Mokuton Authority

Chapter 278 - Soul: Almost puked blood.

{AN: Made a discord server with the help of my friend, here is the link:

Don't worry I will also post the link in the comments session.}




Aizen Sosuke is before anything else a very persistent man. But I guess to reach his level of strength and schemes, persistence is most likely fundamental.

Every since the Pink Month passed, that month I pranked both Aizen and Momo with pink paint and glitter, Aizen has been trying with his utmost efforts to put me under [Kyoka Suigetsu].

He invites me to the lectures that he gives to the "benefit" of the Gotei 13 *Rolls Eyes*. He keeps sending me invites to some parties and events he organizes, to his calligraphy classes, to drink tea, to talk about the weather.

And on Ever. F.u.c.k.i.n.g. Godammit. Opportunity. He tries to show me his [Shikai], it became some kind of a pseudo obsession of his, which is honestly borderline creepy.

The funny thing is that my evil twin is extremely torn between me being a genius or a complete idiot. You have no idea how fun is to mess around with someone who clearly can overthink themselves to death, in that area Urahara is more alike to Aizen than he would like to admit.

To this day the shopkeeper is still trying to "unravel" the mystery that is Aizen Senju. And I am having the time of my life with this.

Why waste my time elaborating on all of this? Well... My evil twin decided to invite me again for some tea, but instead of refusing, dodging the question, or simply finding an excuse to not go like I always did. This time I accepted.

Why? Because the chance to mess around with him is almost priceless. Principally in such a crucial time like right now that Ichigo is invading the place and going to start causing chaos. Normally this would be a time where the [Traitor Trinity of Three] should be extremely busy, and I bet Aizen thought I would refuse this invite like before.

Nah, he didn't just thought I wouldn't go, he expects me not to. And that is why I am going to do the exact opposite. Why? Because it's fun to mess around like this.

I readily accepted the invite, the poor message was completely stunned for some seconds, before started blinking in absolute confusion; "...S-Sir c-can you r-repeat, please?", the confusion was more than accentuated on his voice, his body was even trembling due to the sheer surprise.

"Yeah, I will accept the invitation for tea.", I said completely nonchalantly already getting up.

"W-Wait S-Sir I need to notify captain first.", the poor thing was getting pretty fl.u.s.tered right now, he probably doesn't know what to do, and he is a simple foot soldier.

"Nonsense. Why waste so much energy in such a pointless endeavor? If you want to waste energy so much, why not do it on training? Go outside Shinigami, and I want 1000 sword swings from you in all the basic forms. Like this, you will be spending your time more productively.", without wasting any more time I simply passed through the now resigned, and fearful Shinigami. And continued walking towards my Captain's office.

This is also one of the reasons that a lot of people in the 5th Division are slightly fearfully of me, my absurd physical punishments. No, I don't beat anyone, I just order them to do push-ups, sword swings, laps around the barracks, things like that.

Soon enough everyone started fearing those punishments, and no one dares to slack off, because they all know the consequences due to some nasty examples in the past. Why do something like this? To raise the combat powers of the division of course. Few people noticed but thanks to me our division is one of the best in terms of physical conditioning and strength. Do you think the poisonous plants I put into the food were just to mess around with people's stomachs? They help their bodies too you know.

With very few people realizing the 5th division quickly climbed the ranks of one of the most physically developed divisions of the Gotei 13.

My steps echoed on the wooden floor, with slow and steady steps I approached the Captain's office door.

Knocking on the door I hear Aizen shouting from the inside; " I already said to not disturb me, you-", I didn't wait for him to finish talking and simply entered his office.

Aizen right now was with his meeker and approachable persona, big glasses that shine with sunlight even when there are none, brown hair, and brown eyes that give anyone who looks at them a very warm feeling but for those who can see deep enough they would be able to notice a very deadly edge buried beneath the fake kindness.

Right now, he was seated on his chair going over some paper that looked important, but if you had eyes as good as mine's you could see that those papers have nothing to do with anything related to the 5th Division.

Aizen was currently doing his best to maintain a neutral expression, and a poker face. Unfortunately, he has long lost the ability to maintain his kind persona inf front of me due to how infuriating I can be, he discovered if he doesn't use his [Reiatsu] to harden the muscles on his face I easily break his expressions.

To this day he doesn't know if I am a complete mastermind, or an obnoxious clueless person. He opened his mouth to say something but I easily interrupted him, much to his already growing irritation.

Without even letting him speak I obnoxiously shouted; "ONI-CHAN", I tried to make the most Kawaii tone possible, which failed miserably due to being a grown-ass man and having a pretty deep voice. This would be an extremely terrifying sight to anyone watching, equivalent to seeing Mil-Tan saying the same thing.

I was able to successfully break his poker face for a second there, his left eye twitched and I think he ground his teeth in irritation. But thanks to his masterfully [Reiatsu] control he was able to harden his facial muscles once more pretty quickly.

taking a deep breath to control his temper that for some reason he felt was way much shorter than it should be, Aizen asked a simple question; "What do you want 3rd Seat officer?", to the surprise of absolutely no one, he was able to easily maintain his tone relatively flat. The guy is a master manipulator, after all, faking his tone of voice is easy.

I pouted; "Mooou Oni-Chan!! How cold! How come you treat your cute little brother like this? Can't I come to visit my Oni-chan?". Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #._52700788014774111 for visiting.

Almost vomiting due to the sight before him, black lines formed on Aizen's face, and he couldn't help but think 'You f.u.c.k.i.n.g bastard refused all of my invitations until now, and I am the cold? and who is cute? You f.u.c.k.i.n.g dog is cute, your sister is cute, you look absolutely disgusting right now.'. Sometimes Aizen can't decide if his 3rd seat officer is a complete genius or a complete madman.

The sight of me pouting is pretty disgusting, no more correctly, the sight of an a.d.u.l.t man is pretty disgusting. And I will give a piece of advice to you, unless you are a kid, or a cute girl, don't try to pout, it will look extremely disgusting. But it doesn't change that this is one of the perfect ways to mess around with people. If you are curious Serafall was one of my inspirations to this way of acting.

Interrupting Aizen before he could talk again I continued; "Of course I came to visit my magnific Oni-Chan. I am truwly, and truwly sowrry for not coming earlier. Some mean Ojii-San keep trying to show me his sword. And he won't take no for an answer.", Aizen visibly stiffened at my last comment, he probably thought I am referring to him, and he was actually right in this case.

Interrupting him yet again before he could talk; "Now Oni-Chan... why don't you show me the big pointy thing you always wanted to show me? Kyaaaa!", okay even I admit this one was a bit too far, but I am honestly holding my laugher here.

At this moment Aizen was growing increasingly overwhelmed due to the sheer stupidity, but after these last words, he simply broke, his System32 was deleted and he is on bluescreen right now.

If the pout and the disgusting tone of voice weren't enough, the inuendos said with such an innocent and cute voice, the best I could do with my deep voice anyway, made him simply break.

He simply couldn't handle it anymore, moth eyes and mouth twitching in rage nonstop, his eyes opened wide and were bloodshot almost popping out of their own sockets, as if he was trying everything in his current power to hold himself back from committing murder. If this was a xianxia I had no doubts he would've been puking blood.

It took him half an hour to recover some semblance of control, and my incessant nagging and torturing him with a Serafall persona made things even worse. But he was somehow able to piece my "cute" requests and get the gist of it; "S-So... You want to see my [Shikai]?", he asks with a slightly quivering still present on his voice.

I nodded my head with excessive enthusiasm; "Onii-Chan is so smart. I simply wanted to see your released thing.", Aizen's mind went blank for a second there, but he wisely just decided to ignore that to think about my request.

Until now most of the people aware of his [Shikai] did everything in their power to avoid it, some people going to great lengths like his old friend Urahara.

But his 3rd seat officer is definitely something else, Aizen will be the first to admit that he always tough his third-seat officer was more of the manipulative type, than the and type. But some actions of his definitely make him doubt any kind of conclusion he happens to reach.

For some reason, he only targets Him, Tossen, and Ichimaru. And no one in the entirety of Soul Society suspects him, to everyone he is the model Shinigami, the perfect worker that any division would have the pleasure of having, a literal angel amongst the gods of death. And this drives the three of them absolutely crazy, sometimes they feel like everything is just some kind of trick played by their imagination, or simply some delusions they had.

Do you know how frustrating it is for only you, and some of your "friends" to know the true evil nature of someone, and no one believes you no matter what you do? It's maddening, it's heartwrenching, it's unfair. Sadly the irony of something like this is completely lost on the current Aizen.

And the fact that he never thought of using [Kyoka Suigetsu] even once, never surfaced as a suspicion... Sometimes our biggest weakness is our own brilliance. Aizen was so used to deep plots, manipulation on a large scale, big brain moments, that he never once thought about checking the most simple of things. Truly sometimes the weight of your genius can be crippling.

Aizen simply felt extremely tired all of a sudden, like he was on a huge mental marathon for days, so he simply said; "Whatever... Let's just get done with it. I want to sleep.", his tone was dead as if he simply doesn't want to have to deal with this bullshit anymore.

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