Mokuton Authority

Chapter 259 - Soul: End of the Fight.

{AN: Made a discord server with the help of my friend, here is the link:

Don't worry I will also post the link in the comments session.}




In an underground training ground under the 4th division barracks, you could see two people fighting. Both figures appear to be using the exact same level of strength and speed, but the taller one appeared to have a higher level of skill, the taller one appear to be utterly dominating the fight. But the more they fought the more the smaller one appears to become excited, she didn't stop even when her own soul started to become chipped, she didn't stop when her soul itself started to crack and give out due to the superiority of her foe's soul.

Her body was covered in wounds and gashes that would easily incapacitate lesser beings, but those wounds seem to no phase her at all, on the contrary, it only made her fighting style more ferocious and bloodthirsty.

Every time their souls aka [Zanpakutou] collided, a shower of sparks would illuminate the whole training ground. some times the impacts of their blades colliding would shake the earth itself, sending shockwaves of force that should've undoubtedly destroyed the place multiple times over. Btu a Supernatural force seems to be maintaining the previously fragile training grounds, now the place radiates an imposing indestructive primordial feeling only seen in the primordium of the universe.

But both fighters don't seem to care about that, they only seem to be concentrated in the fight before then. Sadly the sword on the hands of the smaller one was starting to give out, it simply could hold against the incredible powerful sword of its enemy at this moment.

Seeing as the fight was about to end I decided to show a new trick to Unohana, she may have a very high mastery of the sword but I have the powers of God and Anime on my side, so she was fated to lose from the beginning. I swung my sword with enough strength and pressure to create a compressed air blade, the air blade shone with power as it traveled through the air.

Unohana was immediately surprised with such an attack that she barely had time to help up her [Zanpakutou] in defense. The air slash collided with her cracking [Zanpakutou] which sadly wasn't able to resist and gave out under the pressure of the new attack, the new wave continued traveling forward until it almost cut Unohana in two diagonally. Coughing blood Unohana supports herself on her broken and almost destroyed [Zanpakutou].

Due to how spent she was she needed to deactivate her [Bankai] right now, sadly this severely weakened her [Zanpakutou] which was instantly completely destroyed becoming dust in the ground.

"*Cough* W-What was that at the end... I never knew you could do that with a sword swing."(Unohana).

"As I've already said, there are numerous ways you can improve your sword skills, you just stopped because you didn't want to."(Aizen).

"Guess, you are right. But to create compressed air blades with a slash of your sword... I never thought about that. Guess I was really naive, huh."(Unohana).

"Don't worry, I said if you impressed me enough I would give you a gift. Not these exact words but you got the memento."(Aizen).

"I don't need it, the fight and that compressed air blade are already enough. If you truly want to gift me, fight me more often."(Unohana).

"Sure I don't mind fighting, I also learned and improved quite a bit during the fight. Skill is not always tied to the strength you know? People like Sasaki Kojiro who can sue [Tsubame Gaeshi] on pure skill alone are extremely rare you know. And before you ask, I can't use [Tsubame Gaeshi] on skill alone... yet. But I am on my way there."(Aizen).

"*cough* What is [Tsubame Gaeshi]? I do not know of such a technique."(Unohana).

"[Tsubame Gaeshi] is the fabled technique of the legendary swordsman Sasaki Kojiro who was said to be able to cut down a swallow in mid-flight. And while that may not seem impressive for us, you need to know that Sasaki Kojiro was 100% human."(Aizen).

"Wait that means..."(Unohana).

"That the [Tsubame Gaeshi] his technique with the sword has reached a level comparable to one of pure godlike skill, [Tsubame Gaeshi] is a technique where three concurrent arching blades close on the enemy from all sides to create a prison, allowing no chance for defense or evasion. The user slashes are done soo "quickly", it is actually bending the laws of physics to multiply its existence. It also disregards the concepts of space and time, meaning if the user is strong enough he could probably cut both. The technique transcends speed, dexterity, feints, and many other elements."(Aizen).

"Incredible."(Unohana). Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #._52255322596760519 for visiting.

"And you there thinking you have reached the peak when a simple human swordsman has better sword skills than you."(Aizen).

"Okay, okay. I admit I was wrong, happy?"(Unohana).

"Extremely. The first step for improvement is admitting that you still have room for improvement. The fool who believes he is perfect will never know what the peak truly is."(Aizen).


"Okay, I guess I should also heal you. It won't do to have you dying when you just learned such an important lesson."(Aizen).

I simply waved my hand I shot a burst of [Yang Release] towards Unohana, her wounds immediately close, and soon she was brimming with vitality, even the scar of her chest reduced in size a bit, guess if I continue pumping [Yang Release] she may get rid of it.

"Wow. You heal better than be, guess you are really a traveler huh."(Unohana).

"Heh, so you have figured it out. You are taking this rather well I might add."(Aizen).

"Oh, it just that I'm happy there will be more people to fight and kill."(Unohana).

"Figures. Now pick this up, you [Zanpakutou] broke, so you will need a new [Asauchi] right?"(Aizen).

I picked one of my [Asauchi] I made with Omnimetal and tossed it towards Unohana. She easily picked the katana and twirled it in her hands. In but an instant she easily imprinted her [Zanpakutou] on it immediately changing some details, her [Zanpakutou] hummed in pure bliss and pleasure, it was honestly weird seeing a sword do something like that, but I guess [Zanpakutou] are more than just swords.

"... What is that [Asauchi]. [Minazuki] absolutely loved it, he m.o.a.ned in absolute bliss and glee when I transferred him there, he said it was the equivalent t of the best possible house, the comfiest bed, and the fuzziest place to me all mixed up and turned to eleven."(Unohana)

"Well, that is a [Asauchi] made with Omnimetal, the best metal in existence currently know. Made by me, of course."(Aizen).

"Thanks? At least I won't have to worry about destroying my [Zanpakutou] anymore, huh. Is that the gift you were talking about?"(Unohana).

"Nope, this is but a simple convenience for future spars. As you said, this isn't the last time we will fight, so better get this out of the way instead of keeping destroying you poor [Zanpakutou] repeatedly."(Aizen).

"Indeed, it makes more sense."(Unohana).

"Now I must ask a question. Do you want to be hollowfied?"(Aizen).

"Hollowfied? Why would I want something like that?"(Unohana).

"Don't worry you won't become a giant monster the keeps devouring souls. In better terms, I will just awaken the Yang side of your soul... You see, Hollows are the same as a shinigami, simply another facet of the same coin, they just have a different face of their coin awakened when compared to their opposite the Shinigami. In this case, the Shinigami would be Yin and the Hollow the Yang."(Aizen).

"That makes a surprising amount of sense. Principally if you consider the meaning behind Yin and Yang, a Hollow's behavior and everything. And considering the balance that Yin-Yang brings, I guess the "correct" way would be to have the yang side also awakened. Heck, it may even strengthen my [Shikai] and [Bankai] depending on how much boost that will bring."(Unohana).

"Well, the boost to your soul is around 50% to 100% meaning that it may even double your [Reiryoku]. I am not here talking about that cheap hollowification incident you had some years ago here in soul society, I will truly awaken your Hollow side and perfectly mix it with your Shinigami side, the blend is so perfect that no one would feel it, you and your [Reiatsu] will have more Yang characteristics, yes, but it is hardly noticeable to other that aren't you. For some as old and experienced as you that will hardly be a problem. I must also add that your control will also be affected."(Aizen).

"The control part is quite expected seeing as I am literally doubling my [Reiryoku] so that is not that much surprising, Awakening the Yang side may also jeopardize it a little bit. But nothing that I can't learn how to do, I literally learned [Kaido] for the sole purpose of prolonging fights, so this will be a virtual walk in the park."(Unohana).

"Good. Are you ready?"(Aizen).

"Aren't you afraid I will tell that to Yamamoto? I am supposedly spying on you for him."(Unohana).

"Please, I crossed blades with you. I know you better than half of Sereitei right now. Also, it was probably the Central 46 that ordered something as outrageous like that, and I sincerely doubt Yamamoto is the spying type, he would much likely talk with me face to face instead. And even if they discover something, what of it?"(Aizen).

"Well, guess someone like you wouldn't truly care. It is almost a miracle you didn't kill the Central 46 just for that."(Unohana).

"Heh, why would I kill something which is already dead?"(Aizen).

"What do you mean by that? From what I know Central 46 is very much alive and still issuing orders."(Unohana).

"Let's just say that it isn't exactly the Central 46 that issued this order."(Aizen).

"I don't understand. I picked the order personally, so how could it be anything but Central 46."(Unohana).

"Heh, Guess Perfect Hypnosis is a very scary ability indeed."(Aizen).

"What are you talking about? there is no [Zanpakutou] with such an ability for what I know."(Unohana).

"Huh, so he got you too? Guess you really are getting rusty with all this peace around."(Aizen).


"Let me ask you something Unohana. Have you ever seen Captain Aizen [Shikai]?"(Aizen).

"Of course I have seen it, in the captain examinations he showed it for everyone."(Unohana).

"Oh, what a crafty bastard. Well, to your information Captain Aizen [Shikai] ability is Perfect Hypnosis, whatever see his [Zanpakutou] release is immediately under its ability."(Aizen).

Unohana who has long since turned off her bloodthirsty fighting mode is now on her healer persona. I could swear I saw her grow pale for a bit.

"If what you are saying is true, the entirely of the Seireitei is doomed. If he can use PErfect Hypnosis even the Captain-Commander isn't far from his reach, he has literally all of us eating in the palm of his hands. The Central 46, the Gotei 13, everything..."(Unohana).

"Heh, you are lucky my evil twin is a power-hungry fool who would toss away his own overpowered [Zanpakutou] for some measly power, he could've honestly truly reached divinity if he wasn't so idiotic. Thankful for him, he realized how important his [Zanpakutou] truly was, but by that time it was already too late, he may be able to ascend one day but this time his path will be way more strenuous. Heck-"(Aizen).

"What you are talking about."(Unohana).

"Sorry, I ended up rambling about the future for a bit, one of the "side effects" of [Clairvoyance]."(Aizen).


"Now let's get back on track. Do you accept?"(Aizen).

"*Sigh* Sure."(Unohana).

"Good, close your eyes and concentrate on your [Reiryoku]. I learned that concentrating on it may help you in aclimating to the changes faster."(Aizen).

Unohana closed her eyes and seem to enter a pseudo meditative state concentrating on her [Reiryoku]. I took id eep breath and opened my [Third Eye], Golden [Rinnesharingan] spinning I used my [Soul Control] to "contaminate" Unohana's soul, soon enough her hollow side awakened, and much like I did for the others I easily mixed and fused both sides. Right now Unohana was "complete". Closing my [third Eey] I ask.

"So... How do you feel?"(Aizen).

"Complete... and somehow more aggressive? Physically stronger? there is a lot of changes to get used to... wait, my scar also appears to have been healed... Wow. Impressive."(Unohana).

"Good. Take some time to get used to your changes. When you finally get used to them we can fight once more. Ah, a little advice from me, do try to indulge yourself in human culture a bit more, you will see that humans are exceptionally creative, I would know, I was one myself."(Aizen).

"Thank you."(Unohana).

"I didn't do this out of pure charity you know? I need someone to help push myself on the path of the sword which style I am extremely familiar with. I can only fight with the same people every time before we know all of each other moves, at least like this we will have a little more variety on our merry group."(Aizen).

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