Mokuton Authority

Chapter 244 - Soul: New things.

{AN: Made a discord server with the help of my friend, here is the link:

Don't worry I will also post the link in the comments session.}




After a very long and happy time showing how much we missed each other you could see both me and Allessa drifting in space. Currently, we are at each other embrace. We both spotted satisfied and warm smiles on our faces, simply content on being together and basking on the presence of each other.

At this moment I was wearing a black kimono which is both comfortable and loose, it provides a perfect level of coziness. And Allessa at my side made things even better. Allessa is wearing a silver yukata with rainbow-colored details, the yukata looked equal parts comfy and beautiful, and it only complimented the already beautiful newly ascended goddess at my side.

"Ahhh... This is life... Such a nice and satisfying life... I am happy."(Aizen).

"Me too... Honey... Me too..."(Allessa).

"Hey, Allessa? Did you check out your Divine Animagus form?"(Aizen).

"Hmmm... Thanks for reminding me, I tend to forget it sometimes."(Allessa).

"Don't worry, I rarely use mine either. At least it's cool, right?"(Aizen).

"Okay, let me test it."(Allessa).

She distanced herself from me for a bit, took a deep breath, and transformed. Suddenly in Allessa's place appeared a Huge gargantuan Prismatic Dragon. The dragon has proportional tiny shimmering scales that glowed with bright multicolored light. Compared to the size of the dragon allessa became her scales were tiny but covered the whole of her draconic body, her eyes shone brightly with prismatic light, and her size was enormous. The Douluo Planet looked like a small olive when comparing to her size, thankful we decided to do it in the middle of space, so I don't doubt she could accidentally destroy the planet.

But you could definitely say that she was a female dragon, compared with my [Divine Animagus(Dragon)] form that looked rough and more menacing, she looked like an ethereal beauty, a multicolored jewel given form, even her just standing there made her look gracious and elegant. Very eloquently I loudly exclaimed.:

"Holy Shit a f.u.c.k.i.n.g Prismatic Dragon."(Aizen/Allessa).

It appears that even Allessa was a little surprised with this one. Can't blame her, prismatic dragon are considered an Epic Dragon, the look at gods in the eyes and say: "Get out fo my way worm", and the god can only bow his head. In short, they're terrifying existences that shouldn't be provoked.

"Damn Allessa, you look fine as hell as a dragon."(Aizen).

"Thanks. But wow... This form looks really impressive... But... aren't I too big to be a prismatic dragon?"(Allessa).

"Well... Technically... You are a Divine Prismatic dragon right now."(Aizen).

"Wow... Hey, why don't you transform in your [Divine Animagus] form too?"(Allessa).

"You already know it don't you? It's a simple golden dragon."(Aizen).

"*Sigh* Aizen."(Allessa).


"You do realize that you becoming a god probably changed it, right?"(Allessa).

"I do. But to be honest I think it will still look kinda lame compared to your tho..."(Aizen).

"Stop spouting some bullshit that not even you believe in."(Allessa).

"Ok, I will stop with the drama. I was just having some fun..."(Aizen).

Suddenly I transformed in my [Divine Animagus] form, but instead of the typical golden dragon, I changed. My size right now easily matches Allessa's making us brought the same colossal size. Immediately I discovered something concerning, but I guess I will talk about it with allessa later.

As a dragon, I looked packed and menacing, direct from Allessa form that looked gracious, smart, magnificent, and feminine. I looked rough, sharp, distinctively masculine but you could feel an aura of wisdom and inner peace around me; like I am some kind of holy dragon or buddha. In contrast, allessa's aura as a dragon is prismatic, constantly bombarding her surroundings with a slew of beautiful colors and shining lights.

My scales were big and diamond-shaped, they looked like they can easily tank a supernova and not even lose their shine, I was, of course, completely golden colored. My claw looked like weapons of universal mass destruction, and my tail was easily two times as long as Allessa's. I looked like a Mix Between the Golden Dragon King and Deathwing on steroids.

"Well. I expected to change... But this... Mama mia."(Aizen).

"*Phew* And you somehow managed to look equal parts threatening and peaceful. I never thought something like that was possible."(Allessa).

"Well... I guess the buddha part really helped on this one..."(Aizen).


"Don't worry, your dragon form looks way more beautiful than mine."(Aizen).

"Hah, all Prismatic Dragons Have this insane beauty so I wasn't surprised."(Allessa).

"And you somehow managed to make all the others prismatic dragons look like ugly ducklings."(Aizen).

"Oh, you. Flattery will get you nowhere. I am already yours."(Allessa).

"And I am truly yours too."(Aizen).

We looked at each other, and we somehow managed to create this huge pink atmosphere even as f.u.c.k.i.n.g massive dragons. We truly love each other, huh.

"Before anything happens. I want to ask you something."(Aizen).


"You noticed it too right?"(Aizen).

"That this is our minimal size? Yep. But I thought it won't be a good idea to assume our true sizes right off the bat. "(Allessa).

"Yeah. But you don't need to worry, this is a secluded location on a deserted galaxy with no living being remotely close to here. You can go all out if you want."(Aizen).

"I know, I just wanted to get a little bit used to this form really."(Allessa).

"I guess that is a good idea."(Aizen).

We stayed some more on our minimized forms, flying and playing with each other as gigantic dragons of mass destruction. It was honestly pretty fun. A lot of solar systems ended up becoming wrecked beyond recognition, but we indeed had our fun.

"Ready to stretch a bit?"(Aizen)


We simply let go. Our sizes immediately being affected. We continued expanding more, and more, and more. Until we were already bigger than the galaxy we were in before. And this is saying something, the galaxy we were in is one of the biggest galaxies of this universe, it is at least 10 times bigger than the Douluo Galaxy which is way bigger than something as tiny as the milk way.

We continued growing more and more, easily becoming the biggest thing ins this universe. And then finally we stopped growing, the galaxies all around us simply specs of light on our peripheric vision. We have literally become bigger than the [Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann] itself, and I don't doubt I can eat galaxies as some kind of snack.

"Well... We got big."(Aizen).

"Really big."(Allessa).

"Did I say to you that multiplying my size with my divinity is something extremely simple?"(Aizen).

"Wait... so that means that you can multiply our true size, and make us even bigger?"(Allessa).

"Yep, but it's better if I don't do that. I don't want to outsize the universe we are in, I can imagine having a body that spans through a multiverse must be something really uncomfortable. "(Aizen).

"Yeah, having a multiversal sized body sounds like such a pain. Better stop here. This is at least comfortable."(Allessa).

"Yeah, I never thought I would one day be big enough to outsize the [Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann] itself. Life is full of surprises ain't it."(Aizen). Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #._51890902423103771 for visiting.

"Indeed it is."(Allessa).

"You know... Becoming a dragon really fits with your theme."(Aizen)

"How come?"(Allessa).

"Well... You are a Goddes of Magic, and Dragons are natural-born sorcerers, they are literally one of the closes linked creatures to magic. So I guess the Goddes of Magic being a Dragon fits rather well."(Aizen).

"Indeed. I can say the same about you. You have an extraordinary physical body, in more ways than one. A physical strength that easily eclipses mine, and an energy level that is might as well be infinity thanks to your Multiplication Divinity."(Allessa).

"Huh, I guess both of us have some Dragon-Like qualities."(Aizen).

"I thought so too."(Allessa).

"Allessa, can I ask you something?"(Aizen)


"I want to learn the [True Magics], can you teach me?"(Aizen).

"Sure I don't mind. But why would you need it? you already have Yin-Yang Release."(Allessa).

Allessa has a good point. I wanted to learn her [True Maigcs] for the sole purpose of improving my Yin-Yang Release even more. Denial of Nothingness seems like something that can really boost my Yin-Yang Release. And having true infinite reserves for both chakras and reiatsu is simply too tempting. Yep, third magic essentially grants you infinity reiatsu, you can still expand your Reiryoku(Reservoir), but you will never feel spent.

The thing is that Yin-Yang Release is one of those hax skills that can do anything I can imagine. I literally have to just imagine a spell, shape it with yin, and give it life with yang. This can be for literally anything, making an object, sending an energy wave, heck I can literally replica telekinesis this way, I only needed an imagination good enough. This is the reason I made [Nazzod] mostly focused to help me used Yin-Yang Release, and if I am already a monster by myself, imagine when I use it together with my Divine Weapon, I am definitely nigh unstoppable in that scenario, it would need someone as OP as Allessa to make me fight seriously.

And I thought that some of Allessa [True Magic] could boost my already completely overpowered ability even more. Thus I decided to ask her.

"I think I can improve my Yin-Yang Release somewhat, so I decided why not? It would certainly be fun figuring out a way to make true magic run on chakra instead of mana."(Aizen).

"Indeed, it would be fun. Do you want to get all the information first? You won't be able to use the magic right off the bat, but you would at least know them intrinsically. But after that, I can't do much."(Allessa).

"What do you mean? "(Aizen).

"Well, a lot of the [True Magic] comes from you won understanding of them. I can teach you everything I know, but you will only get what you want if you progress by yourself."(Allessa).

"Ahh, I understand. Everyone has their own path and yadda, yadda, yadda."(Aizen)

"Yup, you got it right. I can help you with somehow changing the magic's fuel to divine chakra, but you understand beyond the basics is solely dependent on you."(Allessa).

"I understand. Don't worry, we will have a lot of free time in the Bleach world, you can teach me there. And that also means we will have lots of time for our won researches."(Aizen).

"We can also take time to achieve Bankai and research Hollows."(Allessa).

"Definitely. I remember reading somewhere that Hollow and Shinigami are two sides of the same coin..."(Aizen)

"That sounds intriguing..."(Allessa).

"I see that I've sparked your research interest."(Aizen)

"You bet."(Allessa).

"We should totally make a research institution with Urahara, I bet that guy will have a field day with our crazy ideas."(Aizen).

"Definitely... Do you want the Hogyoku?"(Allessa).

"Nah, it probably won't even be able to enter our souls. We have Divine souls Allessa a measly Hogyoku is absolutely nothing to us. Heck, the soul King on his prime might be considered less than a speck of dust."(Aizen).

"Honey... You are talking like a cultivator right now."(Allessa).

"Well, shit. Didn't even notice that. Thankfully I didn't catch the Young Master syndrome, that disease is too strong."(Aizen).

"Yeah, everyone with that disease suddenly loses their sense of preservation, becomes incredibly dumb, becomes blind to Mt.Tai, and-"(Allessa).

"Stop. I know the symptoms, I've seen them simply too much. Don't worry I didn't catch such a grave and fatal disease, neither I nor you would allow something like that. I simply Refuse to allow something like that to happen."(Aizen).

"You bet."(Allessa).

"Soo... Let's go to the Bleach Verse?"(Aizen).

"Sure. Let's go!!"(Allessa).

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