Mokuton Authority

Chapter 276 - Soul: [Sacred Gears]?

{AN: Made a discord server with the help of my friend, here is the link:

Don't worry I will also post the link in the comments session.}




Ichigo felt like he was previously nearly blind, and someone just gave him the best glasses and he suddenly could see the world in Ultra HD, it is a weird sensation, and only someone who uses glasses, or passed through a spiritual journey can understand.

Urahara has been his mysterious self and simply gave "The Talk" to Ichigo. Okay, that sounded weird... Urahara basically explained that Ichigo right now a "Simple Human", okay even I am holding my laugh back from hearing that. But, yeah, the current Ichigo is just a simple human in terms of strength, this time he didn't act like an idiot when Urahara explained the Soul Society, Rukia execution, the less than 0.0001% chance he has of rescuing her right now, all the details really.

Ichigo calmly heard everything, while his mind was running through thousand of possibilities and things of the sort. Urahara also noticed this "out of character"attitude of Ichigo, he was probably expecting him to act brash, scream, and hold his kimono while doing it, but none of them happened. And when Urahara offered to train him Ichigo looked strangely at him, the image of an old bearded man that talks strange overlapping with Urahara for a second there.

Ichigo easily accepted it, Urahara gave him the candy for healing, and he went to school to say his goodbyes and find and find an excuse to tell his parents about why he was going to spend so much time in a "friends house". His father was fairly easy, he almost instantly accepted it, his mother not so much.

Like any mother she was extremely concerned about her baby boy, so she keeps asking questions. Are you going alone? Do you know this person well? Where is it? Did you pack up your toothbrush? Do you have enough underpants?

I have the impression that Masaki knows he is going to stay at Urahara's and is just messing with him a little. But considering that both she and Isshin are under the [Kyoka Suigetsu], this could easily be something different.

Then started the training camp with Urahara, the first test Ichigo easily passed showing that even if he was just a human right now he was able to evade the little girl Ururu, Ichigo quickly showed that even if he lost his Shinigami powers the [SSS] still enabled him to survive pretty well. Uraha was pleasantly surprised by Ichigo's show, even if his technique on [Hakuda] was relatively crude and inexperienced, the boy had a strange style that quite suited him.

But it felt rather lacking... Yeah even if the [Survival Sword Style] can be used without a sword, it truly shines when you are indeed using the sword.

In the second test Urahara just threw Ichigo on a fairly deep pit, while Tessai used a [Kido] to seal him. On this test, Ichigo had around 70 hours to somehow be able to awaken his [Zanpakutou], if he failed he would become a hallow and Urahara would kill him, if he succeeded he would be able to awaken his own Shinigami powers.

Instead of keep trying to climb the pit like some idiot, or moving around, also, like an idiot. Ichigo this time just chose to calmly sit down and think. Time passed while Ichigo sat trying to remember what he could do to awaken his Shinigami powers, he thought about everything he went through... But for some reason, his last dream stuck with him.

H couldn't help but remember all those different places, all those different energies, all those different beings, all those different... everything. his mind entered a strangely serene and peaceful state while he was having flashbacks of his "dream".

In this strange serene state, he felt a tug, it was weak, and he almost didn't felt it at first... But soon enough, the tug grew strong enough that he decided to follow it.

Then Ichigo appeared on his crumbling inner world, thankfully he at least had some pretty long hours before things could truly become dangerous, so his inner world was rather safe for now. Thanks to his state of mind previously [Zangetsu] was able to pull Ichigo towards his inner world more easily.

I was quite interested in this turn of events, this means that Ichigo won't go through the "Hollowfication" he did in the canon? possibly. The problem is that his Inner Hollow is also just another face of [Zangetsu], as clearly show by [Tensa Zangetsu] when it truly merged with his inner "hollow".

That could mean both good, and bad things, good because his Shinigami powers will have more room to develop truly, but it also means that his Hollow side will be less developed. Meh, it's an interesting development, so who cares?

Ichigo's inner world was way different right now, instead of a bunch of buildings and honestly a quite boring inner world. Right now his inner world was vast, incredible so, there is a sea of stars on a black carped in the sky glistering in a white beautiful brilliance. The ground is made of the most varied types of biomes, every biome Ichigo saw or went through was present here, from deserts to slime forest, go frozen tundras, and rocky terrains. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #%5Bsacred-gears%5D_52655868293990617 for visiting.

Different colored buildings with different colored architectural styles, from modern to ancient, from Japanese to roman, and from victorian to Arabic. It was a literal huge show of variety and wacky stuff, showing that the astral trip I sent Ichigo with the [2nd True Magic] affected him deeply. For something to even change your inner world that much, it had to be very impactful.

How I am seeing Ichigo's inner world? Btich please, anything soul related is my bitch when I activate my [Third Eye] and use my [Soul Control]. Looking into someone's inner world is a walk in the park.

[Zangetsu] and Ichigo had a heart-to-heart talk for some long moments, [Zangetsu] was sincere from the start and explained, that while he didn't like that Ichigo was becoming a Shinigami, he accepted his desire nonetheless. They talk for a long time and [Zangetsu] taught a lot of things to Ichigo.

Eventually, it was time for Ichigo to pick up his [Zanpakutou], he used the same spirit ribbon trick and was able to find the correct one. But before he exited his inner world [Zangetsu] thanked him for making his own inner world so colorful, varied and so beautiful.

[Zangetsu] also explained to Ichigo that the more you grow as a person, the more things your experience the more your inner world will also grow, both you [Reiatsu] and [Reiryoku] also affect this. It's nothing complicated, it's basically experience+bigger powers = better, and bigger inner world.

The last thing [Zangetsu] said with a clear teasing smirk on his face was for Ichigo to pay more attention to his "Dreams" as they seem pretty important.

That moment I looked at Alessa and said; "[Zanpakutous] have a sense of humor... who knew?".

She looked pretty funny to me, then I sent my recent memories. She laughed softly while trying to hold it back, but failing successfully: "Hahaha, I didn't know. But I guess we learn something new every day.", after that, she went back to messing around with our Omni Hogyoku project.

Suddenly an idea sparked in my head; "Hey Allessa, the Hogyoku has a lot to do with its user desires right?".

Making a thinking pose, she nodded her head in confirmation; "It's a bit more complicated than that, but you could say it's true.".

"So maybe... we could go to DxD and explore and research a bit about the [Sacred Gear] system?[Sacred Gears] also have a lot in common with [Zanpakutous], so maybe we can even somewhat fuse a [Sacred Gear] with our [Zanpakutous]? Or even better fuse a [Sacred Gear] with the [Omni Hogyoku] and then fused it with our [Zanpakutou]. What do you think?", my voice was pretty excited when I said that, a [Sacred Gear] that is also moved by desire, fused with a [Hogyoku] would most certainly be a force to be reckoned with.

"Damn honey. You are a frigging genius. I love you", She suddenly picks a bunch of laptops from out of nowhere and started typing on them t incredible high speed, she was seven using the [Speed Force]

After some minutes of typing and making some calculations Allessa answers; "It's entirely possible. But we are being barred by the same problem of the [Hogyoku Project].", her answer was slightly somber, and I knew well why.

"Yeah, I know. Making an Omni version of these kinds of things is... night impossible. If it was a normal [Sacred Gear] or a normal [Hogyoku] we could make it in instants...", I let my voice trail off while my mind also went through a great number of possibilities.

Allessa also added; "Also, our [Zanpakutou] is literally part of our body and soul at the same time, and this makes that kind of addition a little bit more difficult.", she said that part with a little bit of uncertainty, but knowing I have [Clairvoyance] we are pretty safe with our experiments. So we would only do something like that if I have a 100% confirmation it will completely work.

"Don't worry, it's not like we lack strength or anything, we can afford to do this slowly and safely. Besides, those are just ideas, don't let the project consume you. we will probably need a lot more time to complete it. For now, let's relax and enjoy the entertainment.", I said with my best soothing voice.

Allessa nodded in acceptance and said; "Yeah, you are right... But you know how I am... sometimes I get simply too into the project that I forgot that kind of thing. I guess a little bit of relaxation and laughing at Ichigo's face will do us both some good.".

"Indeed. Resting a bit and snuggling with each other is always a plus in my books.", Allessa simply nodded and snuggled close to me, basking in my presence while I did the same with her's.

Ichigo successfully became a Shinigami and jumped out of the pit. Urahara was a bit surprised that some of his expectations were being turned upside down for some reason. But he simply went on with it.

The third test started and now Ichigo had to cut Urahara's hat, as impressively as before Ichigo showed incredible speed and even using his still broken [Zanpakutou] managed to cut through Urahara's hat whiteout problems. And that was all on the first try.

Urahara was completely caught off guard by this endeavor, but instead of getting pissed he just smiled at Ichigo and put his hat back on. After that, he activates [Benehime] and took his strength up a notch.

Ichigo was understandably pressured, until he finally decided to activate his [Shikai]. Sadly his [Shikai] still didn't have an activation phrase so he simply just said [Zangetsu].

[Zangetsu] [Shikai] still looked like the same giant khyber knife, but somehow it was bigger and straighter, it was also sharper and thicker, but the visual was still roughly the same. The pommel of the blade was also warped in white cloth that extended a little bit outwardly... hmmm... interesting.

I never saw Ichigo use that characteristic of his pommel in the original, he always shut swung his sword around... But maybe he could do something Kratos style? like tossing his blade and controlling it with the bandages... possible... and I definitely should encourage him to test it in the future.

Soon enough the training resumed, Ichigo now with his [Shikai] was showing a great deal of strength, principally thanks to that monstrous [Reiatsu] of his. Thankful Urahara is quite strong himself so he was able to defend himself. But Ichigo's attacks are pretty heavy, and I am pretty sure Urahara also felt the great strength the boy has.

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