Mokuton Authority

Chapter 241 - Soul: Allessa's Ascension.

{AN: Made a discord server with the help of my friend, here is the link:

Don't worry I will also post the link in the comments session.}




"Not that I am complaining or anything... But you know your appearance now is too attention-grabbing, right?"(Allessa).

"*Sigh*, you don't need to tell me... But don't worry, the same skill that let me control my age can also let em control how God-Like I look."(Aizen).

"That kind of makes sense..."(Allessa).

"Yep, how did you think Odin traveled the nine realms without being detected. He is literally the Allfather, the God-King of the nose mythology, even a dumb mutt would recognize him if he didn't use this skill to appear less god-like."(Aizen).

Then I used the skill and all my shining diminished a bit giving way to my previously normal skin. The white of my eyes returned to being white, and my teeth lost their golden coloration. I honestly became like em from before, just looked like a normal tall handsome male. But my hair and eyes maintained their golden color.

"Narcissist much?"(Allessa).

"Of course. Because I am God."(Aizen).

"That would be way more menacing if you did say that with Kaiba's voice when he summoned Obelisk."(Allessa). Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #'s-ascension._51824502480361838 for visiting.

"Ahh, you have to at least admit that it was a cool scene."(Aizen).

"That I can agree with you."(Allessa).

"Do you know I have a true form now?"(Aizen).

"True form?"(Allessa).

"Well, I call it true form but it's just me when I am not suppressing myself."(Aizen).

"Can you show me?"(Allessa).

"Sure. But we will have to find a secluded place, I don't want to paint this whole dimension in gold."(Aizen).

"What do you mean."(Allessa).

"You do know that if we don't suppress our powers we clearly affect our environment right?"(Aizen).

"Yeah, it happens with me too. Space and time get all distorted and stuff, weaker beings close get all killed, Karma treads beyond my current universe keeps appearing, then my magic starts to mutate the place around me changing everything on some crazy magical variant. There some way more effects but I am sincerely too comfy right now to bother."(Allessa).

"I understand. Remember that my presence was so heavy it killed things just by being close to me. but thankful my effects were way more reduced and muted due to me being a [Sage]. But becoming a God changes things fundamentally. Your presence sorts of overwrites reality around forcing its 'textures' to match you."(Aizen).

"Well, I was already expecting something like that... And let me guess, you begin especially really strong has an even stronger effect, in reality, right?"(Allessa).

"Yup, But I doubt there is anything that can make me go... all out..."(Aizen).

"You noticed you did just jinx us right?"(Allessa).


"You are going to let the shinobi paranoid streak out again right?"(Allessa).

"Yup. But don't worry, I won't mess this relaxation week for you."(Aizen).

"You know I like doing that kind of stuff with you..."(Allessa).

"I know. But acting like a paranoid shinobi won't help you on your ascension. I don't want to disturb you."(Aizen).

"I guess you are right. We can do that kind of things later..."(Allessa).




A week passed fast...

You know that feeling when you are reading a really good book, or watching that really good movie where you suddenly completely lose your sense of time and when you finally notice the movie or the book has completely ended. That was this week for us.

We did the silliest and most fun things we could do as a couple. We went on dates, we created festivals, we watched movies, we sing together, we took a walk among the stars, we inadvertently created a civil war in a distant kingdom, we accidentally exploded a volcano. And we also pulled some ridiculous and funny stunts, like seeing if we could survive a M.O.A.B. intact or the time I tossed myself in a black hole just for shits and giggles. It was a fun time, but this also made me realize how Op Allessa really is, she rarely uses her full strength, so when I saw that she could accompany me I was delighted.

No, she isn't as strong as me right now. As I said, a god is fundamentally different no matter what. You can fight the weaker ones but if previously to my ascension I tried fighting God, I would 100% lose. Right now is more complicated... I don't exactly know God's strength, but if I use my third eye I am confident I can pull off some crazy shit.

What is my third eye ability? It's a secret for now as I don't want to spill it. But I can give some hints, it's strong obviously, and it's also incredibly broad and abstract. And what I mean when something si broad and abstract I am referring to how much you can stretch the potential of your skill.

For example; A fire manipulation skill can be something people consider extremely strong or extremely weak. Normally people use fire just to burn stuff and making things hotter, but what are the limits of those things, can fire burn space? can fire burn time? can fire burn a dimensional barrier? You start stretching that simple skill into something way greater, so usually, the less specific an ability is the more potential it has.

And my Third eye ability is like that.

The day of Allessa journey to the Primordial Root came, we just stood there looking at each other, tried to save these precious moments we have together.

"Go Allessa, I will be waiting for you."(Aizen).

"Thank you, Aizen. I will be sure to return."(Allessa).

"I love You."(Aizen).

"I Love You."(Allessa).

We kiss once more, this was a longing and passionate kiss, to express how we will miss each other and how we want to see each other again. Allessa smiles at me and simply teleports out. With a little longing face, I look up and smile towards the night sky.




The days passed and as opposed to the previous week these days felt liek years, it was liek time didn't pass. It's that's name sensation you had in school where you kept looking at the clock and you felt like the clock-hand didn't move at all. That feeling when you have to wait in line under the scorching sun. I was feeling liek that, but somehow worse.

On the first day, I tried playing videogames. But I easily got stressed for no reason and stopped playing it early. A wise decision because if I accidentally destroy a world because I was pissed with a videogame I might die of shame.

The second day, I tried reading books or some fanfics I found online. But it was difficult concentrating on things when I was worried, and now that I have an even faster and more active god-like mind it made it even worse.

On the third day, I tried writing something. In a tentative of following some of my habits from my test and tried writing something, but I ended up failing miserably and ended up just recreating all the new books I wrote and read on my test to add them to the Shrek castle library.

On the fourth day, I tried watching a movie. But I was simply too impatient and anxious to watch anything, thus I ended up making sandcastles on one of the beach rooms inside of the Shrek castle. I also took my time to upgrade every formation and ward of the Shrek castle to the newer [Primordial Runes], now this place is a fortress that not even gods can get in.

On the fifth day, I decided to check up on the kids. No, I didn't appear to them I simply observed. They haven't reached any point of interest yet, right now they are simply traveling on land towards their object, sometimes they fought bandits, other times they helped small villages with their problems. Both the Sky and sea team are doing pretty great. Zu Ling is definitely making me proud.

On the Sixth day, I decided to take a walk among the stars and explore a little bit of this universe on foot. It was kinda great and I saw some very beautiful things that I already saw long ago with my [Clairvoyance]... now that I think about it that sounded really pointless somehow. But I guess there is some merit in seeing things with my own five eyes.

And before you ask, no, my eyes aren't stuck in the [Rinnesharingan] forever, I can simply turn it on and off on my will. The only eye that is perpetually a [Rinnesharingan] is my third eye, and yes it is golden, to the surprise of absolutely no one.

On the seventh day, I decided to go sunbathing. When is ay sunbathing I really mean sunbathing, I went to the sun and took some relaxing time on its warm surface. After that, I decided to make different classifications tod different suns, who has the better bathing environment, who is the most stable, who has the strongest temperature, who has the most explosions, who is close to exploding. I made a starts catalog and put it in the Shrek academy library for anyone interested in it.

On the eighth day, I decided to cook myself a fancy meal. I went and secured the fanciest and most exotic ingredients I could find in the world, but ended up making a culinary book filled with strange exotic recipes and places where you can find said ingredients, I also mention different planets where those same ingredients could be found.

On the ninth day, I simply waited. I chose a comfortable position in space, created an extremely comfortable armchair, and waited.

Much liek they previous holy light a blue light shown upon existence. This blue light was of course special, its core was white, and on an example of what gradient truly is when we distance ourselves from the white-colored core it slowly transforms into ethereal blue, and after the blue, it simply becomes rainbow-colored.

Weh is aw that I almost let out a breath of relief. Allessa succeeded.

Liek the previous holy light, this new light bathed the whole of existence on its presence. Beings of the most obscure corners of the multiverse saw it, the light shone and shone brightly. Every being knows another monster has been born, another existence capable of the impossible.

But this light felt special for some very specific people, anyone who could sense or feel mana could see that this light was special in that regard. It was like a goddess of magic has been born, a being capable of weaving the tendrils of reality to her whims, someone who can treat normal gods of magic like they are unruly children. A being of true and spectacular power has been born, and I know exactly who it is.

I didn't have much time to wait when Allessa simply appeared in front of me. She looked more beautiful, gorgeous... if that is even possible in the first place. Her tattoo glowed brightly, extremely so, she was also able to open her own third eye which looked similar to her other eyes, it looked liek shining and precious nine colored gems.

Her skin got more beautiful and smooth spotting a distinctive prismatic aura that could steal my breath just when I looked at it. Her body somehow looked closer to perfection showing that she is truly a Goddess. On her h.i.p.s, I was also able to spot a nine colored prismatic katana, probably her Zanpaktou.

She was also wearing a Kimono like me, must be her own divine armor we made together, and when I used [Clairvoyance] on her I was pleasantly surprised at seeing how strong she became. but before I could analyze anything more Allessa simply kissed me passionately, we quickly hugged each other doing our best to become closer and closer.

"I missed you."(Allessa/ Aizen).

We said that in synchrony, it sounded extremely cute and a pink atmosphere quickly filled the space around us. Soon I used my [Telephathy] and connected our minds, and I had a pleasant surprise when I saw Allessa's test.

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