Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1476: .One hundred million

Xia Lei was sure, "It must be a strange woman."

Tang Cheng's eyes sank, and the fists on his side were squeezed. It took a long time before he gritted his teeth and said, "You are right, strange.


Isn’t it a strange woman who can break into the men’s room and see a man without pants?

After Tang Cheng finished speaking, he took a glass of wine from the side and went directly to Lin Wanxi.

Xia Lei only thought he was moved by other people's beauty, and he didn't take it seriously, so he went to the side for fun.


Lin Wanxi was concentrating on playing with her mobile phone, and suddenly she felt a tall shadow cast down, throwing herself from beginning to end.


There is an endless stream of men who come to disturb her tonight. Almost every few minutes someone will come up and ask her how to contact her.

Consciously think this is the same, so without lifting his head, he said coldly, "Don't leave contact information.

Bother me. "

Tangcheng: "..."

He finally knew how Lin Wanxi drove away one man after another in 30 seconds.

How many people should be persuaded to leave just this kind of tone that strangers don't enter.

But Tang Cheng didn't come to make friends, she came to settle accounts.

Seeing a woman playing with her mobile phone is full of joy, completely treating him as air, he stretched out his hand and took the woman's mobile phone directly from her hand

Robbed it.

"Hey, what are you doing..."

Lin Wanxi was angry and raised her head almost immediately, but when she saw the person standing in front of her, her delicate and glamorous face instantly

Somewhat stunned and stiff.

"It's you? Pervert?"

"Hey, you figure it out, who is a pervert? I haven't asked you to settle the account yet, how dare you call me that?"

Tangcheng was mad, but fortunately this is a corner, and not too many people noticed, otherwise Tangcheng was furious.

I don’t know how many people will see it.

Lin Wanxi's face was a bit embarrassed again, "Well, at that time, didn't I already apologize to you?"

"If you apologize, you have to accept it? Is it yours? And it's just such a lighthearted sentence of sorry, can

Did you make up for my broken heart and hurt dignity? "

Lin Wanxi: "..."

"How come you big man talk so much nonsense? I apologized to you, what else do you want?"

Tangcheng is on fire, what's the matter with this nonchalant tone? Do you dare to love it or is he looking for trouble in Tangcheng?

He took two steps forward and forced Lin Wanxi from the chair to the corner, his face turned black.

"What are you going to do?" Lin Wanxi was a little nervous, after all, it was her fault, if this man really cares

She was not pleased when she got up.

What's more, it's really not suitable for accidents to happen on this kind of occasion. She came here on behalf of Chi Xiao. The man here

I've already touched on my own details. Many people think she is the eldest lady of the Chi family. She can't give Chi Xiaohe

The whole Chi family was ashamed.

Lin Wanxi felt that it was better to take a step back and apologize to this man first because he who knows the current affairs is a Junjie.

She looked at him again, her voice was quiet, "Sir, what happened that day was really a misunderstanding, a pervert ran in

Men's toilet, I have admitted the wrong person, so I will do that to you. I have apologized if you are dissatisfied

I can apologize again, if you need compensation, you can pick any number of words, but today is the Tang family

On his birthday, everyone is a person with a good face and making trouble here, I am afraid that everyone will see our jokes. "

She was sure, and she was sure that the young man in front of her would listen.

However, the man just lowered his head and looked at himself deeply, and after a long while he thinned his lips and said, "You fart!"

Lin Wanxi: "......"

Is this man's brain okay?

She looked at him in a daze.

"Today is my birthday party for Xiaoye, who dares to laugh at me?"

Lin Wanxi's pupils widened, and she was too surprised to speak for a long time.

This man is the prince of the Tang family, Tangcheng?

No way……

How could I be so unlucky on him...

What kind of luck...

Lin Wanxi was a little depressed.

"Hello, Mr. Tang." She just barely smiled at Tang Cheng.

Lin Wanxi is a beauty on the ice and doesn't laugh often, so the smile at this moment seems a little unnatural.

In Tangcheng's words, it was uglier than crying.

"You don't let me wear pants, and you make me kneel in the street and make a fool of myself. Where can I go?"

Lin Wanxi's eyes were cold, seeing that he didn't take the trick of himself at all, and he didn't simply fight him with this false favor.

If you have a card, do whatever it takes.

"Tang Shao, if you don't tell me about it, I won't tell you, there will definitely not be a third person here who knows, but if you yell here again

Shout, that's not necessarily the case, I'm at most a perpetrator, and Tang Shao will lose his face by then. "

"You actually threatened me?"

Tang Cheng's eyes were red, like an angry lion.

Just as Lin Wanxi wanted to talk, a waiter came over and handed Lin Wanxi a glass of water, "Miss Chi Xiao, you want

Of warm water. "

"Thank you."

Lin Wanxi nodded in thanks.

As soon as the waiter left, Tang Cheng seemed to notice something remarkable, and a trace of evil evoked the corner of his mouth.

Laughing, "Chi Xiao? Isn't your name Lin Wanxi? When did you become Chi Xiao?"

Lin Wanxi's face became stiff, "It has nothing to do with you."

"This is my birthday banquet. I am the host. I am responsible for every guest present, in case something is wrong.

Four female hooligans came in and harassed my male guests. So, isn't my Tang family going to be everyone's laughing stock? You say this

Does the matter have anything to do with me? "

Lin Wanxi's face was even more ugly.

In this Tang City, he is not very old, but his speech is very powerful.

This matter was due to her failure, and she didn’t want to make the matter too big or compelling, so she asked Tang Cheng, "Then Shao Tang, you

How do you want to solve it? "

I apologized and apologized, what else would he do?

Tang Cheng stared at Lin Wanxi for a long time without speaking.

Lin Wanxi almost suspected that Tangcheng was here to make trouble without any reason. He didn't even think about what he was going to do.

Just when Lin Wanxi was a little embarrassed, Prince Tang finally spoke, "Los it."


Lin Wanxi frowned.

Tang Cheng raised his eyebrows, very angry, "Didn't you just say it yourself, you need compensation, I can speak at will."

Lin Wanxi's brows tightened. She did say this, but she didn't expect Tang Cheng to actually ask her.

Asking for money, after all, can the dignified Prince Tang be short of money?

But since Tang Cheng made a request, she could only agree, "How much do you want?"

"One hundred million."

Tangcheng is lazy.

Lin Wanxi's eyes widened, and the hand that reached into the bag to take the bank card suddenly paused.

"Why don't you grab it?"

A hundred million, she was the wind blowing the money.

"If you understand it as grabbing, I don't care." Young Master Tang casually sat down opposite Lin Wanxi, tilted.

Erlang legs.

Lin Wanxi was silent.

"Are you going to give it? Little master, I'm very short of time."

Lin Wanxi secretly slandered you for being nervous, would you be nervous and make such silly jokes here?

"If you can't get it out, it's okay, or you can agree with your body." Tang Cheng smiled, "You

The face looks quite in line with Xiaoye's taste. How about keeping you for a year? "

Lin Wanxi remained silent, and after a long silence, she lowered her head and took out something from my carry-on bag.

Not a bank card, but a mobile phone.

Tangcheng saw Lin Wanxi press a series of numbers, then put the phone to his ear, frowning involuntarily, "Who are you calling?"


Lin Wanxi spit out two words coldly.

Tangcheng: "..."

The cake in his hand is scared, okay?

"You, what are you doing?"

"Call the police." Lin Wanxi looked indifferent, "I suspect that you are threatening me, Shao Tang, suspected of extortion. It has been recorded..."

Before the words were finished, Tangcheng was like a cheetah, suddenly stood up from the chair, and walked to Lin Wanxi in a few steps.

In front of him, after snatching the woman's cell phone.


Crushed directly.

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