Monster Altar

Chapter 98

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“ao ——”

The monster that was gnawing on the corpse of Kongliu, was all earth-yellow, standing on foot, more than 2 meters high.

The body has a shell like a rock, and its eyes are like jumping flames. It is the Tier 3 monster.

When Yan Xue appeared, the Fire Rock Demon had already felt the threat. He turned his attention away from the corpse of Kong Liu who was mutilated by the bite, howling, and looking at Yan Xue with two eyes that were like jumping flames.

When a large number of Icicles attacked, its huge mouth with blood stains opened, and the hot flames sprayed out in an arc with the swing of its huge mouth.

The temperature is as high as 1000 degrees, so that all icicles have melted and evaporated before they approached it.

Ka ka ——

After Icicle, Yan Xue’s 2nd attack followed.

A large amount of cold ice spread from Yan Xue’s feet, turning the ground and surrounding trees into cold ice, quickly spreading towards the Fire Rock Demon, trying to freeze the Fire Rock Demon.

Hula –

Knowing the severity of the ice, flames rushed wildly in the mouth of the Fire Rock Demon, facing the spreading ice.

哧 ——

Ice and Fire froze together, and there was a harsh sound.

The ice is melting and evaporating, and the flame is cooling and weakening. Ice and Fire, the two extreme powers of cold and heat, can’t talk about who restrains the other. The key is to see whose formidable power is stronger.

Ka ka ——

After a stalemate, Yan Xue’s ice formidable power was even better, spreading to the side of the Fire Rock Demon with the flames, and finally iced the Fire Rock Demon.

Hey, hey, pu!

Suddenly, on the ice-paved ground, one after another stone thorns rose from the ground, reaching several meters long, with sharp ends, piercing Yan Xue and surrounding Yan Xue.

The ice spreading around Yan Xue strengthened the ground under Yan Xue’s feet, forming a wall of ice from one side to another, resisting the thorns from the feet and four weeks of thorns.

Taking this opportunity, the Fire Rock Demon burned with flames, melting the ice that was imprisoned on his body, and broke free.


Fang Ping appears not far from the Fire Rock Demon through Doa Doa no Mi, and displays the 3 magatama Illusion Technique as soon as it appears, making the Fire Rock Demon fall into the Illusion Technique.

Then his left and right hands all spread flames, and the two long spears of flame, like two long spears of red metal, stab at the fire rock demon.

Puff, puff——

The 2 long spear opened 2 holes in the igneous rock demon, but they were not too deep.

Fire Rock Demon’s defense is not weak. Although Mera Mera no Mi’s formidable power is already at the peak of Tier 2, it is not yet Tier 3 and the damage is limited.

“ao ——”

Immediately under the attack, the Fire Rock Demon broke free from the Illusion Technique, roared in anger, and his rock-like fist slammed into Fang Ping.

But when his fist struck Fang Ping, Fang Ping’s body had already turned into flames, and his fist passed through the frozen ground under Fang Ping’s feet, smashing it all split up and in pieces .

Opening the huge mouth, the flames in the mouth of the Fire Rock Demon sprayed angrily towards Fang Ping, but at this time Fang Ping had already moved a distance away and merged with Yan Xue.

A thick wall of ice rose up, blocking all the spewing flames.

“Let me get close to the Fire Rock Demon, and then help me buy a moment!”

Seeing Fang Ping could actually make the Fire Rock Demon into a moment of sluggishness, Yan Xue said quickly.


Fang Ping did not refuse, grabbing the opponent’s hand, leading the opponent to the space inside the door, and then opened the door next to the Fire Rock Demon, leading the opponent to appear, and performing Illusion Technique on the Fire Rock Demon as soon as he appeared.

Although he had encountered it once, the Fire Rock Demon could not help being dragged into the Illusion Technique, but compared to the initial time, the speed of breaking free was obviously faster, and there were signs of breaking free in less than a second.

However, the time less than this second is enough for Yan Xue to perform.


A sword appeared in her hand, a sword that was as transparent as a crystal.

This is her second ability sword, capable of creating a sword with extraordinary power.

This sword itself has good formidable power, and most importantly, it can also carry other power.

The sword was covered with ice braving Bai Sensen’s chill, and its length increased to 2 meters. A sword pierced the heart of the Fire Rock Demon’s chest.

Puff puff–

The long sword pierced the heart of the Fire Rock Demon’s chest, penetrated deeply, and pierced the heart.

Not only that, but a large amount of ice erupted from the sword and pierced from the igneous rock demon within the body, turning the igneous rock demon into a “hedgehog” in an instant, unable to die again.

Hong long!

The huge body of the Fire Rock Demon fell to the ground with a thud, and the ground was slightly shaken, as if a giant fell down, extremely impact.

“Group Leader Yan killed a Tier 3 monster so easily!”

“Fang Ping is also very strong. If he hadn’t taken Team Leader Yan to approach the Fire Rock Demon, and bought Team Leader Yan a moment’s time, Team Leader Yan would definitely not be so easy to kill this Fire Rock Demon. “

“This is probably not the full strength of Fang Ping. It is rumored that Fang Ping possesses Tier 3 battle strength, so it must have not done its best.”

Hearing the call for help, other Awakener members in the team came one after another. Before they had time to participate in the battle, they saw Fang Ping and Yao Xue teaming up to easily kill the Fire Rock Demon.

The strongest among them is only Tier 2 level, a Tier 3 monster, even if all of them work together, it is very likely that it is not an opponent.

However, such a powerful Tier 3 monster was easily beheaded with the cooperation of Fang Ping and Yan Xue, and they suddenly felt a strong shock.

After killing the Tier 3 monster, Fang Ping and Yan Xue could not help but look at Kong Liu’s body not far away. Although they had expected that there would be casualties, they did not expect that they would appear so fast.

“Outside the city is no better than inside. Even Tier 3 monsters or even monsters stronger than Tier 3 may be encountered. Be careful. If you find something wrong, immediately ask for help!”

After a moment of silence, Yan Xue averted his gaze, looked at the crowd and said solemnly.


Including Fang Ping are all in response.

One person was reduced, and Fang Ping ten people continued to search. This time, everyone became more careful.

Two days later, they had appeared several dozen li away from He’an Base City.

The team did not die again, but injuries were inevitable. Except Fang Ping and Yan Xue, everyone else was injured.

Hong long!

In the distant sky, an orange firework skyrocketed, forming orange smoke on the sky, which lasted for a long time.

“Tier 4 monster appears!”

Looking at the long-lasting orange smoke above the sky, Fang Ping’s complexion slightly condensed.

Because there is no communication signal outside the city, a relatively primitive communication method is used, and orange smoke is the signal to find Tier 4 monsters for help.

At this moment, Yan Xue’s voice rang from the intercom.

“The others join together and rest in place, Fang Ping and I go to support!”

Fang Ping responded and hurried towards the orange smoke.

Before attacking Liao Huan, it is very good for him to have a Tier 4 monster feel the Tier 4 battle strength.

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