Mokuton Authority

Chapter 245 - Soul: Old Friends.

{AN: Made a discord server with the help of my friend, here is the link:

Don't worry I will also post the link in the comments session.}




We reverted from our [Divine Animagus Form] to our human-like form. Both me and Allessa are shinning like real deities right now, which is exactly what we are. Thankfully with the use of our skills, we can turn back into a more "normal" appearance. Yeah, I know there is nothing normal on a 2,17 meters tall gorgeous elven beauty, and a handsome golden-eyed and golden-haired 2,10 meters tall man.

We probably would stick like sore thumbs in any crowd of people that isn't on a very fantasy heavy anime, like DxD. But we at least aren't shining and radiating Divine power like the two deities we are. Like this, we can at least pass as some unique-looking people.

"Well... Before we go to bleach, I would like to stop at the previous universe. I want to at least see how my friends are doing."(Aizen). Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #._51914928470152956 for visiting.

"It sounds like a wonderful idea... And that universe is one the way so it won't take much time anyway."(Allessa).

"*Deadpan*Allessa. You do know that distance is just a simple number for us right? We can easily instantly arrive at our destination."(Aizen).

"I know. I just wanted to pass on some information to the readers."(Allessa).

"Et Tu, Alessa? ... "(Aizen).

"I didn't know breaking the fourth wall could be this fun. Now I know why you keep doing it some chapters back."(Allessa).

"I just stopped because I wanted to repair the broken wall, you know?"(Aizen).

"Okay, I will stop. Btu you gotta admit it is at least fun to do it."(Allessa).

"That, I have no doubt."(Aizen).

Then we got closer to each other and started doing the supreme and the lewdest act imaginable: Holding Hands. You could almost hear the thunder and rain in the background for experiencing such horrendous sin.

And you could even hear children wearing in the background while their mothers cover their eyes in a vain hope of hampering the effects of such a sinful visage upon their children. ~Allessa Thinking~

We looked at each other, our mental connection granting we could easily hear each other thoughts or memories. We could almost hear the crickets in the background when the silence engulfed both of our minds for a single second. Then we burst out laughing.

"Hahaha... Never knew I would laugh about something like that."(Aizen).

"Hehe... Some people say that when you are with people you love your mood improves drastically."(Allessa).

"That I have to agree with you... I can't remember a time where I felt depressed since we got together."(Aizen).

"Me too."(Allessa).

Still doing our lewd act AKA holding hands, we started walking together in the vastness of space while we talked. Suddenly after a single step, the scenery around us completely changed. We were able to go back to the university, in just a single step. there was no blur, no barrier-breaking, no impact, no shockwave, there was nothing. We simply moved.

But when I arrived at that verse I immediately frowned, my [Clairvoyance] going overdrive picking up all the information after we left. Apparently, more than 100 years passed in this world...

But something way more drastic than that happened, the world was completely destroyed. There only some debris and strange black blobs floating around where the earth should've been.

When my [clairvoyance] finished picking the details I couldn't help but get angry, at both myself, and at some shitty echo of a god.

Apparently, my disappearance in the trapdoor room sends a bunch of ripples all around the world. And not the good kind.

Zeus(Echo), grew extremely paranoid to the point he called a reunion on Mt.Olympus with every divine being of his pantheon. There he used the powers of the Throne of Olympus, to drain and absorb everyone's divinity, becoming stronger and uglier in the process.

Yeah, the guy became 100 meters tall, and his body was constantly changing between different faces and features. Like he was trying to be every god at the same time, which isn't far from the truth.

The bastard didn't stop there of course. Thanks to the demigods that disappeared in the universe he went there to investigate who, and what caused it. Of course, the university wasn't even a little bit receptive and friendly on received the 100 meters tall monstrosity, so they immediately refused.

Zeus wasn't receiving a "NO", for an answer so he massacred his way in. Almost every student and teacher died there, but some survived. Thankfully Elsa(Shark Girl), Rick(Demon), Gwen(Angel), somehow survived and formed a resistance group against Zeus.

Zeus having basically cleaned the school decided to investigate everything inside of it. And by some twist of destiny, he found the trapdoor.

While normally the seals on the trapdoor and the underground room would make this impossible, some idiot broke a lot of those seals when he invertedly started on the path to Buddhahood. Yeah, I am talking about me.

Zeus like the arrogant imbecile that he is, went and investigate the room. And, of course, he ended up free the sealed being there. A Lich. Not just any Lich, it was THE LICH. It's pretty close to the Lich you see in Adventure Time? Yeah, that one with huge black orbs for eyes with just a tiny green flame as pupils.

Zeus being the arrogant shit that he is destroyed the seal and was eventually possessed by the Lich. a lich now that has a God's body which contained every divinity from the Greek pantheon. You can already see where this is going.

The Lich being the piece of shit that he is, immediately set for world destruction like he always wanted to do. If there is a being that is closest to the [Anti-Life] I would say that this Lich fits all the criteria, if God didn't fill me in with images and all I would have become incredibly suspicious of Lich.

The resistance group formed by my three friends quickly went to action and tried to stop lich to their best efforts. Suddenly the resistance started growing more and more, pantheons all over the other entered the resistance, the angels, devil, demons, fallen angels, and even God(Echo) joined the fray.

Soon it was Lich against the entire world. People started hopping more and more, the resistance started winning against Lich legions, one by one battle was won, one by one territory was recovered.

Soon, Elsa, Rick, and Gwen. Became Figureheads in the war, their accomplishments quickly promoting them to the highest ranks. Gwen Became the Archangel Gwenadiel, Rick Became the Maou Rickez Belial, and Elsa became the Deep Queen of the Oceans. They were three of the four leaders of the alliance, the Fourth leader was the Arcane University Headmaster Odjin.

With them soon they were suppressing Lich's advances and started to win more and more. When more than 90 years had passed, Lich finally completed his metamorphosis.

Until now he was slowly fusing himself with Zeus(Echo), and after 90 years he succeeded. Lich became unstoppable, and in less than 5 years everything the resistance did was undone in the most brutal and gruesome ways.

Normally death liek this wouldn't upset me this much. Because, First; I was in a war for a long time in the Shinobi world death is basically in the job description so I literally saw it every day, Second; I know death is a natural part of life, and everyone that died here should reincarnate in the future.

The problem is that this shitty Lich not only killed my friends in a humiliating and gruesome way, but he also trapped his souls as some kind of trophy. If they hadn't gotten so strong in the time I was away they would be probably long dead.

And this made me ANGRY.

But instead of my face distorting in some angry and scary expression like expected. I simply assumed a calm and neutral face. Allessa knowing me better than anyone else immediately had some very loud alarm ringing in her head. When she looked at me and saw my calm and serene expression, she knew exactly what I am feeling.

"...Try not to destroy this multiverse..."(Allessa).

"... No. Promises..."(Aizen).

My voice reflected the way my expression was, calm, serene, even. Which was somehow way more terrifying than if I was angry and shouting my lungs out.

I was immediately able to locate Lich with my [Clairvoyance]. the bastard probably went to kill other planets with life in this universe, but that doesn't matter to me.

I take a deep breath and stopping reign myself in. Suddenly I started to shine like the god that I am. But this wasn't just some simple aura, this was one of the purest holy auras in existence. Everything about me was shining golden now.

I bring up my right hand. A strange golden circle the size of a beach ball forming in my right hand. With a low voice I say:

"[Sage Art: Holy Release: Nine Heavens Purification]"

The golden circle that was arround of my hand suddenly started expanding, and on speed leagues above the speed of light, it exploded outwards creating a devastating wave of holy energy that swept the entire universe we are in.

The wave of Holy energy was so great that it cleaned everything not considered holy in the entirely of the universe. The color of space itself changed, now spotting golden color. Lich and his legions were immediately exterminated and purified like the ants they are.

I literally superimposed my textures in the universe with my power perfectly cleansing it. Later due to how this universe ended up it would be nicknamed The Holy Universe. I literally terminated and cleansed everything not considered holy, all planets right now are filled with holy plants, holy rocks, holy water, holy elements. Everything is f.u.c.k.i.n.g golden too, even space and time.

Thankfully, due to Lich being exterminated out of existence by my holy power, the souls of my friends were released. My expression soon returned to normal, the ever-friendly slightly smile, and Allessa even let out a sigh of relief for that.

"You are really terrifying when you are angry. You literally superimposed your texture in this universe, transforming it into one of the holiest universes that I know of. And your Divine Chakra is already full... It is like you didn't even spend anything to do all of this*Pointing at the universe*."(Allessa).

"Well... I did consume a bit of my Divine Chakra, but the amount was so small, so inconsequent, that I literally recovered it instantaneously."(Aizen).

"And don't come at me with that crap. You can literally do the same shit."(Aizen).


"Now... what are you going to do with your friend's souls?"(Allessa).

"Well... as we are going to the Bleach world... I thought we could send them to the soul society for them to eventually become shinigami."(Aizen).

"That sounds like a great idea. Do you need some help?"(Allessa).

"Nah, I got it. It's time to show everyone my Third Eye ability that I've been so mysterious about."(Aizen).

"F.u.c.kign Finally! Even I was getting fed up with the drama."(Allessa).

I merely Sweat dropped at Allessa's comment.

With a deep breath, I willed my third eye to open. Suddenly a discrete slit became more apparent in my forehead. I open my third eye, immediately activating my [Divine Rinnesharingan], I also decided to open my other two eyes, so right now my whole five eyes were loud open.

You see, the ability of my third eye is called [Soul Control]. Yes, you read it right, [Soul Control]. I can literally control the soul of anything in existence. And do remember that this also has souls of sorts, so it's like I have an absolute control upon reality itself.

And before you ask. Yes, I do indeed wish to recreate Dark Souls Spells for my use, a [Crystal Soul Spear] or a [Soul Geyser] will surely fit nicely in my arsenal, not to mention the Miracles, since I am a literal God they ought to be extremely powerful.

Opening my eyes, I use my [Soul Control] to simply pick up all the souls Lich tr.a.p.ed, and send them back to the cycle of reincarnation. And yes, I just sent an entire galaxy's worth of souls to reincarnate. The new influx of reincarnators will sure as hell cause some mass panic. And yes, I did indeed send each one to their preferred or desired world. Sadly I didn't go one by one granting them some cheat, but that isn't exactly needed, all of them have been folded by the holy energy of my attack, so most of them will have a holy soul the equivalent of a saint(weak).

"Did you really need to play the ROB(Random Omnipotent Being), and send everyone in the cycle? "(Allessa).

"Ehh... No? But I saw the chance and took it."(Aizen).

"You do know that thanks to that you will become extremely notorious and famous in the Omniverse right?"(Allessa).

"... I didn't think about that... I seriously just wanted to play the ROB. It was one of my dreams."(Aizen).

"*Sigh* At Least it will be extremely entertaining."(Allessa).

"Yup, I am planning on making a T.V. program that follows the lives of everyone I reicarnated. It will be sure as hell something entertaining I can show to the Omni Council."(Aizen).

"That is indeed a great idea for a first impression."(Allessa).

"So... Let's go to bleach now?"(Aizen).

"Yup, let's go. We already delayed it enough."(Allessa).

Taking the souls of my three friends and putting them in stasis, I took Allessa's hand and took a single step, immediately arriving in the Blech universe.

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