Monster Altar

Chapter 100

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The spreading black mist was blocked by the 4 Yan Xue. Taking this opportunity, he was already close to Tier 4. The monster Peng Chong jumped forward. The giant axe black light in his hand was diffused. Momentum is big, power is deep. .

Although reckless, the battle strength is really strong. In terms of destructive power, Peng Chong is definitely one of the 6 Fang Ping people.


The Tier 4 monster that was too late to dodge was hit by a giant axe weighing 1000 kilograms under the blessing of this ability, and a deep wound appeared on its head, which should be splashed with black liquid of blood.

The head appeared dizzy, and the huge body slid backwards, ploughing a clear mark on the ground.

However, the Tier 4 monster is a Tier 4 monster after all, and it quickly recovered. On the back, dozens of black tentacles grew rapidly and attacked Peng Chong.

pu chi ,pu chi ——

The black giant axe in Peng Chong’s hand waved one after another, cutting off the black tentacles.

But there were so many black tentacles that could not be intercepted. There were black tentacles wrapped around his legs and suddenly pulled. He suddenly fell to the ground with an unbalanced body, and more tentacles enveloped him. He wrapped it up round and round.


Fang Ping appeared, a sword cut the black wound around Peng Chong’s leg and shot, and then he swung a few more swords to cut off the dozen or so tentacles.

He doesn’t know Sword Art, but at this time, he has been strengthened by Beauty of Fitzgerald and possesses great power, even if it is a slash without any skills, he also has extremely powerful destructive power.


The Tier 4 monster turned around and rushed towards the two people. The evil wind rushed towards the face, but before the head of the Tier 2 monster got close to the two people, the 4 people Yan Xue shot.

Yan Xue froze on the Tier 4 monster with a lot of ice.

Yao Jun controls the sand and iron to form metal chains and bind them to the Tier 4 monster.

Mu Gao manipulated the soil, turned into a mud snake, wrapped around the body of the Tier 4 monster.

Chen Xing manipulates plant vines and binds them to Tier 4 monsters.

Faced with the constraints of four abilities, even Tier 4 monsters could not immediately break free.

Hey, sou!

Seeing the opportunity, Fang Ping and Peng Chong rushed towards the bound Tier 4 monster.

Suddenly, black rays of light burst out from the unicorn on the top of the Tier 4 monster’s head, and then, from the Tier 4 monster, one after another metal spikes of several meters long were actually pierced.

Facing the sudden metal spikes, Peng Chong couldn’t dodge, and was stabbed by one of the spikes. Blood flowed from his abdomen, clutching his abdomen and withdrawing.


Fang Ping’s body part turned into flames. Although it was pierced by as many as 3 metal spikes, it was immune to the ability to turn into flames. The rapier in his hand pierced one of the Tier 4 monster’s eyes very ruthlessly.

Pu chi ——

Along with the black blood splashed, a blood hole appeared in the eyes of the dark-green monster of Tier 4, and blood flowed long.

A Tier 4 monster with a wounded eye looked like crazy, struggling hard.

ka-cha, ka-cha, ka-cha!

The vines, ice, mud snakes, and sand and iron chains that were bound to it all broke apart, and the remaining eye looked at Fang Ping extremely humanely, as if with a bitter emotion.

The huge mouth opened, and a large amount of black mist spewed out towards Fang Ping, which was very close.

At such a short distance, Fang Ping couldn’t dodge, and it was too late to escape the space inside the entrance.

Peng –

Immediately enveloped by the black mist, under the impact of the black mist, it flew backwards.

“Fang Ping!”

Yao Jun and Yan Xue, two people who are acquainted with Fang Ping, couldn’t help shouting anxiously.

A wide corrosion mark of several ten meters long appeared in the wilderness. Above this mark, no plants existed. All the plants turned into black liquid under the black mist.

A little further away, Fang Ping’s silhouette appeared.

Surprisingly, he did not suffer the slightest injury, and even his clothes were not damaged. There were green lines on his body, and golden rays of light faintly came out all over his body.

“Luxury, too extravagant!”

Fang Ping’s heart was bleeding, and there was a pain in the flesh.

Facing the full strength attack of Tier 4 monsters, with the enhancement of 2010000 yuan just now, it is naturally impossible to stop it.

When the crisis came, he added reinforcements again, and as a price, the Enchanted weapon that could confine the space from Liao Chong collapsed and disappeared.

Fang Ping does not need an Enchanted weapon that confines the space, but it cannot sell such an Enchanted weapon. After all, selling such a thing is simply harmful to oneself.

Therefore, he chose to strengthen himself at the cost of this Enchanted weapon and completely let this Enchanted weapon disappear.

“Unexpectedly, didn’t suffer any injuries? Really strong…defense!”

Seeing that under the full strength attack of the Tier 4 monster, Fang Ping was not hurt at all. The other people looked at Fang Ping as if they were watching a monster.

You must know that Fang Ping’s current realm is only Tier 2 Awakener. Using Tier 2 Awakener’s realm to carry the full strength attack of Tier 4 monsters, it is actually undamaged, which is a bit exaggerated.


Escape the space inside the door, Fang Ping quickly moves from the space inside the door to the Tier 4 monster.

Fast, extremely fast!

The strength that skyrocketed again made Fang Ping’s movement speed terribly increased, and he approached the Tier 4 monster before breathing.

The speed is enough to threw away a few blocks away from the previous world sprint champion, I am afraid it has exceeded 40 meters per second.

Leaping out of the door, he appeared directly above the Tier 4 monster’s head. Before the Tier 4 monster had swallowed him, he had already hit the other eye of the Tier 4 monster.

Pu chi ——

Dark-green’s eyes burst under Fang Ping this fist, black blood spattered, and the entire eye position was blurry, and the original dark-green was no longer visible.

The powerful impact hit the Tier 4 monster. The huge body of the Tier 4 monster flew up, and a large piece of trees was broken.

“Fuck, pervert!”

Covering the wound on his abdomen, Peng Chong screamed strangely. He has always been quite confident in his destructive power, but compared with Fang Ping, it is simply incomparable.

“Too fierce, I believe anyone who says he is Tier 4 Awakener!”

Chen Xing was stunned. He carried the Tier 4 monster without receiving a gun. He successively destroyed the two eyes of the Tier 4 monster. In the opponent, he actually felt the temperament similar to his own Patriarch, and his own Patriarch has already reached Tier 2 Awakener for many years.

“The monster’s eyes are blind. Everyone will try their best!”

After Mu Gao greeted him, everyone besieged the blind monster.

Lost his eyes, unable to perceive the direction of the crowd, and the monster’s attack lost its accuracy. As long as it is carefully avoided, it can easily be avoided with the speed of everyone’s reaction.

However, Tier 4 monsters are constantly increasing their wounds under the continuous attacks of everyone.

More than ten minutes later, a hole was attacked on the head of the monster, and black blood and brain plasma splashed, completely killed.

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