Mokuton Authority

Chapter 266 - Soul: First Meeting.

{AN: Made a discord server with the help of my friend, here is the link:

Don't worry I will also post the link in the comments session.}




You must be thinking: "Ah, but Aizen can easily use his bullshit Kyoka Suigetsu and avoid everything, right?". Yeah, he most certainly can, no doubt about that one. But that doesn't mean I can't interfere and make things more... interesting.

You see a clever use of [Genjutsu] mixed with [Telephathy] can do wonderful things on the mind of someone. I simply made him forget Kyoka Suigetsu exists, nor more accurately, u pushed anything related to Kyoka Suigetsu to the back of his mind, so he does indeed know the skill is there, he just forget about it constantly. I sincerely can't wait for the day I return him to normal, and he remembers about his skill... That would be... F.u.c.k.i.n.g Epic.

And I got to admit, my evil twin reaction was worth every ounce of effort I put into those trolling moments. It was all worth it. Another one of the best moments was when momo saw him the next day.

Pitifully Momo entered the captain's office, she somehow has already lost hope in humanity and evolution itself, she now simply exists. In her pinksome she entered the office, not expecting to find anything different from the usual. Oh, she was gravely mistaken.

Seeing momo enter his office Aizen looked at her, the girl he has been toying with for a very long time, his plaything, a simple being that could be said to be less than a pawn. But when he saw her dead face, followed by her dead eyes, eyes that seems to have seen too much, those deeply haunted eyes. He finally understood something, she knows what he is going through.

Momo looking at her captain could see the same haunted eyes, the same dead expression. and when she saw pink she understood. She understood his pain. Summoning strength from beyond her imagination and mental capabilities, she looks at her captain slightly more expectant eyes, as if he expected some kind of magical solution to appear, looking straight into his eyes she says.

"You get used to it."(Momo).

Aizen's world fell once more, the sliver of hope he has been maintained crushed under the impossibly heavyweight of the truth. He felt lost, defeated, like a discarded plastic bag.

"I see..."(Aizen(Evil))

Aizen eloquently said, said eloquence, and powerful words were everything he could muster in his current situation. He is feeling like he just wanted to lay on the ground and cry.



"W-Who did this."(Aizen(Evil)).

Momo seems to exit her previous mindset, a fire, and rage that were buried deep whiting waking up, to be burning brightly once more. She couldn't control herself anymore, she needs to express her rage.


She stormed out of the captain's office in a fit of rage, completely ignoring the said captain who is now looking extremely perplexed, confused, and bamboozled at this situation.

"What did I do?..."(Aizen(Evil))




Did I ever tell you Allessa has been working on some prime material for trolling? Using all her smarts she is training to create a cigar of [Reishi], that any soul can smoke without consequences of a normal cigar, pretty neat stuff I tell ya. Normally that would be it, but I guess it is a tradition for every possessor of the [Kaleidoscope] to troll... Now that I think about it my urge for trolling grew immensely after I learned said magic... hmm... I guess the fact that every user is also immortal and probably bored has nothing to do with it right? Heh, guess not.

Going back on the cigarettes, she is trying to do something like the Every Flavored Bean from Harry Potter, but she literally wants every flavor. I said that theoretically there is an infinite number of flavors, seeing as the universe has an infinite number of probabilities. So we settled for something around 69 trillions, yeah the number was on purpose. According to my [Clairvoyance], her cigarettes would become immensely popular amongst children. I give an idea of making normal [Reishi] based cigarettes too. I am pretty sure everyone would have smoked a cigar at least once, if it didn't give you cancer or killed your lungs.

And seeing as this Cigarrei - that is the name of the cigar- don't affect your body, I guess it would be pretty popular. Heck, some people even say it is beneficial for your health due to how the pure [Reishi] interacts with your body. But we both thought just normal cigarettes wouldn't cut, so we decided to each cigarette pack will have at least one random flavored cigarette. Both satisfied we will probably launch it when the product is ready, maybe a week from now on.




Soul Society has been quite wild since captain Shiba has gone MIA, I know where the bastard is and I can probably heal him. But I guess some years of chastis.e.m.e.nt will do the bastard some good, maybe this time he wouldn't be such an ass with Ichigo... Hah, who I am kidding? he will be exactly that.

The ones who have been suffering the most are the 10th division, poor Hitsugaya and Matsumoto have been scrambling to make things work, and by some divine miracle, their division didn't collapse yet.

And seeing as Yamamoto called Hitsugaya he will probably promote the Midget to the captain of the 10th division. This time I felt that Yamamoto really didn't have much choice in this one, Hitsugaya is the only one who is strong enough to hold the post, having your [Bankai] does wonders for your status as a Shinigami. Thankfully the boy is the responsible type, so he probably will pass the captain exam with flying colors, thus becoming the captain of the 10th division.

Ukitake recovery was quite unexpected for a lot of people, but this doesn't mean that everyone one their division didn't celebrate it. Their captain has been sick for a long time and he wakes up one day "cured" was great news to everyone.

A day quickly passed, and I finally something that I have been expecting to happen. My evil twin finally decided to visit me, currently, I was observing him with my [Clairvoyance]. I had to applaud Aizen's guts to even looked like a pink version of a smurf he still was still able to walk with the same pose and confident stride. Quite a surprise if you ask me, didn't know he would "recover" so fast.

Without even knocking he simply opens the door and enters my humble office, the office that is currently colored bright purple. Yes, I keep changing the colors it is funnier this way.

The sight Aizen was faced the moment he entered my office was something that could be described as slightly nightmarish. There are currently around 50 empty pots of superglue thrown around the office. Currently, I was eating a fairly bigger pot of " Superglue" with a very big metallic spoon. My feet were on top of my table, my Shihakusho was wide opened showing my divine abs and muscles, which are extremely dirty with "Superglue", my underpants of cute teddy bears are currently slightly visible, while I keep scratching my balls with my left hand, while with my right hand I keep eating "Superglue", while I watch shitty Ecchi anime in my computer with a very high volume, yes I intentionally did that to look like I am watching some f.u.c.k.i.e.d up hentai for whoever stumbled upon me right now. And Aizen just did.

"Heavens... What did I just bring upon this cursed land?"(Aizen(Evil)).

Aizen was completely shocked and disgusted, while I completely ignored him and continue "watching" my Hentai simply completely ignoring his presence whatsoever. He really didn't know what to do in this. After a particular totally not s.e.x.u.a.l m.o.a.n from my speakers, I made a show of looking around the office, seemly noticing the increasing fuming pink captain, and said.


And completely ignored him soon after, going back to "watch" my Ecchis for the plot. Nothing more and nothing less. I also didn't forget to obnoxiously *slurp* on my "Superglue" to cause even more annoyance towards the pink captain. Trying to control himself Aizen let out a loud "*Cough*" sound that honestly reverberated for the whole building.

I continue to obnoxious slurp on my "superglue" reaching the point to even lick the contents of the pot in a disgusting Kakyion form, before a slowly directed myself towards my superior officer.

"Want some?"(Aizen).

Aizen blacked out for a second there, as if asking "Did this dude just seriously offered me glue to eat?", then he just closed his eyes let out a loud *sigh* and opened his mouth to talk, only to be interrupted by my speakers.


Some random loud m.o.a.n sounded from them, Aizen visibly cringed at such lewd sounds closing his mouth almost immediately.


More obnoxious slurp sound echoed through the room, almost as if to match the m.o.a.ns coming from the speakers. Aizen had enough.


I just looked at him with clear boredom in my gaze for a second here, I made sure my face morphed through innumerable different expressions he could read ending up on one of revelation. I kept hitting my keyboard awkwardly as if to change tabs desperately, like my father just entered through the door and watched me watching anime tidies. a bunch of random windows appeared on my computer, and for some reason, I heard "Bluetooth Device Connected", a very loud *Kyaaaaaaaaaa* echoed through the building. And after appeared what should've been a lot of effort I was finally able to somehow restart my computers, sadly for Aizen the m.o.a.ns continue incessantly almost like a broken disk, it was almost like it was made specially to provoke him. But that couldn't be possible, right?

Aizen couldn't help but grow increasingly red in both embarrassment and anger. His eyes and mouth were twitching uncontrollably, his breathing was laborious and he couldn't help be pissed at the motherf.u.c.ker in front of him. This gotta be on purpose, he couldn't believe this shit.

Without further ado, I picked my pot of "superglue" and sniffed it hard. Almost like I was sniffing some kind of sweet cocaine, I even added the red sclera for the extra shitty factor. Cautiously I put the pot under my desk in a supposed secret compartment. Got up and gave Aizen a military salute.

He tried to calm himself down but barely managed to do it.

"I am your captain Aizen Sosuke. Nice to meet you, 3rd seat officer."(Sosuke).

"Nice to meet you Pink Captain- I mean Captain Rose- wait that is not-"(Aizen).

"*Sigh* Just captain will suffice."(Sosuke).

"Wait... You said your name is Aizen Sosuke Right?"(Aizen).


I make sure my expression morphed from brief confusion, expectancy, hope, and finally happiness. Aizen was extremely confused not understanding my changes in expressions.


I simply jump-tackled him into the air, screaming "Onii-chan". At that moment Aizen was so lost so angry, so confused, so irritated, so bamboozled that he simply gave up, and accept his death by overload.

Ladies and gentleman, I broke Aizen Sosuke, please applaud. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #._52419370214803376 for visiting.

Looking at my apparently dead captain I just loudly *Tskd* and kicked him hard, sending him towards his office in a compromising position, meaning he was with his ass pointing towards the door. His ass canon ready to shot anyone who comes through. Wait... That is a good idea for a trolling, I can create some sort of asscannon on top of his butt to shot out extremely suspicious-looking chocolate.

I am just kind of sad that pulling something like this will only work once. But it was f.u.c.k.i.n.g worth it, seeing as I didn't stop laughing until now.

I have another crazy idea for my second troll here. What if I worked normally and like someone extremely serious the next months, Aizen and Momo would be extremely confused and looking over at their shadows as if something will just jump at them from out of nowhere.

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