Mokuton Authority

Chapter 264 - Soul: Direct Discordia.

{AN: Made a discord server with the help of my friend, here is the link:

Don't worry I will also post the link in the comments session.}




A week quickly passed and I can confidently say that a lot of things happened, to my friends that is. That bastard of my evil twin didn't saw fit to appear in the Sereitei yet, and this is starting to piss me off slightly.

Like, there was even a captain meeting yesterday, and the bastard had the gall to be absent. But considering that everyone thought he was there, and all captains were praising my evil twin wonder and precise inputs... Like seriously, the guy wasn't even there. and is where if I hear one more "Aizen-Sama kyaa" scream I am gonna lose it...

Now that I think about it... doesn't this mean that my evil twin is kind of trolling the whole Soul Society by simply making the effect illusion of himself?

Wait... That means that my evil twin is extremely proficient in the Dao of Trolling. I should totally ask how he does this.

An evil smile formed on my face at all the opportunities this simple thought process gives me. Let's see how much I can test the patience of Aizen Sosuke.

And while I am suffering the epic trolling for my evil twin all my friends were doing pretty great. My teammates for the field test, Toka, Hina, Hana, and Ryu all decided to enter for the first division. I was quite surprised that Yamamoto accepted them, but he must've noticed their battle-hardened senses and decided that they were good seedlings.. who knows? Maybe he will even train them himself. Hah, maybe he is even seeing some of them as successor material for him? that ought to be quite good.

Rick is also doing quite well, Ukitake is a good captain and he is making sure Rick is able to feel at home. Rick is honestly feeling flattered, few people treated him so well, he even swore to himself he will help Ukitake to the best of his abilities. Ukitake has had a lung disease since he was three years old and if I am not mistaken he was saved by Mimihagi, who took his lungs away at the request of his parents. Mimihagi is also taking the rest of his body and his life in preparation for making Ukitake the new right hand of the Soul King. Meaning it isn't right to say he is sick, it's more like he is slowly being transformed in the new right hand of the Soul King.

That is his choice, so I won't ever sever his connection to the soul king. but ic an at least use some of my [Yang Release] on him, or Sever the pain receptors of his disease, like that he will be able to live normally at least. Without having to spend so much time "sick" in his room. Better do it right now, seeing as he is sleeping, so this is the perfect moment.

Without moving a muscle I used my improved [Shunpo] and immediately appeared in Ukitake's room. He was alone and sleeping. This time I didn't forget to use my first soul ring skill to truly become stealthy.

With a wave of my hand, Ukitake has been easily flooded with more [Yang Release] than necessary, meaning that from now on he is beaming with vitality. After less than a heartbeat I used my 9th soul ring skill [Sever] and severed his pain receptors connect to the "disease". The "disease" is still happening, but he will be able to live normally from now on.

Looking at Gwen I barely could hold back my laugher, Unohana has been sparring with her almost nonstop. The funny thing is that Unohana is extremely good at healing, so no matter how much wounded they get she can still heal both of them, meaning the spars are usually pretty violent and wild. At least she is gaining a lot of battle experience as a Shinigami.

Elsa has been introduced properly to the 2dn divisional and has already started her ninja training.

Allessa time was a bit more difficult, Mayuri is paranoid beyond belief and is constantly;y trying to monitor his subordinates. So he is constantly trying to glue some microscopic monitoring devices on Allessa, something which has been totally unsuccessful. I sincerely doubt he will be able to accomplish anything, but this guy is seriously pissing me off, I wanted to kill him but Allessa doesn't like kill steals very much.

Ah, I also found a good Japanese mansion here, it is very expensive but it's not like I lack money. I can literally make money with [Yin-Yang Release]. So I am talking with Allessa about buying it and she agreed. So we will be buying it at the start of the next month, I already started some preparation, I wanted to make that manor as good as the Shrek castle, if not better.



"Sir. Some kind of order just arrived, the deliveryman said it is for someone called "Ben Dover", the contents seem to be "F0r My De4resT On11-Ch4an"..."

Opening the door I adopted an extremely serious person, both my tone of voice and posture scream seriousness. The Shinigami immediately tensed for a bit, thinking this is some kind of important delivery.

"Those are extremely important packages for Aizen-Taichou. Put those in his office I will take care of the rest."(Aizen).

"Yes Senju Sir."

The Shinigami immediately went o give orders to other subordinates, soon enough there will be a huge ass amount of different Barbie dolls inside of Aizen's office. The pink painting arrived yesterday, and the food from the kitchen has long since been giving stomaches to everyone who eats there. Heheh, everything going according to keikaku.

Now should I use glitter or not?

F.u.c.k it, let's use glitter and go all out.

I waited until nighttime when everyone is sleeping, and entered Aizen's office using the [Speed Force]. There were a lot of boxes containing all the barbies I asked for.

I second I opened all the boxes and levitate the dolls towards the ceiling, together wi a lot of pain enough to flood the whole room. don't worry I made sure to protect the paperwork, but everything else is going to become pink.

With some expert runework the moment Aizen enters his office and takes three steps inside, he will be flooded with pink paint, glitter, and a mountain of barbie dolls. Definitely, one of my best works yet.

Seeing this incredible opportunity I used all the rest of the pink paint to paint the whole 5th division barracks pink, including all the offices, mine included because why not? When people wake up tomorrow they are gonna have quite the surprise. Hehehe.




Soon enough it is already the next day, everyone woke up like normal and proceed with their routines. But when they exited their rooms they could see there was something strange in the air, but they couldn't point what. Some people ate breakfast in the food hall having to subsequently spend at least another entire hour in the bathroom due to some "complications".

At this moment Momo had just woken up and started to prepared tea for her, she smelled that her tea was a tad bit different than normal but she just thought it was another new brand or something like that. A few hours later she would curse her past self for being so idiotic distracted.

Drinking her tea she steps outside of her room, her eyes widening as wide as saucers, her mouth rang open, and from her throat, just a huge "WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT" sound could be heard. The sound was so loud that even the birds around the barracks started to fly away in absolute fright.

From my office, I could hear the loud stomping of Momo going around checking the whole division.


Some more loud stomping and screaming noises from some low-level Shinigami's I heard another shout.


Mores stomping sounds and an equal loud scream could be heard from across the barracks.


One of the most effeminate screams I've heard in my entire life... but I am quite conflicted here... This voice definitely belonged to the macho man that is the 8th seat officer, heck the guy is even taller than me. The poor bodybuilder has been the one suffering the most in my hands, due to him having to eat a lot of food due to the body training he does, he eats in the food hall as it is for free. So he was the one who ingested the most number of poisons, the funny thing is that he ate so much food from there that in this sole week he has been eating poisoned food that he started developing poison resistance. Sadly, it appears he didn't develop enough Lieutenant resistance yet.

Soon nought I started hearing a loud stomping sound coming towards my office, before Momo could enter I picked up a large pot of Super Glue, filled it with pudding, picked a big spoon and started to slowly eat it.

Soon enough the door was torn out of its hinges with a kick strong enough to level a mountain. A furious momo covered in pink and glitter appeared at my office doorstep. Did I mention that I also pranked her office int the same way I did Aizen's? No? Oh, my bad, I will make sure I don't forget it next time. Not. Seeing the furious pinkete in front of me I put the super glue pot on my table and continued eating "Super Glue" calmly.

Momo who is nearly exploding opened her mouth to say something, but before any sound could exit her mouth I precisely interrupted her.


The way I lazily said that while waving my spoon full of "Glue", just infuriated her even more. If she was a volcano she would be close to an eruption already. Gritting her teeth she shouts.


"Ma, ma. You give me way too much credit *Slurp*, this way you will make me blush."(Aizen).


She started spitting out gibberish out of sheer and una.d.u.l.terated rage. It was like she wasn't in control of her actions anymore.

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She fell to the ground with a loud *thump*.

"Huh, I think I broke the poor girl. I am quite disappointed really, just one week? I at least expect two or more. But I guess this will have to do. Maybe I can try cursing the 8th seat with a pink tutu for a month? that would undoubtedly be funny. MAAAAAAA, I really ant that bastard Aizen to come here sooner, pranking is going to be so much fun."(Aizen).

"I am quite sad the glue trolling didn't work. But I guess the poor girl was simply too angry for the subtle joke to catch her... *Sigh* whatever. Let me send her to her bed, it the lest I could do."(Aizen).

I got up and kicked the girl making her downed form immediately disappear and reappear on her bed. She will wake up in half an hour one hour tops.

69 minutes later Momo woke up in her bedroom. Looking around in her normal-looking bedroom and not finding any signs of pink she let ou an audible loud sigh of relief.

"Thanks, Kami. It was shut a horrible, terrifying nightmare. *Phew* I don't really think I could really handle something like that."(Momo).


Suddenly she started hearing her stomach making strange noises. It started to somehow hurt, but when she felt something desperately trying to exit from the backdoor she rushed towards the bathroom at incredibly high speeds.

Entering the bathroom she didn't even look around before bringing down her pants and sitting at the throne. Soon enough the floodgates where open and she could hold it anymore. Thanks to her being relieved from the immediate danger she looked around to her bathroom to entertain herself while she was letting the muddy go.

Her bathroom looked absolutely normal, really, but then her eyes landed on the mirror and she stopped in her tracks, her face contorting to one fo absolute anger and hatred, her pink skin becoming redder and redder. Seeing her pink self in the mirror, she couldn't help but shout.


When I heard that shout I couldn't help but wallow in laugher.

Right now I was in my office, slowly enjoying eating my "Super Glue" like it was the nicest candy and I am a child. Then I felt certain someone enter Soul Society and I could help hold an evil smile forming in my face, I let out a low chuckle.

"Kukukuku. Finally, you are here my evil twin, our prank war will be legendary."(Aizen).

There was a silence in my office for a very long time. Only the *slurping* sounds of me eating "Super Glue" could be heard.

"Or it will be severely underwhelming. I don't know really... Okay, I can know the results of everything, but seeing the future is quite lame sometimes. It kills all the fun."(Aizen).

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