Monster Altar

Chapter 99

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Bang, hong long!

Converging with Yan Xue, running several li, Fang Ping heard a huge movement.

The ground was shaking, loud noises were heard in the distance, and large swaths of trees were faintly seen collapsing.

Finally, two people arrived and saw the monster.

It is a monster that is 2 beyond ten meters long and looks like a python, but it is obviously different from the python.

The whole body is black, and there is a single horn on the head. There are not only 2 fangs in the mouth, but a row of jagged teeth on the top and bottom.

Apart from this, on the back, there is an area with black tentacles one after another. The long black tentacles drape like thick hair on its body, swinging continuously.

At this time, 4 Tier 3 Awakeners have joined forces to fight against this monster, namely Yao Jun, Mu Gao from the Monster Strategy Division, and the outstanding children of the other 2 Awakener families, namely Peng Chong from the Peng family and Chen from the Chen Family. Xing.

But even if the four Tier 4 Awakener players join forces, they are still not opponents.

When the monster’s giant tail flicked, large tracts of trees would collapse immediately, vomiting in the mouth, a large amount of black mist sprayed out, and large tracts of areas were corroded. The four people had only evasion power but no parry power.

Ka-cha ——

Peng Chong, who was holding a giant axe, was drawn by a giant tail and flew upside down like a cannonball. A tree hugged by an adult was hit, and suddenly broke away from where it hit.

After landing, he spit a mouthful of blood abruptly, apparently suffering a serious injury, and quickly took out a bottle of healing potion to pour it down.

Hey, sou!

Yan Xue and Fang Ping quickly joined in.

Yan Xue steps on the ice and slides, and the ice spreads as he slides forward.

Frozen on the body of the Tier 4 monster, although the Tier 4 monster quickly broke free, it won a moment for everyone.

Giant sword made from sand and iron.

azure’s tornado.

Under the blessing of ability, the giant axe weighs 1000 jin.

Rays of light dazzling like stars.

The four violent abilities hit the Tier 4 monsters, leaving a hole after another in the Tier 4 monster.

“Strengthen 200,000!”

Faced with such a fierce monster, if you still face the battle in an ordinary state, it is no different from courting death.

Fang Ping immediately used Beauty of Fitzgerald, spending 2010000 to strengthen himself.

Suddenly, Green’s lines entangled him, and the powerful feeling from the previous fight against Liao Chong once again filled his whole body.


Escape from the inner space of the door, he stealth jumped out from the top of the monster’s head, holding a rapier, and stabbing the monster’s head.


It was like a thorn on a hard alloy, even though the strength was strengthened by 2010000, it still felt a great resistance, and could not penetrate too deeply.

Hey, hey, hey!

Before Fang Ping can continue to exert his strength, the painful Tier 4 monster has already shook its head quickly, throwing Fang Ping off the head.

And from behind the Tier 4 monster, a large number of black tentacles stretched out quickly, and they caught Fang Ping like a prey octopus.

Fang Ping’s body turned into flames and escaped the capture of these black tentacles.

At this moment, the Tier 4 monster turned his head and looked at Fang Ping.

Fang Ping immediately cast the Sharingan Illusion Technique on it, and the Tier 4 monster seemed to be affected, and as if unaffected, a large amount of black smoke was ejected from the giant mouth and enveloped towards Fang Ping.

哧 ——

A large swath of trees melted instantly under the black smoke and turned into black liquid.

However, Fang Ping opened the door in the distance and appeared, avoiding the blow by hiding the space inside the door.

“Is he Fang Ping?”

Both Peng Chong and Chen Xing couldn’t help but fall on Fang Ping, who was safely evading under the attack of Tier 4 monsters.

They have seen pictures of Fang Ping and heard that Fang Ping is still a Tier 2 Awakener, but because of its peak order ability, it already has a Tier 3 Awakener battle strength.

It seems that it is true now, the opponent’s battle strength is no weaker than any Tier 3 Awakener they are present, especially when the space ability is matched, the opponent’s difficulty level doubles.

“The gap is too big, it is 2 levels behind, and Sharingan has almost no effect.”

Extending the distance, Fang Ping solemnly looked at the Tier 4 monster.

This was the first goal that made Sharingan Illusion Technique almost ineffective, not because the Sharingan Illusion Technique was too weak, but the realm gap was too big.

Today, he is no more than Tier 2 Awakener, and there is a 4 level gap between Tier 2 monsters and Tier 4 monsters. The huge gap makes it difficult for his Illusion Technique to affect Tier 1 monsters.

Si si ——

Breathing out black smoke to melt a large area, the Tier 4 monster held its head high, swallowing snake cores, a pair of dark-green eyes, and looked at Fang Ping 6 faintly.

It felt a threat on the Fang Ping 6 and told it intuitively that the Fang Ping 6 already had the strength to threaten him.

Fang Ping 6 people are also solemnly confronting Tier 4 monsters.

Tier 4 The monster felt threatened, and the 6 of them felt threatened even more.

Facing a monster that was one level higher than them and capable of crushing any one of them, a little carelessness might die here, and all six of them could not help but feel chills in their hearts.

“It’s been so long, why haven’t Tier 4 Awakener come here yet?”

took a deep breath, Fang Ping asked Mu Gao not far away.

He and the other party are also considered to know each other, and the other party was among the people who took him to the Monster Countermeasures Division last time.

“Many Tier 4 monsters were found south of the base city, and there are even traces of Tier 5 monsters.”

“The experts of the Monster Countermeasures Division and the Awakener family have all gone to the south of the base city. I am afraid it is unlikely to come over in a short time.”

Mu Gao brows tightly knit.

“In other words, it is necessary to rely on Tier 3 Awakener to jointly hunt down this Tier 4 monster?”

Yao Jun’s heart sinks slightly.

“It’s not the Tier 3 Awakener who joined forces. It was the 6 of us who joined forces. After so long, there are still no other Tier 3 Awakener coming. There should be only 6 of us in the surrounding area.”

Chen Xing solemnly said, this is a man with dashing eyebrows star, but at this time it is dashing eyebrows wrinkled tightly.

Generally speaking, at least ten Tier 4 Awakeners would have to join forces to siege a Tier 3 monster, but now they only have 6 people.

“Six Tier 6 Awakeners join forces to besieged? Haha, this is challenging!”

Peng Chong is a tall man with inch hair and holding a giant axe. When he heard that 6 people were needed to hunt the Tier 4 monster, he couldn’t help but laughed excitedly, and then looked towards the Tier 4 monster with the giant axe Rushed over.

There are deep black rays of light on the giant axe, which is his ability to give the weapon extraordinary weight.

Seeing him pounce, the Tier 4 monster that had been on guard was immediately provoked and attacked, its huge mouth opened, and a large amount of black mist sprayed out.

“This brat, let’s shoot together.”

Originally I wanted to discuss how to cooperate, but seeing him like this, I had to give up and shoot again.

Yan Xue, Mu Gao, Yao Jun, and Chen Xing joined forces to resist the spread of the black mist. Fang Ping is the space inside the entrance door, holding a rapier, and fleeing to the Tier 4 monster.

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