Mokuton Authority

Chapter 257 - Soul: Another exam.

{AN: Made a discord server with the help of my friend, here is the link:

Don't worry I will also post the link in the comments session.}




With a simple burst of speed, I was already in my bedroom allessa waiting for me.

"So... How it went?"(Allessa).

"Pretty good actually, thanks for the use of [2nd True Magic] by the way."(Aizen).

"No problem, I was also curious to see how normal Shinigami would fare in that situation."(Alessa).

"Indeed, I was quite surprised to see how much a Shinigami can strive in the correct conditions. but I guess they aren't the most dominant race without merit."(Aizen).

"Indeed, those four became exceptionally strong. If they continue training diligently they will probably become as strong as the average captain by the time you evil twin start his more active plots."(Allessa).

"Evil twin?"(Aizen).

"Yeah, and you are the more handsome twin. Do you like it?"(Allessa).


I gave Allessa a deep and passionate kiss earning me a loving smile.

"Oh, apparently Yamamoto is also observing us."(Aizen).

"So? what is the big deal?"(Allessa).

"I dunno, I just thought you ought to know. But I guess I still think the old man is pretty cool, he has one of my favorite [Bankais] in the entire show."(Aizen).

"Really, which one is your favorite?"(Allessa).

"In terms of visual? Unohana. In terms of cool factor? Yamamoto's."(Aizen).

"Hmmm... I wonder what kind of [Bankai] your evil twin has?"(Allessa).

"I dunno, but my guess it is something like [True Illusion]?"(Aizen)

"Like those [Spirit Venerables] can do in the [Cultivation Chat Group] universe?"(Allessa).

"Yeah, I always tough those are cool."(Aizen).

"Can't you do something similar with your [Divine Will of the Absolutes]?"(Allessa).

"Well, my [Divine Will of the Absolutes] is kind of too strong to be used this casually..."(Aizen).

Yeah, my [Divine Will] is sort of an upgraded and higher version of [Haki]. I picked [Haki] mixed it with [Intent] and formed some sort of a rough and base for the [Divine Will], but that wasn't enough to create a divine skill. Then I went down my memory lane searching for different divine skills that could help me finish the [Divine Will] skill that I was making.

I won't talk about every inspiration and skill I used because that will simply take way too much time, but I guess I can talk about the more important ones. The first skill that came to mind when I was thinking about divine techniques was of course [Ultra Instinct] from Dragon Ball, you haven't noticed already some of the principles of [Ultra Instict] are extremely similar to those of the [Observation Haki], of course, there are some differences but if you know both techniques you can probably draw the parallels.

My second inspiration was a skill called [Presence], this is a skill that I've read about in a novel a long time ago [Presence] much like [Ultra Instinct] is an extremely powerful skill, but different from [Ultra Instinct] anyone can learn [Presence] no matter their strength or standing. To learn presence you have to literally become master of yourself, became your own God, I won't go into specifics but the own creator of [Presence] said that [Presence] is a higher form of [Haki], so you can already see what was my biggest inspiration to create the [Divine Will]. The creator of said techniques is called 'Third-Fang' if I am not mistaken.

My third and final inspiration came from a fairly popular novel and manhwa called [Solo Leveling], the protagonist called Sung Jin-Woo has a skill called [Ruler's Authority] which is a form of control your surroundings exceptionally, I used that to finally finish and perfect my [Divine Will of the Absolute].

Seeing as my [Divine Will] was a skill that I created before ascending, I was only able to complete it after becoming a God. Thankfully right now the skill is long complete and completely usable. What doesn't the [Divine Will of the Absolute] do? Hehehe, this skill is a way for me to enact my will upon the world, to superimpose my will upon the world, to superimpose the universe with my texture, with my own color. For that, I needed to become the master of myself and the world around me.

Didn't understand anything? Good. If anyone could easily understand a divine skill the universe would long have been doomed.

"Honey, stop monologuing about your skills. The final exam starts in just one hour."(Allessa).

"... We just did an exam, how come?"(Aizen). Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #._52206894978225786 for visiting.

"This is the one conduct here in the academy."(Allessa)

"Ah, so this is the other one... Sure, let's go."(Aizen).

Picking Allessa's hand we started handholding, exiting our room I find Rick and Gwen also handholding already, and walking in the direction of the next exam.

"... How was the exams my friends?"(Aizen).

"Pretty easy, but with our combat experience and strength, there are few things that can give me and Gwen a challenge. I learned the name of my [Zanpakutou] by the way."(Rick).

"Cool, what is it?"(Aizen).

"My [Zanpakutou] is called [Bezzelebael], and it has the [Power of Destruction]."(Rick).

"Wait... Like the one from DxD? "(Aizen).

"What is DxD?"(Rick).

"You don't know? Man, remember me to introduce you all to anime culture, Allessa absolutely loved it. And I bet you will enjoy Bleach very much."(Aizen).

"Dude what does disinfectant have to do with anything? "(Rick).

"Hah, old joke but it is still funny. And you Gwen what is yours?"(Aizen).

"Oi, I still didn't get my ans-"(Rick).

"My [Zanpakutou] is called [Razikrel] and it let me shot light beams, my sword also becomes sort of a lightsaber, like those in Star Wars but mine still maintains the katana-like form."(Gwen).

"Interesting... so you do know what Star Wars is."(Aizen).

"Please, everyone knows Star Wars. The oldest trilogy at least."(Gwen).

"You mean the best trilogy, right?"(Allessa).

"So heard everyone with good ears."(Gwen).

"Hah, aren't you two very nonchalantly bold divulging your [Zanpaktou] abilities so easily?"(Aizen).

"Stop messing around Aizen, you probably already knew them so you asked just to be polite."(Gwen).

"Heh, my friends know me so well."(Aizen).

"And you Aizen. What does your [Zanpakutou] Ability do?"(Rick).

"Well my [Zanpakuotou] is called [Nazzod] and it can do anything."(Aizen).


"Anything. As long as I can imagine it, I can do it."(Aizen).

"*Sigh* what a bullshit power. What does your [Shikai] do Allessa?"(Rick).

"Mines is plain simple, it makes my sword into a focus. My [Bankai] will probably be a condensed and improved form like Ichigo's. My [Zanpakutou] is called [Prysm]."(Allessa).

"Interesting, that ought to be extremely powerful, principally when you consider our absurd [Reiryoku] and [Reiatsu]."(Aizen).

"Who is Ichigo? "(Rick).

"Interesting Allessa... When you activate your [Bankai] you must become pretty strong."(Gwen).

"Yup, she can give my own speed a run for its money. But I am creating a new improved form of [Shunpo] that will put improve my already absurd speed even more."(Aizen).

"Interesting... We must find a place where we can have speed runs and disputes, that ought to be entertaining."(Gwen).


"*Sigh* Ignored again..."(Rick).

We quickly reached the place where our exams will be conducted, the place was relatively big and there was currently our whole classroom here. Toka, Hina, Hana, and Ryu were also there, they saw me and quickly approached. They seem to want to talk.

"Hey ex-groupmates. How is it going?"(Azien).

"Exceptionally fine, to be honest, I didn't have such a good sleep in ages."(Ryu).


"We just came here because we want to talk with you for a bot. do you have time after the test?"(Ryu).

"I have some time, so why not? Where?"(Aizen).

"Just meet us at the 4th division barracks, we need to be checked every day for some time due to the strange circ.u.mstances of our exam."(Ryu).

"Sure, no problem. See you all there."(Aizen).

Ryu just nodded and went away, Hina, Hana, and Toka followed him right after. Soon it was already time for the test to start, an instructor came and guided us towards a place where we will undergo our final writing test.

Everyone quickly chooses a desk and soon enough we were already writing our tests. the test was simple yet complicated, it was a multiple-choice test so it was relatively easier. The "Worst" part was an essay we need to write at the end. And seeing as I had finished rather early my normal test I spent the rest of the test time writing my essay.

Normally they give you just one sheet of paper for your essay, but for someone who can use [Yin-Yang Release] and [Mokuton] creating paper is a f.u.c.k.i.n.g joke. and the fact that no one bothered to create a limit I entertained myself writing an essay about the topic in the most boring and undidactic way I could possibly grasp, I used an ancient and more complex form of Japanese to write using excessive wording the most I could, at the end I had a 54 pages essay about [Zanpakutous] that could give any academic buck a run for its money on boring levels. Yes, I know I am a bastard.

After collecting our papers the instructor finalized for us to go to a separate room where we should give a small demonstration of our abilities to some specialized judges. Quite redundant if you ask me, didn't we already have a field test for that specific purpose? but whatever, I will do it anyway.

We wait for a little bit and then the instructor starts to call us in alphabetical order. And seeing as both Aizen and Allessa names start with "A", I was the first followed behind by Allessa.

Entering the test room I saw some sort of small wooden pillar with 10 bamboos on top of it. This must be to test our [Zanjutsu] skills, I remember that some sword masters from my past life used to cute bamboo to demonstrate their skill with the sword and how sharp the sword is. And considering this is a Shinigami academic this bamboo must be special and more resistant than normal.

At the side were two small pillars holding a pile of cement blocks, this must be to test our [Hakuda], and much like the bamboo these cement blocks are probably more resistant than normal, we probably need to break it with our bare hands. These tests are honestly looking rather tame from what I was thinking they should be.

After that there is something that looked like an obstacle course, must be to test our [Hoho]. But seeing that I can use [Shunpo] this might as well be easier than child's play.

In the last fragment of the test, there is a training dummy and around it there is a wide and spacious area, this must be for us to show our [Kido] proficiency. The instructor walks forward and says.

"Aizen Senju, please demonstrate your [Zanjutsu] proficiency."

I walk forward and stop in front of the bamboos, with a simple and well-executed Iaido I easily cut the 10 bamboos at the same time. Sheathing my [Zanpakutou] I looked towards the instructor.

"Excellent. Now please execute your [Hakuda] test."

I walk towards the cement blocks, and with a simple punch, all the blocks broke perfectly in the middle as if a sword has just cut it. This quite surprised the examiners as they didn't expect that a punch could produce a cutting edge.

"E-Excellent. Now please your [Hoho] test."

With a simple use of [Shunpo], I was already at the end of the line of the obstacle course. The examiner trying to hold his surprise spoke again.

"Now please use the test dummy to demonstrate a [Kido] spell, any [Kido] will do just fine."

I point my fingers in the air and slowly create a triangle and with a simple palm thrust forward, three yellow energy blades advance and impale the energy dummy perfectly holding it in place. This time the examiner couldn't hide his surprise, his mouth was agape and he definitely didn't expect for someone to use a [Kido] so skillfully and without a chant.

"E-excelent u-use of t-the [Bakudō #30. Shitotsu Sansen]. Your exam is finished, you may go. The results will be posted tomorrow morning at 9 a.m."

With that, all my exams are finished and I can finally enter the Gotei 13.

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