Mokuton Authority

Chapter 273 - Soul: The Absolute Hypnosis.

{AN: Made a discord server with the help of my friend, here is the link:

Don't worry I will also post the link in the comments session.}




After waking up Ichigo quickly went with his day to a new slew of adventures. And while I am pretty sure that is very entertaining to watch and laugh at those events. There is currently something way more interesting happening in the Kurosaki clinic.

Masaki finally arrived, indeed her non-presence was something I found strange at first but a quick look with [Clairvoyance], and I understood what was happening. Apparently, she had to go towards some kind of government office to actualize some permits of the clinic, normally Isshin would be the one doing that but due to some "circ.u.mstance", they decided against it. And I am not referring to Ichigo gaining his powers.

With Masaki alive I first expected things to be very different, maybe a Quincy Ichigo or something? But no, the couple decided to wait until Ichigo was 18 to introduce him to the supernatural... That didn't work well, did it? But in their defense supernatural people have big lifespans, so 18 years is a rather short time. And if I am not mistaken the stronger you are the bigger your lifespan is.

Now the second big question... How the f.u.c.k they didn't notice Ichigo [Reiatsu], they literally live in the same house as him, even Rukia that is pretty powerless right now can notice Ichigo's [Reiatsu], and Isshin is captain class for f.u.c.ks sake. And yes, his powers already returned.

The second question how Masaki didn't notice? She is fairly powerful herself and sensing Ichigo normally shouldn't be a problem.

So there is definitely something going on here, and I know exactly what it is, or better, who it is. Most people probably know who he is and may already be suspecting some of the future events to happen the way he wants it.

This person is Aizen Sosuke, of course. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #._52587021847290185 for visiting.

Did you really think someone like him didn't use [Kyoka Suigetsu] on Isshin and Masaki? The parents of his so-called precious experiment? My evil twin reach is deep, incredible so. He has literally everyone dancing and eating in the palm of his hand the whole time, and only a few people like Urahara can find other venues to eat. It's not because someone, as overpowered as me, was able to make fun of him that he is less dangerous, his plans didn't slow down in the slightest.

I bet you didn't know he sometimes visits the human world too right? Who do you think keeps sending Ichigo a bunch of Hollows that grow increasingly stronger in the right amount to make sure he keeps progressing. Hollows don't magically appear like this, principally in the perfect increasing ladder way they've been doing.

The guy is manipulating Ichigo, grooming him to become something more, and just for the fun of it. Something he says towards Ichigo in the future resumes rather nicely the way he conducted things:

~"Every major event in your life was my doing, all your strength, all the times you survived things that should have destroyed your everything. Everything was all so that I would have a person to go all out on when I inevitably win."~

I sometimes wonder if my evil twin is trying to make a person capable of truly understanding him, someone as monstrous as himself, but I have no idea if that is true. The point being that man has plans that are so ridiculously complex and long-reaching that Soul Society years from now on might still be trying to unravel them.

The day quickly ended, Ichigo, Chad, and Rukia fought against a hollow, and Ichigo saw the gates of hell for the first time. I almost forgot that Hell is a true place here in bleach, I always thought it was just the Hueco Mundo Soul society and the Human world, guess Yhwatch in the final Arc with his obsession of merging the three made me forget about it.

Meh, it's not like I can really forget something... It's more of I don't care enough to remember type of situation. What was interesting today was that Ichigo's swordplay really did become better.

Yeah, it was a pretty minuscule amount and I bet only people with very keen eyes could've noticed the slight improvement on it. But seeing the way Ichigo fought gave me some inspiration for an ideal sword style to him. It's something very specific, but it suits him extremely well.

The night quickly came and unsuspecting Ichigo went to sleep, thinking he was going to have sweet dreams. Poor him, sometimes I pity the boy.

When he was in deep sleep, much like beforehand I picked his soul and tossed it towards that clearing in the Amazonian forest.

Without further ado, Ichigo immediately woke up looked around, and screamed "AGAIN?", his scream was shrill and loud almost disbelieving in a sense. Adorning the same old master persona I appeared in front of him, from his eyes I simply materialized from nothing, but that was just speed.

"Would like, hello say, to my apprentice.", my voice was even and with absolutely no fluctuations. Ichigo immediately focused on me.

"Old man? Is it you again?", doubt plagued his tone of voice and I simply shrugged and smiled slightly.

"Me I am, and you, you are. Simple as that.", his absolutely confused face was almost too much for me, I nearly burst out laughing.

Before he could sprout out anything I continued; "Ready for training, are you? hmm.".

Ichigo's face morphed through a plethora of different expressions, but it ultimately set in resignation, sighing he simply accepted his fate saying; "Yeah whatever, it's not like it is boring anyway. It is just a pity that this is just a dream. If this was for real I would probably have results.".

"But a simple dream, reality is. No proof we have, that dreaming we currently aren't.", I said that in a profusely wise tone making sure to maintain my wise master persona.

Ichigo appears confused, and slightly perplexed at such affirmation; " But you just appeared out of nowhere? How the heck something like that is possible in reality?", Ichogo's voice was filled with skepticism and doubts, he didn't really 'believe it'.

"Infinite the universe is, which means, infinite our possibilities are... Doubt not, the ability of life to surprise you.", my hope with these cryptic messages I can somewhat help develop Ichigo's mentality, he isn't dumb as seeing by his scores at school. But like a lot of students, myself included, he has a lot of problems applying that knowledge to reality, not surprising seeing the amount of garbage shoved down our throat but with my messages and way of talking I hope to stimulate his mental development too. A weak mind is extremely dangerous in possession of strong power, and I know that all too well.

While Ichigo was contemplating the meaning of my words I decided to continue; "Little grasshopper, yesterday taught you the basics, I have. Today the basics, we should continue.", the sword style I was thinking about on teaching him will come after the basics.

And so much like yesterday, our training resumed. I taught him the foundations of [Zanjutsu] to the best of my abilities, and like everyone was able to tell, his talents are absolutely out of the charts. a normal shinigami takes a little less than a year to learn all of this, and I am confident he will learn everything in three days. Yeah, I know normally a Shinigami doesn't just focus in [Zanjutsu] like Ichigo is doing, and his swordplay wouldn't be as refined, but need to give the brat credit where it is due.

Returning him the same way as before wasn't difficult at all. Soon enough another day passed, Kon was created and made a mess, Ichigo went to sleep, and soon it was training time again.

"Welcome, you are. Small apprentice.".

"Hey stop with the diminutives old man, I am quite tall for my age", huffing in annoyance he quickly calmed himself, the events of the day passing through his mind.

"Do you think an artificial soul can be considered alive?", he asked probably still concerned about Kon's situation.

"Created by someone, our souls were. Makes less of him, this fact does not. Different don't always, bad means. Sometimes different, an evolution it can be. Hmm.", this line was more referring to his hybrid status than anything else. He doesn't know about it right now, but I bet this will help him when he does.

"Training now, we must. Close to finishing the basics, you are.".

Ichigo looked at me incredulously, he definitely didn't feel an improvement "In real life". That is mostly because he couldn't notice, but I bet Urahara has noticed his slight improvement, but that is something easily attributed to talent and coincidence. Hehe, can't wait to see his face when this starts showing extravagant results. He knows I am training Ichigo, he has been quite occupied trying to fish for information about it, he is trying pretty hard to find our training spot to his growing irritation at his constant failure. Lol. We are literally on the other side of the world.

We continued with the third session and soon enough Ichigo had a sufficiently good grasp of the basics of [Zanjutsu], no mastery by any means but he is already definitely better than his canon counterpart.

The next day in the canon would be the day he visits his mother's tomb, something completely impossible right now seeing as she is very much alive. Aizen decided to simply send a Hollow at Grand fisher's level and that was it, in the battle he was noticeably stronger, be it because of my training or because the fight wasn't as emotionally heavy. Anyway, at night he was sleeping like a baby, which means training time.

"Hello.", this time I opened it with a single and simple hello, as easy as the battle was Ichigo still saw that the hollows were slightly stronger than him, so it wasn't without difficulties.

So I wasn't that surprised when he asked; "...How can I get stronger old man? I keep fighting, I keep trying, but it always feels like I am one step behind everything.".

"Hmm. Wrong you are. Do or do not, there is no try. Training and fighting, the best way to improve is. You both, are doing. Now just patience, need you. Hmm", Ichigo looked attentively at me as if to contemplate my words.

But before he could say anything I continued; "Finish the basics you have, only polish them from now on, you will. A style, teach you I will. Unnecessary, originally I thought, a style is. But mind changed, I have.".

Slightly expectant Ichigo asks; "What kind of style old man? Would it be some cool super-duper attack style? Or something focused on absolute speed above all else.", his question is valid and I bet I would be curious too if I heard the same thing in my youth.

"Survive. The focus of your style, survive is. Strength, speed, dexterity, energy full of them you are. Surviving for you the most important is. Surviving, alive means, and alive improve can. Dead improve no more.", I said in a matter-of-fact tone Ichigo's expectations fell flat but I guess at this point he just resigned himself.

What I possibly could've known if I used [Clairvoyance] would be the sheer annoyance this survive-like style is for anyone fighting Ichigo. If the guy was already an absolute c.o.c.kroach in the original, not dying when he literally gave up everything to defeat Aizen.

After learning this style he became the absolute highest annoyance to anyone fighting him, like is aid his [Bankai] already gives him a plethora of Strenght, speed, resistance, and all those attributes. learning to survive will make those attributes an even bigger annoyance than they already are. I know Ichigo shtick is to "Protect", but you can't protect anyone if you are dead.

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