Mokuton Authority

Chapter 263 - Soul: My office in the 5th division.

{AN: Made a discord server with the help of my friend, here is the link:

Don't worry I will also post the link in the comments session.}



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I reformed my new office wholely, I reckon that I will have to "spend" quite a bit of time here. honestly, I don't mind, truing my [Reiatsu] and [reiryoku] control while doing paperwork is something easy for me. So normally doing the paperwork of the 3rd seat would normally be something that required the undivided attention of a normal Shinigami. But I've long since killed my normalcy in cold blood.

Yeah, that sounded weird in my mind too.

Remaking my office was something easy for me, principally now that I have access to the [Second True Magic] enabling em to breach alternate dimensions at my leisure and pick up thing I liked... Wait that sounded very dumb, I can literally make anything using [Denial Of nothingness] or [Yin-Yang Release], why the heck would I steal something?

Ah, yeah, the only weakness of those abilities. My imagination. So while I am able to create anything I can imagine, I need to imagine the thing first. Meaning creating the [Excalibur] or [Anakin's Lightsaber] is pretty easy, but if I had never seen or heard about something it is quite impossible to imagine it. So the limits of these abilities are literally only my imagination... Huh, cool.

Doing everything was pretty easy, besides the already absurd speed I can move with just my body and [Divine Chakra] alone I can also use [Swift Release], [Speed Force], and [Shunpo]. Meaning I am fast as f.u.c.k boi. Indeed, a great achievement.

Now I only need to complete my supreme [Shunpo] that will include every movement technique that I can possibly know of. Yeah, every f.u.c.k.i.n.g technique, even those you only see in that xianxias bullcrap. It's gonna be epic and legendary at the same time, heck I even added the [Soaring Immortal Physique] from Emperor's Domination into the mix.

And yes, Li Qiye was able to detect em when I picked it up. But apparently, he didn't care, or he probably knows that a battle between both of us could probably destroy quite a large chunk of his multiverse. Yeah, he is extremely overpowered. But so are all xianxia protagonists at the end of their novels. I should have used my first skill ring, and that staring contest could have been avoided. But in my defense, I reached a level of overpoweredness that I started to become slightly unconcerned with my surroundings. That won't do, I know it's very unlikely, but I would kill myself first before dying of complacency and arrogance like that.

I could've found an alternative Li Qiye that was way more overpowered and bloodthirsty than his canon counterpart and had to fight him. The Omniverse is infinite so... whatever can happen is definitely happening right now, no matter how crazy and weird it may look like. So a more powerful Li Qiye does indeed exists, ain't that quite the scary thing... Our battle would most likely be legendary...

Shit, I think unohana is rubbing off on me. That crazy bloodthirsty bitch.

Talking about Overpoweredness me and Allessa were trying to have a kid. Okay, I admit we've been trying for a very long time, I never used protection because I simply didn't saw the need. The chances of me having a kid before I ascended were already very low, now they are even lower. and let me tell ya, it is not for a lack of trying. We tried a lot of times. Constantly.

My kid with Allessa will probably a monster amongst the Omnimonsters. And being someone who has read some of the Dark Wolf Shiro fics, I was understandably worried for a second. Before laughing it off at the stupidy that thought was, if my kid can surpass me even if have such a huge headstart and advantage I might as well kill myself in shame, because I deserved it for being so incompetent.

Talking about my kid, let me check up on Zu Ling briefly. [Clairvoyance] is really convenient sometimes.

Oh, she appears to be going pretty good, she and Min Ren are in the middle of a task given to them by their chosen god. And they are doing pretty great, I give them two o five years before reaching level 100 and ascending. I am proud of my little girl.

And looking at the DD world there are some pretty wacky events... Oh, there is even an extraplanar demon invasion soo to happen... What a pleasant surprise. It appears that the way I entered the DD world for the first time caused quite the commotion for the surrounding planes, thus jumpstarting some problems that we would only see in DD3... Hmm, let me see the future for a bit, I worry about my little girl after all.

Oh... *Ought*, even I felt that one, poor demon... No way... He did what?... Oh my God... Oh no... Oh yes... I can't believe in this one... Wow, baby, combo... Nice said Hongjun... Oh my god, he scored the two of them... Ahhh such a nice ending... the kids really did good in the end, I am proud of them.

It appears that everything will go more than great and smoothly in the near future for our Shrek 11 devils. I just need to remember to speed up Tang Sans's mother's recovery flooding her with [Mokuton] Divine Chakra, the tree will grow in no time. I bet if I use [Yang Release] her recovery will speed even more... I will first wait for when Tang San becomes the Sea God, after that I think will be a good time to settle this kind of thing.

I wonder how the technological development of the continent will go now with my interference. I sincerely doubt Shrek Academy will be destroyed so a huge part of the DD3 plot has just been washed away. Like, that place is literally one of the best-guarded places in the entirely of the DD multiverse. I doubt even the DD gods can enter there without the headmaster's permission.

Hmm, finally this room is done. It took me a total of one second. The bothersome part is that when I was in the middle of it putting all the stolen furniture inside I had the epiphany that I could create them myself. I guess it is inevitable that the Shinobi inside of me bleeds through sometimes, my first thought was scavenging and conserving, but I guess that is not necessary for someone who has infinity [Divine Chakra] now.

The office looked very comfy, I remade all the walls to a blue mahogany wood that looked equal parts beautiful and smooth. My desk was circular and very extensive, and definitely adapted to my size of 210 centimeters. The desk was an ocean blue close to black, in the desk, you could find three curved monitors a mechanical keyboard, and a mouse that has more buttons than any modern cellphone. Everything, of course, needs the famous gamer RGB led lights, if they weren't here I wouldn't be a gamer. Ont eh desk there is also a lot of space for me to properly do paperwork, so that is never going to become a problem.

Behind the desk was an extremely comfortable armchair, the armchair was large, large enough for two average built people to sit side by side, the armchair is filled with different sized pillows to provide maximum comfort. The armchair can easily become some sort of bed where I could easily take a nap comfortably. I made it especially big with Allessa in mind, we most certainly can have some romantic moments together here.

On the floor, I put a giant mat made of 100k years old [Blue Polar Tyrant]. It is soft and yet extremely resistant, and completely stainless. Close to the amt there are some big couches where people that came to visit me can patiently wait for their time, I quite disliked that no office had even a chair for the people waiting.

In the last corner of the office, I created a pseudo Art studio. It's a place where I could draw, paint or sculpt something I have a sudden inspiration for. Yeah, I have quite some time now and Art can be quite relaxing for the mind. It also helps in my prophetic visions. Yes, I do have those, courtesy of my [Clairvoyance], they generally make no sense whatsoever but I made sure to save every one of them precisely until now. I just need to not become too paranoid and prophecies and stuff, as master Oogway says: "One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it.".

Much like the titan Kronos that did everything to avoid his prophecy, but ended up causing it in the first place. Ironic. and before you ask, not every prophecy is ominous or has to do with the death of something, the ones I received until now are quite mild and simple, to be honest. It is as if my [Clairvoyance] is preparing me slowly increasing the prophecies' supposed importances.

I am also planning on start writing again, that was a hobby of mine when I passed through my godhood test and I quite enjoyed it, I wouldn't mind continuing to do it.

I quietly sat in my chair behind my desk. I booted the computer and started to mess around with it, downloading the "necessary" apps, like steam, chrome, opera, discord, everything really. Of course, this world still doesn't have this technology yet. But nothing that a clever use of the [Second True Magic] won't enable me to use the internet normally.

After approximately an hour I heard a knocking on my door.

"You may enter."(Aizen).

A normal member of the 5th division entered, he was pushing a trolley filled with papers and office materials, probably to give me my assignments. The little guy seems quite amazed at my office, he is also probably wondering how the heck the office changed so much in such a short time. But being someone who has a lot of experience in his job, meaning he has been doing this for a long time, he probably learned to not ask questions to the high-ranking officers that change constantly. Those foot soldiers probably think being a high-ranking officer is extremely scary with how much we die and are substituted, principally after Aizen started taking the reins of Sereitei.

"Sir. These are the papers I was asked to deliver. And you are free to pick up any of these office supplies."

He pointed towards three 30 cm tall piles of papers, probably my designed paperwork for the nearby future. I didn't hesitate and picked them all up, I also picked the office supplies but I will substitute them after to ones more centered towards my preferences.

"You are dismissed. Have a good day."(Aizen).

"Thank you sir."

Without even blinking he just continued pulling his trolley and left.

*Sigh* I just hope my order of barbie dolls arrives soon, I can't simply wait to see the reaction of everyone. Sadly this costs time, and I just arrived here.

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