Monster Altar

Chapter 97

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After attending the engagement banquet, Fang Ping returned to a peaceful cultivation state, waiting for the moment to start with Liao Huan, but the peaceful cultivation state was broken again soon after.

“The No. 4 breeding base was attacked by Tier 1 monsters and suffered heavy losses”

“Tier 2 monsters appear in Western District, 3 Fiend Hunters are killed”

“Fruit Base No. 3 Encountered by Tier 3 Monsters”


Since a few days ago, the production bases in and outside the base city of He’an have been attacked by monsters more frequently.

And just today, he received a call from the Monster Countermeasures Division.

Recruitment. In an emergency, the Monster Countermeasures Division issued a mandatory summoning order to the Awakener in the city.

This kind of enlistment cannot be refused, and if it is refused, it will even be pursued by the Monster Countermeasures Division.

Normally, the monster countermeasures department manages the Awakener very loosely. Even if it causes damage to public property, as long as the damage is not too serious, the monster countermeasures department will turn a blind eye.

This is a kind of preferential treatment for people with strength, and now is the time to fulfill the corresponding obligations.

Although there is not a monster hunting indicator like the Awakener family, but in an emergency, it must be recruited by the Monster Countermeasures Division.

Fang Ping did not resist the recruitment.

It must be admitted that the existence of He’an Base City has created a stable environment, food, water, various living materials, and relatively safe housing. These all are given by He’an Base City.

Now that the Monster Countermeasures Division can be called up, the matter must have reached an extremely serious level. He still understands the truth of the death of the lips and the teeth. If the He’an Base City falls, it is definitely not a good thing for him.

Moreover, he possesses Monster Altar to sacrifice with the corpses of monsters and never resists hunting monsters.

On the second day, Fang Ping went to the Monster Countermeasures Division to report that the huge hall was crowded with Awakener.

There are free Fiend Hunter and Awakener from the Awakener family. Add up to 100 people, and there are Awakener who are constantly coming.

“Fang Ping.”

Among the crowd, Fang Ping met Yao Jun and Yao Family, Fan Xuan and Fan Family, Xu Wei and Xu Qing siblings.

Of course, there are also people from Liao Family. The other person looked at him, it was a hatred full of hatred, and he wanted to devour him alive.

Fang Ping directly ignored this, but a group of post-autumn grasshoppers could not reach it for a few days.

After registering his identity, Fang Ping learned that he was assigned to the seventeenth group. After more than half an hour, the leaders of each group arrived one after another.

Each group of ten people, the Awakener family is headed by the powerhouse of the respective family, and the free Fiend Hunter such as Fang Ping is headed by a Tier 3 Awakener from the Monster Strategy Division.

The team leader of the seventeenth group is a young woman with black hair shoulder-length, and a cold face, like an iceberg snow lotus. It is Yan Xue.

“Bad luck, how could it be her?”

Fang Ping was seriously suspicious of black box operation, and dozens of teams were assigned to the iceberg girl Yan Xue. His luck was impossible.

“Come with me!”

Yan Xue swift and decisive, his gaze swept across Fang Ping and other crew members, and then took Fang Ping and the others to receive the necessary ordnance, and got on an army green troop carrier and went outside the city.

“We are responsible for advancing forward with a width of one kilometer from this direction…Fang Ping, pay attention to turning on perception. If you find a monster, use the walkie-talkie to notify.”

For more than an hour, the army green troop carrier appeared near the wall in the east of the city. After Yan Xue briefly explained the task, he went to Fang Ping instructed.

Outside the city, except for various logistics bases, there are no communication towers in other places. Even if a communication tower is built, it will be destroyed by monsters, so communication basically depends on walkie-talkies.


Fang Ping hurriedly responded. The experience of his previous life told him that offending the “leader” generally has no good end.

With Yan Xue, a group of eleven people dispersed, pulled out a net with a range of one kilometer, and pushed forward.

“How come there are so many monsters, it’s like the surrounding monsters have gathered to He’an Base City…”

Doubts arose in Fang Ping’s heart.

Within one mile of advancing, there was fighting movement from other places, and then the intercom reported the encounter with the monster, and there was not only one encounter.

This is obviously very abnormal. In the surrounding area with He’an Base City as the center, the Monster Countermeasures Division will organize manual clearance from time to time, and it will organize a large-scale clearance every 2 years. It should not be so frequent. Encountered a monster.

After another 100 meters, Fang Ping Kenbunshoku Haki sensed a monster. Fang Ping rushed over. It was a monster with a length of one meter and a mantis on the left and right. It was a Tier 1 monster.


Fang Ping did not hide his whereabouts, the devil mantis rushed towards Fang Ping, very fast, speed is the characteristic of this monster, but this speed is naturally not enough in front of Fang Ping, who is already a Tier 2 Awakener.

Fang Ping appeared beside the devil mantis, and punched it on the head of the devil mantis. The head of the devil mantis exploded and his body fell to the ground with a splash.

Fang Ping put a card on the body of the devil mantis, then ignored the body of the devil mantis and went forward.

The corpse of the monster will be transported by the logistics staff, and the card is a kind of identification, indicating that the monster was killed by him.

A few hours later, it was close to noon, Fang Ping and the others had already appeared more than ten miles away from the city wall.

Fang Ping hunted 5 monsters, 4 Tier 1 monsters, and one Tier 2 monster.

Suddenly, a panic cry came from the intercom.

“Tier 3 monster, it is Tier 3 monster, I am Kong Liu, I found Tier 3 monster here, Aaahhhh!!!!”

Accompanied by a scream of horror, the voice of the walkie-talkie stopped abruptly, and everyone who heard the voice had expected the outcome of the owner.

The opponent was in a range that Kenbunshoku Haki could not perceive to the left of Fang Ping, so Fang Ping could not immediately spot this Tier 3 monster.


Fang Ping quickly rushed towards the direction of the opponent. The distance of several hundred meters, below the speed of Fang Ping, had arrived in just over ten seconds.

But Fang Ping was not the fastest to arrive. Yan Xue had already arrived before him. As a Tier 3 Awakener, she was faster than Fang Ping.

咻, 咻, xiu——

Yan Xue as cold as ice and frost, expression Binghan stared at the monster gnawing on Kongliu’s corpse, and the cold air visible through naked eye exuded from his body. This cold air spread around her and condensed in the air.

Ice Icicles appeared one after another, hiding the sky and covering the earth and attacking the monster suspected of Tier 3. The howling sound was extremely harsh, as if hundreds of cannonballs were attacking at the same time. Obviously she was moving. Really angry.

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