Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1805: Greasy man

Yueyue was so happy that she almost jumped up immediately: "Really? Aunt Xiaoyu, didn't you lie to me?"

"Really, how could Auntie lie to you? You will definitely see Auntie after school today." Han Qianyu assured him.

The little guy was very happy, and his tone was full of joy: "Oh! Then I will wait for Auntie today."

After hanging up the phone, Han Qianyu rushed to Yueyue’s kindergarten. From tomorrow on, she will start to work every day.

It is estimated that there will be no chance to accompany Yueyue again.

This little guy, when she looks at him, she feels soft in her heart inexplicably, as if she treats him as her own child


But obviously, she has never even been married, why is she in such a mood?

Forty minutes later, she stood at the door of the kindergarten and watched the parents lead their children out of the kindergarten.

She raised her foot and walked in, and then walked to the door, but was stopped. The other party probably saw her by surprise, so directly

Ask: "Who are you?"

Han Qianyu said: "I'm Pei Chenyue's aunt, I will pick him up home."

The teacher stared at her suspiciously and said, "I have never seen you."

Just when Han Qianyu was about to say something, Yueyue suddenly heard a cheering cry from the kindergarten: "Small language!"

Immediately afterwards, a little guy threw in her arms.

She lowered her eyes, watching the little guy staring at her with a smile, eyes full of brilliant stars, and she immediately reached out and touched her.

Yue's head whispered: "Run slowly, what if you fall?"

The little guy said: "It's okay, I can't run and fall, I will pay attention."

The teacher who brought Yueyue over said: "You are the child's mother, right?"

As soon as Han Qianyu wanted to say that she was not, he heard the teacher compliment: "Yueyue is well educated by you. In the class

He behaves very well, and many little girls like to play with him. "

Upon hearing this, Han Qianyu patted Pei Chenyue's head and praised: "Awesome."

Then, she said to the teacher: "Thank you, teacher, I would like to ask you to take care of it in the future."

The teacher nodded: "You can rest assured that we will pay attention to every child, especially if you are as obedient as Yueyue

Yes, we all like it. "

Seeing the teacher say this, Han Qianyu instantly felt relieved.

Then, she took Yueyue's hand and said to Yueyue: "Say goodbye to the teacher, we are leaving."

Yueyue immediately said goodbye to the teacher obediently.

Then he walked out of the kindergarten with Han Qianyu, but when she took him out of the door, she saw standing there

A man who is full of extravagance and has many parents, all eyes are floating towards him, especially very

Many women have their eyes full of what they are thinking.

The punch is very good.

However, Han Qianyu looked at the man standing in front, really didn't want to come forward, and when the other party saw her again, he paused.

When he walked over with a frowning brow, he asked in a bad tone: "Why can't you see me?"

Han Qianyu wanted to say that he didn't want to go there because he saw it!

However, she replied very convincingly: "I didn't see you, have you seen Yueyue?"

The little guy answered honestly: "I saw it, but I thought you saw it too."

Okay, now she is all up to the culprit.

Han Qianyu could only explain with an awkward smile: "I really didn't see you, there are so many people at the door, where can I just look at you?

See it, don't you think? "

"I'm standing here and punching my eyes, you can't even see? I will take you to the ophthalmology department another day."

She doesn't seem to say anything, right? Why did it suddenly blow up hair again?

Han Qianyu didn't answer at all, Pei Shengye glanced at her, and then opened the car door.

Han Qianyu led Yueyue to the car, then bent down and said to Yueyue: "Yueyue, okay, you go back to your father

Go. "

She originally planned to come to see Yueyue. Now that people have seen it, she should go back.

The little guy took Han Qianyu and said softly, "Aunt Xiaoyu, won't you go back with me?"

Han Qianyu shook his head: "Yueyue, Auntie is going home."

The little guy seemed to be a little disappointed, his eyes lowered, and Pei Shengye, who had never said a word, suddenly spoke coldly.

A cry: "Okay, Yueyue, your Aunt Xiaoyu still has her own life, how can you remember us outsiders."

When Yueyue heard this, she immediately looked at Han Qianyu with red eyes, her tone was a bit sour: "Aunt Xiaoyu treats us as

Are you an outsider? "

Pei Shengye's tone was cool and cold there: "What do you think? People are going to get married soon, I

I remember that I went on a blind date yesterday, right? "

Han Qianyu immediately raised his eyes and stared at Pei Shengye, a feeling of dissatisfaction in his heart rose like that: "How do you know me?

Go on a blind date? "

She didn’t say anything about the blind date yesterday. Why would he know?

When Pei Shengye saw Han Qianyu's eyebrows were obviously frowned, he suddenly felt a little unhappy: "What? This is not wanting

Does anyone know you go on a blind date? Or are you afraid that someone will ruin the relationship between you and that blind man? "

Han Qianyu almost laughed angrily, my god, has she ever mentioned a word about the blind date man from start to finish?

At exactly this moment, her mobile phone suddenly vibrated. She took the mobile phone out of her bag and took a look. It was a stranger.

When the call comes, she slides down the answer button: "Hello."

"Hello Miss Han, it's me."

At the beginning, Han Qianyu didn't know who the other party was.

Until the other party continued to say: "Is it convenient to come out for a meal today?"

She only realized who the other party was.

Lifting her eyes, she saw Pei Shengye staring at herself in front of her. When she reached her mouth, she suddenly became

A: "I'm free."

"Well, I'll post the address to your phone later." The other party said with a smile.

Han Qianyu responded: "Okay, I will pass by then."

After hanging up the phone, she raised her eyes and said to Pei Shengye: "Mr. Pei, I have to go. I still have an appointment tonight, so I won’t offer it

Accompanied. "

After speaking, she waved to Yueyue and was about to leave.

But Pei Shengye stopped her and asked, "Is it true that I was right, you are going to go to the appointment with that blind man?"

I don’t know why, Han Qianyu vaguely heard a hint of sarcasm in Pei Shengye’s tone, and she immediately tightened it.

He frowned, then looked at Pei Shengye who was standing in front of him, and spoke word by word: "Mr. Pei, it seems like I am going to someone

Appointments, it doesn’t matter to you, so please don’t be nosy. "

After that, she stopped paying attention to him, turned around and left.

Standing next to the car, Yueyue looked at Han Qianyu’s shadow as he walked away quickly. She was suddenly impatient: "Dad, Aunt Xiaoyu wants

Go, you go chase! "

Pei Shengye suddenly caught fire and gritted her teeth in response: "What are you chasing? If she wants to go, she will go, really.

Do I care about it? "

But Yueyue lowered her voice, and said softly: "But in case Aunt Xiaoyu is really taken away by another man, Dad

Dad, it’s really too late for you to stay here. We have to go and see if you want to talk to Aunt Xiaoyu

Who is the one who eats? "

The little guy seemed to be worried, and he kept encouraging Pei Shengye to follow him.

Finally, one big and one small sat in the car, followed the taxi in front, and said nothing.

Han Qianyu got off the car at the door of a western restaurant. As for that western restaurant, Pei Shengye glanced at it and sneered.

The sound, the taste is really bad, such restaurants dare to enter.

Obviously it seems that the taste is not authentic.

After seeing Han Qianyu enter, Pei Shengye also followed Yueyue with Yueyue. When choosing a location,

Pei Shengye looked at the two people sitting not far away, and immediately pointed to a seat not far from them.

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