Mokuton Authority

Chapter 267 - Soul: Afraid of their own shadow.

{AN: Made a discord server with the help of my friend, here is the link:

Don't worry I will also post the link in the comments session.}




A month quickly passed. And I got to tell ya, this month was one of the funniest months of my entire life. MAn, the amount of laughing I got in this month is essentially staggering.

This month I acted completely like the perfect and most well-conducted 3rd seat officer. This threw both Momo and Aizen for a loop. They simply couldn't believe their own eyes, their 3rd seat officer that should've been the devil himself was acting like the perfect conducted 3rd seat officer, they were both speechless and extremely afraid. Afraid he would suddenly change and surprise them again with his demonic tactics and antics.

But to their growing horror, he did absolutely nothing, he performed like the absolute best worker of their battalion on the most polite and well-mannered approach they ever saw. Their fear started to consume them, they would look fearfully towards corners and analyze completely every place they enter or have been at. Their fear grew to such point heir started to become afraid of their own shadows, the smallest of noises would startle them, and any brusque movement would make them jump on guard or [Shunpo] away. They were acting like frightened animals.

And to mess around with them even more I would move furniture in their rooms and offices slightly, nothing much, around 1 or 2 inches per day. It was subtle enough for it to not be consciously noted, but clear enough for their subconsciousness to register that something was wrong. So this only served to torture them even more, they feel that something was wrong, but they couldn't put their finger on what. And that was absolutely hilarious.

And the added fact that they keep stumbling and hitting their pinky in the furniture was only a bonus to my fun. Hah, I can't believe how much you can troll people with so little. And the fact that they are doubting if everything that happened was real or just an illusion is even better, the only thing that serves as a reminder for them is that every time they look at a mirror they see pink. If it wasn't for that they would probably have thought that everything that happened was a lie. That only made things funnier, f.u.c.k.i.n.g hell I love this job.

In terms of a new residence, I and Allessa finally bought one. Thanks to Allessa invention the cigarettes plus our salary put together we had enough excuses to buy a giant mansion. Of course, the money wasn't enough to buy something that we wanted, but creating money with [Yin-Yang Release] is but a simple thing to do. So we ended up buying a mansion we comprehensively shouldn't be able to afford in the eyes of society, the funny thing is that e had a lot of countermeasures in place in case something happened.

But seeing as Soul Society is closer to the medieval ages than anything. no one f.u.c.k.i.n.g asks questions. So basically, if you have the money, you can buy whatever you want, no questions asked. And everything is frigging legal, heck we even have the dee from the place, and everything "Just Works". I f.u.c.k.i.n.g love the middle ages, you don't know how much controlling your government truly is until you have lived in this period. And the only problem is that if you don't have a lot of personal power and skills you are kind of f.u.c.k.i.e.d.

The next best part is you don't pay taxes, you just pay a Tax, nothing more and nothing less. Yeah, it's pretty exorbitant and quite the high value, but you pay it once, and only once. It's not like the modern times where you pay "less tax" but way more times than you can reasonably count. My guess is that in modern times we end up paying even more tax, it's just that we don't realize or feel it because it's more spread. Like buying virtual money with real money to win in that shitty EA pay to win game.

The ancient Japanese mansion that e bought was in essence a piece of shit that was close to falling down than anything. We knew what we were buying, but we didn't care much about the shitty conditions, only about the location. Overpowered repair spell from Allessa and the mansion was already good as if it was just built yesterday.

We soon preceded to reform the mansion, we still didn't enchant or modified it. We prioritized making the Skeleton of the mansion as durable and sturdy as we possibly could make. after we reinforced the mansion enough that not even the soul king himself in his prime could break it, we start to modify it and fill it with furniture and the wacky stuff.

Much like the Shrek Castle, we made our new mansion near infinity, with multiple labs training grounds, and different types of rooms. A huge library. A huge gaming room. Huge bedrooms. Hoge pool rooms. Huge Closed Pool rooms. Much like the Shrek castle, we went all out on making our residence here.

Right now we are sitting in our living room made with polished wood and stone, it has a strange minimalism mixed with an ancient Japanese feel to it. Yes, we opted for not deriving from the theme of the verse, so we maintained a clear Japanese aesthetic to everything.

The best until now was this living room in specific, I and allessa quite liked it. It's pretty comfy and an excellent place to cuddle and have lovey-dovey moments with each other. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #._52443891525277097 for visiting.

"Hmmm What are your plans for this verse..."(Allessa).

"Well, I was thinking of doing something like a huge Dungeon on Soul Society that spawns hollows across all time and space from different dimensions to different alternative realities."(Aizen).

"Like that Dungeon on Orario?"(Allessa).

"Yeah, like that one. But here we won't need Falna or anything like that, the dungeon will be more like a training ground for Shinigami of all kinds of strength."(Aizen).

"Are you going to use sentient Hollows?"(Allessa).

"Depends? If they are assholes? Yes. If they are relatively decent? No."(Aizen).

"Good. I think this project of yours is quite interesting, I will help you too. It will be a good practice for us to learn how to create our own universes too."(Allessa).

"Ah, so you want to use this opportunity to make every floor of the Dungeon a separated universe?"(Aizen).

"Yeah, precisely. And with a clever use of the [3rd True Magic] and the [2nd True Magic], we can make something pretty good."(Allessa).

"Agreed. If I have time I will be sure to make a secret division responsible solely for the Dungeon, much like the Kido Corps is part of the Gotei 13 but not a division per si."(Aizen).

"That sounds pretty good actually. And in the future, you can maybe even fuse it with a division, much like what happened with the 2nd division. "(Allessa).

"Now changing the subject a little bit. Did you see his reaction?"(Aizen).

"I saw that, it was f.u.c.k.i.n.g priceless. I had to put a boundary for silence with how much I was laughing. And your first meeting... I couldn't help but crack up when you said ~Onii-Chan~. The last time I laughed so hard I was watching Konosuba."(Allessa).

"I am glad you caught on that reference."(Aizen)

"I was thinking of making a room in the 50th floor of the Dungeon to awaken and properly fuse a Shinigami's Yang(hollow) side. What do you think?"(Aizen).

"Hmmm. That is actually quite a good idea, it can be seen as a prize for being able to reach such a level. I approve."(Allessa).




After a very lovely night with Allessa I was now in my office, it is already the next day and I honestly didn't expect for something quite curious to happen. It was a relatively pleasant surprise, but a surprise nonetheless.

"Please teach me!"(Momo)

Hinamori Momo, my lieutenant is right now in a seiza position in my office basically begging for me to teach her. Normally I would have ignored the pink woman, but seeing as she suffered quite a lot from my pranks I decided to help her a little bit.


"Please, please. You have to accept, I can't tolerate being weak anymore- Wait. You agreed?"(Momo).

"Yeah, I have nothing better to do so I don't mind teaching you some things. I think it will be fun. For me that is."(Aizen).

Momos face brightened up slightly, like something she very nervous about just succeeded.

"Why do you want to be trained by me? I could be way weaker than you by what you know."(Aizen).

She sheepishly scratched the back of her head while she is getting up, and says.

"Well, I had a hunch that this was the right thing to do. and as the saying goes, ~if you can beat them join them~."(Momo).

"Interesting... Your first lesson will be to cut this wooden pillar."(Aizen)

I literally just pick a three meters tall and one-meter thick wooden pillar and hand it to Momo. She looks stupidly at such a thing simply appearing from nothing, it was like her brains imply couldn't comprehend this.

"Where did that come from?"(Momo)

"From my ass."(Aizen).



"Now let me explain how you trying we'll work, you simply have to follow the basics forms of [Zanjutsu] and cut this pillar. Nothing more, nothing less."(Aizen).

"Yeah, it sounds like something relatively simple and easy to accomplish. Is that all?"(Momo).

"Not even close. The thing is... every time you cut through this wooden pillar I will give you one sturdier, so each pillar will be more difficult than the other. This is pillar number one. This is basically a normal wood that any 6th-year graduate can cut with the right effort. Ah, and the pillar has regenerative capabilities, meaning if you don't cut it fast and strong enough it will just repair itself."(Aizen).

Gulping Momo couldn't help but think this training is looking more difficult by the minute. She didn't understand half of what Aizen did, but she thinks it may be his [Zanpakutou] ability.

"Ah, and I will frequently attack you with some blunt projectiles you will have to deflect or evade, so be sure to always be with your guard up."(Aizen).

After that, I tossed the wooden pillar towards her. She inexplicably felt the pillar was exceptionally light, but she guessed Aizen did something to it. She will put the pillar on her private training grounds and train with it from now on.

"Ah, and be sure to train hard little momo. Who knows? Maybe I will even teach you some cool technique. Hehehe."(Aizen).

After that she immediately runs away, guess my expression of creepy sensei was simply too good. *Sigh* suffering from the success that is.

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