Mokuton Authority

Chapter 248 - Soul: Entrance exam.

{AN: Made a discord server with the help of my friend, here is the link:

Don't worry I will also post the link in the comments session.}.




Passing through the door we reached some sort of reception hall. There were a bunch of wooden chairs organized around, probably for when there is a lot of people to make examinations, thankful today the movement seems to be rather mild as there are simply three men and four women sitting in those chairs.

Those people all spotted different degrees of emotions, one was anxious, the other was confident, one of the women was daydreaming. I and Allessa simply scanned the room for polite reasons only, and then we went for the reception desk.

Reaching the reception desk the secretary dressed in the typical Shinigami shihakusho, like Matsuda she also spotted a nameplate that read Naomi. Much like Matsuda Naomi spotted heavy tiredness in her eyes, but different from Matsuda she still had some will to continue existing. She looked at us for a very long time, it was like her brain itself was trying to process the appeared of the two people in front of her. As it was taking way too much time I decided to politely interrupt her.

"Excuse me. Matsuda-San send both of us here. How should we proceed?"(Aizen).

Naomi's brain seems to reboot in real-time, and she immediately followed the same action pattern she has repeated at least a thousand times. Much like Matsuda, it's like she has done this so much that she doesn't even need to pay attention to it.

"A sorry. Here are your numbers, just wait a little bit and pay attention to when they are called."(Naomi).

"Thanks, Naomi. Have a nice day."(Aizen).

I and Allessa pick the small plaques Naomi has given us. Mine read 87 and Allessa's 88, we simply calmly went to an empty corner in the hall and sat there.

"Did you think her brain was going to make the connection?"(Aizen).

"Possibly. But due to your interruption, it stopped entirely, perhaps if you had waited for a bit more she would have shouted and exclaimed 'Aizen Taichou.'"(Allessa).

Time passed relatively fast, I and Allessa keep making some small talk and sharing some of our ideas for future projects. Slowly the others inside the room were called.


So I am next. I am quite curious to see what kind of test it is, but I don't want to spill myself right now, i and Allessa are having so much fun like this. If I use [Clairvoyance] it would completely kill all the fun.

"A pity it isn't 69…"(Aizen).

"Indeed. So many opportunities missed… So many lame jokes lost… It's like even the author is tired of 69 jokes."(Allessa).

"How could it be. The blasphemy. Lets-"(Aizen).

Sadly I was cut from spouting my monologue when a tired voice called out loud.


Sorry, I can't help it. Getting up I look at Allessa with a surprised face and say.

"Is this the bite of 87?"

Allessa just sent me a deadpan look, her mouth twitched a little showing she wanted to either laugh or say how lame that one was. I decided to use my special move, the tactical retreat, to go to my examination before she gets the chance to reply.

Entering the door at the side of the reception desk I passed through Naomi who was still maintaining a thinking look on her face. Wow. Just. Wow.

Entering the door I was greeted by a corridor I continued walking on it until I saw another Shinigami. He didn't have a name plaque so I guess he must be filling for someone here. The Shinigami looked at me and said.

"First door to the right, it's impossible to miss. A teacher will conduct your examination, do not worry if you didn't bring anything to write with, the teacher can easily let you borrow some."(Random Shinigami).

I simply nodded at him and went to my destination, the door was indeed easy to spot. Reaching the door I knocked at it normally. From the inside, a tired voice answered.

"Enter candidate 87"

I entered the room and looked around. It looked like the typical classroom, full of tables and chairs, my estimate is that it has a place for a total of 24 people. There was only one table with a small stack of papers in it. At the side of the papers, a pencil and an eraser brand new could be spotted. A writing test, huh.

The teacher with a monotonous voice showing he couldn't care less about what is happening barely looked from his book and said.

"Sit and you can start. And you stop when I say you need to stop. Clear."(Teacher).


I just sat on the chair, which proved to be quite the challenge, apparently, school chairs aren't made for 2,10 meters tall people. I just simply rolled my eyes and put the table on top of my knew while I did my test.

The test was most filled with simply common questions like:

"Circle which one is a Katana."

"How many squads there are?"

"What is the Job of a Shinigami?"

"Yuki has 2540 oranges, she chooses to divide them equally among her 12 friends. How many oranges each of them ended up with?"

Most of the questions were like that, pretty easy stuff. I guess they just want to test or common knowledge or something. There are also some questions more in-depth about shinigami, I guess these ones are to know which class we will be sent to. I finished the test rather easily, the teacher seeing my test finished sent me to the second and final test.

"There is a fancy door at the end of the corridor. There will be your last test. Good Luck."

I nodded at the teacher and simply exited the classroom going to the place of the final test. But in front of the fancy door, there was a guard. He looked as bored as Matsuda, he didn't even look at my face, when I got close he simply said.

"After the door, you will have to go down some stairs. This is your final test. Good Luck."

Nodding once more I passed through the door and started descending the stairs. The place looked quite a little bit deep underground. Must be to properly contain the [Reiatsu] outbursts, I doubt any student that just enrolled at the academy would have enough control of their [Reiatsu] to not cause a commotion when they test it. Thankfully I at least got mine under control to be the equivalent of an academy graduate so I guess I won't have that many problems.

Reached the end of the stair I appeared in a strange place. It was circular like some kind of arena,w waiting for me was five teachers sitting on a higher table, at their right side there was a door presumably the exit of this place.

When the teacher called Saito saw my relaxed look and slightly smile he seems to start some Vietnam flashbacks of a time long past. Probably is drawing the similarities between me and my evil twin. Sadly it wasn't Saito who spoke but Monemi, an older female teacher that seems to be the proctor of this final exam.

"Welcome candidate 87. This is your final exam. Here we will test your [Reiryoku] and your skill with a sword."(Monemi).


Monemi nodded at my short and direct-to-the-point attitude, it seems like she also doesn't like wasting time. She quickly continued explaining the first part of the test.

"We will first start by measuring your [Reiryoku]. Here, touch this orb and send your [Reiatsu] in, don't worry about holding back everyone here is a seasoned Shinigami who can take care of themselves."(Monemi).

Woman, are you crazy? if I don't hold back I can probably destroy your entire universe. But instead of saying that I just nodded and touched the crystal ball. With all my will, my determination, with everything I had, I tried to send the smallest, of the smallest, of the smallest bits of my [Reiatsu]. I squeezed myself the most I could. Thankfully I couldn't sweat anymore, because if I could I would probably be sweating buckets.

Thankfully even if my control is rather lacking for the amount of [Reiatsu] I have, I was able to send the tiniest bit to the crystal ball.


Said crystal ball immediately glowed brightly and disappeared out of existence. Did I just put so much pressure on the measuring device it literally gave up its existence entirely?

It also appears that I wasn't the only one surprised. Monemi, Saito, and the other three teachers are looking at the previous location of the crystal ball with stupid surprised faces. Monemi thankfully was able to recover rather fast from the surprise.

"*Sigh* It appears that we have another Hitsugaya in our hands."(Monemi)

The other looked at her like she is an idiot. Are you comparing this monster with that ant? this guy literally evaporated the frigging crystal ball. Hitsugaya just broke it.

"*sigh* the sword test won't be necessary. You have been approved, and you will be assigned to our best class, class S. Goo Luck."(Monemi).

After that, a Shinigami entered the arena and proceed to escort me to through a slew of stairs I think will lead to the academy. And I was proven right when we reached the surface again I was face to face with the building of the Shinigami academy. The Shinigami which escorted me simply looked at me and said.

"Someone has already been called, He will give you a tour of the academy and show you dormitory."

he started to leave, but before he could I decided to ask a question.

"Well, I am married. Can I live with my wife?"(Aizen).

"Yes, you can. Be sure to talk with your guide tho, he will know what to do."

"Ok. Thank you."

The shinigami nodded and went back to his post. I simply waited for a few more minutes when Allessa appeared, being escorted by the same Shinigami from previously. He barely looked at me before repeating the same things he said to me to Allessa. After saying that he simply went back from where he came from.

"How was your test?"(Allessa).

"Fine. I ended up extinguishing my crystal out of existence. You?"(Aizen).

"Same. They still had somewhat surprised expressions on their face when I arrived. They got even more surprised at my results and ended up shouting things like 'Another one', 'other monster' and the was even a 'what the f.u.c.k'in the middle. "(Allessa).

"Hah. I bet you laughed at their faces."(Aizen).

"Of course. Who do you think I am?"(Allessa).

"My lovely wife?"(Aizen).

"You bet."(Allessa).

After that, we walked together towards the academy, and there was indeed a guide waiting for us. He looked like a middle-aged man and his name plaque read Kai. Seeing us reaching the academy at the same time Kai said.

"Hello, I am Kai. I will be your guide today, it's also nice to see that you both have already made a friend."(Kai).

We looked at each other and seeing the smirk on Allessa face I knew we were on the same page on this one.

"~Yes, we are very good 'friends'. So much that we wanted to share a room together~"(Aizen).

"~Yes, yes. I would LOVE to share a room with this handsome boy.~"(Allessa).

Kai looked a little bit fl.u.s.tered at the way we talked. He scrambled a bit before replying.

"T-the academy doesn't permit that kind of relationship between s-students"(Kai).

"~What are you talking about Kai-san. We are just very good friends~"(Aizen).

"~ It appears that Kai-san has a very dirty mind~"(Allessa).

Kai seems to look even redder somewhat. Allessa and I are honestly holding out laugher seeing his reaction. Seeing our expressions Kai seem to somehow snap.

"Dirty? Your mother is dirty. Your whole family is dirty."(Kai).

We simply couldn't hold our laugh anymore, I and Allessa just burst out laughing at Kai's outburst.

"Relax Kai-San. We are married, we would like to request the joint quarters."(Aizen).

"Y-you, why did- *Sigh* whatever, they don't pay me enough for this shit."(Kai).

Kai tossed the papers he had in his hand and angrily walked out of the academy.

"Did we just-"(Aizen).

"I can't believe it-"(Allessa). Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #._51987702916118189 for visiting.


"The guy f.u.c.k.i.n.g rage quitted just for that? what the hell?"(Aizen).

"The jobs here must be really stressful."(Allessa).

"Tell me about it."(Aizen).

"Guess we will need to find our room by ourselves eh."(Allessa).

"At least he left his papers here."(Aizen).

I picked up the papers and there was indeed a map of the school, our supposed future schedule, the male, female, and joint dormitories. And apparently a wallet.

"Huh, Kai forgot his wallet."(Aizen).

Allessa simply nodded in affirmation and seeing as his walled has no worth to me I simply tossed it into the air. The wallet traveled for some great miles until it reached Kai hitting him in the head. I could only hear a shout "What the F.u.c.k!" in the distance. Don't look at me like that, at least I gave back his wallet.

Following the map, we easily reached one of the empty jointly dormitories. And to the surprise of absolutely no one, we had neighbors. And I knew these neighbors fairly well.

Hello Gwen and Rick.

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