Mokuton Authority

Chapter 271 - Soul: Welcome to the Candy Shop.

{AN: Made a discord server with the help of my friend, here is the link:

Don't worry I will also post the link in the comments session.}




Kurasaki Ichigo isn't special because of his incredible strength, or massive [Reiatsu]. No, what makes him special is the sheer amount of potential he has. Normally in a bunch of places hybrids are considered inferior in many ways, be it because they don't inherit some kind of family power, or because they have inferior strength to a "pure" offspring. There is a bunch of excuses you see around really, I heard a lot of them with my [Clairvoyance]. So more often than not being a hybrid is a tremendous disadvantage.

This is not the case in this universe.

One of the reasons Ichigo is considered such an anomaly is because he is a Shinigami, Quincy, Hollow hybrid. A lot of his absurd strength and speed of improvement is "explained" by that, but normally that wouldn't be enough, anyone with such an ancestry wouldn't be able to accomplish the things Kurasaki Ichigo did. So great part of what makes Kurosaki Ichigo truly special is Kurosaki Ichigo himself.

Yeah, it may sound redundant, and I bet you probably attributed those bullshit feats to plot armor. And I am not here to disagree with you, fate is indeed a great way to make a hero grow in more ways than one, I just wanted to point out that it is not only Ichigo's protagonist that makes him tick.

And I am being proven right when a day after the incident that granted Ichigo his Shinigami powers, I am seeing him fight a Hollow that by all intents and purposes should've swept the floor with him. Yeah, this hollow is extremely weak in the grand scope of things, but what by all intents and purposes was a normal 15 years old is fighting against it and not instantly dying. That by itself is impressive.

Right now he is showing an impressive instinct... it is almost as if he has a sixth sense for fighting. He is literally improving bit by bit while fighting against the Hollow, I can honestly say that he is more impressive than me when I started.

But he still looks like a f.u.c.k.i.n.g money swinging a giant metal stick around, yeah he is pretty bad. But considering he never touched a sword in life before I can sort of understand it. Besides... This fight is quite emotionally heavy to poor Ichigo, he is literally fighting again Inoue's brother turned Hollow.

Eventually, he was able to win and purify the Hollow while sustaining some wounds on his person, same for Orihime too.

"I was thinking... Do you plan to train the boy?", asked Allessa a slightly curious tone seeping on her smooth voice. She probably wants to see what kind of effect my training would have on someone like Ichigo.

"The thing is... You can't train Ichigo. He is that type of person you have to just teach the basics and keep fighting to the death with him. The more he survives, the stronger he will get. I reckon if I simply keep fighting and healing him I would swiftly draw out his potential."

Allessa hummed for a bit, picked up some popcorn, and took a sip from a smoothie I had created, she asked; "So are you going to train him like that? It sounds like a lot of work and the little guy doesn't exactly have that much extra time on his life."

"Oh, my honey. And where would be the fun in that?"

"Heh, I imagined you would say something like that.", I smirk at her cute deduction, I thought a little bit about how I could change the story and have the most fun with it... hmm... Hah, I got an idea.

With a slight smile on my lips, I said; " I was thinking of action like the mysterious old master, and teaching him half-assedly by cryptic saying that he barely understands. What do you think?", with that, I pass a hand through my face and use one of the powers granted to me by the well of wisdom, the ability to look like any age I want from a young child to an old man with a big white beard. If I am not mistaken Allessa can do it too.

I used the skill to look like an ancient grandmaster, white beard, white hair, wrinkles, everything; "Hoh, my little grasshopper... the greatest teacher, failure is."

Allessa almost couldn't hold her laugher at the way I talked, with a smirk of her own she asked; "Talking like Yoda seriously?"

Nodding I answer; "Yeah, he is pretty iconic and I want to troll him hard, principally when he discovers it. The day he watches Star Wars I will have a field day.".

"He didn't watch it yet? Are you kidding me? That was like one of the first movies you showed me.", she said her tone filled with exasperation at the fact he didn't watch such a classic yet.

I simply nodded and changed the topic, for the time being, discussing other people's life choices sounds boring; "So want to talk to Urahara right now?"

"Sure, we kind of forgot to do it before.", Allessa nodded while we both exit our comfy chairs and proceed to wall down the street towards the candy shop. Our walk was purposely slow, we also let out a modic.u.m of [Reitasu] just enough for people to feel we have captain reserves.

Just some steps before arriving at the shop we saw the shadow of a certain black cat entering before us. Probably to warn Urahara of our arrival.

Entering the shop we both heard a distinctive ringing sound made by the door, the most impressive thing about this place is the amount of [Kido] stuffed here, the guy is really a genius if he could make a matrix like this work, I guess it is not for nothing he was able to avoid being detected by Aizen and Soul Society for soo long.

"Hello, welcome to my humble candy shop. How may I help you?", a male voice I presume is Urahara sounded from deep within the store, as he talked he approached the front of the store where we are waiting for him. He didn't seem concerned, but seeing the sheer amount of [Kido] in this place I am not even surprised.

Without missing a beat I said; "I want a Flapjack Candy Drink.".

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He seems a bit surprised with both of us acting like normal customers, he probably expected us to immediately start interrogating him or asking questions.

A black cat seems to scratch Urahara's leg for a bit making him exit his stupor; "Sorry, I am a little bit tired... I've been very busy recently... I will be making your orders shortly."

He bent over and picked two beer glasses filling them with a wide assortment of different candy and sweet things. After some time he started up a machine that worked like some sort of blender and started using it on the candy mix he made on the two mugs he picked up.

The sound of the blender filled the shop while Urahara hummed slightly seemly entertained by the machine he was using, the black cat slowly approached us as if it was testing the waters and started meowling lowly as if to ask for some attention. Allessa seeing the opportunity for a park picked up the black cat and put it on her lap, she immediately started petting the cat, said cat was making a herculean effort to not purr.

Urahara briefly looked at such scene and smirked in amus.e.m.e.nt holding himself back to not laugh, the Goddes of Flash herself reduced to a simple house cat, how funny is shit like this. I observed the sho thoroughly looking at the furniture and different type of candies on display, my eyes were quickly drawn towards the amalgam of pictures on the right-side wall.

All those pictures were properly put on frames and seem to have been constantly cleaned, if the l.u.s.ter I am seeing on them is to be believed. What is special is that in one of those photos there is a pink-colored Aizen full of glitter, a frustrated expression on his face. Urahara also seems to be admiring such a picture, an amused smile formed on his face when he looked at it, our eyes met and I just sent a thumbs up towards him, he answered also sending a thumbs up towards me visibly relaxing. He probably finishes analyzing us and decided that we are no threat, any one of his enemies would have attacked already, without exception, so he could afford to relax, albeit slightly.

Soon enough Urahara brought us our Flapjack Candy Drink, which is incredibly sweet and delicious by the way. I and allessa were purposely making very obnoxious *slurping* sounds while we drunk it, I could clearly see one of the black cat eyes twitching in annoyance, but sadly she was able to control herself.

Urahara decided to simply put his cards on the table and simply ask; "What could the 3rd seat of the 5th division and a member of my old division be doing here? I am pretty sure the Central 46 didn't authorize your presence here."

Smirking slightly while I slurped on my sweet drink I said "Just sightseeing you know? I learned Karakura town has some pretty interesting strawberries here, so why not check it out?"

"Strawberries huh... You wouldn't be working under my old friend Aizen would ya?", asked Urahara with a slight edge on his tone. Probably still testing the waters.

"Hmmm, of course, I work for Aizen.- ", his face fell with this information, but "Who would I work for if not for myself?", he almost fell from the chair from the way I phrased my answer to his question, the black cat wasn't able to hold her laugher and laughed albeit softly.

Allessa smirking to herself asked a question that everyone least expected," Did the cat just laugh?", Urahara and Yoruichi froze at such question, Yoruichi simply stayed quiet and buried her head on her paws, while Urahara started sweating bullets.

Trying to change the subject Urahara said as fast as possible; " You resemblance is really uncanny you know? You two can pass as brothers rather easily. But your height and hair color are a pretty big difference from him."

Nodding my head I said; "Indeed I am quite close in appearance with my Evil twin-" Urahara and Yoruichi did a spit take, "But I am still leagues apart from him, in more ways than one."

"So I ask this question again. What do you want with this humble shopkeeper?"

"Nothing much really, just tot alk with the man that helped create the Hogyoku, and one of the biggest genius Soul Society has ever seen.".

"Flattery will get you nowhere Not-So-Evil-Twin, I am already seeing someone I am afraid.".

"Hoo hoo, and here I thought you are as dense as harem protagonist. But I guess when a woman gives up her entire life to run away with you, that gotta mean something... and if that is not love, I really don't know what it is.", Urahara seems a little bit stunned for a moment, but he was able to get out of his stupor when a black cat *coughed* out loud in slight embarrassment. Heh, so I hit it close to home, huh.

Before Urahara could ask any more questions I continued; "I will be cultivating the strawberry at night, his potential is honestly staggering. But don't worry, I will hold back and not make him too overpowered yet. The strawberry needs room to grow and to get used to his new horizons.", Urahara seems a tad bit surprised at this formation, he knows who am talking about when I refer to the strawberry so no harm is done in being cryptic.

Both I and Allessa got up, having finished our drinks we were going to leave, but before we got out Alessa asked a question just to mess with them; "Can I adopt this stray here? the cat looks lonely... almost as if didn't get enough love", Urahara and Yoruichi did a spit take in complete synchrony, it was extremely funny, to be honest.

Urahara scrambled a bit before answering "S-Sorry the cat is mine-", Urahara straightened his voice and said with a supernatural conviction," and I will be sure to fill her with love from now on.", this time it was Yoruichi turn to do a spit take and blush... Can cats blush? Meh, anime logic.

"Now, now. It's time to go, the Candy Drink is pretty good, just try to add more Lemon drops and Mint to make it more refreshing, I am sure your clients will love it.", and with that both me and Allessa disappeared from the shop with an use of [Shunpo] leaving an extremely embarrassed cat, and a stupefied shop owner.

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