Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1477: .A write-off?

The corner of Lin Wanxi's mouth moved slightly, but her voice was not timid, "It seems that Tang Shao has another way to deal with it?"

The tone sounds a little ironic.

Tang Cheng had a terrible dent and was in a bad mood. Hearing her words, his anger rose even more.

It just so happened that melodious music was playing in the banquet hall, and many handsome men and beautiful women had already started pairing up on the dance floor.

Dance to the music.

Tangcheng paused, and his expression softened, "Then dance with me."


Tang Cheng simply suspected that this woman was deaf, and raised her voice impatiently, "I said, dance with me."

"I can not dance."

"Then what will you do?"

"Can beat people." Lin Wan didn't change his face from the west.

Tang Cheng’s nose was crooked, and he grabbed Lin Wanxi’s wrist and dragged her to the center of the dance floor.

learn! If you make you lose money, you won’t pay, if you make you dance, you’ll be squeaky and crooked. Laozi apologizes to you, or you and Laozi

Apologize? "

Lin Wanxi paused for a few seconds, thinking about it, who made her owe this Tang Shao.

So he said loosely, "Then trouble Tang Shao to teach me."

Tang Cheng grabbed her right hand and placed it gently on his shoulder.

Then he held her other hand and made a dance.

Lin Wanxi’s body is obviously stiff, she is not used to getting close to men, especially strange men, and

And it's the intimate act of dancing.

Her breathing tightened, like a robot.

Tang Cheng frowned and said in a low voice, "Relax your shoulders and let them droop naturally."

Lin Wanxi tried to do it, relaxing her shoulders, otherwise she seemed nervous.

Tang Cheng's hand gently clasped Lin Wanxi's slender waist.

"You are so thin..."

Knowing that women are thin, but he can actually touch the bones, which is too exaggerated.

"It's okay to go back and eat more food, to be breastless, buttocks and buttocks."

Lin Wanxi's ears were a little hot, and she looked up at the young master with a cool look, "When you danced with the lady

When, is there always so much nonsense? "

"Separate people." Tang Cheng curled his lips, "Isn't this afraid of your nervousness, so relieve the atmosphere?"

Lin Wanxi's cold sweat was about to come down.

This topic is not to ease the atmosphere, but to make the atmosphere more embarrassing, right?

Before she could think about it, Tang Cheng gently moved his body to dance to the music.

It's not that Lin Wanxi didn't skip ballroom dancing, she also has the basic skills of dancing and quickly mastered the techniques.

"It's not like you are dancing with a man for the first time."

Tangcheng seems to have discovered this too.

I was inexplicably annoyed. I just pretended to say that I couldn’t jump, but the jump was pretty good, this woman

But he is really a liar, and there is not a word in his mouth that is true.

Lin Wanxi didn't change her face. Hearing this, she just faintly curled her lips and smiled back at him, "You don’t look like it either.

I often dance with women and show off very well. "

Tang Cheng's face turned red in an instant.

Wu was not in the mood to dance anymore, he admitted that he was young and energetic, and there were a little more women around him, but that was all for fun

Yes, his Tang family eldest young master is still a clean virgin, okay?

How could he be so upset when he heard this woman?

Tangcheng let go of Lin Wanxi, almost gritted his teeth.

"Lin Wanxi, has anyone ever said that your mouth is poisonous?"

"Too many, you can't get in the number."

Lin Wanxi moved her sore shoulder slightly.

The fundus of the eyes also sank.

Since childhood, everyone said she was difficult to get along with, even when Chi Xiao just met him, she often cried with anger

Arguing to break up.

It's not that Lin Wanxi doesn't want to be a gentle and considerate woman, but she is covered with thorns, and the heavens make her bruise all over her body.

If she really became such a woman, she would have lost her life long ago.

"The dance has finished dancing with Tang Shao, so the affair between the two of us should be wiped out. Goodbye."

Lin Wanxi turned on his toes and moved.

Tangcheng was a little angry,

He is wealthy and he has been in love at school since he was sixteen. It is no exaggeration to say that he only needs to hook his finger tonight.

There will be countless women taking off their evening dresses and busy putting themselves on his bed.

But it's boring, and he doesn't want it either.

Men always have a kind of curiosity, in Chi Xiao's words, they are very cheap.

They never cherish the things that are at their fingertips, but the rarer the things, the easier it is to arouse him

Our desire and fighting spirit to conquer.

The feeling of taming a wild little wolf makes them eager just thinking about it.

Tangcheng is now in this kind of heart, the arrogant and cold Lin Wanxi, if he can make him surrender to himself, that kind of taste,

How beautiful should it be?

"You stop me!"

Tangcheng stopped Lin Wanxi.

Lin Wanxi didn’t know that she had aroused this man’s interest in herself, she just wanted to find a good place

Quiet for a while, she doesn't like noise, and the noise here makes her brain hurt terribly.

I already regretted why I came here, but I had to be entangled by this naive Tang family.

When thinking that Chi Xiao still likes her, Lin Wanxi wants to go back and pry the girl’s head open to see if she misses a man

Want to go crazy? I like everything.

However, this is the birthday banquet in Tangcheng, and he is the boss, so Lin Wanxi wants to give him some face.

So he stopped, but his expression was a little reluctant, "What else does Tang Shao have to say?"

"Are you going?"

"Well, the birthday gift has already been delivered, so I will go back if there is nothing to do."

"Don't leave, after the end, I have something to look for you."

Tangcheng frowned.

Lin Wanxi gave a sullen expression, and then replied, "I have something to say now, I still have something."

"I said when I was about to finish."

Tang Cheng called the butler, "Send this Miss Chi to the VIP room upstairs, so I can entertain you!"

The housekeeper immediately and respectfully made a "please" action to Lin Wanxi.

"Miss Chi, please follow me upstairs to rest."

"Not going."

Lin Wanxi refused without hesitation.

The butler was stunned for a moment, as if she didn't expect the woman in front of her to refuse the invitation of their young master.

After staring at Lin Wanxi for half a minute, he looked at Tangcheng again.

Tangcheng asked the housekeeper to step aside, and he stepped forward, "I broke your phone. After it's over, I will take you

Go buy a new one. "

Lin Wanxi didn't know why, he was looking for a chance to pester himself, and immediately refused, "No need."

"How can I do it?" Tang Cheng's eyes were determined, "My parents taught me since I was a child that I must be compensated if I break something."

Lin Wanxi's face was frosty, "If your parents didn't teach you to have the ability, don't you want to break other people's things?

What's the point of compensation? "

Tang Cheng's expression changed again, his eyes became a little angry and fierce, "I don't care, I said that if you want to take you, you must

Go, don't refuse me! "

Lin Wanxi: "..."

Just when Lin Wanxi was about to turn around and leave him alone, he suddenly heard a familiar voice coming from behind.

"Tang Shao."

This voice made Lin Wanxi's body become extremely stiff almost instantly, as if he was suddenly taken away.

The soul, leaving only an empty shell with nothing, was carried by two threads, dull and dull.

It was Li Yunjin's voice.

Lin Wanxi had almost no courage to turn her head at this moment, she just wanted to run away quickly, and ran outside in a mess.

But this Tangcheng was like deliberately fighting against itself, rushing up in three steps and two steps, pulling him

I lowered my voice, "Where are you going? Didn’t you tell me to stay? You woman can’t listen to me

Talk once? "

He pulled his arm, Lin Wanxi felt very uncomfortable, she always felt that a burning gaze fell on Tangcheng.

Living in her own place, the hot temperature almost made her a little unbearable.

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