Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 2089: Goddess Mami

Ye Zhixia entered the private dressing room in the envy and jealous eyes of other actresses.

After a while, Warmth ran in.

Covering her mouth, she couldn't help but laugh softly: "Zhixia, you are now a thorn in the eyes of all the actresses of the crew."

Ye Zhixia is depressed.

She didn't want to specialize at all, and it was because of Feng Li Tingzhan's welfare.

She first took Feng Liting's salary card, and then used a private dressing room in Feng Liting's face, and received various preferential treatment...

She doesn't know what will happen in the future.

Ye Zhixia lowered her head unhappy.

Warm and puzzled, the private dressing room is very comfortable, and you can do your own thing in peace of mind. Why is she doing this?


"Zhixia, what's wrong with you?"

Ye Zhixia sighed helplessly, "To be honest, I don't want to be like this at all, I would rather be with other actors

They are crowded together, lively, and they don’t use colored glasses to look at me. "

Warmth became even more puzzled. She vaguely guessed that this matter had nothing to do with Feng Liting, so she could only comfort her softly: "Okay.

Well, don't be upset. If you feel lonely, why don't you come with me? "

"Yes." Ye Zhixia nodded.

After Ye Zhixia and Warm put on makeup, the crew started filming.

Yesterday’s actor Wang Ruofei has been replaced. The new actor is named Li Nan, who has just graduated from university.

Newcomer actor.

The looks are very dazzling.

Following Ye Zhixia, Yelaoshr shouted one by one.

Ye Zhixia who got it was quite embarrassed.

She smiled at Li Nan embarrassedly: "Actually, I have just been filming for a short time.

You are one year younger. "

Li Nan was very serious. When he heard Ye Zhixia say this, he shook his head, "That's not good, even if you are younger than me, but

You also entered the entertainment industry earlier than me, so I should call you a senior or teacher,"

Ye Zhixia was helpless: "Okay, then."

Li Nan's personality is very easy to get along with. The college students who have just graduated still carry a bit of sunshine and cheerfulness of youth.

Ye Zhixia was a little cautious at first, but within a few days, she became acquainted with Li Nan.

At the same age and similar personality and hobbies, when other actresses were afraid of Ye Zhixia and Ye Zhixia one after another.

When, Li Nan was more than a taboo, and even brought 7 Ye Zhixia a cup of milk tea every day.

After learning about this, Warmth couldn’t help reminding Ye Zhixia: “As a married woman, you still don’t want to go with Li Nan.

Too close, lest your family be jealous again. "

"Why!" Ye Zhixia defended. "Didn't I tell you? Feng Liting and I were only married in business, so he naturally did not

Will take care of what I do outside... and I only regard Li Nan as my brother. "

"What do you say..." The warmth is not good to say anything, smiling: "Let Li Nan go to dinner together at night, I'm pretty

I like that little brother, his mouth is sweet, and he is hardworking. "

"it is good."

After finishing work, the three went to a nearby restaurant for dinner.

After eating, Ye Zhixia returned home.

Feng Liting had already returned, and when he saw Ye Zhixia, he raised his eyes and asked, "Today is so late?"

"I went to dinner with the cast members."

Feng Liting subconsciously: "Men or women?"

Ye Zhixia was taken aback.

What does he ask this for?

Feng Liting probably also felt that it was not appropriate to ask me this question.

The tip of his eyebrows slightly frowned.

"It's nothing, I just ask casually, it's not safe for a girl to come back too late." Feng Liting didn't think it was enough, and added

"That's it."

Ye Zhixia smiled, "No, the warmth is there, and Li Nan is also there."

"Li Nan..."

Feng Liting's brows seemed to frown tighter.

Ye Zhixia didn't know, so she responded casually: "It's the new actor who replaced the Wang Ruofeng who was driven away by you."

Feng Liting snorted, "You guys have a good time. It's only a few days now, so I went out to eat."

"I have a sweet mouth, it's nice to be a friend." Ye Zhixia was tired from filming for a day, but she felt slimy on her body.

Want to chat with Feng Liting here, put the bag on the sofa, "Then I will go up and take a shower."

Ye Zhixia ran upstairs "dada da da".

Feng Liting's gaze followed her back, and the expression on his face became especially weird. He hummed awkwardly.

With a cry, "Sweet mouth can be eaten? Idiot woman."

I was really stupid to death, and I didn't know who I was cheated by in a few words.

The butler saw it from the side and licked his lips in his heart.

Then gave Feng Liting a glass of water.

"The young master really cares about his wife more and more."

Feng Liting was taken aback, and immediately said, "I'm just worried about her danger. I'm not going to deal with the Ye family."

The butler smiled.

"Why are you laughing?"

The steward said: "That Li Nan has a sweet mouth, but the young master has a hard mouth."

Feng Liting was taken aback for a moment, his face suddenly darkened, he threw the book in his hand and went upstairs unhappy.


After taking a shower, Ye Zhixia lay on the bed and made a warm call.

Warm suggestion: "Zhixia, do you want to open a Weibo?"

"Open Weibo?"

Warm "Hmm" said: "A lot of them are obviously used. This way your fans can always follow you."

After hanging up the phone, Ye Zhixia went to a Weibo. Just after the authentication was completed, the warmth followed her.

There are many warm Weibo fans, because she has become a celebrity on the Internet because of the previous black material.

When she paid attention to Ye Zhixia, she also brought Ye Zhixia to a lot of fans.

Warmth sent her WeChat to urge her to post a selfie.

Ye Zhixia seldom takes selfies, but she couldn't get rid of it, so she took a photo at will and posted it on Weibo.

The fans below are very enthusiastic.

[Ahhhh, sister god! 】

[Miss sister is so beautiful, which company is a newcomer? 】

Although there are not many comments, they all praise Ye Zhixia for her good looks.

There is no girl who doesn't love beauty, Ye Zhixia blushed in a short while, holding her mobile phone and smirked "hehehe".

As soon as Feng Liting pushed the door, he saw Ye Zhixia's infatuation.

Immediately he sneered: "A person who can be so happy is indeed an idiot."

Ye Zhixia only felt that a basin of cold water splashed down her head, and she was chilly and disappointed.

"Feng Liting, do you care whether I am smiling or not? Is your arm stretched a bit too long?"

Feng Liting's face turned dark, "I'm just worried that if someone sees you, they will suspect that I am married to a fool as his wife."

Ye Zhixia raised her head and walked off the bed, "Don’t worry, thank you, you think everyone in the world’s mouth

Are you as poisonous as you? "

She stretched her mobile phone in front of Feng Liting.

"Watch it for yourself."

Feng Liting lowered his head and frowned: "What is this?"

"This is my Weibo. Didn't you see that these fans praised me for being beautiful?" Ye Zhixia smiled "hehe": "Marry

I am a big beauty as a wife, it is the virtue of your ancestors. "

Feng Liting disdain, "Vanity."

Ye Zhixia was too lazy to quarrel with him, so she sat back on the bed with her mobile phone and went to fiddle with the Weibo she just downloaded.

She tried to lose Li Nan in the search box, and she found Li Nan’s Weibo.

As a newcomer, Li Nan has only 20,000 or 30,000 Weibo fans. Not long after Ye Zhixia paid attention to him, Li Nan returned.

A star eye was also posted under Ye Zhixia's selfie.

[Li Nan: The goddess is so beautiful! 】

Ye Zhixia also smiled back at him.

In the next few days, Ye Zhixia will update some of her photos on Weibo every day, and her fans will increase day by day.

With three days left in the summer vacation, Ye Zhixia finally succeeded.

Warmth is still half a month away, but in order to celebrate Ye Zhixia’s first ending as the starring role, I have to say anything

Pulling Ye Zhixia out to celebrate with a good meal, Li Nan was also called in by the way.

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