Mokuton Authority

Chapter 272 - Soul: Dreaming Training Montage.

{AN: Made a discord server with the help of my friend, here is the link:

Don't worry I will also post the link in the comments session.}




After we exited the candy shop it was just a matter of waiting for the night to fall, we spent most of the day messing around and throwing new ideas about three-digit [Kidos] at each other. Soon enough I was already night and Ichigo was already sleeping on his bed.

Seeing this as the perfect moment for me to enact my plan I simply used a [Shunpo] towards his room, covered my hand in [Reiryoku], and with a clever technique I developed with Allessa's help pushed his soul out of his body.

This of course immediately woke him up, but before he could do anything, or even open his eyes, I sent a palm strike towards his chest, teleporting him towards a clearing in the depths of the Amazonian forest, this is a place I prepared with my [Primordial Runes] to be used as a training ground.

Ichigo's reaction was something completely normal; "WHAT THE HELL? What the f.u.c.k is this place? Who the f.u.c.k sent me here?", he was understandably disturbed and on guard, I would too if I was suddenly teleported to a strange place.

Seeing as this was the perfect moment to appear I used my skill to look like a wise old man, getting out of the shadow of the trees I appeared inf front of Ichigo; "Rightfully wary you are, young man.", Ichigo, of course, reacted by drawing his big katana and pointing it in my direction.

"Who are you old man?", asked Ichigo with a mixture of wariness and irritation on his voice.

"Important is it not, who I am.", I purposely took a long pause in the middle of my speech, and when I sensed that Ichigo was going to interrupt me I continued, "What Important is, that a lot of potential, you have.".

Ichigo was a tad bit confused about my Yoda way of talking. Yeah, talking like that in Japanese was more troublesome than I would like to admit, but it works just fine, so whatever.

Ichigo getting a little more pissed spoke louder, "Hey old man, I am not joking here. What is going on.", Ichigo was getting dangerous vibes from the old man and his creepy way of talking. It never occurred to him to question why the old man could see him, even if he was in his Shinigami persona.

"Potential, you may have-", with just a single step was at his right side, his [Zanpakutou] already on my hand, I made a show of looking at the blade, while the still clueless Ichigo widened his eyes in surprise at my apparent 'teleport', continue my speech "- but brash and young, you still are. Much to learn, you have. Young Strawberry.".

My last comment seems to make Ichigo get out of his stupor by the sheer annoyance the Strawberry comment cause to him; "Shut up old man. My name is Ichigo, Kurosaki Ichigo. Not a shitty fruit.".

I just arched my extremely long eyebrows at him as if simply mocking him for answering to such a simple insult. This seems to anger him, even more, when he almost exploded and said in a way louder voice; "Oi old man. Speak what you want before I decided to beat you for being annoying.".

"Training you, is what I want. Simple as well, it is.", I said conveying my intention from the beginning. Ichigo seems a bit surprised at my answer, but he quickly answers; "That won't do old man, I have school tomorrow and work to do. So I don't have time for this shit, I need to sleep.".

I just smiled and simply changed the subject; "Dreaming, are you? Kurosaki Ichigo.", my strange question seem to end Ichigo for a loop, it is almost as if he couldn't believe those world, he looked around and saw a dense-packed forest, but when he looked up and saw the sun he paled a little, "Wasn't it the middle of the night?" he murmur to himself in a low confused tone.

"Am I dreaming?", he asked, this time in a more even tone of voice filled with worry and untold questions.

I simply smiled and answered; "Remember waking up, do you?", I asked with a somber and mysterious tone of voice. Ichigo paled a little bit, before finally smirking to himself; "Aah, so this is all just a dream.", understanding marred his face; " So... this means this is one of those lucid dreams I can control right?"

Immediately he tried to jump high, but it didn't exactly work, he just jumped a few feet in the air before crashing down rather pathetically. Normally he would easily be able to land normally, but he wasn't expecting this in the slightest.

Deciding to do something, because if I let the poor boy by himself he may as well kill himself by sheer idiocy alone; "Wrong you are, young one. Dream this may be, but close to reality this still is.", I said lying as easily as I breathe.

Ichigo by himself seems a little disappointed, so he just got up dusted himself in and in a very disappointed manner asked; "So what now old man?"

"Right now, train we must. And train we will."

"Okay, guess I don't have anything better to do here, might as well have some fun training.", said Ichigo with some boredom on his voice, showing why I choose this specific environment for training him.

"Good. Eager you may not be, but open your mind is. For now, more than enough that is.".

"So what are we going to do? Fight some monster? Beat some bastards? I am ready grandpa, come on, throw the best you have at me.", said Ichigo in a slightly tone.

"Throw my best at you?... Truly wonderful, the mind of a child is.".

"Hey, I am not a kid. I am 15.".

Ignoring his last comment I simply continued talking in a lecturing tone; "You main form of combat. the sword is?", he simply nodded. I just tossed his [Zanpakutou] back at him, and even if he almost dropped it he was able to catch the sword in the end.

"Pitful, your sword is. Ignored and alone, he is.", I said referring to the fact he didn't even try to communicate with his [Zanpakutou], yeah can't blame him but I am honestly just planting a seed for the future here.

Before Ichigo could give a come back I simply instructed; "Your sword, in the air you will swing. Evaluate your level, I will.".

"Just swing it in the air? Like... Do I try to cut the air or something?"

Shaking my head I summon my own [Zanpakutou] which is now sheathed and answer; "No. Clash blades with you I will.", I said that, but did nothing to remove my sword from its scabbard.

Seeing that Ichigo asked curiously; "Are you not even going to draw your sword old man?".

"Less whining, more attacking hmm.", Ichigo just shrugged telling himself that this is just a dream, so he doesn't have to care much about things anyway.

He runs at me with superhuman speed and swung that huge sword of his in a downwards slash, skillfully I simply redirected his sword rather easily. And seeing that my sword is exceptionally big, big enough to reach my shoulders if I put it vertically, it was more of an Odachi for my size than a Katana really.

I continue with a simple thrust of my sword, which Ichigo found extremely difficult to block, making it hit him on his chest sending the orange-haired teenager backward a few steps. That is one disadvantage of that big sword of his, thankfully we are in a supernatural world so circ.u.mventing human problems becomes easy. And of course, I am limiting myself to his level, it won't do to kill the boy with a poke, will it?

Ichigo quickly retaliated feeling slightly annoyed with the ease I was conducting this "fight", he trusted his sword, easily parried, he slashed upwards, easily deviated, he slash horizontally, easily dealt with. Each missed strike of his made him grow exceedingly annoyed at his situation, and every time I just poked him with the sheath only made it worse.

We continued like this until Ichigo grew too frustrated and puffy to continue, huffing he said; "It's not fair *huff* old man *huff* you are *huff* way stronger than me.".

"Unfair life, always is. But stronger than you, I am not. Same strength I used, only better technique, I did have.". He seemly slightly annoyed by this revelation, but he quickly relented seen that I was obviously right.

"Right now, a training plan for you I have. The basics of the sword, I will train you.", Ichigo seems slightly annoyed at this information, he quickly tried to retort; " The basics really? I can't be that bad.".

I just smiled at him and said; "A monkey on your position, a better job would do.", I said while thinking about those Monkeys on Mihawk's island, they kicked Zoro's ass quite a lot.

This seems to upset Ichigo a little, but a the end he just relented; "Okay, whatever. Just get on with it.", I noded appreciating he was able to hold his temper in check.

After that, I simply explained the basics of [Zanjutsu] to him, demonstrated some of the moves, correct some of his, heard a lot of lamentation about how heavy his sword is. Tiem quickly passed and I could comfortably say in two or three more sessions Kurosaki Ichigo would have a firm grasp of the basics of [Zanjutsu].

"Good. But wake up, now you have.".

"Wait what-", I immediately cut him when I simply teleported towards his back and slapped him. This immediately teleported his soul form back towards his body, at the same time I filled his body with [Yang Release] filling him and his soul with vitality to compensate for the lack of sleep. He would wake up well-rested and full of energy.

Appearing close to Allessa she looks at me and says; "So are you going for the mysterious dream route, huh.".

"Indeed. He will wake up thinking that all of that was a dream of some sort. I wonder how much time he will take to notice something like that?", I asked curiosity and amus.e.m.e.nt bleeding through my voice.

"I don't know either... but I thought his father would've noticed his [Reiatsu]... I mean, he already recovered all his powers, and he is a captain for f.u.c.ks sake.", said Allessa also visible amus.e.m.e.nt in her voice.

"Well, his mother also isn't here. And I am pretty sure she isn't dead. So what is happening?", I asked letting a mysterious tone bleed through my voice.

Allessa rolled her eyes at my obvious lie; "You know damn well why. You are just too goddam entertained to explain everything right now.". Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #._52566650565741479 for visiting.

"Changing subjects a bit... what did you teach him?", asked Allessa with slight curiosity in her tone of voice.

"Heh, and who was calling me out on my bullshit previously? You know everything already.", she just smirked in response while returning to her comfy spectator chair I had resummoned while we talked. With a flick of my hand, the small nightstand containing two neverending cups of delicious beverage, popcorn, ch.i.p.s, and etc reappeared.

"Hah, and the show continues.", I said while Allessa drank from her cup, while we observed Isshin drop-kick Ichigo awake.

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