Mokuton Authority

Chapter 275 - Soul: A trippy day.

{AN: Made a discord server with the help of my friend, here is the link:

Don't worry I will also post the link in the comments session.}




Today is a decisive day, a day that will send ripples on the river of fate. a day that changed everything.

Before today Bleach has always been a relatively normal slice of light anime, they will go there to fight the Hollow of the day, meet another wacky character or know more about Ichigo's friends. And while there were still dangers here and there, they were relatively minor, rarely the true chance of dying would spark.

The anime itself was calm and peaceful, but this day everything change. Today Byakuya and Renji came to aprehend Rukia, and today is the day Kurasaki Ichigo of until now "Dies".

Yeah, even after the 'Menos Grand' the events have rather contained, safe, but after today Ichigo will experience a genuine Isekai experience. He would go to literally another world to rescue his friends from the hands of the demon king. Yeah, okay, that sounded incredibly lame, but I always wanted to make that comparison.

Today is also a day that Ichigo will needs to decide between being normal, and living a "peaceful" normal life, or risk his life completely trying to awaken his latent Shinigami powers. An interesting choice, and even with the current changes, I am pretty sure he will still try it, even if just to save Rukia. He is someone like that... What did he say... hmmm... It was something on the lines of ~I want to protect a mountain-load of people.~

Cringe as f.u.c.k, but everyone knows whatever uses the word cringe unironically is also extremely cringe. So this also makes me very cringe, which also... Okay, I will stop, that is an infinite loop.

Today I will also not disturb Ichigo, or try to train him in any way. I am thinking of simply putting him to sleep and send him on a travel through the stars, much like the Ancient One did with Doctor Strange. That would be a great way for him to open his mind to the infinite possibilities, it might even improve his [Survival Sword Style]. It will be a way more relaxing evening for him, and it will probably help him in the future.

Soon enough Byakuya and Renji appeared, and being someone who worked or at least know Byakuya for some time I can definitely say, the current him has a stick so up his ass that he could probably reach the moon with it. Renji isn't any better, Rukia is his best friend and he still acts more like some kind of cliche villain goon when he comes to capture her.

Thankfully Ishida was there to buy some time until Ichigo arrived, the scuffle was quite amusing to watch, principally the incredible dodging abilities Rukia displayed. If I didn't know any better I would think the Rogyoku is helping her... Well, it probably is.

Soon enough Ichigo arrived to save the day. He fought against Renji slashing and stabbing at him with relative proficiency, his mind quickly filling the gaps. Ichigo at that moment couldn't help but think how easy is to fight here in this perfect condition, this flat surface, it's almost too easy. Due to the ease he was having compared to the situation in his dream, he didn't even notice how much his swordplay improved. And I don't blame him, from him he simply is. And he has never been an extremely analytical mind that can see the smallest detail.

Renji quickly pressured used his [Shikai], Ichigo sadly was still hit the first time due to the surprise effect of Renji's [Shikai], but thankfully due to the [SSS] his mind honed towards survival was able to avoid the deep of Renji's damage making his wound a little less deep.

Before Renji could make his second slash, Ichigo advanced in a burst of speed, almost a [Shunpo] to the utter surprise of Renji, and he managed to almost slice Renji's neck off, but the red-haired Shinigami managed to avoid the brunt of the slash at the last second. Impressive, the boy went for the kill the first chance he got, good. He probably didn't even notice it, fighting more depending using his subconscious instincts I hardwired to the [Survival Sword Style].

This time Renji didn't hold back anymore with a [Shunpo] he appeared in front of Ichigo and slashed horizontally, subconsciously knowing he probably could get away from such a slash, and neither defend it with his word in such a short time Ichigo showed me one of the best executions of his [SSS] to date. Almost immediately he jumped back, trying to put his body ina favorable enough position for the slash to deal the least amount of damage possible.

The slash still connected making a large gouge on Ichigo's some region, the slash was large, from the left side of his body to the other blood flowed out. Thankfully due to [SSS], the slash didn't cut deep enough, using the opportunity that Renji was close Ichigo tried to slash him diagonally. sadly Renji was able to avoid the attack, albeit not completely, a thin line of blood was made from his right shoulder towards his left hip, nothing major but it still hurt him.

Slightly pissed Renji immediately used [Shunpo] again, but this time Ichigo was prepared enough and was able to defend the slash with his sword. Sadly his defense still wasn't enough, and due to the characteristics of Renji [Zanpakutou], he was able to still open quite the huge gash on Ichigo's forearm.

Ichigo retaliated by almost beheading Renji, who was able to get down, but ended up losing his hair in the process.

Byakuya that until now has been watching this monkey fight and growing increasingly irritated decided to intervene. With a speed, no one in the scene could track he abruptly destroyed all of Ichigo's borrowed Shinigami powers. Sadly not even the [SSS] can close the gap between such a ridiculous power difference. But considering the current Ichigo doesn't even have a [Shikai] I can understand why he lost so badly.

But seeing that Ichigo still stood tall and proudly made Byakuya attack him again, with a single [Hado Number#4 Byakurai]. This time Ichigo didn't stand a chance, but the hardwired [SSS] style wouldn't let him fall so easily, with stunning speed and a burst of his last grains of [Reiatsu] he was able to bring up his arms in an X shape and take the attack. The spell pierced his two arms and hit his chest, making him fall off "Dead".

This of course caused a lot of commotion, Rukia started crying, the powerless Ishida clenching his teeth and his fists, and a single tear falling from his eyes. Both Renji and Byakuya also genuinely thought they had killed Ichigo, so they quickly took Rukia to soul society disappearing on the Sekainmon.

At this time Urahara appeared, undoubtedly a little bit disturbed by Ichigo's appearance basically almost being drowned by his own pool of blood. Normally something like this would be lethal to anyone, but Ichigo's will is something else. And the fact that he has been constantly flooded with my [Yang Release] every night also boosted his vitality a little more. A c.o.c.kroach indeed.

"Wants some help in healing and training him?", I chose this time to appear at Urahara's side. He, of course, took a scare but didn't show any outwards reaction, if it wasn't for how wild his heart was beating it would probably be way more difficult to detect.

"No. But thanks for the offer Senju-san. I think I can train and heal Kurosaki-san here alone, for now.", I nodded at his response, already expecting something like this.

"Good. I've been teaching the boy at night. Surely you've noticed, right?", my evil grin sent some shiver down Urahara's spine, and he was doing everything in his power to not show it outwards. He almost buckled when I revealed that I've been training Ichigo under their noses all this time. Urahara had to press down his hat to not show his expression. Man, this is way too funny for me.

"He already knows the basics of [Zanjutsu] and has been practicing [SSS] recently. He is the textbook definition of a c.o.c.kroach.", this made Urahara shot up his eyebrows in surprise.

He couldn't help but ask: "Wouldn't it be much trouble to explain what [SSS] is to this humble shopkeeper, would it? I am someone who likes gossip and I am afraid I can't let something so juicy pass by.", his tone was rather neutral and dismissive. This guy is really shameless when he wants to be, huh. I guess it won't hurt to tell him what it is.

"Sure I don't mind. It's called [Survival Sword Style], your mind most certainly can reach the conclusions of what does it do right?", He nodded his head in understanding, soon enough the other members of the shop appeared and started to carry Ichigo's and Ishida towards the shop, probably to be healed.

Urahara started to slowly walk in the direction of the shop, I decided to throw him a bone; "It appears that my evil twin is finally moving more actively. And advice for you Urahara. The Pink Captain he may be, but underestimating him is the last thing you should do. The guy is usually 10 steps ahead of everyone, no matter what.", Urahara almost slipped on the group when I called Aizen my evil twin, I bet he didn't expect that one.

Mulling over my words he answered; "I know it too well Senju-san. Too well. And I am not a man that commits the same mistake twice.", after that, he just disappeared in a [Shunpo] probably a little anxious to treat Ichigo's wounds.

So he still remembers why he was expelled from the Soul Society, it's good that what least learned from his mistakes. Never underestimate Aizen. The good part is that saying can be used for both of us.

Ichigo of course has been unconscious the entire time, and when night fell he continued to sleep. And will probably continue to do so until tomorrow. Teleporting to his resting room on the Uraha shop, I picked his soul from and teleported it to the moon. This time he didn't wake up, but a good kick took care of it.

"ARRRRGGGGGHHHHHTTTT", Ichigo woke up screaming pain and murder, his wounds probably still hurt like a bitch or two.

He immediately looked at me incredulously and panting; "F-f.u.c.k. This shit hurts even in my dreams. What the hell.", he continues cursing the fact that even the most minimal movements are causing him pain.

"Today, good you did. Against stronger, and more experienced foes fought you. Hmm.".

Ichigo, that now looks closer to a mummy than a person, frustrated answered; "I still LOST. I was still unable to save her!**Ugght*", his outburst was a little painful, and he was extremely angry, angry at himself that is.

"Won you have, if survive you did.", my voice made him stop for a second.

Thinking deeply he answered; "... That is right... Rukia still can be rescued... But how? She is in Soul Society I can't-", interrupting him I immediately answered; "Complicated things, for tomorrow you will let. Now, time for this is it not.".

"What are you talking about, I can't waste my time training when I could-", interrupting him yet again I said; "Extremely weak, the current you are. Those you fought, suppressors they were using. Not even at 20%, they were.", this seems to throw Ichigo on a spiral, he couldn't help but imagine how strong they truly are. Of course, both of them were using suppressors, that is some kind of rule of the Central 46.

"But I am wounded right now, I know this is a dream, but wouldn't it be better if we-" interrupting Ichigo for the third time, I said; "Today training, we will not. Wounded, both physically and mentally, you are. Rest you need. Today, open your mind I will.", Ichigo looked a rather fearfully at me; "Fear you not. Literally, for books I let. Too messy, that would be.", Ichigo felt slightly relieved, but still paled a little bit a the end.

"Now what is this you are talking-", interrupting him again I simply use [Shunpo] and appear inf front of him, on a swift move I simply tap his head and used the [2nd True Magic] to send him on a relaxing spiritual journey.

The next day Ichigo woke up on Urahara shop a changed man, his eyes not as limited and blind as before. His mind not so easily fooled by the absurd and the improbable, the things he saw changed him. And he finally started suspecting that his dreams aren't as simple as he first thought. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #._52630791322135284 for visiting.

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