Mokuton Authority

Chapter 256 - Soul: Tests are lame.

{AN: Made a discord server with the help of my friend, here is the link:

Don't worry I will also post the link in the comments session.}




Everyone continue fighting, hours have passed and soon it would be nighttime. Our field test will be for seven days and seven nights so we have a huge amount of time ahead of us. My groupmates keep fighting against the neverending Hollows nonstop, they have been at it for hours and I can definitely see visible progress.

thanks to the infinity stamina and infinite healing I provided they can fight to their heart's content and even people less inclined to fighting like Toka are showing themselves extremely capable. At this point even if any one of them had trash talent at [Zanjutsu] they would still be able to improve tremendously.

They have been using everything they got to kill the Hollows nonstop, they hacked and slashed bodies and limbs of the creatures any hesitation they could possibly have long since gone. Humans are extraordinary creatures when it comes to adaptability, and they learned, oh they learned. In their minds this is a sink or swim situation, they think they are extremely close to dying, which wouldn't be that far from the truth if it wasn't for me here.

But the important thing is that they are treating this as a life or death battle. Meaning they are always giving their absolute all and their absolute best, with even the deepest corner of their minds, the deepest abyss of their subconscious giving it all for their survival.

And this is quickly showing into their strengths, they have reached a level of strength almost as equal as the 8th seat of a normal squad. Their [Reiatsu] and [Reiryoku] being constantly stimulated by the perilous situation they were in.

And if my guess is right both Hina and Hana have already awakened their [Zanpakutou] if the changes towards their [Asauichi] are any indication. Toka and Ryu are close by what I can see with my [Clairvoyance]. Sadly for them, they don't have enough time to meditate and talk with their [Zanpakutou] so I doubt they will use their [Shikai] in this fight. Besides... I think their [Zanpakutous] spirits know this is an exceptional opportunity for their growth, the spirits must've noticed that their users aren't truly in danger here, if they were truly in danger the spirits would probably pull them inside and tell them their names no matter what. But thankfully the spirits are more perceptive than their users.

We continue fighting through the night until the morning of the second day, thanks to my "[Shikai]" we could continue fighting indefinitely. Right now every one of my groupmates already had their [Zanpakutou], but they didn't care much about it they just continued fighting.

Something of note is also their progress in the physical aspect, due to their constant fighting their body was starting to become stronger too and they've been dealing with the hollows with more ease with each passing moment. I am not afraid to admit that I cheated with [Primordial runes] and connected this [Garganta] with the same place in the Hueco Mundo across all Bleach alternative universe simultaneously. And seeing as that is literally an infinite number of alternative universes and timelines we have a literal infinite supply of Hollows.

They've been growing steadily stronger the more they fought and by the eve of the third day their performance was impressive. and even I got to admit limiting myself and fighting only with my [Zanpakutou] also improved my swordplay quite a bit, it also helped me improve my [Divine Will of the Absolutes] quite a bit.

Yes, I've "sealed" myself and I've been only using the strength equivalent to a 9th seat officer, this enabled me to concentrate more on improving my technique than anything else. I always try to not waste time and seeing as would have to wait for my groupmates here for an entire week I decided to at least joining the fun. And I do not regret it, seeing as even if the improvement I underwent isn't that big, it is an improvement nonetheless. And just for that, this little test is more than worth it. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #._52179242619815295 for visiting.

At the ending of the fourth day, all my groupmates were extremely mentally exhausted. Something expected, to be honest, even if I've been pumping [Yang release] onto them without stopping, that doesn't mean their minds don't tire. I am honestly quite impressed with how much they are able to hold, but seeing as Shinigami don't have the exact same limitation a human does I think this is expected somewhat.

At the end of the fifth day, their minds were already faltering, flickering from time to time, trying to shut down due to the extreme stress. But their bodies were at the peak of health and energy.

Thanks to that strange situation something strange started happening. Normally went eh mind of fight falter mid-combat, it spells death. But strangely enough, their bodies have been doing the motions so many times, so repeatedly that even when they lose consciously their bodies continue fighting with instinct alone, and that is something extremely impressive.

At the end of the sixth day they were barely conscious, most of the time their bodies were fighting on instinct alone, be it slashing with their swords, using [Shunpo], [Kido], or anything they have been relentless using during all this time. This led to something quite incredible, they started to improve their instincts, to hone it towards something deadly, they started developing some sort of Sixth sense only veterans have, that gut feeling that can save you at the time shits get down.

My squadmates will become absolute beasts when they go back, that I have no doubt. They could proficiently fight by instinct alone right now, and that is something very few people can even dream to accomplish.

On the final day they barely had lapses of consciousness, their bodies long accustomed to the task of killing hollows, it became something intrinsic, something natural, something reflexive, something automatic. I was honestly impressed with their progress, they could easily fight against the average 4th or 3rd seat, and I couldn't be happier for the fact that I raised those boys and gals.

When the [Garganta] closed and the last Hollows were eliminated, all four of them basically stood there awkwardly. It was as if their bodies and more than enough energy to stand up and fight but their minds had shut down completely, they were literally sleeping while still standing.

Soon a bunch of ninjas appeared at our location, they picked the four sleeping students and dashed towards the senkaimon. And yes, they saw everything that happened. Why did I let them? To watch the chaos while I eat popcorn of course. What did they see? only what I let them.

With a single [Shunpo] I was already close to the senkaimon waiting for the ninjas to arrive.


Hah, they didn't even look at me they just flat out ignored me and passed through the portal. I just maintained my slight smile and deactivated my "[Shikai]"returning my [Zanpkutou] to its normal state. another [Shunpo] and I was already crossing the senkaimon.

On the other side, I was received by a huge crowd of people. Takumi the teacher made a fast beeline towards me and spoke.

"Mr. Senju. Are you okay? Are you alright? I've heard your group faced a lot of hollows-"(Takumi).

"Don't worry Takumi-Sensei, no one was hurt, we were able to hold on until the end so everything turned out to be fine."(Aizen).

"*Sigh* Thank the Soul King you weren't hurt. But you still need to get checked at the 4th division, I will-"(Takumi).

"Don't Worry Takumi-Sensei. I will take care of things from here."

Looking at the new arrival I was able o spot the Captain of the 4th division Unohana, also know as the first Kenpachi, an old monster that probably ought in the frontlines with Yamamoto in the past.

"Greetings Unohana-Taicho!"(Takumi/Aizen).

"You are dismissed teacher Takumi."(Unohana).

"Yes, Unohana-Taicho!"(Takumi).

With that teacher, Takumi went away bringing the rest of the class with him. Unohana gave a look over me for a few seconds seemly analyzing me before she said.

"Walk with me student."(Unohana).

"Yes, Unohana-Taicho!"(Aizen).

We walked for a bit until we had distanced ourselves from the senkaimon, right now we are walking in one of the many streets of Seireitei, our direction probably the 4th division barracks.

"I must admit your resemblance really seems to be uncanny... It's almost as if your were-"(Unohana).


"Yes, yes. I admit the first time I read the reports of the similar appearance I didn't give it much thought, it must've been just some misconception of the ever bored admission testers. But now that I see by myself self you are soo..."(Unohana).

"Alike and different in many ways?"(Aizen).

"Indeed. You both hide your strength, and you both are way more sinister and ruthless than you let on."(Unohana).

"Hoh... Unohana-Taicho. I never truly bothered hiding my strength, I just don't go around shouting about it."(Aizen).


"No, that is a complete lie. I hide it for the same reason Yamamoto hides his."(Aizen).

"So it's something like that... Never would've you are so strong."(Unohana).

"Heh, you talk about it like you aren't an expert in hiding yourself... Right?... First Kenpachi."(Aizen).

"Heh, so you do indeed know. I am not surprised, to be honest. It takes a monster to know the other after all."(Unohana).


"Do visit for tea sometimes... I rarely get to talk with someone who fits the title of Kenpachi so well and isn't a braindead murder hobo."(Unohana).

"Sure. I will help Yamamoto keeps his eye on me, it sounds fun."(Aizen).

"Ahh... So you caught on to that... I didn't expect for you to be so... collaborative."(Unohana).

"Heh, it was impossible to not be noticed after what happened on the field test... and about the collaborative part... why not? why should I fear that?"(Aizen).

And with that, I disappeared without making a sound or even using [Shunpo]. Unohana didn't show any outwards surprise, but her blood, the blood of Kenpachi, was boiling seeing such a monster inf front of her, she desperately wanted to fight him to feel the thrill of battle yet again.

"Hah, it appears that there is another monster in our midst. And this one is way scarier than any of the others."(Unohana).

She couldn't hide her bloodthirsty smile anymore, the schemer, the geezer, the brute, all of them pale in comparison to this monster. She could see it, in his eyes, the sheer number of beings he has already killed, it's something that dwarfs the whole kill count of soul society put together. And she knew someone liek him could only mean that things will get interesting from now on.

Now Unohana just needs to see the best way to report to Yamamoto, she couldn't help but think her old friend is simply too stiff sometimes. Then Unohana proceeds to calmly walk towards her squad, her mind happy with the new possibilities this individual will bring.

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