Mokuton Authority

Chapter 249 - Soul: Old Friends.

{AN: Made a discord server with the help of my friend, here is the link:

Don't worry I will also post the link in the comments session.}




I and Allessa immediately looked at our joint room. It was a simple Japanese-style room, there were two tables on the floor, and the typical futon for the two of us. The floor was also the typical wooden floor you can find in those ancient Japanese houses, which isn't far from the truth seen as we were on the Seireitei.

"Nice room... Do you want to change styles or you want to continue with the Japanese-styled room?"(Allessa).

"I wanted to go with eh style of the place. What do you think?"(Aizen).

"I don't mind. Going with the Japanese style for a bit does indeed feels like a nice change of pace."(Allessa).

"I agree, a nice change would be nice. But first, I wanted to expand this room to at least give us a little bit more of comfort."(Aizen).

"Hmmm a little bit more space would be nice, we can also change our bed a bit."(Allessa).

"I want to give this room our unique touch while also not going to away from the Japanese theme."(Aizen).

"A good decision. I agree."(Allessa).

We spent the next four hours remodeling and changing our room, the end result was a bigger room, we still maintained the wooden floor but right it is made with my [Mokuton], we also upgraded our futon bed with some top-notch material I got using [Yin-Yang Release], we redecorated the place entirely. Sadly the walls are relatively empty right now, I said to allessa that I wanted to fill them with some paintings I made in the future, she agreed.

We also made a matrix of [Primordial Runes] to help us regulate the temperature and soundproof our room. Yeah, it's pretty obvious why the soundproof is necessary. We also made some sort of library room for us where there are a lot of shelves containing books for us to read some comfortably we can sit and enjoy some quiet time together. In the library room, there is also a fireplace, said fireplace is the entrance to our secret research institute where we will research and test things that are too dangerous to do outside. And yes, the research room is in another pocket dimension Allessa created, a good place for research and development.

Our last modification on our room was the bathroom that was severely expanded to fit a whole hot spring and a bunch of different pools and showers. We didn't forget to enchant the ceiling to look like the night sky.

The last room is a mediation/training room, this place is where we will do our less destructive shinigami training. It more of a quiet place where we can meditate at will. And yes, we all went with the Japanese style, it was quite refreshing, to be honest, I like it, it reminds me of my home in the Senju Compound.

We didn't go extravagant and overboard as we did with the Shrek Castle. But we did indeed got ourselves a little bit of luxury, and comfort. After finishing our room we simply gave each other a light kiss.

"Finally finished."(Allessa)

"That is what she said"(Aizen).

There was a slow and awkward silence in the room, it was like I managed to completely break the good vibes in the atmosphere with just a comment. but the awkward silence was interrupted by both of us erupting in laugher.

"Hahaha... You know. If I were the typical anime waifu, I would be beating you right now."(Allessa).

"Yeah, I am thankful you can get the joke. And you know that only makes me love you even more, right?"(Aizen).

She looked at me lovingly, seemly falling for me all over again in this single instant. It was a beautiful moment for both of us.

"All these years together and you still know how to stir my heart and make me blush. I love you too."(Allessa).

We kissed a little bit more, hugged each other, and simply sat on an armchair in the library room. allessa sat on my lap seemly enjoying the moment as much as I. S.e.x is good and all, but these kinds of moments that literally fill me with warmth, with love, with happiness, and it was for these kinds of precious moments that I wanted a partner in the first place, it was all for these kinds of moments that fill me with happiness.

And I can't help but think that I would literally do anything for her, if she had bad intentions towards me I would be f.u.c.k.i.e.d, or maybe I wouldn't even have fallen for her if that was the case. Looking at Allessa I couldn't help but think I made the right choice, and that I really need to marry this woman. I remember my father saying that when I really found the right person I would know, he tried to describe some of that to me but describing emotions is something really difficult, but I remember clearly like it was yesterday he said to me: "You will truly know she is the right person, when you want her to be the mother of your children, when you see her vomiting, sick and the only thing you feel is love and hope that she gets better, when you see her pregnant and struggling and your love for her didn't diminish in the slightest. You will know you truly love her when she saw your worst and she helped and accepted you, when you got sick and she took care of you, when you were sad and lost and she helped you find the way. You will know it's her when you find a true partner, someone who wants to stand by your side, someone who wants to truly live together sharing the good and the bad, someone who will give you her world without even blinking. But do remember son, relationsh.i.p.s are a two-way street, do not expect to receive someone's world, if you aren't willing to part with yours'." When my father's voice briefly passed through my mind I already knew the simple answer to everything: I simply love her too much. And I truly want to see her in a beautiful wedding dress.

"Thank you, Aizen. I love you."(Allessa).

"I love you too Allessa. I know I already asked and you accepted, but I wanted to make a special event."(Aizen).

"I know. We are [Telpehatic] connected, but I will make sure to not spy too much to no spoil the surprise. "(Allessa).

"Don't worry you will love what I am planing."(Aizen).

"I am sure I will, I love everything about you my ~husband~"(Allessa).

"Hehehe, I will make sure enjoy you lots tonight ~wifey~"(Aizen).

After some make-out sessions, we saw that it was already 13:00 pm. And yes, I did indeed use [Clairvoyance] just to see the hours.

"Let's go eat something in the cafeteria? Or if you want I can make some food with my [Yain-Yang Release]"(Aizen).

"Let's go to the cafeteria, I wanted to try the typical Japanese food a little bit. Now that is a bit later I bet it will at least be less crowded."(Allessa).

"Sure. Let's see if Shinigami food is any different."(Aizen).

We went to the Cafeteria and ate something rather nice and simple. Ramen, yeah I know it isn't the most typical food but we both decided it at least sounded good as a first try to this place. And we were right the ramen was pretty good, no way near Ichiraku, but still pretty good.

After that, we did a tour of the school and we were pretty surprised with how many facilities this academy has. But I think it's kind of expected seeing as the academy is really, really old. But it kind foe expected seeing as Yamamoto established the academy at the start of his career long ago, so the academy must've been improving itself over the years.

After that, we decided to return to our room, but before entering my room I slid down a paper on my neighbors' room inviting them to a talk when they have time. It's only polite to introduce yourself to your neighbors after all, and I am pretty sure they would appreciate the library room.

Allessa and I decided to prepare the dinner together, meaning that we literally had to create an extra room with a kitchen for us. No biggie it was pretty easy. But soon our neighbors will rive.

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Yes, I installed an alarm system that makes bell sounds when there is someone at the door. I immediately opened the door and soon I was face to face with Rick and Gwen. The two of them simply stared at me like they just saw a ghost. Which isn't far from the truth seeing as from their perspective I must've looked like I died.

Rick is a tall handsome man with Red hair, his pupils are red and his cornea is light blue, his face morphed in what I would like to call a clear example of Ikemen (Pretty boy), he is now wearing the typical shinigami Shihakusho. Gwen is a tall busty woman with light platinum hair, her eyes have + sign on then with constantly alternate between white and yellow, she is also wearing the typical black Shihakusho.

Wow, they changed a lot. Must be due to their bloodlines awakening and how strong they got in the war. They were indeed an archdemon and an archangel respectively, so I bet they got pretty strong too. Seeing my two flabbergast friends at the door I just smiled waved with my hand and said.

"Sup! How is it going?"(Aizen).

My answer was a double punch to the face, which sent me flying to the other side of the room completely breaking everything in my trajectory. My aggressors were sadly not intact after such an endeavor.

"F.u.c.k! My hand."(Gwen/Rick).

A little bewildered I looked at Allessa and ask a simple question.

"Hey, Allessa. Is my face a door for people to knock on it? did you fall for a door face? Do you think doors are s.e.xy?"(Aizen).

"Door face? Your mother is the door face. Your whole family is the door face."(Allessa).

"~Ah, so you want to be a Door face too. Seeing as you are part of my family and all...~"(Aizen).

Seeing as Aizen was acting like an idiot right now. Allessa just flipped him the bird and went to greet our guests of the night. The surprising thing is that with every step she took it was like the room was going back in time, slowly repairing itself. When she reached close to the door the whole room looked as pristine as the day it was made AKA today.

"Hello, Rickez and Gwenadiel. Nice to finally meet you, Aizen talked quite a bit about you two."(Allessa).

"* Sigh* Hello teacher Allessa. It has been quite a long time, but I am happy to see your relationship with Aizen is going well."(Rick).

"Yeah. But isn't that surprising seeing as how much time Aizen used to spend together with you during our university days. I would love to hear how you two met each other."(Gwen).

Allessa smiled wryly her face forming a slightly awkward expression. Seeing the opportunity I shouted from the other side of the room where I still lay on the ground.

"Ah don't worry I will tell you. It was a lovely day at the park, the birds were singing, the water was flowing, even the sun was happy. She decided it was a good day to blow a hole through my torso."(Aizen).

Gwen and Rick seem to choke in their own saliva when my story took that abrupt turn of events at the end.

"What the f.u.c.k?"(Rick/Gwen).

"Don't worry, she was relatively gentle."(Aizen).

Now the guest couple seems to take a spit take on that one, their faces full of surprise at the way I phrased it.

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