Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1655: .what do you mean?

"Go to the hospital for an examination."

"I'm fine..."

"Don't talk nonsense, do you think I checked your body? If you were not pregnant with my seed, I wouldn't bother to care about you."

Gu Qingye fainted in an instant, "I don't want to be pregnant yet, don't you just give it a beat..."

"what did you say?"

Gu Qingye shook her head quickly, "No, I didn't say anything."

Lan Yichen took Gu Qingye to the private hospital, after another complicated examination.

"Mr. Lan, the child in Miss Gu's belly is in good condition, you can rest assured."

When Gu Qingye heard this, she silently rolled her eyes.

Hey, in other TV dramas, the heroine was soaked in the rain, and the child disappeared easily. She was splashing water again.

After being dragged by the Lu family all the way, why is the child still in good condition?

Hmph, Lan Yichen's bastard, is the tenacious vitality!

Can't beat Xiaoqiang?

As soon as Lan Yichen turned his head, he saw Gu Qingye's angry expression.


What is her expression?

As soon as he took his long legs, he stood in front of Gu Qingye, "Why, you are disappointed to know that the child is safe?"

Gu Qingye was clever and shook his head frantically.

"How can I say it's the child's mother."

Although she was not prepared at all.

To be a mother, is it hard to die? And having a baby... is it painful?

Hey, worry about her, she's so sad.

"Is the inspection finished? Then I can go back?"

"Where to go?"

"Go to Jin Mocheng's place, he let me hide with him for two days."

Lan Yichen grabbed her neck with a cool voice, "With me, what will happen to him?"

As a result, Gu Qingye was thrown into the car by Lan Yichen again.

I went to the apartment last time.

"Jiang Hui, find a few people who have done everything right to take care of Miss Gu's daily life."

"Okay, Master Lan."

Gu Qingye knew that she couldn't change Lan Yichen's decision, so he simply let him go.

"Lan Yichen, what should I do about the Lu family..."

"Don't worry, I will handle it for you."

With Lan Yichen's guarantee, Gu Qingye was a little relieved.

"Lan Yichen, I want to meet someone."


"Qiao Anlin."

Speaking of this good girlfriend for many years, Gu Qingye's heart still feels a little uncomfortable.

Not being sad is false.

So far, her beloved husband, trusted sister, and intimate girlfriend all betrayed her together.

Gu Qingye, you really fail.

Seeing Gu Qingye's expression a little lost, Lan Yichen said, "You can go and see her, I will let someone protect you in secret."

"Well, thank you."

Gu Qingye called Qiao Anlin and asked her to come out for tea in the afternoon.

"Or which teahouse we often go to?"

Gu Qingye let out an "um".

"Then I will bring you a cake."

Gu Qingye said with a heavy heart, "Okay, thank you."

This was probably the last time she had a peaceful phone call with Qiao Anlin.

Everything is over.

After hanging up the phone, Gu Qingye took the photo given by Jin Mocheng and went out.

She knew that Lan Yichen had sent someone to protect her, so she relaxed, went into the teahouse, and quickly found Qiao Anlin.

"Ye'er, here."

Gu Qingye sat down opposite Qiao Anlin.

"Why do you suddenly remember that you want to call me to drink tea? The two of us have not been here for a long time..."

"Yes, you and Lu Shengyan come here often, so naturally there is no time to come with me."

Gu Qingye said lightly while taking off her coat.

Qiao Anlin's face was ugly for an instant, "Ye'er, what do you mean?"

"That's what you mean."

Qiao Anlin's fingers trembled and her face was full of anger, "Are you still doubting me and Lu Shengyan? We didn't

Has it been explained clearly? Gu Qingye, I am your best friend, how can you..."

Gu Qingye didn't wait for her to finish, so she threw the photo over.

A thick pile of photos fell in front of Qiao Anlin.

The woman’s voice stopped abruptly, and her expression was quite wonderful. From a frustrated and angry look,

A little bit of coolness.

Finally, he just hooked his lips and made a soft "hee" twice.

Gu Qingye raised her eyebrows, "No more acting?"

Qiao Anlin wrapped her hair around her fingers, "Since you already know, then I have nothing to say."

"Qiao Anlin, you are really amazing. In the name of my best girlfriend, you get mixed up with my husband.

Do you want to be shameless? "

"Am I shameless?"

Qiao Anlin's eyes flushed, "You are the shameless person, Gu Qingye!"

Gu Qingye was quiet, waiting for her to continue.

Qiao Anlin smiled, "Gu Qingye, when did you like Lu Shengyan?"

Gu Qingye thought for a while, recalling that it might be a freshman in college.

At that time, as a freshman, she labored to transport the boxes to the bottom of the dormitory building and sighed while looking at the six-story stairs.

Lu Shengyan suddenly appeared at that time, lifted her box lightly, and went upstairs in a few steps.

Gu Qingye fell in love with him at first sight.

Later, there was something wrong with the Lu Family Company, and his father knew that she had been thinking about Lu Shengyan's thoughts, and he mentioned to the Lu Family.

Please, I can contribute money to help Gu's family, but I asked Lu Shengyan to marry her in advance.

At that time, she was still immersed in the joy of marrying her beloved, and she didn't even notice that Lu Shengyan was investigating this relationship.

How repellent it is.

But there was no way, the Lu family needed money, and Lu Shengyan married her just like that.

After marriage, Lu Shengyan never saw her directly. At first, he was just indifferent to himself. A few years later, the business of the Lu family

As they got bigger and bigger, their Gu family fell into a loss, and Lu Shengyan never gave Gu Qingye a good face again.

It's just cursing at every turn.

Maybe she was wrong from the beginning.

Qiao Anlin smiled, "You should remember that I told you that I re-studied for a year in my senior year, right?"

"Do you know the reason?"

"Because I wanted to go to the same university as A Yan, I went back to school for a year and was admitted to A Yan's university."

Gu Qingye was a little surprised.

Qiao Anlin's expression was a little bit ferocious.

"Gu Qingye, I fell in love with Lu Shengyan first. Lu Shengyan doesn't like you at all. He likes me. You

It’s the junior who destroys other people’s feelings. If you didn’t use that despicable means to force Lu Shengyan to marry you, now

The seat of the young lady in the Lu family belongs to Qiao Anlin! "

How could she sneak in with a married man like a mouse without seeing light!

All this was not caused by her Gu Qingye!

Gu Qingye's fingers tightened a little bit.

"why did not you tell me?"

"Because I treat you as a good friend!" Qiao Anlin couldn't help yelling, "Can I fulfill you?"

"You fart!"

Gu Qingye's eyes turned red.

The corners of the mouth are also somewhat ironic, "If you fulfill me, will you join our marriage after I and Lu Shengyan get married?!"

Qiao Anlin gritted her teeth, just about to argue, Gu Qingye interrupted her with a smile.

"You treat me as a friend? Do I treat you as an enemy? Qiao Anlin, if you really fell in love with Lu Shengyan back then

Hey, why don't you tell me directly? I still disdain to grab a man with my girlfriend. "

If I could make it clear at the beginning, wouldn't she still make this pair?

Why is it necessary to do this behind the scenes.

It's ridiculous.

Gu Qingye is even more ironic.

Seeing Gu Qingye's attitude, Qiao Anlin didn't pretend to be with her, and sneered, "I'll tell you the truth, Lu Shengyan.

And I... have been healed for many years, Lu Shengyan spent your wedding night in my room, do you know? "

Gu Qingye's face gave a stern face.

That night, after the wedding, she was happily waiting for Lu Shengyan to return in her room.

Full of longing for her bridal moment.

But Lu Shengyan didn't come back all night. The next day he told himself that it was because he drank too much and fell asleep in the hotel.


He was actually with another woman that night.

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