Mokuton Authority

Chapter 247 - Soul: Shin'ō Academy.

{AN: Made a discord server with the help of my friend, here is the link:

Don't worry I will also post the link in the comments session.}




We of course decided to use the week before we get to soul society to get our [Reiatsu] under control. We don't want to shatter reality with our sheer [Reiatsu] that would be bad.

First day:

"Hmmm... It's better we practice our control first Allessa."(Aizen).

"Definitely. we both know how control is extremely important. It will give you both more flexibility and creativity, and even if you have the [Reiatsu] to spare I don't want to was my energy meaninglessly."(Allessa).

"Besides, I don't want to spiritually awaken every living being in this universe. I don't think the world would survive something like that."(Aizen).

"Yeah... With our huge reserves that is not just a possibility, but a dangerous truth to the habitants of the universe."(Allessa).

"*Sigh* I really want to go all out sometimes you know?"(Aizen).

"We probably could... if we used one of your 10 worlds, they technically have the same durability as you soo..."(Allessa).

We trained our control extensively, of course, I didn't forget to use [Clairvoyance] to spy on the Shin'ō Academy. Thanks to that I got some pretty good control training, at least for the first day they would be enough for now.

And yes, I am not going to use [Wood Clones]. Didn't want to clear my enjoyment of improving by myself, I honestly didn't need clones anymore. I am strong enough that very few people can match me in the Omniverse, so I doubt I would need a clone to "accelerate" my training.

Yes, clones were just that, means to accelerate my training, means for me to improve faster. I had the need to be stronger because a lot of beings were way stronger than me, but right now isn't needed anymore. So clone skills will likely not surface anymore.

Besides the fact that I want to enjoy something like learning new things with Allessa. I really have outgrown any need for clones. If I feel like using some haxs I can always simply use my [Clairvoyance]. Yeah, [Clairvoyance] is op like that.

[Clairvoyance] also gives me some pretty mean skills like [Path to Victory], I literally have the best way step by step program to my desired objective. If I [Path to Victory], I literally don't have to worry about losing any more. But I refuse to do it, I don't want my life becoming something boring predictable, and monotone.

Another skill that differently from [Path to Victory] I will definitely use sometimes is [Fate's Path], it's basically a magic GPS that shows me direction to what place I want to go. So if I say I wanted to go to heaven, it will quickly show me a path for it, and like any GPS I can choose what kind of path I want. Be it easy, fast, short, direct, yadda yadda. it's a pretty useful skill if I get lost.

"Stop monologuing, we should be training our control right now."(Allessa).

"*Sigh*, I was just explaining some cool skill of my [Clairvoyance]."(Aizen).

"Which ones?"(Allessa).

"[Path to Victory] and [Fate's Path]."(Aizen).

"[Fate's Path] is nice and useful, but [Path to Victory] sounds like it would make your life very boring."(Allessa).

"You have no idea Allessa. No idea."(Aizen)

Second Day:

We continued training our control without stopping, we are progressing very slowly. And when I say we, I mean me. Apparently [Heavens Feel] gave Allessa quite the prodigious talent with soul-related stuff.

Well, I am the equivalent of a monkey when it comes to [Reiatsu] control right now. This means I am making quite a huge progress, previously I was the equivalent of a dumb newborn at controlling my [Reiatsu] now I am the equivalent of a Monke.

"I did it. I finally returned to Monke. I finally achieved it."(Aizen).

"*Deadpan* Only if it's in [Reiatsu] control."(Allessa).

Day Three:

Thanks to our experience training control for other types of energy, we were progressing rather quickly. Sadly Reiatsu was still new territory for us so that was still slow.

If any Shinigami heard my thoughts they would certain cough blood in envy. Slow? How the f.u.c.k that is slow? Your mother is slow.

Day Four:

We started to get creative with our control training. We would constantly play different games with our [Reiatsus] making sure they interact with each other, we played ball, baseball, basketball, volleyball. And a bunch of other games, it was pretty fun and it served as both control and fun time for us.

Day Five:

My [Reiatsu] control is the equivalent of someone in the 4th year of the Academy. This is something extremely impressive considering how Massive my [Reiatsu] truly is.

But I could see that my progress was slowing down considerably. Understandable, because I not only have a huge [Reiatsu] but my hollow side awakened and merged, meaning that my [Reiatsu] is naturally more aggressive than the typical Shinigami's(Yin).

Allessa is also with the same problems on her hands. She is a little bit ahead of me but she is also suffering the same fate. I already guessed we would have a little bit more difficult than normal thanks to our circ.u.mstances, but instead of us getting troubled or sad because of it, we are the exact opposite. We both grew extremely excited at having an obstacle like that, it will only make our eventual success even more pleasant.

Day Six:

We progressed rather nicely here, we both reached a 5th-year student, pretty close to a 6th year. As you probably expected it's becoming more and more problematic to improve by leaps and bounds as I did at the start.

Another problem arose too. Our [Reiatsu] and [Reiryoku] have been growing nonstop since we started training. This is, of course, normal, the more you train, the more you progress, basic math here. This is also a normal occurrence to most Shinigami in the academy, but it is normally slow and steady progress they have as they train, so they barely notice it.

The problem is that any slight increase in my [Reiatsu] is f.u.c.k.i.n.g humungous. So I am basically in a constant run against my own improvement. I need to learn control and learn it efficiently enough that I can win the run against my increase with a large margin so I can still continue progressing. If I draw a tie with my [Reiatsu] increase my control essentially didn't progress, meaning that I just wasted a lot of time.

Allessa has a whole different slew of problems. Infinity energy is no joke. Thankfully she has [Heavens Feel] to help her.

Day Seven:

We basically did the same as previously just with a little bit more fervor. We reached firmly the 6th year student control patamar. Yeah, the progress is slow down considerably, I know. Isn't that exciting? do you know how fun it is to be in a constant run with your own progress? it is incredible. I love it. Allessa is of the same opinion.

Guess I also should update you on the progress of my other things. Yes, I wasn't just doing [Teiatsu] control here. honestly, I am a God, multitasking is basically in the job description there.

Ok, I admit I didn't multitask that much. I wanted to enjoy these moments of training and improving. The only thing I continued to do outside of [Reitasu] control training if of course training my [Divine Chakra].

What? you thought I would stop? That is basically going against one of my mottos: "Be better than yourself from yesterday". and training my [Chakra] is something I've been doing for such a long time that I honestly don't want to stop. Yes, the increase is minimal, but I am still increasing it. Every day my chakra pool grows, my density improves, and my quality improves. And I don't pretend to stop any time soon. If there is one thing that I learned by becoming a God is that the Omniverse awaits no one, so if I stop, get hedonist, and complacent, some upstart young master may surpass me one day. And I will kill myself before I let something like that happen. So I make sure to never stop improving, even if it's a minuscule amount.

Yes, I have literally all the time I would need. So why concern me with something like that? That is exactly the type of pathetic thinking that made some 1000 years old devils on DxD be weak as hell even with their hax imagination-based magic. The pun was intended. So I make sure to always improve my [Divine Chakra] even when I am currently training my [Reiatsu] control.

Day eight:

So now our week-long training session has finished, I and Allessa sat firmly on an academy graduate when it comes to controlling. It's pretty weak, yes, but we are still pretty satisfied with our huge progress during this time. We really trained hard.

"Ready to enter the soul society?"(Aizen)

"Yup. Let's go."(Allessa).

With a single step, we appear in one of the lows numbered Rokungai districts, this place is pretty close to the Shinigami academy so we have to barely walk to get there.

Right now I am wearing [Firmament], which is in the form of a simple deep blue Kimono, someone could easily see the incredibly powerful godlike muscles underneath. Allessa is using a white and red Yukata that accentuates her beauty quite clearly.

Side by side, holding hands, we slowly walked towards Seireitei, more specifically the direction of the Shinigami Academy.

Unfortunately, we weren't exactly inconspicuous, even if we aren't shining like normal, we are still an extremely tall and beautiful couple, so we could easily stick out in the crowd like a sore thumb. but that wasn't exactly what the commotion was all about, it was something else.

"Is that Aizen Taichou?"

"Did he color his hair?"

"Wow, he looks way more handsome now."

"The golden hair definitely suits him better."

"I like the brown color a little bit more, it's more down earth and I thought it suited Aizen Taichou."

"Nah golden color at least makes him a little more unique."

"A little more handsome you wanna say."

"Shhh, he will hear that."

"Wait... Now that I look closely... Isn't Aizen Taichou way taller right now? And more Handsome Too?"

"Impressive. Aizen Taichou is truly impressive. He managed to get taller with no one being the wiser. And even more handsome too."

"What did he eat to get so tall in such a little time..."

"I want to know what kind of make-up he is using, no one gets this way more handsome without-"

I tuned those people off. I was honestly getting dumber by the minute by their conclusions. And no, I won't say that they are talking about Allessa. How the f.u.c.k no one thought I could be someone other than Aizen(Captain). Is it that difficult to process that I could be just another person that looks similar to the bastard? The silver lining is that the amount of pranks I can pull thanks to that is pretty staggering.

Soon we reached the line for the Shinigami Academy enrollment. The line was really taking too much f.u.c.k.i.n.g time, but thankfully, em and Allessa could entertain ourselves with a little bit of [Reiatsu] control training, it's definitely something great to pass the time.

Soon it was our time to talk with one of the Officers responsible for our enrollment in the academy. Sadly the officer isn't anyone I know. But his name tag reads Matsuda.

Matsuda looked like he wanted to die, very badly. This must be one of those mind-numbing jobs that will probably kill you out of sheer boredom. I sincerely pity poor Matsuda.


"Aizen Senju"(Aizen).


"Close to 3000"(aizen).

"Please enter in the door at my right side, there your test will be conducted. Good Luck."(Matsuda).

"Thanks, Matsuda."(Aizen)



"Allessa Zoey Windrunner."(Allessa).


"Does it even matter?"(Allessa).

"Please enter in the door at my right side, there your test will be conducted. Good Luck."(Matsuda). Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #'%C5%8D-academy._51961490210607455 for visiting.

Allessa simply sent a look of pity towards Matsuda and went towards the right side door following me.

"Poor Matsuda. This job is so mind-numbing boring his brain simply gave up."(Aizen).

"He is probably simply going in the Automatic right there. He didn't even blink when I answered my age with 'does it even matter?'."(Allessa).

"If we make captain one day we gotta give Matsudaa little help."(Aizen).

"Definitely. Someone is certainly going to gnash their teeth in anger seen our shitty responses."(Allessa).

"Just for that, this is more than worth it."(Aizen).

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