Mokuton Authority

Chapter 260 - Soul: Magic. Will. Be. Learned.

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With a simple [Shunpo] I easily arrived at my laboratory. Allessa looked like she was concentrating on something so I just stayed silent and let her continue whatever she was doing. But if I am not wrong this has something to do with the [True Magic], we were trying to change their use requirement from [Divine Mana] to [Divine Chakra]. And looking at Allexsa right now she seems close to a breakthrough.

After some long time looking at my beautiful wife working, she finally exclaims out loud.


She looked at me, no doubt long since noticing my presence inside our laboratory, and smiled. A smile so beautiful it seems to make the whole world around her grey with envy, haha, I really love this woman.

"I imagine you finally completed the [True Magics]?"(Aizen).

Allessa approaches me a single use of [Shunpo] immediately taking my lips with great enthusiasm, I gladly reciprocate such affection. Separating our mouths a trail of saliva could be seen between us, the kiss was quite steamy I might add.

"Haaa. Indeed, I was finally able to change their fuel from [Divine Mana] to [Divine Chakra]. You are lucky my [Divinity] is literally magic itself, if it wasn't this task would've been night impossible. Now you can become stronger."(Allessa).

"I won't lie to you and say that is not welcome. But I am not doing this only for the strength, the biggest reason I wanted the [True Magics] is to be able to see the word as you see it. I know due to our [Telephatic Link] we literally have unlimited and unrestrained access to each other's mind, but I just wanted to see the world with your lens for a bit."(Aizen).

"You don't need to explain it to me silly, mind link remember? But I can understand where you are coming from. The way I saw things before and after I had all the [True Magics] is very different too."(Allessa).

"Same here, ascending to divinity changes your perspective a lot. It changed for both of us. In our case, it only made us love each other way more, if that is even possible in the first place. But I know if I put my mind right now into the body of a normal human with a normal soul he may instantly develop a [Reality Marble]."(Aizen).

"Indeed. For someone to develop a [Reality Marble] they need to be truly distorted. The best explanation I can think of right now is that someone distorted has the common sense of a demon, the alien incomprehensible mind of a demon. Emiya sometimes would feel real physical pain if he didn't help someone due to his distorted ideals of a hero. So it's not surprising that putting the mind of a God in a mortal would have such a distortion effect, the mind of a divine being is alien, atemporal, amoral, otherworldly, foreign. Now for a God to truly have a [Reality Marble]... that..."(Allessa).

"Would be extremely scary. If ''normal'' humans can have such absurd skills in their [Reality Marbles]. Imagine a god, also, just try to imagine the distortion of a god. Scary I know. What could be considered alien, atemporal, amoral, otherworldly, foreign to a god?"(Aizen).

"A mortal perhaps?"(Allessa).

"That... It would indeed make an extremely interesting paradox. It makes and doesn't make sense at the same time, like a lot of this godhood business here. Heh, it would certainly be extremely entertaining to see something like that."(Aizen).

"Indeed. But I guess we should stop talking about soul and the effects of distortion, if we put [Reiryoku], [Reishi], and [Reitasu] in the subject we will stay here the entire night sprouting theories. We can do that later. Right comes the [True Magics] we both were waiting for?"(Allessa).


"Indeed. I want to see what kind of bullshit overpowered character you will become when you have access to [True Magics], it is as if you weren't bullshit enough already."(Allessa).

"Don't say it like that. It is not that bad."(Aizen).

"Honey. Currently, your body is nigh-indestructible. You have [Hierro],[Gudoudamas], [Firmament], [Divine Sage Body,[Three Forces]... And you have way more things constantly strengthening your body due to your evergrowing [Divine chakra]... Do I need to continue?"(Allessa).

"When you say it like that... just don't sell yourself short will ya? You are very OP as well."(Aizen).

"*Sigh* I know... It is just... Sometimes it feels kinda unreal you know?"(Allessa).

"I know. I feel so blessed."(Aizen)

"Life is good."(Aizen/Allessa).

"Hah so let's start. First and foremost I will explain things to you so that you don't mess things up. Ok?"(AllessA).


" "Magic" is that which makes the impossible into the possible, for a given era. A "result" which can be realized with the application of time and effort is not magic. It is said that the beginning First changed everything, the following Second acknowledged many, the resulting Third showed the future, the linking Fourth concealed itself, and the final Fifth had already lost its meaning."(Allessa).

"The official names of the Sorceries are [Origin Point], [Operation of Parallel Worlds], [Heaven's Feel], [Causality Effect], and [Magic Blue], yes I know we sometimes use different names but that is normal for skill as broad as these ones."(Allessa).

"The First, which governs the forces of absolute creation and destruction, is what began the universe. The Second acknowledged the possibility of free will, and the alternate worlds that would stem from those possibilities. The Third governs the soul, and has three parts which I'm not going to get into right now. It gave 'life' to the universe, and allows for the creation of new souls. After the Third gave life, the Fourth realized the element of chance in every action. The Fifth began the march of time, and then the world began."(Allessa).

"That is quite impressive I might add."(Aizen).

"I shudder to think what you will be able to do when we combine your divinity of [Multiplication], you [Yin-Yang Release], your [Divine Weapon], and the [True Magics]."(Allessa).

"Wow, that is one hell of a combo. I bet I can make it even more overpowered."(Aizen).

"Good, now dive into the [Mind Link] and touch your forehead into mine. You are in for a ride my little pogchamp."(Allessa).

"Pogchamp, really? You sounded adorably cute when you said that you know."(Aizen).

"*Blush* Just let get on with this."(Allessa).


Touching my forehead with Allessa's I felt nothing different from the usual. When I was going to open my mouth to make a cringe remark or something like that, I understood. It was like my mind finally opened to the truth to the Omniverse. I saw creation, I saw destruction, I saw the soul, I saw the time, I saw the space, I saw the reality, the infinity, I saw the primordial chaos, I saw everything, from the start to the finishing line where the march of time started. It was incredible.

There were absolutely no changes in my appearance whatsoever, but now my golden eyes and seem to contain the infinity inside of them. My soul is infinite, my energy is infinite, I AM INFINITE.

"Wow. That..."(Aizen).

"Indescritible right? Even our divine minds can't seem to be able to describe something like that, something as flimsy as a language can't hold meaning to what you saw."(Allessa).

"Everything seems like so much more... And so much less at the same time. Truly incredible."(Aizen).

"I imagine that this won't stop you from training right?"(Allessa).

"Hahaha, never. Even if my [Divine Chakra] is infinite now, I can still expand its reservoirs, I can still increase its denseness, I can still increase its purity, its quality, its weight, its speed... You know me, I refuse to stagnate. Be better-"(Aizen).

"-Than you from yesterday. I know, you've said that more times than I can count. It's is almost worse than the "With Great Powers Come Great responsibilities" phrase, that thing was said more than a billion times I tell you."(Allessa).

"Okay, okay. You understand me so well that it makes me love you even more. I really love you woman."(Aizen).

"I love you too honey."(Allessa).

"Well, I guess I should also teach you something cool too. This one is one of my original. Here."(Aizen).

With that, I touch my forehead into hers and sen her everything I know about a certain overpowered technique of mine.

"Your [Divine Will], heavens, this technique is way more powerful than I imagined it could be."(Allessa).

"*Rolls Eyes* Why so much drama? You are literally inside of my mind 24/7."(Aizen).


"So what should we do right now?"(Aizen).

"I guess it would be better for you to get used to your [True Magics] it won't do for you to accidentally destroy the universe."(Allessa).

"Indeed. that time with the [Strength Force] was more than enough right?"(Aizen).

"Tell me about it, I should've seen that one coming you + infinite strength are indeed a hazardous danger to the life in the Omniverse."(Allessa).

"Heh, it was funny at least."(Aizen).


"Ah yeah, I had a spar with Unohana. The woman is closer to a bloodthirsty demon than anything else."(Aizen).

"Like we are ones to tell."(Allessa).

"Oh, come on. We aren't that bad."(Aizen).

"The chicken incident."(Allessa).

"That is unfair, I was just trying to see if it is really possible to cook a chicken with a slap. I saw that the math was pretty solid, and I could replicate those rookie numbers rather easily, so I was obliged to test it. It is all for science."(Aizen).

"You just conveniently forgot, that your body is way denser than a blackhole right now, besides also being nigh indestructible, so-"(Allessa).

"Okay, okay. I know how the end result was, I was there. At least my [Shunpo] isn't as destructive."(Aizen).

"Honey, the first time you used [Shunpo] you literally moved the whole universe instead of your body."(Allessa).

"You won. I just wanted to say that I awakened Unohana's soul Yang side."(Aizen).

"Good to know. Do you plan to bring her somewhere?"(Allessa)

"I was planning on sending her to random bloody areas of the multiverse, there is a lot of slaughter realms around, and she would fit there just fine. I don't need to worry about losing sight of her because with my overpowered [Clairvoyance] I know the position of every person I know of at all times. I know, it is very handy."(Aizen).

"Changin the subject a bit, I would like to point out that your [Third Eye] ability has the potential to be very frightening. Principally now that you have [Heaven's Feel]."(Allessa).

"Indeed, seeing as [soul Control] is a rather broad and abstract ability I could theoretically control anything: "Reishi is the building material that everything in the spirit realms is made of, including human souls" remember that? Do you know what that means? I can literally control Stars, Planets, Celestial Bodies, by their souls alone. And now I have an infinite amount of [Reiryoku] and [Reiatsu] meaning that it only got even more overpowered right now. Just with this new understanding of the soul that the [Heaven's Feel] gives me my control improved drastically, it is around 62% output right now. and considering I will still continue to train my soul reservoirs, increase its denseness, its purity, its quality, its weight, its speed, its control, everything I could improve honestly. Always improving to-"(Aizen).

"Okay, okay. I know you are going to say your motto again."(Allessa).

"Sure, I understand."(Aizen).

"And how is going the development of your new movement technique?"(Allessa).

"It's going pretty good actually, I am picking all the movement techniques I could possibly think of, from all of those present in this universe, to those absurd movement techniques we only see in cultivation novels. I am literally picking every movement technique I can think of and creating some sort of supreme [Shunpo]. I will continue calling it [Shunpo] for convenience sake, those huge ass names are too much of a mouthful. Now with these [True Magics], I should be able to finish it."(Aizen).

"Good. Now stop procrastinating, you need to get used to you [Tru Magics] before something stupid happens."(Allessa).


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