Mokuton Authority

Chapter 254 - Soul: One year later.

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[One Year Later]

Do you know a funny thing? Technically now that I've become connected to the [Speed Force], [Strenght Force], and [Sage Force], my mind, my strength, and my speed are technically infinite. Yeah, just let that sink in... Infinite Strenght, Infinite Speed, Infinite Mind... To the guy that literally can multiply everything... Yeah, I know how much of an overpowered monster I became. Thankfully perfection doesn't exist, so I can still improve.

In this year I not only grew more used to my forces, Allessa did it too. Sadly we were already too f.u.c.k.i.n.g strong, so we didn't gain a huge leap in strength as a normal human would. But it would be a lie if I said these forces didn't help me improve. And I gotta say [Flashtime] is pretty amazing, even Allessa the woman who has five [True Magics] agrees with me, and seeing that more than one [True Magic] deals with the time element you can guess how impressive that sounds.

Getting a hang of all the skills I could do as a speedster was pretty easy, we had a clear goal and examples to follow as Flash did the groundwork with us first, so we had to do a crash course where we learned all of Flash's skill. It was a nice romantic activity we did together. And if you are curious I am indeed faster, my body is simply way more inclined to physical activities than Allessa's. And yes, my [Sage Body] did indeed evolve when I reached godhood, it became a [Divine Sage Body], to the absolute surprise of no one. A [Divine Sage Body] is like the normal [Sage body] divine version on some heavy steroids.

Guess it's time to talk about my soul progress. I am proud to say that my current control sits firmly on 52%, meaning that whatever I use my [Reiryoku] to do anything only 48% of it is dissipated to the winds, this control level is good enough for me to easily be 7th or 8th seat of any squad. If you are curious an average captain has roughly 85% to 95%, but the older ones like Unohana or Yamamoto are exceptions sitting on the fabled 96%-98% of control. Of course, there are captains like Zaraki that have shitty control so expect this estimation to be wrong at least 50% of the time.

On the [Kido] department I can cast any [Kido] under the number No.42 easily, and when I mean easy I mean it without incantation or even opening my mouth. Allessa on the other hand truly showed why she was considered a Magic genius, she can cast any [Kido] under No.91 easily. And her control easily sits on 60%, I know her talent for this area has always been higher than mine so I am not that surprised by her overwhelming progress.

In the [True Magic] department we have been slowly going through it, none of us has any kind of urgency so it was relatively slow going.

Well, this year I also created something quite marvelous and terrifying. I called it [Automatic Victory], remember that my [Clairvoyance] has a bunch of bullshit abilities? Well, I created a mode where I "shut down" my mind and only follow the [Patch Of Victory] provided by my [Clairvoyance] in that way my body gains a mechanical robotic precision that follows the [Patch Of Victory] precisely to a T.

I tested it only once in a mock battle against Allessa, and even she admits that I am extremely terrifying when I activate [Patch Of Victory], she said she couldn't stop feeling a cold dread around her neck like a beast had its maws nearly closing in and killing her, my void and unfeeling golden eyes of samsara looked way more terrifying than she could ever safely describe, my cold face way more terrifying than anything she saw. It was absolutely terrifying, and I am thankful things simply didn't devolve to something more grave because I only activated [Autmomatic Mode] for a single instant, but that was more than enough. I would also like to point out that due to the [Sage Force] my [Clairvoyance] became even more Overpowered than it already was. Well, At least I now have a super-duper trump card, right?

In the [Zanjutsu] category I didn't progress much, but I still progressed. I was already a Grandmaster of the sword as I trained it a lot during my time in the Narutoverse. But the Bleach verse is literally a universe focused on swords AKA [Zanpakutou], so I learned quite a lot of tricks and tips here, even from the frigging school.

[Hakuda] was quite disappointing, I was expecting to learn some more about the way the Shinigami fight in the close quarters but I ended up not learning that much in the end. I did indeed learn the way they fought, but it's pretty close to the normal, guess I would need to go to the 2nd division or something if I wanted to know more special ways of fighting CQC the Shinigami way.

[Hoho] Was another thing entirely, the day I learned [Shunpo] was the day the entire universe moved, literally. Well, as expected my talent in the physical department is quite good, but I guess in this case it ended up in the too good category. When I was training [Shunpo] I accidentally moved the whole universe instead of myself. Yeah, you hear that right, when I was training [Shunpo] I moved the universe instead of myself, meaning that I stayed static while the universe moved around me. That was honestly one of the craziest experiences in my entire existence 10/10 definitely would do it again.

And even with me being already exceptionally fast without it I loved using [Shunpo], it's so practical and relaxing to use. I can definitely understand how someone like Yoruichi would fall in love with this technique and specialize in it. It reached a point where it's easier to use [Shunpo] than walking, so id decided to keep using [Shunpo] to move around. And I would like to add that I do everything like that on-air, flying. Remember that I said I am extremely heavy? That didn't change, I am incredible and extremely dense in the physical sense.

Guess I should also talk about my progress with the Hollow powers. A hollow has some quite interesting techniques. There is for example the [Shunpo] equivalent [Sonido], a fast movement technique that as long as you know how to perform [Shunpo] you will be able to do it rather easily.

There is also the [Ultra Regeneration] which is kind of redundant for someone like me, but I can guess it improved my already absurd regeneration a little bit more?

There is [Pesquisa], a skill for sensing and measuring [Reiatsu], at first I thought it would be useless for someone who has an overpowered [Clairvoyance] like me, but at the ended it ended up improving a lot of my ability on sensing [Reiatsu] and [Reiryoku].

Another one is of course [Cero], one of the most know skills a Hollow can have.[Cero] is a powerful beam attack that can be used by the most powerful Hollows, but it's more accurate to say that [Cero] is closer to a Dragon Ball [Ki] beam than anything else. I liked using [Cero] quite a bit, but I already have something similar in the form of the [Rasengan] variations I made all those years ago, but I guess have one more little thing in my arsenal is not bad.

There is also [Bala] which is basically a weakened form of [Cero] in bullet form, it's pretty useful when you do not have the time to charge a full [Cero] or need some small attack to falter your enemy.

There is of course [Garganta] but that is pretty useless to someone like me who can easily travel dimensions with a single step without breaking a sweat.

The final and for me the most useful skill of all, the [Hierro]. [Hierro] may sound useless the first time you heard about it, but this skill is sincerely completely OP for someone like me who has a stupidly strong soul so use it, so my body which was already monstrous beforehand, became even more monstrous right now. You see, when using [Hierro] I condense my [Reiryoku], creating a steel-hard skin strong enough to block a [Zanpakutou] point-blank. This will allow me who already had a monstrous and night indestructible body to become even more indestructible in the long run. In general, the strength of an individual's Hierro is proportional to the potency of their [Reiryoku], meaning someone who has a monstrous [Reiryoku] like I have an absurd powerful [Hierro] and seeing that I am improving every day, the tendency is for it to get even stronger in the future.

My [Shikai] is already pretty obvious so you probably already know what it is. Well, I will give you some more tips. Remember that my [Divine weapon] fused with my [Zanpakutou]? Yeah, I think you already know where this is going. My [Shikai] is [Nazzod], and before you ask, my [Zanpakutou] doesn't disappear when I use [Shikai] the only thing that changes is that [Nazzod] appears.

The funny thing is that I also already have my [Bankai]. Yeah, I won't elaborate more on that and I will avoid that liek the plague, I have to somehow maintain the Bleach tradition of not using [Bankai] no matter what is happening. Yeah, I know, it pisses me off too, but I gotta follow the traditions. Allessa is also doing the same.

In terms of academic progress, we all are already on the 6th year course closing to finally graduating from the academy. There are only two tests we had yet to complete, a test in the human world where we all as students have to fight some hollows, and after that a test in the academy where we need to show our proficiency with the Shinigami arts. So basically just a normal and a field test.

Right now I and Allessa are getting "Ready" for our field test tomorrow, meaning we are just messing around in our room while we practice some more control.

"Tomorrow we will have the field test."(Aizen)

"I know."(Allessa).

"Didn't it make more sense to have the normal test first, and the field test later. This sounds exactly like some badly planned education program."(Aizen). Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #._52131224348578518 for visiting.

"Tell me about it. At least I can test some of my sword skill."(Allessa).

"Heh, I bet I will look cool when I kill Hollows with just one sword swing."(Aizen).

"*Deadpan* You can literally split the universe with a sword swing."(Allessa).

"I know."(Aizen).

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