Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1656: .Bad temper

Thinking of the night she was alone, Gu Qingye felt that she was no different from a fool.

The last bit of temperature in my heart couldn't help but cool down.

She looked at Qiao Anlin as if she was looking at a stranger.

"I will divorce Lu Shengyan as soon as possible. What you do and what your relationship is in the future will have nothing to do with me.

Yes, if you truly love each other, I also wish you all. "Gu Qingye smiled calmly, "This is all over. "

After she finished speaking, she got up and picked up her bag to leave.

Qiao Anlin stopped her, "You really will divorce Lu Shengyan?"

Gu Qingye's eyes were determined. A few weeks ago, she even had a fantasy, wanting to redeem this hard-won marriage.

Marriage, to save the man she really had met, but now, she just wants to leave quickly.

She took a breath and nodded, "Yes."

Qiao Anlin breathed a sigh of relief and said, “In fact, we don’t need to do this for a man. Lu Shengyan and I are sincere.

Love each other, if you can fulfill us, we can still be friends..."

"Do you think it is possible?" Gu Qingye felt so funny, and interrupted her before Qiao Anlin could finish.

Qiao Anlin wanted to say anything else, Gu Qingye had already taken out two bills and pressed them under the cup, "We are still too old to die.

Good relationship. "

After speaking, she left without looking back.

The moment Gu Qingye walked out of the teahouse, Gu Qingye couldn't help shrinking her shoulders as if all her strength had been taken away.

The nose was also sour, and salty tears could not help pouring out from the corners of his eyes.

On this day, she will bid farewell to her marriage and friendship.

Not sad, it's fake.

However, she is not a saint. She can’t forgive the dog men and women without using her own means to avenge them.

It was her last kindness.

"Miss Gu."

Jiang Hui's voice came from above his head.

Gu Qingye raised her head and quickly wiped her eyes.

Jiang Huiquan should not be able to see, "Miss Gu, Shao Lan asked me to pick you up."

"I want to go home."

She missed her father.

She really wants to hear her father talk.

Jiang Hui paused and said, "Then I will contact Master Lan."

Jiang Hui took out his cell phone and walked aside to call Lan Yichen and talk about the matter.

Lan Yichen seemed to be a little impatient, "Why is she running around like this all day?"

Jiang Hui turned his head and saw Gu Qingye secretly crying, lowered his voice, and said, "But Miss Gu is sad now

Look like... she was crying. "

"Oh, all the crocodile’s tears." He said so, but he didn’t object anymore. Instead, he told Jiang Hui, "Take her

Send it back. Don't let her happen. "

"Don't worry, Young Master Lan, I will take care of Miss Gu."

Jiang Hui hung up the phone and walked to look back at Qingye's side, "Miss Gu, get in the car, I will take you home."

"Lan Yichen agreed?"


Gu Qingye was a little surprised, "When he is kind, he won't play tricks, right?"

Jiang Hui jumped with blue veins on his forehead, smiled hard, and said, "In fact, Shao Lan still cares about you, Miss Gu."

"He is afraid that I will get his **** away?"

Gu Qingye is convinced.

Jiang Hui smiled again and said nothing.

Gu Qingye was soon sent back to Gu's house.

"Miss Gu, I won't go in anymore. You will come out as soon as possible after you finish watching your uncle."


Gu Qingye got out of the car and entered Gu's door.

"Miss, are you back?" Uncle Qi, the housekeeper, was very happy to see Gu Qingye.

"Where is Dad?"

"The master is watching TV in the living room. The lady is back. The master will be very happy and will get better."

Uncle Qi couldn't close his mouth.

"Aunt Qi is okay?"

"Okay, everything is fine." Uncle Qi smiled with curving eyes.

"Miss often goes home recently."

Gu Qingye said, "Huh?", "I'll come back to see Uncle Qi, Aunt Qi and Dad, are you unhappy?"

"Of course I am happy, but it's a little strange. After the young lady got married, she rarely came back. How recently..." he said

He smiled and said, "It's okay, come back and see more, the master will not feel lonely anymore."

Gu Qingye's heart was sour and uncomfortable.

How stupid and **** she used to be, put her heart on Lu Shengyan’s body, and even

Julien ignored her most loved ones.


In the future, my daughter will never be so stupid again.

Thinking of this, Gu Qingye's pace hastened a lot.

As soon as he entered the living room, Uncle Qi couldn't help calling, "Master, the lady is back."

Gu Ronghai was watching the cross talk and turned his head, pleasantly surprised, "Ye'er is back."

Only then did Gu Qingye realize that his father's sideburns had gray hair.

She walked over quickly, holding her father's hand, as she did when she was a child, and gently leaning her head on his father's shoulder.

"Ye'er, have you been wronged in the Lu family again?" Gu Ronghai was angry and coughed violently. "You tell me

I, I went to find Lu Shengyan to settle the account, I didn't believe it, he didn't even give me the old man's face. "

Gu Qingye shook her head, bit her lower lip lightly, and said, "I am going to divorce Lu Shengyan."

Gu Qingye mentioned this last time, but this time, it is obvious that her daughter's attitude is already very determined.

Gu Ronghai touched Gu Qingye's head, "If you decide, Dad will always support you."

"You don't hate me for embarrassing our Gu family."

Gu Ronghai frowned, "My Ye'er is the best, who would dare to say that my daughter is ashamed? Don’t worry, it’s a big deal.

We don't need anything, dad still has a few plots of land, which can definitely support you. "

Gu Qingye's heart sank.

My father probably didn't know that Gu Shiying had done everything in the house, right?

She shook her head, "Dad, don't worry, I won't ask for anything from their Lu family, but it belongs to us.

Home, they can't take it away. "

"it is good."

Gu Qingye nestled in his father's arms like this for a long time, until Gu Ronghai asked her what she would like to eat for dinner.

She was worried that Jiang Hui had been waiting outside for too long and got up to leave.

"It's all so late, shall we leave tomorrow morning?"

"I have something else. Anyway, I will visit you often in the future. You can't bear me now. I will

Don't bother me when you go home. "

"You, you, I really don't know which man can accept you in the future..." Gu Ronghai was helpless.

"I haven't finished the divorce procedure, you are worrying about my next spring?"

Gu Qingye smiled, "Okay, I'm leaving, Uncle Qi, Aunt Qi, take good care of your dad, and be careful of yourself.

It's cold nearer. "

She waved to the door.

"Tell the driver to see you..."

"No, I called the driver."

Gu Qingye is gone.

Jiang Hui was still waiting for her in the same place, Gu Qingye pulled the car door and sat in, "Sorry, have you waited a long time?"

"It's okay, waiting for someone is much easier than working with Lan Shao."

Jiang Hui pulled up his seat belt.

Gu Qingye agreed, "That's true, just look at Lan Yichen's face and I can live a year less."

Jiang Hui smiled awkwardly, and drove Gu Qingye back to the apartment.

The cook aunt had already prepared the maternity meal, and when Gu Qingye had eaten half of it, Lan Yichen returned.

The aunt hurriedly arranged another meal for Lan Yichen.

Lan Yichen looked at the light food in the bowl and frowned, "Why is there no meat?"

The aunt was a little embarrassed, "Because Miss Gu has a serious sickness and can't smell the fish, I didn't do it."

"Then what shall I eat?"

He is a big man, want to eat maternity baby meal with Gu Qingye?

Is it too miserable?

Auntie said, "Then I will do it for you. It will be done soon..."

"No, you guys are also interested."

Lan Yichen didn't criticize any more, picked up the chopsticks and put a green vegetable in his mouth.

The brows are almost wringing out of water.

Looking at his reluctance, Gu Qingye's stomach hurts with his smile.

Until Lan Yichen glared.

Gu Qingye was not convinced, "Are you embarrassed to stare at me? Do you think I would like to have a clear soup every day? I am also meatless.

Is it good to be unhappy? I don't know who it is, so I can't even eat meat. Lu Shengyan bullied again before one who doesn't give me meat. "

"Don't mention that man's name to me."


"he died."

Lan Yichen threw away his chopsticks in an angry manner, and shook his head away.

"Oh, what a bad temper."

Gu Qingye let out a cold "hum".

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