Mokuton Authority

Chapter 274 - Soul: Talking on the moon.

{AN: Made a discord server with the help of my friend, here is the link:

Don't worry I will also post the link in the comments session.}




Ichigo continued on his adventures during the day, fighting Hollows and interacting with his friends. He got better and better at purifying the hollows, his slashes more firm and precise, wasting less and less energy. The funny thing is that he didn't notice it, and still thinks he still dreaming every night, even when he started to subconsciously use the [Survival Sword Style], or [SSS] for short.

He still, of course, got wounded. As good as the style is, it's is focused on survival, not defense. Yeah, sometimes the better option for your survivability is killing your enemy as fast as possible. That's is why looking from a different angle the [SSS] can be considered more of a mental style than anything. It's closer to a way of thinking and reacting to things in the optimal way focused solely on survival. Why do you think I taught Ichigo the basics of [Zanjutsu] first? I was already thinking about a style like that, the Survival focus just came later.

Another thing I need to rectify is probably Ichigo's shitty [Reiryoku] and [Reiatsu] control. The boy is constantly sprouting his maximum output and his percentage efficiency is a huge joke, the amount of [Reiryoku] and [Reiatsu] he wastes in the atmosphere is mind-boggling, but I guess it was thanks to that his friends awakened their Fullbringer powers.

The good thing is that Ichigo is relatively more mellow and patient, Masaki influence probably. The family is also more united, principally seeing Ichigo already contemplate plenty of times just outright tell them his 'secret'. But he always chickens out in the end when it comes to it.

Quickly the time passed and more Hollows were fought, more training held, and more messing around with Urahara. It's really funny appearing at the most inconvenient of times to order a Flapjack Candy Drink, sometimes we appear when it's a second after he just opened, other times when he is a minute away from the closing shop. All so that we could mess with him, it's really frustrating for the shop owner, which only makes things funnier.

The 'Menos Grande' Day happened, the Day Ishida Uryuu used the hollow's bait. differently from Canon Ichigo didn't easily fall for Ishida bait, but I guess not even in canon he did. This time Ishida had to really crush the Hollow bait for Ichigo to accept competing.

Ichigo quickly went around "purifying" hollows left and right, while Ishida used his range advantage to finish them from a distance, like a turret of [Reiryoku] arrows. both boys flexed their "power" and stamina at their leisure, making sure to get rid of the most number of hollows as possible. Chad and Orihime also were able to awaken their fullbring powers.

I had forgotten how fun the star of Bleach really is, its frenetic pace filled with mysteries and adventure at every corner is so interesting. I guess it isn't for nothing it was part of the Big Four in the past: Naruto, Bleach, One Piece, Fairy Tail. I feel slightly nostalgic about it, those afternoons when I got back from school, and run as fast as I could towards the computer to read the new Bleach chapter... Hah, this brings some good memories from those times...

"Heh, I can basically feel the nostalgia oozing out of you.", said Allessa commenting on my nostalgic thoughts. If we didn't have our [Telepathic Link] it would be really difficult for her to understand it.

Man, [Telepathy] makes things so convenient sometimes, it simply nullifies any trouble of communicating between ourselves.

[Telepathy] is something that probably saved us a lot of trouble having to explain things verbally, some things can't simply be transmitted into words. An example is the Portuguese word "Saudade", there isn't a word in English that is the perfect equivalent of that world, the closest we have is "Miss You", but that isn't the same thing.

And that isn't something only exclusive for Portuguese, no, on the contrary, almost every language was a word like that, something that can't simply be correctly translated. The same for emotions and feelings, we can do our best to explain them, but it isn't the same thing. And I always thought "butterflies on my stomach" sounded incredibly lacking, heh. The [Telepathy] eliminates the need to explain those kinds of things extensively, and probably wrong, because every person feels emotions differently so even on the off chance you got it right it may still not resonate with the person you are explaining it to.

Then comes [Telepathy] and now you can show the person you mind, you point of view, why you chose that. no leis, no deceit, just the pure and una.d.u.l.terated truth of your mind. Some people may not like what they find there, but that is part of life, no one is perfect, not even me who is a literal God.

But [Telepathy] can also be extremely dangerous. One slip and you can easily damage the mind of someone, and those consequences are not pretty, trust me on this one. It makes Alzheimer looks mild. Yeah, it is that bad. Thankfully both me and Alless already had a powerful mind when we created our first [Telepathic] link so we didn't have any problems on that front.

"I was thinking of showing Ichigo the moon? what do you think?", I asked curious about her opinion. We could've talked inside of our minds, but a healthy dose of dialog is also enjoyable.

"The moon? I guess it is fitting considering his [Zanpakutou] name is Zangetsu(Slaying Moon).", she said with some slight curiosity in her voice, after a few moments she added; "Want my help preparing a base on the moon?".

I shook my head in negation; "Nah, thanks. I will do just something simple using my [Primordial Runes]", Allessa not even reacted this time, guess she is starting to get used to our absurdity. Because, come on, there is nothing simple about [Pimordial Runes], but for us, it is quickly becoming something of our day by day, our bread and butter if you will.

"You should go back to narrating what has happened. I bet someone is curious.", Allesa said almost not caring about the wall she just broke. And I swear I heard Gwen screaming in rage in the background, but I think it was just my imagination.

Now going back to my narration, Ichigo and Ishida went on their merry dispute killing and purifying hollows left and right. Until they inevitably met each other again and started fighting roughly in the same place. Soon enough a tear appeared on the sky, almost like some kind of monster was tearing the fabric of the sky itself, a huge face appeared. It was the 'Menos Grande'.

I remember the first time I saw one of those, they had so much hype and Ichigo barely wounded one enough for it to retreat. Same here, Ichigo and Ishida both fought and tried their best to kill the giant Hollow, but they are simply too weak.

Thankfully after some pressure, Ichigo was able to make a huge sword slash of [Reiatsu] in what I think is the prototype or foreshadowing for the [Getsuga]. After that things cleared for a bit and everyone went their merry way.

I just waited for Ichigo to start sleeping, picked up his soul, and teleported him towards the moon. Today I felt that he has grown slightly arrogant due to fighting that 'Menos Grande' so id decided to also give him s slightly reality check. It's not that much, but it's good to nip those kinds of things in the bud, because if you let them grow your apprentice will try to do something stupid, like fighting an all-seeing god or something... Oh... At least he won.

Ichigo opened his eyes expecting to find the same forest clearing that fills his dreams, but instead, he saw a strange deserted place. But the sand was grey... He didn't understand nor he wanted to believe those clues, his brain simply couldn't accept it. But when he looked towards the "sky" he saw it... Planet earth in all its glory. Kurosaki Ichigo was completely speechless.

"Beautiful, our home is.", when Ichigo heard my voice he was slightly surprised at seeing me here. but knowing that this was all just a simple 'dream' he calmed somewhat and decided to just appreciate the sights.

"That I have to agree old man. Beautiful indeed.", I am quite happy he didn't freak out at being on the moon, but seeing that my [Primordial Runes] make sure everything was fine and dandy, I guess he thought of it as just a dream.

"Your sword, like this moon, is. Beautiful, full of potential, but currently deserted, it is. If learn about yourself, you want, learn about your sword, you will need it. Hmm.", Ichigo pondered about my words somewhat understanding them, I guess he's getting used to my Yoda Speech.

"Training on the moon, today we will. [SSS] good to survive, is. Now, learn to survive in different terrains, you will. Be it rocky, mossy, bossy, sleepy, in the end, fight anywhere you will. Survive you must.", yeah, now I want to train Ichigo to fight in all kinds of different types of terrain. But I guess fight is the wrong word here, I am teaching him how to utmost survive in all kinds of terrains.

And that is why I have chosen the moon, the moon is essentially a blank slate right now where I can modify and at my leisure with my [Primordial Runes], and using some [Elemental Releases] I can create all kinds of terrains and conditions here, from ain, tempest, to rocky terrains, snowy mountain, volcanos, everything. And I will teach Ichigo how to survive in those environments, how to use his [Reiatsu] to survive on even the direst of conditions, and seeing as his control is garbage, he will need to learn how to do it subconsciously.

But if he manages to learn everything he will be a frigging beast, and have a way easier time in the future when he starts to learn control.

Ou training started easy, I simply transported ourselves to one of the desert places I created, there Ichigo fought for some time, after that the desert started to sprout uneven dunes that difficulties his mobility a lot. The next one was in the mud, almost as if to shock his body with the change of place, after that was a mild swamp, followed by deep forest, then followed by a slightly rocky terrain, followed by a hot spring terrain with a high temperature and low fog, then a high misty rocky terrain, then under a tempest... I think you get the gist of it, I kind of got too into it describing it.

Slowly I will make the terrain more unwelcoming and difficult, the mist will become thicker, the storm more violent, there may even be some cyclones and hurricanes, maybe even earthquakes. But for today, the boy did more than enough.

So I momentary paused our training and brought Ichigo back towards the normal moon surface, he seems pretty disheveled and banged up wounds filled his body. I am just surprised he didn't notice any of these scars, but I guess as they are just in his soul from he didn't notice them much, seeing as he enters his Shinigami persona basically just to fight.

Looking at the earth before us I looked at my temporary student and said; "Think, this makes you hm? Big world, this is. But bigger the universe is. Arrogance, money, greed, pride, ego, worthless everything looks, before the big vast expanse. Hmm.".

"Indeed. This makes someone feel so small, so petty, so worthless.", Ichigo had a bit of melancholy on his voice, no doubt outing in perspective how stupid some things he did sounds when put in the grand scheme of things, how the earth is so small, so weak before the vast expanse. If he knew about the multiverse, I bet he would develop some degree of depression right now. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #._52608443550325997 for visiting.

"Never worthless, our lives are. Purpose you may not have, but purpose can be discovering it. Blessed you are, blessed you should feel. [Reiatsu] and [reiryoke] incredible are, a world of possibilities, you have.", indeed. I never understood why Ichigo never tried to mess around with his power.

If I had received powers when I was 15 I would be f.u.c.k.i.n.g over the moon, not in the literal sense like in this very possible case right now, but I wouldn't stop messing around with it and trying to explore and discover it with every fiber of my being. This guy received something incredible like that, and he didn't even try to explore it, to discover it. *sigh* I guess every person is different somewhat.

"Tomorrow, an important day is. Well rested you should be.", Before the orange-haired boy could say anything si simply slapped teleported him back to his body. filled him with [Yang Release] and puff, everything was in order for the next day

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