a ronin if I had a conical hat. I probably could change [Firmament] to one, but I am not in the mood for that right now.

I simply started walking on the emptiness of the space as if it was the most normal thing. I just took one single step and then I vanished from existence. I didn't need to exit the boundary of the Omni Yggdrasil, I simply walked towards the Douluo Planet in a single step.

The funny thing is that because of my [Clairvoyance] I could still see everything that happened to the Omni Yggdrasil. After I exited that place the tree f.u.c.k.i.n.g breathed a *sigh* of relief. What the f.u.c.k? The tree is also looking visibly relaxed, like some kind of huge tension or weight has been lifted off her shoulders.

Now that I think about it... If my ascension to godhood was felt in the whole existence. The poor tree must have it the worst of everyone, as I was literally quite close to it when I ascended. Poor, the tree has gone through a lot, I kinda feel bad for it you know, I am still a mokuton user at heart so trees are still one of my specialties.

At the end of my step, I appeared a little outside of the Douluo Planet. Hmm... everything seems to be okay, and only nine days passed for them. That is quite the good news, if 101 years passed I bet my little girl would be very sad.

I second step and I was already at the Shrek Castle. Less than a heartbeat later and Allessa immediately appeared, I bet she also missed me a lot. We didn't talk because words aren't necessary, we didn't wait because our time apart was more than long enough, the moment we saw each other we simply kissed.

The kiss was passionate,e extremely soo. We could feel the crippling longing for each other, the pure and una.d.u.l.terated desire to be together again, the unfathomable love we felt for each other. But instead of expressing it with simple words, we acted. We continued kissing more and more, as we didn't exactly need oxygen to breathe, we could theoretically continue kissing for eternity. And seeing the way things are going, we would gladly do so.

On a swift and familiar move, I used my [Telepathy] to connect our minds. At this point in time, we have already done it so many times that we could say to know each other's mind as well as we know our own. It was a sign of absolute trust to let someone have complete access to your mind, even the darkest and most obscure corners, those extremely shameful memories that you rather forget. When we link our minds we give each other the utmost and supreme sign of trust, we became completely open to each other.

And eventually, we became extremely familiar with our minds, I could easily navigate and access any memory on Allessa's mind. And she, could, of course, do the same. We hide nothing from each other, and that made our relationship even stronger. Because we were able to accept and love each other even know our most disturbing defects.

So Allessa was understandably surprised when she detected that I had 101 extra years of memories.

"Don't worry my love. Just look at them calmly and you will understand."(Aizen).

Thankfully due to Allessa possessing two [True Magics] which would usually heavily burden someone's psyche, she was already used to the heavy influx of information my [Clairvoyance] is constantly bombarding my psyche. I of course didn't stay still, even Allessa being incredibly Strong I am a God now, and I would never hurt her. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #._51791316627025218 for visiting.

She quickly accessed my memories, and finally understood.

"Aizen... Seeing that only made me love you more. If that is even possible in the first place."(Allessa).

"I can say the same. Staying 101 years without seeing you was really difficult. But At least I am here now, and that is what matters the most."(Aizen).

"I love you."(Allessa).

"I love you too."(Aizen).

We continued kissing, our minds still connected making our kiss feel even better. With a simple step, we were already in the privacy of our bedroom. We tangled and weaved onto each other, basking in each other presence and feeling the love we had. The air started to get steamy and romantic, and we continued strongly hugging and kissing each other. It was beautiful, it was breathtaking, and it was another way where we could express our immense love for each other. Soon we became one, for several hours on end.




Under the covers we hugged each other, trying our best to become closer and closer. Cuddling after such a steamy lovemaking session always felt heavenly. but nothing is more heavenly than my Allessa.

"You took the words from my mouth..."(Allessa).

"I really missed you... If it depended on me we would spend the next millennia in bed..."(Aizen).

"I would certainly love and welcome it very much. We should definitely do that..."(Allessa).

"But I also know you wanted to ascend to godhood too right? Don't worry, I love you and I would be a very bad husband if I also didn't support your own dreams."(Aizen).

"Thank you."(Allessa).

"I know how much it means to you. And if you became a Goddes you will be even more beautiful if that is even possible in the first place."(Aizen).

"Don't say it like you will be the only one benefitting. Your appearance right now really did become handsomely divine. I became completely smitten with you all over again."(Allessa).

"And don't worry, I accept."(Allessa).

"Heh. I knew you would find it in my mind."(Aizen).

"You wanted to marry for a long time. You just were waiting for this Godhood business to settle down a bit."(Allessa).

"Precisely. It almost like you read my mind."(Aizen).

There was a sudden silence in the room. Heck, even our connected minds became silenced for this brief moment. Then we couldn't hold it anymore.


"I know it was a silly joke. But I couldn't help it."(Aizen).

"Well, the fact that I literally read it in your mind first made it even funnier."(Allessa).

"On a more serious note. Allessa, I know you have been preparing for this Godhood business for way more time than me. But I still want to warn you, take care Woman, I love you too much to lose you."(Aizen).

"Like you said to me; Don't worry, everything is going to be alright."(Allessa).

"*sigh*, I still worry you know. My test was something that surprised me in more ways than one... But I also learned a lot, so be sure to be attentive. There are some vital lessons your test will try to impart into you."(Aizen).

"I know, I saw your test too. But I think the test would be something different for every being that is going to attain godhood."(Allessa).

"I guess you are right. It would be pretty lame if every test was the same."(Aizen).

"Indeed. But I still believe my test will have something to do with my birth world..."(Allessa).

"Probably. But don't lower your guard, everything can happen and it's better to be paranoid and avoid problems than to be all relaxed and fail miserably."(Aizen).

"I know that. And I gotta say, you looked kinda cute when you were all worried about me."(Allessa).

"I could say the same about your face when you saw me after my ascension. You looked equal parts cute and stunningly beautiful."(Aizen).


"Have you decided where you are going to ascend?"(Aizen).

"Root. I will be using Root."(Allessa).

"That is quite dangerous you know? are you certain?"(Aizen).

"You know I am. And that is way less dangerous than drowning in the well of wisdom."(Allessa).

"I guess anything is less dangerous than something like that."(Aizen).

"I still can't believe you manage to trick the frigging well of wisdom... Not even gods specialized in trickery and swindling should be able to pull something like that off."(Allessa).

"I bet if the well had some kind of consciousness I would have been busted. Thankfully it doesn't."(Aizen).

"Someone would think that the Well of Wisdom itself would have some wisdom... But I guess not everything has to make complete sense in this crazy Omniverse."(Allessa).

"Well... going back a bit... About the place of your ascension. Where is it? I am just curious."(Aizen).

"You already know it, why are you asking?"(Allessa).

"The idiot writing this thought it would be a good idea to inform the reader about it. Sadly he is too incompetent to do it another way."(Aizen).

"I know you are a super powerful god right now, but... isn't breaking the 4th wall way too much?"(Allessa).

"Ehhh... I was already doing it before... But I guess it's funny to annoy the idiot, even if it's just for a bit."(Aizen).

"I see... The answer to your question before. You do indeed know the place Root is located, it's under the Omni Yggdrasil..."(Allessa).

"Isn't that the Omni Root or something like that?"(Aizen).

"Primordial Root to be more correct. And yes, its entrance is in the roots of the Omni Yggdrasil. thankfully this Primordial Root isn't conscient... I shudder to think if we had a Shiki Ryougi or Manaka Sajyou situation here."(Allessa).

"Someone connected to the Primordial Root since birth? And someone whose Divine Seed A.K.A. [Origin] is the Primordial Root itself... Definitely, a huge headache if I had to fight against it."(Aizen).

"Just a headache he says... ah, I almost forgot you are super OP right now."(Allessa).

"Yep. I could probably win against those cases, principally because I could sever their connection to the Primordial Root rather easily... Now that I think about it... the battle would be extremely simple and easy."(Aizen).

"that 9th Soul Ring Skill of yours is truly the ultimate bullshit."(Allessa).

"Indeed. And everything got even stronger after I became a god... So you can imagine how OP I am right now."(Aizen).

"*Groan* That only makes me want to become a goddess even more."(Allessa).

"Don't worry honey. You are already very badass."(Aizen).


"Ah, don't forget you Asauchi. Mine helped me a lot during my ascension... It sort of formed a bridge and helped me refine my ten universes."(Aizen).

"*Deadpan Stare*I will be literally fusing my martial soul, divine weapon in my Zanpakutou, so don't worry about it."(Allessa).

"I know.. I am just being a worrywart... A, there is one other thing I would like to say..."(Aizen).


"You already know this but it doesn't hurt to repeat it... As a god, your soul will be infinitely close to your body, you won't have a Chain of Fate because your soul is basically fused with your body. Or more accurately saying, it's infinitely closer to your body."(Aizen).

"Wait... that means..."(Allessa).

"Yup. We may have some strange and different mutations when it comes to Zanpakutou. And don't try to awaken you Zanpakutou before we got to bleach world."(Aizen).


"Because I wanted to see and confirm some things... I may be a god with an overpowered [Clairvoyance] and all, but I can still make mistakes... And I don't really want to mess up mine our your soul."(Aizen).

"Don't worry we were always cautious when it comes to those things. I am a big girl, I can wait just fine."(Allessa).

There was a brief silence where we just simply basked in each other presences, we silently enjoyed the moment and the contact our bodies were making. It was a warm and pleasant sensation.

"You won't be connecting yourself to Primordial Root right?"(Aizen).

"Nah, I would never do something so dumb. A power that isn't yours, can easily be taken from you. I will just use the Primordial Root as some sort of stairway."(Allessa).

"It's way more practical this way. But isn't the True magics a byproduct of Root or something?"(Aizen).

"Yeah, normally it is something like that. But I've long since made these two magics completely and wholly mine... As I said, depending on a power that isn't your is something very dumb."(Allessa).

"I agree with you. Thank god I didn't become a Jinchuuriki, I don't think I could handle having a voyeur in my life. I would have probably killed it the first chance I got."(Aizen).

"I agree. And seen by your eyes right now you also didn't transplant the Rinnnegan?"(AllessA).

"Yeah, I didn't. I used the chakra fruit method. It was like eating an immortal herb or something."(Aizen).

"Makes sense... Ah, before I forget. I will be going on my ascension a week from now on."(Allessa).

"Good. It's enough time for me to help with your final preparations, and relax a bit."(Aizen).

"I am definitely open to those offers. I would love some more relaxation. Also, feeling loved and cuddling is the best thing to relax."(Allessa).

"Couldn't agree more."(Aizen).




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