Mokuton Authority

Chapter 277 - Soul: [The Almighty].

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Ichigo's training was harsh, and Urahara was definitely not pulling punches... or slashes in this case. If somehow Ichigo got wounded Urahara has enough proficiency with [Kaido] to heal the orange-haired Shinigami rather easily, and Ichigo was wholly determined to save his friend Rukia so even being skewered by [Benehime] once or twice didn't waver his determination.

I would most certainly have trained Ichigo, but he didn't sleep. Yep, he passed through all these 10 days of training without sleep, something pretty impressive for who was previously a "normal" human.

The guy trained 24/7 these days, almost like some kind of superhyped overclocked machine. And this training quickly showed an impressive amount of improvement, he grew in both skill, power, strength speed, control... Everything really. It was an all-out improvement that would make a lot of students of the Shinigami Academy green with envy.

Ichigo's talent was indeed something worthy of a Shounen protagonist. And with my [SSS] style added to the mix, the guy was improving even faster than the expectations of everyone. Minus of someone who has [Clairvoyance] and can clearly see multiple paths in the future. Okay, I will stop stroking my ego, it's too big already.

But with my [Clairvoyance] I could indeed see multiple paths in the future, and I've gotta say... Things have been drawing rather nicely later.

This Ichigo has a more accentuated Shinigami powers, meaning his [Reiatsu] is more stable than his canon counterpart. Don't get me wrong his control is still absolute garbage, and his [Reiatsu] was as massive as ever, but it is less... wild and unhinged.

Could it be a change of mentally my astral trip gave him? Yeah, it definitely could. Could it be because he got out of the pit earlier and wast "Hollowfied"? Yeah, that is a possibility too. Or it could simply be these two together, or it could be a bunch of factors strewn around, or it could... There are a lot of "what ifs" and "or could" to be honest, so I guess it is best if I just continue here.

On the last Day of training Urahara simply let Ichigo rest. No training, and no surprise, simple and una.d.u.l.terated rest. And considering the boy has been training nonstop until now I choose to not bring a training session with him tonight. I simply filled his body with vitality using [Yang Release] and went back to Allessa.

"Hey... I also helped his friends a little bit, you know?", She said, while telling she has been analyzing Ichigo's friends' powers, principally Inoe's and Ishida's, Chad's powers while also interesting are still quite on the margin of what is expected of a Fullbringer.

"Quincys are pretty interesting, not gonna lie. Besides the obvious power of Destroying Souls something very impressive... they also have a strange Weakness to Hollow [Reiatsu]...hmmm...", Allessa who was just enthusiastically telling me about her research on Quincys, stopped for a second.

She thrust her hand on space for a bit and started searching her [Iventory], [Invetory] is a pretty practical spell she created some time ago, think of it like the inventory from "The Gamer", that is where she took inspiration from.

After rummaging for a bit she finally seems to find what she was searching for, Wehn her hand exited the [Inventory] a [Quincy Cross] was on her hand.

"I was able to pick one of those and I started examining and seeing what it is made of, what makes it tick, its materials... A real find depth analysis. It's quite the good thing these Quincy devices, I can easily create them now with my [Denial of Nothingness], I will pass you the information so you can probably easily create them too.", she said that while she sent me all the info on Quincys she researched during this time I was playing as Ichigo's teacher.

"Okay, now I feel kind of bad... I was playing teacher and you were researching things... almost like I was playing around and you working...", I said in a joking and self-mocking tone.

Allessa said with a fake-pissed tone: "Aizen Senju don't you dare to say you were playing around. We both know how much you were working and running simulations with your [Clairvoyance], Besides you never once stopped training yourself. If there is someone who should be feeling like they did nothing, it should be me.", Hah, she knows me better than anyone after all.

Sighing Allessa gives a quick loving peck on the lips and says; "Now let's go back to my research on Quincys... Something very... peculiar I discovered. Yhwach can also be a bastardized version of YHWH, more know also as God, you know him personally so you know what I am talking about.".

She took a breath and continued; "Yhwach power is called [The Almighty], and if there is something God can be certainly described with; is almighty. That power is like the mutated and evolved [Clairvoyance] of yours, [The Almighty] grants some form of Omni-Precognition and Future Acausality, It enables Yhwach to see and alter all possible futures and their outcomes, before they even happen in the first place.".

Seeing the opportunity I decided to add my own perspective; "But [The Almighty] still have a very glaring weakness, no two actually, very glaring weakness. The first one is, if the user can't 'see' you, the power becomes kind of useless, the second weakness is if you are overwhelmingly stronger than your opponent, to the point he can't even scratch you with everything he got, [The Almighty] also becomes useless.".

Allessa nodded agreeing with my logic; "Indeed, there are other ways to circ.u.mvent it, but those are the easiest and most glaring. Going back on the symbolism bit, besides Yhwach the bastardization of Big G, we have the Quincy: [Vollständig], basically the same as the [Bankai] are to Shinigami, and [Resurrección] is to the Arrancar. But the difference of the Quincy [Vollständig] is that they gain some angel-like characteristics, like wings and halos. You can already see where this is going...".

"Yeah, a simple Quincy that thinks himself God. And he is german to add salt to the wound. And everyone knows the last time a german thought himself god, things didn't end well for the human population as a whole.", I said that with a little mocking tone, as if mocking the Quincy wanna-be god.

"Quincys aside, I also analyzed Orihime's power. And I gotta say, the girl has no idea the huge power she has in her hands. If she had enough [Reiatsu], and determination she probably could defeat Yhwach by herself. The power to [Reject] reality is no joke, only being like us who have theoretically rise above can hope to resist something on that level, and that is only if she had strength close to us... which is a huge stretch, to be honest.", Allessa sid with a little bit of exasperation at that girl. Yeah, I bet everyone felt something close to that when they discovered her true power.

"The power to [Reject] reality is one of the closest things to an [Reality-Warper] I ever saw. She could for example, [Reject] the weakness of a Devil and make him immune to light, Or she could use [Reject] on her own soul boundaries and acquire an infinite soul, like some bastardized version of the [Third Magic]. The possibilities are endless really, she just needs to have the imagination, will, and energy for it.".

Allessa nodded; "I agree with that wholeheartedly... I wonder... What would have happened if, I say... we toss the Ichigang into the dungeon? they will all probably become Shinigami, and if they reach floor 50 they can even awaken as well. It would undoubtedly be... Interesting.", the mad scientist tone Allessa used would honestly scare a lot of people, but for me it only made me love her even more.

"Now the Ichigang is on their way to invade the Soul Society, wanna follow them or want to simply go there and wait for it?", Allessa seems to ponder for a minute, trying to decide between the pros and cons of it.

After some long seconds, she finally diced; "Meh, let's go back. We can watch anything from there anyway.", I noded and in just a single [Shunpo] we both disappeared, immediately appearing in our respective barracks on soul society.

The first thing I saw in my office was the sheer amount of paperwork acc.u.mulated, Aizen has been doing paperwork less and less these days, but considering he is close to betraying Soul Society I don't think he cares about it anymore. So I and Momo have been running a basically captain-less 5th division. So I was not even surprised by the huge amount of paper that has acc.u.mulated for me.

Without even blinking I used the [Speed Force] to swiftly finish all this paperwork in less than an instant. After the pile of paperwork was finished I sat in front of my computer for a bit and turned on the computer.

After messing around for a bit I opened a certain app.exe, the app icon was a strange camera with glasses that are strangely similar to my evil twin's. After a bit of looking around a bunch of files inside of the app, I clicked at a tab called [Evil_Lair_Evil_Twin_Evil], yeah, I know my sense of humor is incredible, I know.

The screen was soon quickly filled with a bunch of small rectangular screens showing different places at different angles, these are currently all of Aizen's Evil Lairs without exception. Seeing that most of them were empty, looked around and double-clicked in the one showing three people.

Tossen, Ichimaru, and Aizen the [TTT] AKA [Traitor Trinity of Three] was currently talking amongst each other.

"... the execution is going as planned.", Said Ichimaru probably in the middle of actualizing Aizen of something.

"Good. I will throw some bone to Renji, he most certainly will get suspicious and this will undoubtedly help in creating chaos. He isn't exactly a thinker, that one.", that is probably when Aizen rose Renji's suspicions that the Central 46 sentence was way above what it should be, what Rukia did, didn't exactly warrant an execution... and that is what Aizen will feed Renji, little the poor Red-Head know that the Central 46 has long since been under Aizen's thumb.

The [TTT] talked evilly a bit more about some of their plans and course of action before everyone went on their merry way. I just turned off my computer after seeing that.

I have quite the evil plan for when Aizen fakes his death. But for that, I will need that he use [Kyoka Suigetsu] on me. Don't worry, that doesn't affect me in the slightest, but Aizen doesn't know that, so I am pretty sure I can unravel this plan of mine. It would undoubtedly be fun.

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