Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1804: . Pick you up tomorrow

Within the Pei Group.

The bodyguard reported about Han Qianyu’s every move. When the bodyguard said Han Qianyu to go on a blind date, Bae Shengye’s

He immediately pulled his gaze out of the document, staring at the bodyguard and asked in surprise: "She really went on a blind date?"

The bodyguard nodded affirmatively: "Yes, President Pei."

"What's the result?" He could almost hear his tone change.

"It doesn't seem to be very pleasant. Within a few minutes, Miss Han came out of the cafe." The bodyguard told the truth.

At this time, Pei Shengye’s tense heart came down. That’s good. He thought Han Qianyu really went on a blind date, and then went

With the blind date man, in that case, he might rush to her house now.

But he didn't think much about what he wanted to do when he rushed to Han Qianyu's house.

"What about today, what did she do?" Yesterday's blind date, will there be any other blind men wanting to see today?

In response, the bodyguard said: "Miss Han seems to be looking for a job again and went to many companies, but it seems that she has found nothing."

Hearing this, Pei Shengye tightened his brows slightly: "Looking for a job?"

The bodyguard nodded: "Yes, President Pei."

Hearing this, Pei Shengye pondered for a long while, and then told the bodyguard: "Go and inform President Zhou Yixin and let him arrange for someone to

It’s Han Qianyu, remember, it directly shows that Han Qianyu is required to be recruited, and let them give me jail.

Be solid, don't give me any news. "

The bodyguard responded and immediately turned and walked out.

And Pei Shengye also said that Han Qianyu dared to go on a blind date and couldn’t get out of it. This woman is usually very stiff,

How come you are afraid at the critical moment? Going to go on a blind date?

The more he thought about it, the less he felt.


I don’t know if someone is always scolding herself behind her back today, Han Qianyu has been sneezing, she thinks it might be

People scold themselves behind their backs.

She randomly found a noodle restaurant, ate a bowl of noodles, and planned to continue her job search in the afternoon.

However, just as she had just finished eating the noodles, the phone in her bag suddenly shook, and she immediately took out her hand

The phone, I saw an unfamiliar number on it, and didn't think much about it, so I just swiped down the answer button and said, "Hello."

On the other side of the phone, there was a gentle woman's voice: ‘Hello, is this Miss Han Qianyu? "

"I am, may I ask you something?" Han Qianyu said strangely.

"Hello, I am hr from Yixin Group. I think you are looking for a job? It happens that we are short of people here. If

If you haven't found a job, you can come to us for an interview. "The other party spoke softly and listened

It's very comfortable to come.

Han Qianyu thought that he had heard it wrong, and repeatedly confirmed: "Hello, are you sure you want me to go for an interview?

It seems that I haven't submitted a resume to your company before. "

The other party chuckled and said, "I have read your resume online before. I think it fits our company’s

Claim. "

When Han Qianyu heard the words, he agreed: "Okay, when is it convenient for me to go to the interview?"

"If it's convenient, it's the afternoon. I happen to be here." The other party seems very anxious, but the attitude is also very warm.

The hrs who received her before were completely different.

"Okay, then I'll be over later." She responded.

"Okay, then I will post the address to your phone later."

After hanging up the phone, Han Qianyu entered the words Yixin Group into the search box, but the answer was

But it made her a little bit of a tongue.

Is Yixin Group one of the top 500 in the world?

It's so much bigger than the small companies she applied for before, don't you know how many times it is good!

However, how does such a company think about itself?

And... She looked at the recruitment requirements of their company, and it seemed that the minimum required for returnees to graduate with a master's degree, as if she didn't

Which point is consistent?

However, in order not to stay at home and accept her mother’s urging to marry every day, Han Qianyu still has the mentality to give it a try and rushed.


Han Qianyu entered the police academy directly after graduating, and it was the first time that he had a serious interview today. So when she

Standing in front of Yixin Group, looking at the super high office building in front of him, he swallowed a little uncomfortably.

She used to be fearless in the game, but she did not expect that she would be persuaded by standing here, which is a bit unlike


Hey, it's better to be a policeman.

Office workers or something, really didn't suit her.

Forced by life, forced by life.

Han Qianyu sighed faintly, waited for the tension in his heart to dissipate before raising his foot and walking in.

As soon as she entered, she walked to the front desk and just reported her name. The front desk immediately smiled and said, "It's Han Qian

Isn’t Miss Yu, come, please come with me. "

Han Qianyu was suddenly greeted warmly, and suddenly he was a little uncomfortable: "Thank you."

The receptionist walked along and almost said to Han Qianyu; "Miss Han is really beautiful, especially her skin.

It's super delicate and white. "

When Han Qianyu heard this, he immediately responded flattered: "You are also very good-looking, very beautiful."

She found that these girls who work as front desks in big companies seem to have very smart mouths, as sweet as they are smeared with honey.

It's very.

In response, the girl smiled and said: "You are too good."

Soon, the personnel office arrived, and the front desk led her to the door of the personnel office, and he was polite and polite to her

Say: "Just go in directly, someone is already waiting for you inside."

Han Qianyu nodded, then knocked on the door politely, and then after saying come in, she pushed away

The door went in.

As soon as I entered, I saw a beautiful woman sitting behind the desk. When I saw her, the face was also full of smiles.

Yi, that smile, just like the front desk just now, Han Qianyu feels inexplicably, there seems to be flattery inside


But she doesn't have any reliable background, so she took the initiative to introduce herself: "Hello, I am..."

"I know, Han Qianyu, right?" The hr had a smile on his face, then took a form and asked her casually.

After a question, she stood up and reached out to Han Qianyu: "Congratulations, you have been hired."

Han Qianyu: "..." She doesn't seem to say anything yet? Just answered a few questions routinely and this was recorded

got it?

What about the minimum degree of master's degree for returnees?

"You mean, I was hired?" Han Qianyu may be surprised too suddenly, she asked in a daze.

The hr nodded, and then responded: "Yes, Miss Han, if it is convenient, you can come and report tomorrow.

Today, why don’t I take you to familiarize yourself with the working environment of our company? "

Han Qianyu hasn't entered the situation yet, but he nodded and didn't refuse her: "Okay."

Immediately afterwards, she was taken by the hr in front of her to visit the company. She found that every department seemed to

She looked like she was very busy, and there was no time to pay attention to her newcomer.

For such a highly efficient company, because Han Qianyu University did not study these, she directly challenged the hr

Ming: "Because my university is a police school, I may not be very proficient in these."

"It's okay, Miss Han, no one is born with this. We will send someone to teach you this later."

Han Qianyu breathed a sigh of relief when he saw someone teach him.

"it is good."

After visiting the Yixin Group, Han Qianyu realized that it was not early. After leaving the group, she stopped a car casually

Plan to go home.

However, on the way, she unexpectedly received a call from Yue Yue.

On the other side of the phone, the little guy whispered his thoughts: "Aunt Xiaoyu, you haven’t seen it for a long time.

Me, why are you gone all this time? "

Han Qianyu comforted him and said, "Yueyue, Aunt Xiaoyu is busy with her own affairs during this time, so she may not have done anything.

Let me go to see you, wait until the aunt behind is done, then come to see you, OK? "

The little guy responded with disappointment: "Okay."

Listening to the disappointment in the little guy’s tone, she was a little bit unbearable, but she still said: "Yueyue, you today

Shouldn't God go to kindergarten? "

The little guy nodded his head: "Yes, so I asked the teacher to lend me the phone, and then I called you."

At home, he dared not mention Aunt Xiaoyu, because he felt that every time his father heard the name of Aunt Xiaoyu,

My brow is about to frown a little.

"Why not as good as Auntie picking you up after school today?" Han Qianyu asked.

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