Mokuton Authority

Chapter 261 - Soul: Doing paperwork.

{AN: Made a discord server with the help of my friend, here is the link:

Don't worry I will also post the link in the comments session.}



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Getting used to [True Magics] was rather strange, I reckon that I wanted to change the name for something chakra related but I ended up deciding against it. Like with my improved [Shunpo] situation, it is just more convenient and less confusing to call them [True Magics]. Now I can at least pull the infinite hollow [Garganta] trick without Allessa's help.

We ended up spending the whole night just talking and messing around with our [True Magics], Allessa said the best way to get used to them is using them for the most bullshit reasons you could have ever imagine. Apparently, Zelretch was into something when he used his magic to troll people, in that way he also inadvertently practices with his magic too. Clever Troll.

The next day quickly arrived, my first action was to go to one of the training halls to spar with my friends. We "wake up" every day at 4 a.m. to spar for two to three hours, or until we get hungry enough to eat breakfast. Allessa also often participates in these spars as she clearly saw the advantages of a higher leveled sword mastery, principally now that she has a [Zanpaktou], [Martial Soul], [Divine Weapon] fused all in the same weapon.

Reaching the training hall I could see that Gwen and Elsa are already sparring, it is nothing much seeing as we don't even release our [Shikai], but it is definitely good to improve our sword skills. Sometimes we even spar using the one-digit level [Kidos], it's good to improve control.

When I arrived Rick, who was on the sidelines observing the spar notice me and immediately came closer to talk.

"So... Which division you plan to enter?"(Rick).

"The 5th Division. Why?"(Aizen).

"Isn't that the Division of your Evil Twin? The guy that has hypnosis power or something."(Rick).

"Yeah, that one."(Aizen).

"It would be quite funny if he tries to hypnotize you."(Rick).

"Why do you think I am trying to enter his division? Considering my 'talent' he won't be able to hold himself back from trying to do it. Hehehe, I will surely make his life extremely difficult."(Aizen).

"Are you gonna kill him or something?"(Rick).

"Nah, why end my fun so soon?"(Aizen).

"Sometimes I forgot who is the demon between us two?"(Rick).

"You obviously. You are the big bad demon who tempted the pure and delicate Angel.*Smirk*"(Aizen).

"It was the opposite honestly. That girl can be quite the devil herself when she wants it."(Rick).

"Hey, I heard you!"(Gwen).

"Dude, isn't it the time you'd decided between demon and devil? you keep switching the two, and I bet someone is confused with that."(Aizen).

"I am a literal Demon making people confused is the least I could do. Besides... You find it funny too."(Rick).

"Got me red-handed on this one officer."(Aizen).

"Hah. Now that I apprehended you vile criminal! I will give you a sentence, fight me... Just a spar please."(Rick).

"Almost slipped there buddy, and that is as bad as having to pick the soap in a prison shower."(Aizen).

"*Sweating* hehehehe."(Rick).

"Come on Big Bad Demon, you don't need to be afraid of fighting me. Didn't is ay this to you before 'as long as I am here you can't die, even if you want it.'"(Aizen).

"That is the problem, you golden bastard. No matter how you put it no one likes to have their members sliced off. Not even a f.u.c.k.i.n.g masochist of the high caliber."(Rick).

"Do you dare to put money on your words?"(Aizen).

"No... The Omniverse is too big of a place."(Rick).

With that, Rick drew his [Zanpakutou] and slashed at me, with a simple motion I did the same and parried his incoming slash. After that we soon were engrossed in our spar, I barely noticed when Allessa arrived and started sparring 1v2 against Gwen and Elsa.

Sparks folded the training hall and our spar suddenly turned a little bit heated, for any inexperienced onlookers we would look like we were phasing in and out of existence, the shower of sparks the only indication of our blades colliding. I could see that Rick indeed has come a long way since I found that mischievous Demon t the library, same could be said about all of my friends honestly.

After two hours of fighting and sparring with different people, we ate our breakfast in a rather calm peace. After our breakfast, we went to pick our test scores and request entry to our desired division, I am just sad I didn't find Aizen anywhere, I really wanted to mess with him.

Predictable enough, everyone passed with flying colors, even Toka, Hina, Hana, and Ryu. I honestly didn't doubt that for even a second, we are already a level ay higher than the required 6th-year student.

Soon enough I filled my form requesting my entrance on the 5th division. Allessa was divided between the 12th and the [Kido Corps], but she ended up going towards the 12th. She said she is going to kill Mayuri the first chance she got, I wholeheartedly supported her on this one.

Elsa Decided she wanted to become a ninja so she went to the 2nd Division. Rick went to the 13th and Gwen decided to try the 4th due to her healing abilities.

After having decided our division we just had to patiently wait for us to be picked up and be escorted towards our new division. the first to arrive was Nemu of the 12th division, she barely talked and simply escorted Allessa towards the 12th Division barracks.

After that Ukitake himself came to escort Rick towards the 13th division, he greeted every one of us politely, showing that he a really nice guy. I will see if I can cure his disease later, no one will bat an eye if he just miraculously recovered the next day, yeah there may be some unrest and confusion but at the end of the day, and Ukitake completely healthy would undoubtedly be a sight to see.

Afterward, Unohana herself came to escort Gwen towards the 4th division. It was extremely interesting seeing the growing terror of Gwen when Unohana showed a bloodthirsty and battle l.u.s.t smile at the prospects of being able to spar daily with one of my overpowered friends. I just hope Unohana doesn't break Gwen or infect her with her battle maniac disease.

The next to appear was Omaeda, he came to escort Elsa towards the 2nd division barracks. the dude proposed a [Shunpo] race towards the barracks, poor fool. Elsa absolutely loved [Shunpo] it is one of her most practiced skills.

Last of all came Hinamori Momo, the Lieutenant of the 5th division.

"Sorry about the delay Senju-San. But there was some confusion with the doc.u.ments when your request was signed with [Aizen S.]. Coincidently the captain signs in the same way, so we were quite confused for some time. I am truly sorry."(Momo).

Momo still didn't stop to get a proper look at me, the moment she entered the room she was already apologizing and bowing her head. The moment she got up and looked at me she had an honest to got scare, her mouth hung open and she started sweating a bit. Just for you to get the picture, I made sure to use [Firmament] to spot some glasses in my face, so right now I really looked like Aizen, glasses and all. There is of course the hair and eye color difference, but people are really dumb when they want it.

"C-Captain A-Aizen Sir. I d-didn't see you there s-sorry."(Momo).

Ah, yes. It is all coming together. Her reaction is honestly priceless, heck, I would pay to see something funny like that. And I am literally getting it for free... hmmm... Decisions, decisions, decisions... To correct or not correct her. In a way, I am having a lot of fun with the situation, on the other way trolling your lieutenant doesn't seem like a good idea. Meh, it's not like I care. The fun route it is.

"Don't worry Hinamori-San, and how many times I said for you to drop all these formalities?"(Aizen).

"C-captain, you know I can't do that-"(Momo).

"*Sigh* Let's just go to the 5th Division."(Aizen).

"B-but, what of the new recruit sir? He is supposed to become our 3rd seat officer."(Momo).

"Don't worry about it, I already took care of everything. He will be there when we arrive."(Aizen).

Maaaaaan, [Clairvoyance] makes this soooooo much easier. It's like playing GTA with cheat codes, absolutely unfair. To your enemies that is.

"Affirmative Aizen-Taichou"(Momo).

"Good. Let's go to the 5th Division."(Aizen).

"Yes Sir."(Momo).

I confidently strode forward, making sure to copy Aizen's mannerisms. Momo is soo embarrassed that she didn't even notice our obvious height and physique difference, heck even our voices are different. But she seems so nervous just talking with me that her brain apparently shut down "Momo.exe stopped working".

Like, I am not even wearing the Captain haori woman, how the heck can you not notice something like that. All the way towards the 5th division Momo didn't even look at me more than once, it appears the floor and the wooden wall seem way more interesting for her right now.

Soon we arrived at the division and to my absolute luck ~avoiding everyone with [Clairvoyance]~ I was able to reach my office without bumping into anyone. How convenient, it is almost as if someone can see the future and avoid contact with other more aware people. Looking at Momo I said to her.

"You are dismissed, Lieutenant Hinamori. Next opportunity I will introduce you to our new 3rd seat officer."(Aizen).

"H-hai Aizen-Taichou."(Momo).

She quickly scrambled away almost as if she is fearful or nervous about something. Man, the crush of this girl is really strong, huh. Unfortunately for her, my evil twin is a prick.

Without shame or hesitation, I simply entered Aizen's office. And to my absolutely no surprise he wasn't here. The guy has literally everyone inside Seireitei Hypnotised to his whims, did you really think he spent his day doing paperwork? Ever since I arrived he hasn't stayed in Seireitei for more than a day, probably some crazy experiment of his in Hueco Mundo. And due to the fact that everyone is hypnotized, he can literally do whatever he wants whenever he wants.

Heck from here I can see three teacups that are here for a very long time, one of them even started gathering dust. The guy didn't even think to drink the tea that Momo prepared for him.

Yeah, he supposedly left an "illusion" of him working here, so even if someone enters his office they wouldn't suspect anything. I can honestly appreciate the guy using his ability to ditch responsibility, if I was in his shoes I would probably do the same.

Now begs the question. How to troll him in the most inconspicuous and massive scale way? I wanted my trolling to be huge, but at the same time inconspicuous enough it would take a lot of time for it to be noticed.

Sitting at my evil twin chair like I own the place, I started observing his desk, full of paper stacks that would honestly make Hiruzen cry. Hah, I miss the old man sometimes.

I started leafing through the papers, report, request, complain, report, complain, missing, complain, report, complain... damn I know how someone who passes all his day doing this crap would gladly betray soul society. My mind wandered for a bit until I found an interesting paper, it was about salary and reallocation of funds in the division.

Well, let's put a fat sum towards buying barbie dolls, a billion at least. From now henceforth all salaries and payments need to finish in the number 69 or 420, no question asked. Substitute half of the tea leaves for a laxative, now you need to literally play the lottery between shitting yourself or drinking delicious tea. At least 12000 gallons of pink paint to "redecorate the division". All the food must contain weak poison, so now everyone will have stomaches every time they eat at the division barracks.

Well, I was going to for the glue prank, or maybe the uniform one. But I am trying to be low profile here. This is already good enough. And for my modifications to not be easily spoted I decided to do my evil twin a favor and do some paperwork for it to be buried among everything. Hehe, I can't wait to see the results.

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