Mokuton Authority

Chapter 253 - Soul: [Shunpo] is pretty good.

{AN: Made a discord server with the help of my friend, here is the link:

Don't worry I will also post the link in the comments session.}




After [Hakuda] class everyone unanimously decided to go to the library, liking it or not information is power, and I bet everyone wants to know some cool tricks we can learn on these books.

We continued reading and acc.u.mulating more and more information until dinner time, and after everyone ate our dinner everyone went to their respective room to rest for tomorrow. It's long past the point where I or Allessa need to sleep, so nighttime is basically cuddling and s.e.xy time for us. I just love it.

The next day came, and we all quickly and our breakfast, following we proceeded to our next class [Hoho].

The [Hoho] class was different from the others, the class was specifically made on a very open and wide-field outside, probably due to the fact that we need a lot of space when practicing any kind of [hoho] technique. the other classes will also probably reach the point where we would also need to go outside, you can only learn so much confined inside of a classroom after all.

The whole class was simply waiting in a wide and clear plain filled with low grass, and by my accounts, everyone was already here so the teacher must arrive at any minute.


Lo and behold, the teacher did indeed just arrive, he was an older man roughly 60-70 years old in appearance, definitely extremely proficient in [Shunpo] by what I saw. Without missing a beat the old teacher said to the whole class.

"Hello my name is Yagi Shiro and I will be your [Hoho] teacher. [Hoho] is an important skill for any Shinigami, which incorporates speed and agility. The skill level of [Hoho] can be enhanced and improved through concentration, training, and mastery of it. Among the foremost practitioners of this technique are those assigned to the Onmitsukido. [Shunpo] AKA [Flash Step] is the greatest expression of the [Hoho] technique; however, there are variations even within Shunpo, which only master Hohō practitioners can use."(Yagi).

"We will start with the basics of the basics. I will put everyone on a 30 meters track, and you will have to reach the end of the track as fast as possible, by any means necessary. You can do anything as long as you don't interfere with your classmates' tacks. This exercise is something extremely simple to help me gouge the overall class speed, after around an hour like this I will change exercises. And before anyone asks we won't be doing anything like [Shunpo] any time soon."(Yagi).

"But Sensei I already know [Shunpo] what should I do?"(Random Student).

"Don't worry. Every end of the month there is a general exam that depending on your performance may allow you to skip grades. I know for those of you of noble origin that already had this training, so this must be pretty boring, so I will allow you all to continue practicing your [Hoho] at the right side of the field, there is a huge space here so please refrain from messing around with your less fortunate classmates."(Yagi).

"Can we help our classmates?"(Random student(2))

"Yes, you can. Btu as I said, if I see you messing around or making fun of someone I won't be lenient with your punishment. I don't tolerate bratty or shitty behavior. UNDERSTOOD!!"(Yagi).

"YES, TEACHER!!!"(Entire Class).

The class was pretty boring for me and Allessa as we both have long since learned the [Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track Steps] technique and improved it to suit us the best. I literally can move instantly and Allessa has access to the [Speed Force] so this initial exercise the teacher passed to us might as well be worthless. I am indeed interested in [Shunpo] as I think I can integrate it with my footwork technique, or simply create something new and completely absurd.

And yes Allessa is technically a speedster. Her third eye skill [Force Control] is completely overpowered, even more than my [Foul Control] third eye skill. Wait... Maybe she can give me access to the [Speed Force], [Streght Force], and [Sage Force].

"Well, that is indeed a good idea, your body is more than strong enough to carry all these forces simultaneously so I don't doubt you can fully extract their potential. And mixing [Speed Force] with your footwork technique will give some pretty overpowered results for sure."(Allessa). Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #%5Bshunpo%5D-is-pretty-good._52099780909788124 for visiting.

"Hmmm.... tonight?"(Aizen).

"Tonight. I don't know what kind of effect it will have on you, you are already monstrously fast and strong even by an Omni God standard."(Allessa).

"Well... the danger sense of my [Clairvoyance] didn't warn me about anything so we are probably good."(Aizen).

"Aizen. You know there are probably very few things in existence that can pose a danger to you, so your [Cairvoyance] not warning you could also mean that the entire universe disintegrated, and seeing that is in no way dangerous to you..."(Allessa).

"Okay, okay. I get it, I am really awesome."(Aizen).

"And so am I."(Allessa).

"That, I have no doubt."(Aizen).

The next Class was of course about [Kido]. But instead of just one teacher like everyone was expecting there were three, two middle-aged women, and one old dude. Before anyone could start asking questions the old man that looked to be in his 80 takes a step forwards and said.

"Hello my name is Takumi, at my right is teacher Tomoe, and to my left is teacher Tagami. This is the [Kido] class, but each one of us specializes in a different type of [Kido]."(Takumi).

"What do you mean Sensei? there is more than one type of [Kido]?"(Random Student).

"Excellent question. There are three main types of [Kido]: binding spells [Bakudo], destruction spells [Hado], and healing spells [Kaido]. Now each teacher will talk about their own specialization, you can start Tomoe-San."(Takumi).

"Sure Takumi-San. My main specialty are [Hado] spells. [Hado] are offensive spells which inflict direct damage to the enemy. Their effectiveness differs depending on the user. It is said the effectiveness of the higher-ranked spells is beyond imagination. You turn Tagami-San."(Tomoe).

"Thanks for your explanation Tomoe-San. My main specialty are [Bakudo] spells. [Bakudo] spells are supplementary spells that can immobilize an enemy or have an effect besides a direct strike. They may seem subtle, but these spells can give their users a tactical advantage when used properly. These are a broad category of defensive spells which block/repel attacks or freezes enemies in place. This class of spells also includes Kidō Barriers & Seals."(Tagami).

"[Bakudo Barriers] are Focused spiritual energy formed into a solid form of energy. This energy can take on many shapes or colors as determined by the user. Barriers are protective in nature and can be as simple as a barrier only protecting one direction or encompassing all sides of an area. Barriers can be used for containment, and some barriers can be used offensively. Barriers can mask spiritual pressure and can make one spiritually and physically invisible. The strength of a barrier is dependent upon the power of the user. Weak barriers are easily breakable, while strong ones can last for centuries. Barriers created by noble blood are said to be unbreakable by those of lesser status. Certain barriers can be placed beforehand and activated later, while others require certain artifacts and time to activate."(Tagami).

"[Bakudo Seals] are somewhat similar to barriers, but far more powerful and require far more preparation to create. Seals can only be used by those of sufficient spiritual power, and are meant to hold the most powerful and/or dangerous artifacts or beings. Seals are usually very hard to break."(Tagami).

"Thanks for your explanation Tagami-San. My specialty lays in [Kaido] AKA healing spells. Also known as healing [Kido]. These spells do not have known names, numbers, or incantations to cast, they simply heal the target. As the user holds his/her hands above the patient's wounds, his/her palms glow with green spiritual energy to facilitate healing. When one heals with regular healing [Kido], they perform Reiatsu restoration first. By doing so, one can attempt to recover the physical body using the patient's restored Reiatsu and the healer's external Reiatsu. Therefore, restoring the Reiatsu when the physical body is in a fully healed state is no trouble at all. And yes I used to be part of squad 4 beforehand, but my passion truly lays in teaching so I've long been retired. And do remember that [Kaido] is also the heaviest type of [Kido] in terms of control requirement."(Takumi).

"Also most spells are graded on a scale from 1 to 99, spells of the latter being the most powerful and the most difficult to perform. To use [Kido], a Shinigami must recite the specific incantation for the spell, which is often long and requires a few seconds to speak. Of course, the power of a spell relies on the power of the user, as even a low-level spell can be utterly devastating when utilized by a high-class Shinigami."(Takumi).

"[Kido] can be used for practical purposes as well. Like using it to light a dark hallway if the spell is tweaked in the right way, albeit with less power. Also, no [Kido] will last forever and will erode with time, as with anything created by living things will die because all living things will eventually die."(Takumi).

"For now your classes will be solely focused on learning [Reiatsu] control, and only after at least a month of that will the class split themselves into the three disciplines mentioned. [Kido] is something dangerous, So I don't want to see any childish behavior in my class. I also-"(Takumi).

After that Takumi proceed with his lecture, talking about all kinds of different subjects and scenarios. In the middle of his explanation, Tomoe and Tagami went through the class distributing some objects to help us practice our [Reiatsu] control. Takumi also used this time to explain a wide number of exercises that can help someone with their [Reiatsu] control.

The class was pretty interesting and entertaining, Allessa definitively loved it, but I guess Spell is her thing so I am not surprised.

The [Kido] classes took the whole day with only a huge break for lunch, but after that, the classes still continued. I can definitely understand where the Shinigami academy is going with this kind of schedule. They will alternate between physical and mental disciplines, one day we will have [Zanjutsu], [Hakuda], and [Hoho] meaning a pretty heavy physical day. So the next day is sort of a mentally focused day with [Bakudo], [Hado], and [Kaido] an interesting arrangement if I do say myself. They could also make one physical heavy and two mental heavy classes per day or vice versa, like this, the students sort of having a pretty filled and balanced schedule.

Of course, there are also other non-shinigami obligatory classes, like history, ethics, economics, math, etc. Thankfully you can easily skip those classes if you pass their final tests, me and Allessa not having enough patience to deal with that boring crap quickly did the final tests on those classes eliminating our need to attend them. Rick, Gwen, and Elsa are also in the process of studying to pass those classes' final tests and be free of them.

At night I and Allessa were in our laboratory, I was floating in the air in a meditative position. allessa was behind me with her two palms touching my back.

"Are you ready?"(Allessa).

"I am always ready."(Aizen).

With a deep breath, Allessa's third eye opens, and with a jolt, I suddenly felt three different kinds of energies become connected to my body. Those three energies were savage, unruly, they shone and coursed under my skin making me look like a fancy Christmas tree.

This is a pretty similar scene to when Thanos finally put the final Infinity Gem on his gauntlet completing the set. Sadly for those unruly energies, I have a pretty good pain tolerance. So after nearly one minute shining like a Christmas tree, I went back to normal.

"Soo... How did it go?"(Allessa).

"Pretty good actually, I feel like my mind is faster, stronger, wider, and the same can be said for a lot of aspects of myself. I thought it would be way more difficult to be connected to Omni aspects of reality like speed, strength, and mind."(Azien).

"Is not that this is easy, its because you are simply way too monstrous... "(Allessa)

"I know. I already have some pretty interesting ideas here, for example: can the [Speed Force] accelerate my recovery speed? can the [Strength Force] make my energy stronger? can the [Sage Force] expand my [Clairvoyance] range and powers?"(Aizen).

"Yes, probably. Those energies have infinity potential, you just need to be creative."(Allessa).

"Someone with such an almost indestructible body like mine is a speedster... That got to be a crime somewhere, it's simply too overpowered."(Aizen).

"Let's go cuddle. You will probably need to climate yourself to the [Tri Forces] for the time being."(Allessa).


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