Mokuton Authority

Chapter 255 - Soul: Rip and tear until its done.

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[Next Day]

Today is field test day, right now the whole 6th years class is close to soul society Senkaimon ready to go towards the human world. Everyone was talking with each other and trying to guess what would happen, I already know everything thanks to [Clairvoyance] but I don't want to spill it so I am going to keep my mouth shut about that.

"Hey, Aizen! How strong are those Hollows we keep hearing about?"(Rick).

"... Dude, you're in the f.u.c.k.i.n.g 6th year in the academy and you don't know some basic shit like that? What the f.u.c.k?"(Aizen).

"Shut up! I just want to talk about something to stave off my boredom, you bas-"(Rick).

"Well, you won't have that many problems here. Most of these Hollows are pretty weak, just be wary of the Arrancars, they can have some pretty tricky abilities so it could be somewhat dangerous."(Aizen).


"English, motherf.u.c.ker, do you speak it?"(Rick).

"*Sigh* You two should-"(Gwen).

"Hello class, Me and teacher Tomoe will accompany you all on the field test, don't worry the 2nd division is also providing some cover, and they will also help in your evaluation. So everyone is ready?"(Takumi).


"So right now the [Kido Corps] will open a Senkaimon for us to go towards the human world, wait patiently and it will be over in a minute."(Takumi).

"While we wait I will separate everyone into groups of 5, and before anyone asks, the groups will be totally random."(Takumi).

Then Takumi picks a fairly big basket with a bunch of paper slips, said paper slips probably contain the name of each student. He picks the paper slips five by five, and at the end, there was a total of 12 groups, looking at everyone properly organized Takumi nods and says.

"Today you will have some real combat and even with the teacher and some people from the 2nd division here your life will still be in danger, so do not take this test lightly. You may need to do everything again, but if you think you can't do it now is the last chance for you to give up. don't worry it isn't shameful to give up right now, on the contrary, that just shows you are wiser than your peers in knowing your strengths and weakness."(Takumi).

Everyone remained silent, looking at the class Takumi nodded once more and proceed to talk with tomoe while the people from the [Kido Corps] finish opening the senkaimon. When the senkaimon finally opened Takumi looked once more towards the whole class.

"Good, now the gate has opened. The moment you pass through this gate your test will start, be careful and good luck."(Takumi).

I looked at my group, it was a boy called Ryu with the most average Japanese looks I have ever seen, the fabled back eyes black hair combination, the other three were girls, Toka, Hana, and Hina. Hana and Hina are sisters they looked pretty similar dark blue hair and violet eyes, while Toka was completely blonde with blue eyes. They all have average heights for Japan, meaning they look liek a bunch of small kids close to a giant like me, I mean the average Japanese height is around 1.50 meters and I am 2.10 meters tall, yeah I am a literal giant for them.

Looking at my team I tried to start some conversation.

"Sup people, how is it going?"(Aizen).

A nice start and the dumbfounded expressions that they sent me is just because I am very handsome, not because I simply butchered any kind of proper manners in this situation. Ryu was the first to recover before saying.

"Hello Aizen-San, please take care of me."(Ryu).

The three girls also finally exited their shocked state and also says the same thing.

"Please Take care of us."(Girls).

"Well you people are too stiff, talk more normally with me will ya?"(Aizen).

"*Sigh* Okay Aizen-San we will-"(Ryu).

"Stop with the formal stuff, it's getting boring to hear it after some time."(Aizen).


"So how are we going to proceed with the test? Any strategies? Some kind of special formation? Maybe we can form different team combinations?"(Hina).

"Hmmm... I was thinking of going 1 x 1 with the combat stuff, this is a test so better than winning I think is more important for you to show your strength. So ganging up on the Hollows seems like it is counterproductive, what you all think?"(Aizen).

"Sounds fine to me."(Hana).

"I am cool with it."(Toka).

"... No problems."(Ryu).

"I guess that would be okay."(Hina).

Before anyone could say anything more everyone started passing through the senkaimon, it appears it's time for everything to finally start. It didn't take much and we soon were already in the human world. My four groupmates looked at everything around them with curiosity, well this is probably the first time for them in the human world so this is expected.

Each group went in a different direction, probably to explore a bit and fight some Hollows, if I am not mistaken the area arround us is quite infested with the little buggers, and seeing our [Reiatsu] the Hollows will probably flock us like a moth to a flame. Lo and behold, I was soon proven right when a hollow appeared in front of the group.

The hollow looked pretty weird, like a mix between a bear and a lizard, it's mask was exceptionally ugly it had a bunch of jagged corners, and the five horns it's sprouted made it even uglier, the shining yellow eyes even added to its shitty image. The group reacted quite strongly to it, feeling its aggressiveness and most certainly surprised at the hollow's appearance. To break this awkward situation I decide to speak.

"So who is gonna fight it?"(Aizen).

There was silence for some time before Hina finally took some courage and stepped forward, her weapon drawn.

"Let me have this one Aizen-San."(Hina).

"Sure, go on girl. Time to shine."(Aizen)

Hina fought exceptionally well against the hollow showing her powers as a true 6th-year student. Her use of [Shunpo] and [Kido] was especially quite good from what I was able to see. Soon enough Hina was able to cut the Hollow's mask and officially kill it. She seems slightly tired, but it is to be expected from a fight like this, Hana even clapped at Hina's success.

The team talked and complimented Hina on her skills and performance while we continue walking searching for another Hollow, and soon enough a particular ugly bird liek hollow appeared, thankfully it looked like the bird can't fly so the battle won't be that problematic. This time Hana decided to fight against the Hollow, she especially wanted to look cool as her big sister Hina.

Hana showed similar a similar level of combat power as Hina. But instead of being good at [Kido], she appears to be specially gifted at [Zanjutsu] and [Shunpo], she made quick work of the bird-like hollow easily splitting its mask in half with an accurate swing of her sword.

We continue going until another Hollow appeared this one fitted the bear-like appearance almost to a T, but you could say he looked more like an Ursa Grimm from RWBY. This time it was Ryu who wanted to show off a little, seeing the girls succeeding gave him quite a bit of encouragement.

Much like Hana Ryu talents lied in [Zanjutsu] and [Shunpo], but his [Shunpo] talent was especially good compared with the other, give the boy 100 years focusing solely on that 24/7 and he maybe will be able to reach Yoruichi's level, that is quite a good amount of talent for a normie.

Thanks to his superior speed Ryu was able to make quick work of the Hollow. We continued normally searching for our next Hollow, and soon enough a snake-like hollow appeared, it looked like the basilisk from Harry Potter but uglier somehow. This time everyone looked towards Toka and me, looking at Toka I asked.

"Wanna try?"(Aizen).

She simply nodded and went forward, Toka could use [Shunpo] but she wasn't that good with it, her [Zanjutsu] was also average, but her [Bakudo] was especially good, the girl most certainly had a lot of talent in that area. And after binding the snake-like hollow with a [Kido] she easily cut its mask in half.

Toka nodded satisfied and we continued walking. All these Hollows gave me a very sneak and dangerous(Not For Me) idea. More like I am going to copy one of Uryuu here, using some [Genjutsu] on my little groupmates for them to ignore me for a bit I slash my arms to my right and open a huge ass [Garganta], I also made sure to make this [Garganta] a little bit special, it is a direct connection to one of the most populated areas of [Hueco Mundo], thankfully for my groupmates here that area only has low-level Hollows so they won't suffer that much.

What I am doing? It ought this outing was a little too lowkey so I wanted to give a little gift to my little friends here before we departed. I am also interested in the rate of development of a normal Shinigami. I want to see if I gave them the perfect conditions for continuous growth they would be able to do it, I will keep pumping them with [Yang Release] while they fight endless waves of Hollows, thanks to [Yang Release] they will always be full of vitality(meaning they don't need to worry about stamina) and their wounds will be easily healed, their only problem will be mental fatigue. I wanted to see if this can stimulate their growth potential. This is like a minor and more tame version of what underwent with the skeletons.

Unmaking my illusion everyone was startled by the giant portal spilling Hollows without stop. They were understandably tense and afraid seeing the sheer number of Hollows, trembling a bit Ryu asked me.

"W-what s-should w-we d-dd-do?"(Ryu).

Looking at my shaking groupmate I said out loud.


Damn, I always wanted to say that out loud, and this is the perfect opportunity for that. When I said that, I also used one of the abilities the well of wisdom gave me and stimulated their combat will a little, nothing game-changing or anything, they simply won't tremble that much anymore and their brain will always choose fight instead of fly.

The Hollows poured in the world of the living interrupting anyone of my squat mates from asking questions. Everyone put on guard and prepared for a fierce and long battle.

Thankfully the Hollows were weak so even those with shitty [Zanjutsu] skills could use the bare minimum of effort to kill one. We all continue fighting, hollow after hollow, kill after kill, minutes passed, and when it reached the one-hour mark everyone was absolutely exhausted, Ryu, Hina, Toka, and Hana could barely move their arms anymore, wounds started to acc.u.mulate on their bodies.

It started first with small cuts and gashes, then it grew to bruises and large cuts until it reached a point where Ryu had a huge bite mark on his torso, Toka had an almost useless arm, Hana was struggling with huge wounds on her legs, and Hina had a particularly nasty cut on her stomach. I looked at this situation and I found the perfect opportunity for em to reveal my [Shikai].

"Well, I guess this is a Good time as any to use my [Shikai]. Be ready my friends' things are going to get interesting."(Aizen).

"~'Ascend upon the thrones of reality [Nazzod]'~"(Aizen).

Suddenly two orb-like creatures appeared on my shoulders, one was black with golden details, while the other was white with golden details, they seem to possess some kind of armored exterior and on the middle of each orb, there are strange rippled golden eyes with nine magatamas. This is none other than my [Divine Weapon] and also my [Shikai]; [Nazzod].

And yes, my [Zanpakutou] blade didn't disappear, it basically only "summoned" [Nazzod] outside. Sadly my groupmates didn't even the energy to be excited about this new development, but it didn't matter much right now as they are way more concerned about surviving.

With both a single thought [Nazzdo] floated above us like two strange observer drones, them the two different colored orbs started spinning in a circle-like pattern, suddenly a rain of golden-colored powder started falling on the battlefield. This is me using the [Yang release] through [Nazzod] to heal and recuperate my squadmates for them to continue fighting.

"I can continue healing both your wounds and stamina, don't worry I can choose whose I heal and whose I don't. Now, let's continue fighting."(Aizen).

I said that while I slowly(In my eyes) swung my [Zanpakutou] easily splitting the mask of a hollow that has gotten too close. The others now with their wounds healed and renewed vigor proceeded to continue fighting for their dear life.

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