Mokuton Authority

Chapter 242 - Soul: Allessa's Test.

{AN: Made a discord server with the help of my friend, here is the link:

Don't worry I will also post the link in the comments session.}




The moment our minds reconnected I saw everything. Allessa going to the Primordial Root, and that place is indeed under the Omni Yggdrasil. Well, saying that place is under the Omni Yggdrasil is like saying mars is under the sun, it's not wrong per see but its also not exactly right. A fairly common occurrence when it comes to these Divine matters.

Primordial Root was a strange place, much like how Allessa's light was portrayed, the Primordial Root core was blue, its extremities becoming more and more whitish until it became wholely white-colored.

When Allessa arrived she let out her martial soul, her divine weapon, and divine armor, and her Asauchi. Using a [Telekinetic] spell she gripped the three tools and continue fluctuating towards the core of the root. When she started getting closer she suddenly instantaneously combusted, the fire was eerie similar to the Primordial Roots core color.

Allessa quickly confirms to me that she is not technically burning, it just that the energies on the Primordial Root are so potent that when they enter in contact whit anything they will bathe you in energy, so she is technically taking a bath of pure energy.

The closer she got the bigger the blue flame became, quickly the blue flame also started covering more and more of Allessa's armor and weapons. She didn't falter and continued walking approaching the core more and more.

Once she reached the core She examined it for a bit, taking in the most information she could about it. Then with swift use of her telekinesis, she trusted all three of her weapons on herself. I didn't show any reaction as I know my honey here is made from tougher stuff so I doubt something like that can kill her.

Her staff/halberd martial soul, her Asauchi, and her divine weapon that is a complete copy of her martial soul. She wanted to fuse everything so it was kind of expected for her divine weapon to be a copy of her martial soul.

She quickly entered a meditative position and slowly drifted inside of the Primordial Roots core. The inside of the Primordial Root core was simple like entering a pool of pure blue energy mana.

And Allessa being a High Elf from the Windrunner family naturally knows how to [Mana Tap], [Mana Tap] is the process of forcibly taking arcane magic from external sources. This was a skill Illidan developed to sate the High Elf's addiction to mana, and Sunstrider was able to eventually learn it and pass it to his people.

Yep, High Elves AKA Blood Elves are a race of mana addicts. Allessa of course hasn't needed that skill for a very long time since she has literally infinity mana [Mana Tap] or mana addiction has never been a problem for her. But she made sure to learn such a vital skill for her race.

Right now she is still wearing her divine armor, while her divine weapon, martial soul, and asauchi are impaled on her. And even in that condition she barely flinches to use [Mana Tap] on the core of the PRimordial Root.

I know what her plans are, she isn't doing this to absorb Primordial Root because she already has infinity mana. She is using [Mana Tap] to channel all this energy from the Primordial Root to help her Breraktruth to godhood. An excellent way to break the barrier towards the divine.

And as I expected the moment she started using [Mana Tap] her consciousness started fading, she tried to resist but it was rather impossible. This is probably the start of her test.

When she opened her eyes again she felt quite strange, weaker. looking at her clothes she was wearing something rather simple, on her hand, there was also a simple staff. A little confused by the situation she barely noticed the woman in front of her that appears to be absolutely silent and looking intensely and directly towards the horizon.

But what was really weird was that woman's name was displayed in green letters above her head.

[Magistrix Erona]

Allessa eyes immediately went wide, this is an all too familiar situation. And when she saw some icons in the corner of her vision she immediately had her answer, she had f.u.c.k.i.n.g become a gaming character inside of World of Warcraft.

Everything was here, the XP bar, the inventory, the skill book, even her supposed collectables tab was here. She would be severely caught off guard if she hadn't played the game together with Aizen in the past. Thankfully she relented when he said she should at least know her world by the eyes of its supposed "creators". She relented and ended up having lots of fun playing together with him, unsurprising Aizen used to play as a Paladin and her as a Mage. So she at least knows her way around the game.

The other thing she also noticed was that she is limited to what the character can do, so even if she knew how to cast fireblast in real life, here she would need to level up to learn the spell. It is bothersome but manageable.

Another thing she noticed is that even if she just supposedly just started the game she already had a quest in her Quest Log, curiously she went to look at it.

[Primary Objectives]

* Be the Top DPS Player of the Server for a whole year.

* Finish all the main storylines.

* Create the Strongest Guild.

* Have the strongest Pet.

* Clean a High-level Raid Solo (0/1).

* Kill Anduin Wrynn [NPC] (0/5).

* Have 10,000 Achievement Points (00000/10000).

* Completely unlock All possible maps (Including Flying Restrictions).

* Reach Max Level in all your professions.

* Craft a Legendary Item.

* Be the first Ranking PvP player for a Whole Month.

* Unlock a Title(00/50).

* Complete a Mythic+ Dungeon (000/100).

* Have a complete Transmog set (00/15).


*Test Complenetion.

Allessa was quite stunned by this quest. She expected something more informal or maybe some blinking light like it had been for Aizen, but apparently, the test decided to fit the gaming theme a bit.

She could only sight in exasperation, at least the quest didn't have a time limit so she could theoretically take as much time as she wants to finish it. There were some bullshit and excessive things there she isn't sure if she could complete, but as Azien said, the more you play the better you get, you just need to "GIT GUD".

So allessa sighed once more and talked to [Magitrix Erona] to start her first quest.

Allessa adventure as a Wow character was something rather strange. She calmly leveled up making the most main history missions as she possibly could. It's slower than simply rushing to get level, but like this, she can at least do more than one objective at once.

She also quickly discovered that this server has players, normal real-life players, they have jobs and lives outside of the game, and it was pretty weird having to interact with them. But she had to eventually create a guild soo...

The worst was of course the voice chat. when Aizen said to her that she should never use the voice chat unless her skin is thicker than iron he hasn't been kidding. At least this isn't MW2, that game's voice chat was legendary in so many ways.

She has been someone that survived and thrived in the Nasuverse, but even she almost exploded sometimes when she had to deal with the worst of voice chat. But she ended up progressing rather nicely and quickly created a guild.

She quickly went through the game "main quests", killing Ragnaros, Illidan, The Lich King, Death Wing, Old Gods, Garrosh, Sargeras, Azshara, and many many more. Of course, she has long since reached the max level of 120.

The hardest bits are, of course, the mind-numbing farming she has to go through to get top gear and her mounts. That was one of the worst things she had to do.

Her guild also has been slowly growing with her, the only conditions to enter the guild is being able to play a lot of the game every day, not being a d.i.c.k, be mechanically competent in the game, and have the drive to be the best. There is fo course a bunch of other minor rules but those are the majority.

Unlocking all maps has also being a hassle, principally the ones with restricted flying, some times she feels those maps are simply made with unnecessary padding in mind, and that is why Pandaria is one of her favorite expansions, you just need to go there and pay some gold, and them BOOm you are already flying.

Reaching max level in all professions was also something mind-numbing boring, Allessa started to hate the over unnecessary grinding.

And after having a good gear she tried her hand at Pvp, first, she sucked at it but after some four months of playing that like some sort of possessed zombie, she was able to get good and finally start climbing the rankings.

And after some more time, she quickly rose in the rankings and was able to become the first one. Maintaining that quickly proved to be way more of a challenge, but Allessa wasn't someone who gave up that easily. So with a lot of effort, she was able to maintain her position for a whole month. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #'s-test._51844094527332507 for visiting.

Collecting the transmogs was simple enough, it was more a test of patience than anything.

Doing 100 Mystic + dungeons was rather difficult, but she eventually was able to complete that, her guild principally helped her a lot with it.

Unlocking 50 titles were equal parts laborious and time-consuming. But she was able to do it in the end.

Thankfully most of the other objectives also helped her gaining more achievement points, so she was also on the way to complete that other quest of hers.

Crafting a legendary item was an absolute headache, but with the help of the guild, she was able to do it. Thankfully another objective had been completed.

Killing Anduin Wrynn [NPC], was also pretty easy. Often would her guild organize raids to the Alliance capital, so she has killed the NPC more than 20 times already.

The strongest pet was also rather easy, few people truly played with the pet system so she concentrated solely on it for some time, and quickly she was able to have the strongest pet.

Cleaning a Raid solo was a complete and total pain, thankfully she had at least the choice of which raid and she could prepare herself according. She had long since picked the best gear possible of each of her class specializations, some potion, tenacity, and a bunch of other factors she was finally able to clean a dungeon solo.

Her last two goals of being the strongest guild and holding the best Dps for a whole year coincided, so she set off on a journey with her guild. They raided non stop, gaining new and better equipment for the other members, making their times and DPS better and better. And after a whole year of being the best player, her guild had long since become the best.

It was a very moving and happy moment for everyone in the guild. But the guild also received some saddening news, their leader was passing the leader position to someone else. Apparently, she was tired of the competitive scenario and wanted to just play the game for fun from now on. It was difficult for the members of the guild but they could do nothing but accept.

Allessa then proceeds to go achievement hunting to the best of her abilities. Thankfully she could still access the internet for wow related things, she bets she would have gone crazy if she had to discover everything on her lonesome.

It took a great time achievement hunting, but that also possibilities for her to explore the game a bit more. She was able to see her native universe with complete new eyes, she saw her people the blood elves, she saw the amount of danger was coming to the world, and worst of all she saw her sister Sylvana fall. That is something that she will immediately rectify when she comes back to her native universe. Thankfully the last thing she remembers in her world was that the Legion expansion was starting, so her sister still can be saved.

But she was actually kinda grateful for this test, she learned so much here, and for that, she will be forever grateful. But she couldn't help but let a relieved sigh when her final objective was completed.

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