Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 2090: .Worry!

The three of them ate at a rotisserie until early morning.

During the period, Ye Zhixia also drank a little wine.

After one o'clock, the three talents came out from the barbecue restaurant together.

As a result, not long after he left, Ye Zhixia ran into a few people in front of him who were tearing something.

When she came closer, she turned out to be a drunk girl who was being entangled by a few gangsters.

The girl looked resisting and kept pushing the people.

"Don't touch me... go away..."

The man's voice is very savage: "Sister, let's go play with my brothers, my brother will show you something more exciting."

Ye Zhixia's eyes were cold.

She had heard of corpse picking up before, and her parents had told her since she was young that she should never be drunk when she is outside.

Wine, so as not to encounter any accidents.

Now that she bumped into something like this, how could Ye Zhixia sit still.

Immediately stepped forward, "Hey, let her go."

The men turned their heads when they heard the voice and saw Ye Zhixia, yelling dissatisfiedly: "Who are you? We are friends."

Ye Zhixia sneered, "Friend? Didn't you hear her saying that she didn't want to? If you don't want you to force her, I really don't

I don’t know what kind of friends you are? "

The man saw that Ye Zhixia was so uncomfortable, and he lost a good face, and looked fiercely: "Keep rolling, where is the yellow hair?

Little girl, be nosy! "

With that said, carrying the girl who was almost unaware was about to leave.

Ye Zhixia was anxious and rushed to save someone. As soon as a man stretched out his hand and pushed hard, Ye Zhixia directly said "Boom——"

It fell to the ground with a sound.

At the end of August, the weather was still very hot. Ye Zhixia was only wearing a white dress. His knees knocked on the ground.

It hurts so hot.

Ye Zhixia's face turned pale on the spot.

A layer of cold sweat oozes from his forehead.

Li Nan and Warmth also rushed over at this time, and Warmth helped Ye Zhixia from the ground, "Zhixia, are you okay?"

Li Nan is a big man, young and energetic, almost about to fight the group of people, and took out his mobile phone to call the police.

"Pushing people? Do you intentionally hurt? My family is full of lawyers, you just wait for it!"

The men couldn't hold their faces anymore, they just wanted to leave quickly.

Ye Zhixia said to Li Nan, "Don't let them take that girl away."

Li Nan pointed at them: "Put the person down for me, you try to touch her!"

The men didn't want to make a big mess, so they bowed their heads and cursed a few swear words, threw the girl down and ran away.

Ye Zhixia breathed a sigh of relief, "Send her to the police station first, lest the group of people come back again. I'm fine, just rub her knees.

It broke a little. Just go buy some medicine later. "

Warmth couldn't help but blame: "You were too impulsive just now. They are a group of big men, you are a little girl.

What rushed past. How dangerous. "

Li Nan agreed: "Yeah, at least wait for me to do it again."

Ye Zhixia smiled embarrassedly, "Sorry, my mind was hot, I didn't think so much."

The three people sent the girl to the police station.

The police said that they would send the girl back when they wake up.

Ye Zhixia and the three left in peace.

Warmth saw Ye Zhixia limping while walking, and worried: "Would you like to go to the hospital to deal with it?"

"No need, no, it's so late, a little bruise, why do you spend so much work?" Ye Zhixia pointed to the person across the street.

Pharmacy, "Just go buy some medicine."

Li Nan raised his hand, "Then I'll go, you go to the car and wait for me first, and I will send you and warm home later."

"it is good."

After buying the medicine, Li Nan sent Ye Zhixia home first.

Ye Zhixia grabbed the medicine bag and slowly entered the house.

"Ye Zhixia, where have you been?!"

As soon as she entered the door, Ye Zhixia was grabbed by her wrist and pushed against the wall.

Feng Liting's face was red and white, and it was very ugly, with sweat all over his forehead, and he looked worried.

Ye Zhixia was taken aback, "What's wrong?"

"What's wrong? You don't look at what time it is now, and your cell phone is not turned on! Don't you know anyone is worried?"

Ye Zhixia said "Ah", withdrew his hand, took out the phone in a panic, pressed it twice, and looked at it.

The unresponsive screen turned pale and was extremely embarrassed, "I don't know the phone is dead... I'm sorry."

Feng Li Ting is not light.

People who couldn't contact Ye Zhixia all night, he almost went crazy.

"Are you still drinking?"

In the middle of the night, a young girl was drinking outside alone. Doesn't she know how dangerous it is?

Ye Zhixia hurriedly explained, “I didn’t drink a lot, just half a bottle of beer. The purity is very low, because today I killed

Green, warm and Li Nan wanted to celebrate for me, so I drank a little. "

"Then why did you come back so late?" Feng Liting looked ugly, "I didn't care when you went home before, but Ling

After two o'clock in the morning, you still don't contact me in advance. Do you think I am too tolerant to you? "

Ye Zhixia knew that she was wrong, her head drooped a little, and said: "I'm sorry... on our way home, see you

When a group of gangsters bullied a girl, then they sent the girl to the police station, so it was delayed...the phone,

I'm really paying attention, sorry. "

Feng Liting sneered, "You are actually helping others."

Ye Zhixia's palms were full of sweat, and he was not embarrassed to speak.

Feng Liting had enough lessons, and this time let go of Ye Zhixia slightly: "Hurry up and take a bath, it smells bad."

Ye Zhixia said "Oh" and limped upstairs slowly.

Seeing her weird walking posture, Feng Liting frowned, "What happened to your legs?"

Ye Zhixia was taken aback for a moment, and then embarrassed to explain; "When saving that girl, I was pushed by those stinky hooligans.

Next, nothing &..."

Before she finished her words, she just felt empty in her feet.

The whole person was hugged by Feng Li Ting.

Ye Zhixia panicked, and her heart beat faster and faster.

I couldn't help but struggled, "Feng Liting, you let me go, I..."

"To shut up."

Feng Liting's face was gloomy and terrifying.

The sound seemed to be frozen in an ice cellar.

Ye Zhixia was afraid to speak.

Feng Liting hugged Ye Zhixia upstairs quickly, turned on the light, and gently put Ye Zhixia on the bed.

Then he sat beside her and lifted the skirt on Ye Zhixia's knee.

Ye Zhixia also saw her injury for the first time.

I thought it was only slightly rubbed, and the skin was broken at most, but I didn’t expect that the wound was as big as half of the palm.


Feng Liting's faint pupils stared at her, no anger: "This is what you said is okay? Don't you know it hurts?"

Ye Zhixia shook her head, and said embarrassedly: "Of course it hurts..."

She stretched out her clenched palm and showed it to Feng Liting, her tone aggrieved: "Look, all the pain is sweat."

"Deserve it, see if you have a long memory next time."

Feng Liting snorted twice.

Ye Zhixia was very uncomfortable, and her voice was weak: "You can't help but be violent to me? Anyway, I was injured by doing good

Yes, this is called bravery. "

"You call yourself overwhelming." Feng Liting beat her unceremoniously: "Let me think about it. You do such stupid things a lot.

Few times... Last time I lost so much money to help warmth, but to buy a birthday gift to please me, I was poor

Can't even afford a skirt, this time..."

Ye Zhixia became more and more guilty of what he said, and hurriedly reached out to gag his mouth.

When the body moved, the injury on the knee was involved, and the piercing pain spread all over the body densely, half lifted up

She fell back on the bed again, and she couldn't help but let out an "Ouch".

Feng Liting frowned, "Idiot, don't move. I'll help you deal with the wound first."

"I bought medicine."

Ye Zhixia passed the bag in her hand.

Feng Liting dipped some red potion with a cotton swab and treated Ye Zhixia's wound little by little.

Ye Zhixia was sore and sweaty, and her whole body was soft.

Feng Liting looked up and saw her biting her lip, her lower lip was bitten out pale, and the tip of her nose was full of water drops.

The eyes were red, and the voice was soft.

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