Monster Altar

Chapter 102

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“Xiang Qiu killed 3 Tier 4 monsters, and even participated in the siege of Tier 5 monsters?”

After the end of the eradication of monsters, some of the more famous people, especially the talented children of the younger generation, began to spread.

The most eye-catching of these records is naturally the record of Xiang Qiu, the well-deserved number one genius of He’an City.

Hunted 3 Tier 4 monsters alone, and even participated in the siege of Tier 5 monsters. Compared with the other side, even though Fang Ping and the others have a record of siege of Tier 4 monsters, they can’t help but look bleak rays of light. .

“The gap is still obvious!”

Fang Ping sighed in his heart.

Beauty of Fitzgerald, with extreme conditions of use, is destined to not be used frequently, so it can’t be considered his true battle strength.

Excluding Beauty of Fitzgerald, his overall strength barely reached Tier 3 level. Compared with Xiang Qiu, who can hunt Tier 4 monsters alone or even participate in Tier 5 monster siege, the gap is still obvious.

“I don’t know if this time after sacrifice with the corpse of a monster, can I get the power as powerful as Beauty of Fitzgerald without any restrictions?”

“It’s not enough just to have a strong ability, you have to have a high-level realm, um, after returning, immediately invest in the development and tempering of the ability.”

As Fang Ping was thinking about his next plan, a middle-aged man in the uniform of the Monster Countermeasures Division walked over.

“Is it Mr. Fang Ping?”

“It’s me, what’s the matter?”

Fang Ping looks at the middle-aged man.

“I wonder if Xu Wei and Xu Qing are your friends?”

“It’s my friends, what happened to them?”

“Two people were seriously injured and are now in danger.”

middle-aged man expression said seriously.

“What? Where are they?”

Fang Ping complexion slightly changed, his voice asked anxiously.

Xu Wei and Xu Qing, one of his few friends, are seriously injured and in danger now, he can’t help becoming anxious.

“On the way back.”

“Can you take me to meet them?”

Fang Ping thought of Please don’t die, maybe he could save 2 people with this ability.

“Yes, please follow me.”

The middle-aged man nodded and led the way, Fang Ping hurriedly followed. On the way, he anxiously dialed Xu Wei and Xu Qing, but he couldn’t get through.

“This person has no impression…”

Yan Xue looked at the middle-aged man who led the way for Fang Ping with a little doubt.

For middle-aged man, she is not at all impression, but with so many people in the Monster Strategy Division, she is impossible to know everyone, so she didn’t care.

Following the middle-aged man, Fang Ping trot all the way, and soon, he has gone into the wilderness for several kilometers, far away from He’an Base City.

Fang Ping gradually felt wrong in his heart. Before, he was anxious, but Xu Wei and Xu Qing really couldn’t get through, so there was no doubt.

But now, gradually calming down, he couldn’t help but notice an abnormality.

His Kenbunshoku Haki is a range type and is not good at sensing emotions, unless the opponent shows strong hostility.

However, he observed that after only running for a few kilometers, the middle-aged man in front of him had a faint sweat on his forehead, which was very abnormal.

As an Awakener, even if it is not a physical Awakener, the physical fitness should not be so bad. This is not like sweat caused by running, but like cold sweat from being scared.

“Excuse me, how far is it?”

“Alright, just ahead of…”

“What are you afraid of?”

Suddenly, Fang Ping yelled, and was yelled at by Fang Ping. The middle-aged man was taken aback, and his expression was unnatural.

“I do not know what you’re talking about.”

“Who asked you to lead me out, Liao Family, or Hellfire?”

The unnatural expression of the other party made Fang Ping more sure that there is a ghost in his heart.

“You misunderstood, I…”

The middle-aged man argued lamely.

Fang Ping has almost determined that the opponent has a problem, Kenbunshoku Haki expanded to the limit, sensing his surroundings, and guarding.


A black beam shot towards Fang Ping from a kilometer away.

No movement was caused along the way, and Fang Ping was not aware of it until it entered Kenbunshoku Haki’s range of perception.

Above the speed of this black light, Fang Ping perceives a fatal crisis.

Before he could hide in the entrance space, he complexion greatly changed to avoid him.

But just taking a step to the side, the speed of black light has already hit.

Because of the distance of that step, the attack not at all directly fell on him, but on the ground next to him.

Hey, hey, pu!

The ground exploded, a terrifying black shock wave spread, and the soil shattered under the shock wave.

Under the black shock wave, the middle-aged man flew out like a rag doll, his body was broken in many places, his 7 orifices were bleeding, and he was killed on the spot after landing.

He was horrified at the moment of death, the family actually involved him in the attack together, the family simply did not consider his life and death!

Yes, he was disguised by the people of Liao Family in order to lead Fang Ping out.

The middle-aged person died so miserably, Fang Ping was naturally not much better.

After all, it is only a Tier 2 Awakener, and it is not at all defense type. As for the strengthening of the body by Beauty of Fitzgerald, it is hard to think about it.

Even Doa Doa no Mi is too late to use it, let alone Beauty of Fitzgerald.


On top of the terrifying black shock wave, Fang Ping had many hideous wounds on his body. The bones all over his body were broken, and his body was soaked in blood and flew out and hit the ground.


My whole body was unable to move even a little bit, Fang Ping was so painful that he took a cold breath.

The black beam’s formidable power is extremely strong, but after all, he avoided the frontal attack of the black beam, and the strength is stronger than the middle-aged man, so not at all is immediately killed under the attack.

Of course, the situation is not much better. With the current injury, he will die in less than half a minute.

“Please don’t die ——”

Such a state is naturally a near-death state. The original silent ability, Please don’t die becomes active, Fang Ping quickly uses his ability to save himself.

In order to avoid being caught by the enemy and give him a blow, he suppressed the rays of light within the body.

The flag cannot be set up randomly. I once said that I hoped that I would not use it for my life, but I didn’t want to. In just one month, I was forced to use this ability for myself.

One kilometer away on a high ground, Liao Family Patriarch Liao Heng put down his “sniper rifle”. Yes, he had a sniper rifle, but it was different from an ordinary sniper rifle.

On the surface of the sniper rifle, there are black lines after another, densely packed, making the whole gun full of weirdness.

This is an Enchanted weapon, which is borrowed from the Ke family that has the ability to kill targets at long distances.

Its name is Death God, and being targeted by it is like being targeted by Death God. It is almost impossible to survive. Even if it can be avoided, it will be killed under the subsequent shock wave.

In order to borrow this Enchanted weapon, he really paid a lot of money, but it was all worth it.


He hurried to the place where Fang Ping fell to the ground, not sure that Fang Ping was really dead, he would never rest assured.

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